What you reading right now bros?
VN thead
Other urls found in this thread:
Grisaia actually. I read it back when it first got a translation and only did Sachi's route, never went back to the others even though I liked all the girls. Common route is fun. How are the sequels?
Not as good as the first one.
The common route was the best part of Grisaia. The routes were so fucking garbage and edgy that I was put off ever bothering with the sequels
Also Sekai Project can go fuck themselves
not grisaia, that's fuckin trash
This art style always looked like "knee-on-socks fang girl" from Let's Fish! Hooked-On.
oreimo on the psp since best girl can win in it
Same artist and he loves drawing Michiru.
Same character designer.
>was thinking about masturbating
>open pic
Soon, bros
I started Grisaia and played it for an hour or so and then put it down a few months ago, when does it get interesting?
I only went thought the game completely blind to anything in it, did Michirus route then stopped playing. Game was fine I just felt it was finished after doing her route.
>ayy our coach fell off the cliff
>lmao orgy and cannibalism who could have seen that coming
Dead Wishes.
It is genuinely fucked up. Fucking hell, it is "Yandere Route: The Game" I swear.
It doesn't, once you get into the "routes" it reads like a fucking Alex Rider book
Thought this was Death End re;Quest for a second.
I'm on ep. 5 right now and I still dont really get it. How is it even a question if magic exists or not when its been undeniably shown multiple times. Does the story ever pick up, or is it just not for me if I'm not enjoying it at this point?
VNs are the lowest form of garbage
Y-you've been taught this in EP3 user. Are you ok? Also yes, if you still don't get it and you aren't enjoying it by EP5 then drop it.
Tell me more
just finished the first ace attorney. excellent game but that last case was hilariously long.
Is Maitetsu worth reading or should I just fap to the trains and call it a day?
Sachi is best girl anyway.
spoiler: magic don't exist bro
also if you haven't figured the mystery out by now you're a brainlet
that said, the game is still hella enjoyable outside of the """main"" mysteries
You should probably give up. The whole point is that everything is shown using magic and Battler was supposed to argue how everything could be done through normal means.
The main reason to read Umineko was for the scenarios/reactions and music anyways because the final answer is fucking stupid
tfw no dlanor waifu
Lot of people said it's fucking boring as hell, even with loli it's just a giant autistic train novel
>final answer is stupid
Nigga the amount of foreshadowing is really high, you can say it's stupid all you want but it's there.
That's the climax of Amane's route in Grisaia
holy fuck wtf i thought the vn is some cute moe moe shit wtf is this edge shit ???
Where can I get Umineko with the original sprites?
Reminder that VG mods are deleting VN images but leaving up tranny porn
It's dumb edgy shit. The main character is some teenage hitman who was trained to be a human weapon from a young age. In one of the routes the climax is you going guns blazing after some plane to rescue your girlfriend who was kidnapped or whatever, and in another route you're trying to treat an autistic pyromaniac by setting the school on fire or whatever
Buy it on steam, it has an option in-game to swap between pachinko sprites and original.
Milkies are back on the menu, come March 29th
Read it if you like trains or have extreme autism for trains
I miss my time in Grisaia.
Depends on the route. Some girls have realistic stories. Some girls are off the walls fucking retarded, long winded, and unrealistic. Two routes made me cry; one was too sad for me to handle but the other just bored me to tears.
Truth be told the pacing isn't that great, takes a long time to get into the routes. I remember being half a dozen hours in and looking up when the fuck the branching paths would finally start.
Give me your route tier list my dude.
Recommend me more eroge like Pretty Princess Dress Up (Kamidori Alchemy Academy). I wish more of Eushully's catalog was translated. Kamidori is the tamest of their works.
It is easier to make random low-effort shit in VNs but its not like other genres are exempt from this.
michuru > sachi > yumiko = amane > uninstalling the game after playing those four routes > makina*
*bottom of the tier list because of the bad ending, literally the worst ending i've ever seen in a VN
Steins Gate 0's ending was worse
I don't think so. I think people blow 0s ending way out of proportion.
Oh my! How delightful.
It wasn't even a fucking ending, there was no conclusion except the others fucking off and leaving things unfinished
I just finished Hatsukoi 1/1. Overall the quality varies depending on routes since Runa and Yukino have garbage routes but Kyou and Maya have pretty great ones. I just wish I knew more VNs with a character like Maya.
We have our conclusion, that's the ending to S;G. We also got an answer on what the fuck that scene at the end of time was about.
idk SG0's ending is just lazy/bad writing, makina's bad end is literally a terrible plot point altogether. no amount of good writing can possibly salvage that stupid-ass m night shyamalan shit, no amount of good writing can possibly salvage the unnecessary edginess of it
That isn't kuroneko
I see we have a man of culture here. This series has been great.
More or less edge than Subarashiki Hibi?
I was reading Umineko, but it's been a few months since I last read it. I was only on episode 2 and I got kinda bored. I thought it was gonna keep my attention like Muv Luv did.
Umineko worked better as a manga for me, honestly.
I only read charage
it's less pseudointellectual edge and more unnecessary gore/violence edge if that makes sense
Did Muv Luv keep your attention through all of Extra? When it comes to Umineko, episode 1 and 2 are your intro to how the game works. If you hate it still after EP 2 then drop it.
The only good thing about Grisaia are the character designs. Everything else is overrated.
currently reading Hoshi Ori
it's cute enough to warm my dead heart
Yeah I was thoroughly interested in Extra. I did three routes. And I see what you mean then. I'll go back to it later today then. I'll try to push on.
I was going to get Lilycycle if it werent because Steam is now worse than Sony when it comes to censoring
I do want to know at which point did you stop playing EP2? A friend of mine dropped EP2 pretty much like you and never picked it up again despite my pleading.
>Common route is fun/best part
Switch Michiru and Amane's positions and I'd agree with you.
So in Yumiko's route, when I got to the h-scenes I literally got so bored of the game I didn't touch it for a year.
After that year, I went and finished the route.
Now the same thing happened with Michiru's scenes. It's been a year now and I finished it like 2-3 months ago but now I really don't want to read this vn anymore. Don't know what it is, really.
Uh if I remember correctly, the "witch" showed up at the mansion and was chilling in a room. The first night hasn't happened yet I think.
This. There was a lot of times where I chucked or even laughed, but all the routes felt like a shitty drama-tour filled with sex scenes near the end.
It's because the common route is fun and light hearted, but once you go into their routes it becomes boring as fuck with a dumb plot
Does Amagami count?
Can I get a rec on some mystery VNs? Already done all the "lite" semi-vn stuff that people recommend like Phoenix Wright, Danganronpa, Zero Escape, Ghost Trick, Hotel Dusk, etc. Also finished Higurashi, Umineko, and Kara no Shoujo, but haven't delved into VNs really beyond that.
I just finished Subahibi it's the best VN I've read so far
which one was the sad one user
Never ever
Root double
You got slightly father than my friend did, if you are still blind to what happens in the game, shit starts becoming interesting after the first twilight.
G-Senjou no Maou.
i liked amane's route well enough until it got into the ridiculous camp going ons. teacher fucking his student, cannibalism, MC's sister being the prototypical epic anime edgelord who's 2cool4school
i feel like what could have been a genuinely cool backstory about a tragic event that forged a relationship between amane and the MC's sister was ruined with all of the edgelord shit
michuru ;-;
Reading Newton and the lemon tree
Subahibi very satisfying
Random question about Extra.
I'm playing through it right now and learned that you have to buy the 18+ patch and install it separately. Is it worth getting this for Extra and Unlimited? I know I'll be getting it for Alternative.
That's not nice.
Based Subahibro
I did Michiru's first and didn't even want to do any others after that and it sounds like that was the right idea. I was actually pretty shocked when Nyaamel died but I think if there was anything more edgy or cruel it would have come of as disingenuous.
I didn't find it to be that sad, but to each his own
I remember the kitten dying on the car ride back, but I think everything afterwards was way too overdramatical.
You are literally the same as me.
Not really. The h-scenes quite really meh.
>i liked amane's route well enough until it got into the ridiculous camp going ons.
I thought that was the best part. You very slowly got to see the mental degradation of everyone, and there was this growing air of unease and distrust, felt like everyone was going to go full feral and could snap on each other at any time. To me, everyone going Lord of the Flies was just a matter of when not if, and the reveal was nicely fucked up.
The stuff with the vengeful parent was unnecessary though.
Katawa Shoujo. I'm thinking of dropping it though, I must be about half-way (about a week away from the school festival). Does it get any better (as in less boring)?
Well I got them and they are just ok. Nothing really crazy, but I suggest getting it for Alternative at the very least. It adds to the story imo.
The Japanese is so simple it's pretty feasible to be able to read through most of it with like a year of studying. Do it for them user.
Is that a mystery novel?
>studying japanese for a year and more just to read shitty hentai vns
there's michuru! i wanna give her a hug!!!
yeah her route peaks there, but kitty ;-; was the perfect sad narrative twist and a great catalyst for the rest of her route imo. it wasn't too heavy handed, it wasn't unrealistic, but it was the saddest part of the entire game because it was symbolic of her mental issues which is a way more relateable/empathetic character trait than any of the other girls
yeah i guess it's a matter of taste/preference, i can see the appeal. in any case i'm glad there's agreement that the vengeful father thing was both a dumb idea and poorly executed
what girl are you on right now? or have you not reached any routes yet? don't give up on it before you get into a route
Well good thing Amagami is none of those
Already on it. It takes years for translations to come out anyway. Might as well do it.
I have not reached any routes yet. Just finished getting introduced to all the girls (I think that's all of them). I just find it pretty boring, this isn't like DDLC at all (which was my first VN).
I'll keep going on this though, based on your recommendation.
Press F to pay respects
Does yu-no on switch have English? And is it worth it?
Also Clannad is coming to switch soon, is it good?
>Does yu-no on switch have English? And is it worth it?
Play the original
I love Subahibi, but in a "I can't believe this fucking madman made a porn game based on Wittgenstein" way rather than a "dude this is so DEEP" way.
>50's post-war Japan grimdark serial killer private detective mystery with violence and BAD ENDs everywhere
>start reading
>I'm A Private Detective But I Have To Go Undercover As A Teacher At My Cute Imouto's All Girl Elite School?!!!?
Just give it to me straight, did Yea Forums bamboozle me into reading nonsense again?
More soul but I like playing games in bed on my switch
Whenever a VN author has a good idea they have to hide it behind multiple layers of bullshit, it's a universal rule.
I can't say if Clannad's good but it's massive.
Recently finished Amnesia: Memories cause I got it in a bundle
...What the heck was that VN? There is so much wrong with it.
An Otome game. That doesn't mean it's bad by default, though.
>pic related series of games are great
>they always go under the radar when talking about nukiges
>no interest in translating them either
yeah weird things happen over the course of a month and you playthrough many routes to understand what the fuck is happening in
That's why one gotta learn the language.
gonna have to read Taimanin Asagi
>Mitcher's route was actually decent
>And then it kept going after the credits and became fucking retarded
small bombs and desire.
Why is it taking so long. Last episode came out in winter 2017.
Are the second and third game translated with the +18 patches yet
>read a VN
>every heroine is involved in some mandatory drama that you resolve during her route
>every time you pick a girl, the rest must persist in the doomed world you have created
>Why is it taking so long
because we're waiting for them to cry
Minagoroshi taking forever and the Umineko kickstarter are both in hell.
>common route
is this a new epic meme? I wanted to kill myself during the whole thing, absolutely NOTHING happened and when one of the routes began I lost all reason to continue that fucking slog, the writings is so stupid and amateur why would they drag it for so fucking long is beyond me other than self fellation, WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS, what the fuck was frontwing smoking? why couldn't they do it like Time Leap? fucking autists
Absolutely BASED fucking taste holy shit. No one ever agrees with me. Common routes are only good if they have a plot/goal/some sort of development. 15-20 hours of comedy skits with ZERO character or plot progression is absolutely inexcusable. An hour into Grisaia you can start skipping until the heroine routes because at that point you've learned everything you can learn about the characters until their respective routes.
Don't get me wrong, Grisaia Common IS funny, but I find it way better experienced AFTER the heroine routes if I feel like going back and getting some laughs in with with the cast.
too bad humans don't work like that so the whole thing was just a fucking sickdark cringefest, nobody turns to cannibalsm after 2 fucking weeks
Rational, fully grown adults, maybe. But panicked adolescents/teenagers? It's totally plausible, especially when there's only one adult among them and he ain't so good with pressure, and some of your kids have already died off.
>We have our conclusion, that's the ending to S;G.
Except 0 is missing everything bridging the gap between where the primary story ends and where it suddenly jumps to that ending in the future, which doesn't make any sense.
What happens in Makina's route?
Replayed a lot of Majikoi recently, I missed the fun atmosphere of the game. Also Benkei is eternally best girl.
You should get it because Alternative has flashbacks to the scenes that will be cut from Extra and Unlimited if you don't get it.
>this isn't like DDLC at all (which was my first VN).
In the good end, Yuuji gets fucked up but manages to survive, and opens a cafe in America with Makina
In the bad end, he dies, and seeing her second father figure die before her eyes, she kinda snaps. She opens her cafe with Yuuji, except Yuuji's corpse is in a rotting trash bag and she's talking to him because she's gone nuts.
Also it's super inconsistent. She's pregnant with his baby in the bad end, but not the good end. Despite them having sex an equal number of times.
Super comfy route. I swear it was some kind of therapy.
I liked Subahibi more before I finished it.
Recommend me some actiony chuuni shit, preferably with characters that are interesting outside the protag.
Get a laptop and play the original.
>Also it's super inconsistent. She's pregnant with his baby in the bad end, but not the good end. Despite them having sex an equal number of times.
A-3 fucking when? Stacy is the last girl I care about.
Also, I'm still mad about how shit Kokoro's route was.
Both have equally bad art
A real fucking book and not some weeb shit.
The Silmarillion by Tolkien
I hope you're reading it cause you're a Tolkien fan and not some pretentious Yea Forums cunt. You're gonna be massively disappointed if that's it, that book is useless for people who don't like Tolkien. It's kinda like the Old Testament. It's not a whole story. Just multiple different ones.
That wasn't my problem with it, it was all the implied rape and ESPECIALLY that yandere route
(also Orion's needless commentary every 2 lines)
I know I am not the target demographic, but I went in with an open mind
Does steins gate elite have all the original endings intact?
I haven't played it but there's NO fucking way they'd charge sixty dollars just for animated scenes and LESS of the original content.
Not sure about the endings but I know they cut like 70% of Feris' route because they couldn't be bothered animating all the card game stuff and 4C.
Nukige chads, ww@?
Recently finished Chaos;Child and the ending was so fucking bad it ruined the entire thing for me. 100 hours put into that piece of shit for the most underwhelming and anticlimactic piece of shit ending, after a pretty good story up until then (outside of Arimura route).
MC is a cuck and neo Onoe a shit, true route was absolute dogshit. Andthe committee wins and nothing happens during it, but MC matyring himself for his retarded imaginary friend he loves, but never had any romantic climax with.. Also no Kunosato route because??
She was best girl too. What a piece of shit. All I have to remember it fondly of is the OST and great OP, Kunosato best girl and the ride which was part 8-11 and Nono route. Chaos;head was miles better than this trash.
Pretty much done with Sci;Adv shit forever now, or until NoaH.
>cutting out the stuff that's a literal waste of time
Jesus that's actually an improvement if you ask me. Even if you like Faris, that whole segment does jack shit for the plot.
It's baby time user
>guns blazing after some plane to rescue your girlfriend
thats bullshit you use a froozen chicken to take down the plane
there is no guns in that arc
Guns blazing is a figure of speech dipshit.
It doesn't literally mean you bring in guns, it means you just give it all you got, high risk/high reward
Waiting for companies to pick up games that aren't trash. Every good nukige is either untranslated, fan translated, or released independently like Branded Azel.
Replaying Kara No Shoujo, going through Princess Evangile, replaying Muv-Luv.
Waiting for Amagami TL
How did you guys teach yourself enough Japanese to actually read simple VNs? The translated material is starting to run dry and I'm getting desperate.
>frozen chicken
I'll never not laugh at that part
VN newfag here, is there any VN that gets right into the good/interesting shit and doesn't spend several hours with slice of life shit? Higurashi and Umineko both did this and were eventually pretty good, but I had to force myself through like the beginning of almost every chapter because they did it every fucking time.
>Waiting for Amagami TL.
The finish line is in sight. R-right?
Saya no Uta
What's a game like majikoi. It made me feel like I had real friends. I wanna feel that way again
Did you play all of them?
Dangit ronpaul and feeniks trite are technically vn's too,check em then.
Of course, even some of the untranslated ones with text hookers
Majikoi S, Majikoi A1-5
little busters maybe?
Rewrite's common route.
It was good until THAT scene
Fuck off Godot
I tried it but couldn't get into it, also I hate melodrama
I'm neither, but I'm familiar enough with LotR to recognize a lot of stuff in the book. Granted, keeping track of all the Elvish lingo and names can be really fucking obnoxious, but all the short stories in the book have been pretty great so far. Beren and Luthien is a better love story than any VN.
G-Senjou was godlike until the shitty twist, yeah.
it's shit, the MC is incompetent and 90% of it is highschool bullshit and the MC only gets to mystery solving in the last 2-5 hours of the VN
i want to fuck her tits
HoshiOri is pretty cute
Also has a rather sizeable portion of each girls route set like 7 years in the future which is rare for any vn to actually develop it's characters past high school
>Beren and Luthien is a better love story than any VN.
t. didn't read Fata Morgana
>Crescendo's re-release which the English version is based on had this
>The localisation stripped out all the after stories
Can someone explain to me what's good about subahibi besides Mamiya, Kimika, and End Sky 2?
Redpill me on Majikoi, it is a good game? can you download a fully translated and uncensored version?
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. Michelle and Giselle were alright, but I think the praise behind Fat Morgan is a lot of hot air.
Rereading the VN that gave me my waifu.
id say LNs and audio cds are lower
So what's the optimal version to play umineko on Pc?
It's "turn your brain off" fun with nice characters which is good in its own way. Just get it (and the sequels/spinoffs) off nyaa.
Yes, Majikoi is an incredibly solid VN. It's got pretty much everything you could want. Fighting, humor, romance, drama. Good writing, voice-acting, art, music, it's all there. You even get subroutes for some classmates, your teacher(!), and even some for your bros that expand on their characters. Anyone who says it's bad is being a contrarian.
Steam sprites + voices if you like your girls to look stacked
PS3 sprites + voices if you don't
Don't ever listen to 07thcucks telling you Ryukishi's ass-quality original art is any good.
No. It's total shit. That's why everyone likes it so much. What's with these dumb questions.
Dies irae is the greatest piece of literature I have ever read
Even if you like giant tits the steam sprites are too awful otherwise.
Original sprites + no voices is the optimal way, but ps3 sprites is fine. The voice acting is absolutely fantastic, but the VN wasn't written with voice acting in mind and it shows. If you're a fast reader you'll probably preferring zooming through the text rather than waiting for the voices. Also the music and sound design is top tier and having voice acting drown it out takes away from it somewhat.
>Original sprites + no voices is the optimal way
How did you forget to mention best girl?
Someone post the pasta. You know the one.
I just didn't find her to be an interesting character. She felt like a typical onee-san archetype to me.
Good VNs for newbies to the genre?
Reading Tsukihime and Newton and the Apple Tree. On Ciel route and Lavi respectively.
Both are pretty good. I don't understand the Newton choice structure though. There has been like, three choices and somehow I got forced on somebody's route?
Tsukihime is p good. Ive just got to finish the Akiha route after to move on to the true(?) ending
whatever one has a premise you think is interesting, it's just a book with pictures and sometimes voice acting
Saya no Uta is super short and it's good.
Nah, I read PS3 sprites + voices and my Umineko experience was fantastic. The voice acting didn't take away from any of the top tier scenes whatsoever.
I already liked her from the start because of how eccentric she is and how good her voice acting matches that. There aren't many characters out there like her, the onee-san appeal is only a small part of her character.
Pick your poison
I dropped it. Whats the shitty twist?
No such thing really but here you go.
>Kunosato best girl
She hot, but she's a bitch.
>neo Onoe a shit
No wonder you hated the true ending, because all you didn't want anything out of it other than waifus.
Maou is the MC's brother, not the MC himself even if it makes no sense at all
Is Chaos;Head Noah necessary before Chas:Child?
I mean I have read Chaos:head just not the Noah version
Why is a dick growing out of her chest?
It has great character writing and a huge amount of routes in it, with the biggest problem being that every route involves a character having a problem and the instant that problem is resolved the route ends, but the true route is great. Majikoi S retains the great character writing but most of the routes are trash, the after stories in it you'd think would solve the problem of the lacklustre endings of the original but they're all just mostly sex because for some reason they thought that's what people liked about the original, and S' true route is so bad I couldn't even finish it. A-1 is mediocre, A-2 is great again.
If nothing else it's worth reading for the slice of life comedy side of it. It also has a massive cast of well-known seiyuu.
Nah not really. Chaos;Head is good to read if you just wanna be caught up on Chaos;Child lore, but Chaos;Child is enough of its own story that you don't need to read Chaos;Head beforehand to get it.
Katawa Shoujo, Saya no Uta, Doki Doki Literature Club. These are the three main genres of VNs (comfy drama, horror, and ??? respectively). They are also the most frequently recommended due to being short and accessible.
Saya no Uta, or maybe Stein's Gate
>numale American weeb anime
>not watching French (Basically Japanese 2.0) Kino
user, please. That's the wrong love story.
>game has an interesting premise
>aha! the interesting premise does not actually exist
>truly i am the god of subversion
Fuck that stupid shit.
Ever17, pretty decent so far although I've only finished the takeshi side and am in kid side right now. I can say kid side so far has been much better since with takeshi I could never understand why this dumb bitch all of sudden cared about him. I can see his dumb stunts causing her to like him a little but she doesn't just warm up, she does a complete 180.
>VLR above 999
Trample on Schatten, gets to the main story quickly then goes into an episodic format after the first arc.
What are some good romantic VNs? Nothing gimmicky or focused on getting you to sex scenes, I want hardcore otaku wish fulfillment.
Give me some extra sad utsuge so i can finally kill myself
It's weird because the company's previous game, Sharin no Kuni, actually had a good story with a fantastic twist.
That's a pretty lame list (and somewhat autistic)
How about:
>Saya no Uta for cool shock value and relevant themes of alienation
>Fate Stay Night for something popular and competently written
>Cross Channel for them feels
>True Remembrance, Planetarian and Narcissu and for the introduction to the excellent Drama the genre is famous for
>Muv Luv series for one the biggest PTSD work of fiction ever conceived
Psycho Pass: Mandatory Happines
Playing the female MC it seems to be more like "What if someone in the psycho pass universe was heavily autistic?"
It's an interesting concept to explore, but I haven't seen the anime/read the manga so I don't know if I'm missing anything important, but I'm reading all the codex stuff as it appears.
Stein's Gate, Saya no Uta, that stupid one with the retard girl in a wheelchair and a duck
Check VNDB for untranslated works.
If My Heart Had Wings, Steam version. Don't listen to people memeing about how awful of a translation it is. Only one route is noticeable, the rest are just the occasional bad line. It's mega cute and romantic.
This faggot is referring to IMHHW. Don't do Steins;Gate or Saya No Uta though. Steins;Gate is a thriller VN with romance elements, Saya No Uta is an edgy shockfest centered around a romance.
>fat stay night
>when anime is so incompetent that this Is the most competent shit available
Damn so anime truly is for normalfags all along
Nice reddit taste
Newton only has the route choices, it's nice because you don't need a guide or replay scenes that much.
You want dating sims then.
Why would you say Saya?
there are 2 routes left after Akiha's though
You can only do lavi's and yotsuko's route at first, lavi unlocks the others, you'll know why.
>Don't listen to people memeing about how awful of a translation it is.
You forgot to defend the censorship, bro.
user, Morgana and Iacoppo's romance was barely an afterthought in the main story.
>I want hardcore otaku wish fulfillment.
Christ, you're pathetic.
Saya is the epitome of romantic wish fulfillment
I assume he did them out of recommeded order.
>Christ, you're pathetic.
>Turn completely sub after getting the dick
Lame. Momoyo was my favorite too
You clearly can't even read, why would you post in this thread?
Hey, masturbation isn't a hobby. It's a requirement to live.
He said he didn't want ones that are just Point A to Point B sex VNs, so a censored version would work fine for him.
Also, the localization company only does All Ages. So of course they censor it.
>B-But they remove tons of extra dialogue!!!
Yeah, all relating to sex scenes, which wouldn't make sense being included when the sex scenes aren't included.
>competently written
Holy shit, there are people on this earth that actually believe this.
Cute. Cute bra too.
>Steins Gate elite switch only gets an 8 bit demake as a bonus
>the ps4 version gets the localized version of Linear Bounded Phenogram
This is absolute horseshit
Oh yes a fucking EOPtard calling someone else uneducated
i know im really late, but i finished the true ending to steins;gate last night. i wasnt prepared
is it any good? i quite liked the anime
Ah that explains it.
I went Arcueid > Hisui > Kohaku > Ciel > soon Akiha. Ciel's lesson after one of the routes (you know which one, I don't wanna spoil) said there is another route after I finish all of them. Is this correct?
Now you're ready for Steins;Gate 0, which IMO is better than Steins;Gate.
Don't bother listening to everyone who hates it. All the stuff they don't like is honestly just a bunch of Little Shit That Does Not Matter. S;G 0 is great.
Yeah you get a small epilogue.
Is Kurisu in it?
Have they translated the fan disc yet
A fake AI version of her
>so a censored version would work fine for him.
Not when it's censored so severely they went and removed fucking kissing and handholding scenes on top of rewriting an entire route to avoid mentioning sex, you idiot. Romance and asexuality do not go hand in hand.
>Also, the localization company only does All Ages. So of course they censor it.
The localisation company is garbage, just like Hirameki was before them.
>It's all sex scenes!
Fuck off, Moenovel shill.
>Steins;Gate is a thriller VN with romance elements
Yeah, but that part is really fucking good. Maybe it's just me, but I think the story of how much Okabe goes through and nearly breaks more than a few times, but perseveres for countless cycles for her is one of the most romantic things.
>bunch of Little Shit That Does Not Matter
Kagari, everything related to her matters and is so fucking terrible it makes the novel even worse than it already is.
Yeah. Imagine if Okabe and Suzuha travel back, Okabe realizes he's the one who kills Kurisu, and instead of trying one more time to save her, gives into despair and becomes depressed in a world where she doesn't live.
That's the premise of S;G 0
>Now you're ready for Steins;Gate 0, which IMO is better than Steins;Gate.
>removed kissing and handholding scenes
They didn't though. Factually incorrect.
That's just, like, your opinion, man. I thought the whole Kagari subplot was pretty interesting.
Not a place where sappy anime love stories are unanimously appreciated, that's for sure! Let's keep it that way.
>All the stuff they don't like is honestly just a bunch of Little Shit That Does Not Matter.
Yeah, all the fucking plot holes 0 has don't matter at all. It doesn't even tell a competent story by itself, never mind how badly it shits all over the original.
Nonsenical, retarded, a waste of time and made for the worst drama in the series.
>Little Shit That Does Not Matter
Sounds good. It's been a pretty good ride.
Why is he so great?
Is Interview any good?
need a good translated gfd recommendations
>S;G 0 fan is also a fan of IMHHW and defends the garbage localisation of it
Please adopt a trip so I can filter you.
Not him but I'm starting to see exactly what he means
t. Someone who read 0 but didn't know how faggy you guys were
>C;C has traps
Man I was gonna wait till I finally got through C;H but that shit has been a slog so far. Literally can't read for more than 30 minutes at a time due to pure apathy
>I'm starting to see exactly what he means
What do you see, exactly? 0 is full of problems and he dismisses them all as not mattering. There were things to like about 0 but overall it's a fucking mess of a game.
>the sex scene of Will and Crayl DT'ing Kohakuren didn't make it to the main game
>patch chad
did you rike it
It's a delusion
But it's not. Most of the problems everyone seems to be having aren't that big a deal, and most of the plot holes are easily forgivable because they aren't a big deal. Like, why does Kagari answering the phone lead to one chapter and Okabe answering it lead to another? Sure, that's retarded, but not really a big deal.
The common route is entertaining humor. The rest is garbage Kason Bourne self insert fanfiction and deus ex machina so bad that they literally resolve things with "the wizard in the basement that we never mentioned until now did it"
We got a ton of other great scenes so..
I'm fucking shit of retarded fanboys claiming 0 was good and defending what was a very obvious cashgrab made quickly by blending together most of the drama CDs they made into a VN
After trying to argue about it so many times and seeing retards go "ummm but it was good???" without addressing any criticism I'm not going to bother anymore, calling them retards is a better way to get the point across
Guess I should have seen that coming.
I'm mid chapter 8 or so of Muv Luv Alternative. I'm not sure if it is Stockholm syndrome or what but this shit is fucking amazing, especially considering how fucking awful Extra was.
>But it's not.
>most of the plot holes are easily forgivable because they aren't a big deal.
The entire climax of the story and the ending hinges on a complete oversight and plot hole.
No, please do. Don't get me wrong, I love S;G 0. But I'm sort of in the same place as you. Anytime people try and tell me why it sucked, all they EVER give me are little nitpicky bullshit. I genuinely want to understand why people hate it so much. If you've got actual reasons that aren't "cmon, really?" tier I will gladly hear them. I truly want to understand.
Extra was great.
Interview is too expensive for the amount of content it offers, it's also all ages only
They look like they're about to commit a murder
Try giving Extra a reread sometime in the future. What makes it good is realizing how much foreshadowing you missed your first time through.
Got tricked by Yea Forums for playing muv luv, was promised a heart wrenching VN but it was less than mediocre. The girls are fine but protag is first grade fag, also the lost in sea ending is bollocks.
What happens if you endure
How can there exist a vn where all the girls are equably likeable? In most vns, there's always at least one girl I have zero interest in pursuing but in Amigami, all the girls are so cute and fun, that it's hard to pick a favorite.
Pleb filter at work.
I just really hated all the Lacrosse stuff, that shit was beyond boring
What was the point of the scene with the gorillas with their brains cut out in America? What was the point of the cultist who attacks Maho and Leskinen for playing god with Amadeus? Why did Mayuri's ending suddenly bring up that Kagari had plastic surgery to look like Yuki and the real Yuki was off in Europe and wouldn't be back for three months, but this is never touched on again at any point, and doesn't make sense since Yuki at any other time shows none of Kagari's instability? Why does Mayuri's ending suddenly skip into the true ending when there's no reason Okabe wouldn't have been captured and tortured by Leskinen seconds after Mayuri's ending, and the entire period between Okabe putting his jacket on and sending the video 2036 is skipped over? Why did Kagari never come up in the part where Okabe travels to 2036 at all? Why does answering or not answering phone calls from Kurisu cause world line changes? The explanation in pic related doesn't even make sense. How did Okabe time leap back from 2036 when he spent an undetermined period of time in Leskinen's custody being tortured during which he wouldn't be able to leap through?
I forget. What happened after the credits? All I remember from Mitcher's route was the cat thing
If I couldn't skip at my leisure through common text I think I would be very upset so yes. I also heard the skip in the base game was slow so I'm now glad I forgot about this VN till last week.
Shit was horrible desu. I thought that lacrosse bullshit would be a minor shit but it consumed almost the whole vn towards the end.
Nigger, i don't care about sports, even worse in a fucking VN.
I forget exactly but she either dies in childbirth or gets an abortion and dies after running away. If you don't endure she delivers your baby and you get the good end.
Why did best girl have to suffer so
Yet Extra was needed to be there for Alternative to be so effective.
nigger you defended Kagari and her route, there is no hope for you and I sure as hell am not going to waste time arguing with someone who thinks there was no problems with Kagari or the billion plot holes
After the credits you're actually only halfway through, and then the rest of her route is all about how Mitcher's other personality is actually the soul of a dead American girl that inhabited her body after Mitcher got an organ transplant from her.
I'm told that the sequels retcon this and remove this element of the story entirely, but I haven't touched any of them.
Is alternative really that good? Every site warns that alternativve is huge step down from Extra.
I wonder if there even exists someone out there who actually enjoyed it
sure in retrospect it was needed and all, but that doesn't excuse it for being so mediocre.
common route without superskip was a chore and a half, glad it ended up being possible
Everyone hates Lacrosse because it's Ayamine refusing to work with others and being a bitch about it for three hours
>alternativve is huge step down from Extra
you got it backwards there mate
>Every site warns that alternativve is huge step down from Extra.
They retcon it. It almost seems like an accident though since it's handled so weirdly in the sequels.
Rereading MGQ.
I will never understand people like you.
muh niggs
Monster Girl Gamu demo 2. There are a some grammatical errors here and there, and the art can be rough around the edges, but I'm having a ton of fun playing it. It has some laugh out loud funny moments, and there's a surprising amount of dialogue trees and routes, especially for a demo.
Also Klara is best girl.
Speaking of Muv-Luv
seems like Muv-Luv Photonflowers is coming out soon or so, what is it exactly?
She was still cute so whatever.
>Study a language for the sake of your hobbies
>Open up significant employment opportunities as a bonus
>This is somehow considered a bad thing
I'm convinced that these people are always just Americans that get salty over the idea of being able to speak more than one language because it's too hard for them.
Most of her route is about the other girl. After the credits though is just a bizarre chapter where they take a jet to America and Michiru and the dead girl alternate talking to the dead girl's mom. Also regular Michiru gains the ability to remember what the other one does and they can talk to each other.
It's a collection of short stories like Chicken Divers, most of which were translated years ago. Photonmelodies is Altered Fable so thata's what everyone is actually waiting for.
what game is this?
A collection of side stories.
I honestly didn't notice they never brought up the split personality thing ever again in labyrinth and eden. Then again I didn't finish the epilogue in eden or any of the after stories in labyrinth. Shame, I kinda liked the split persona thing even if the explanation was pants on head retarded.
Yeah, see, I don't see most of those as "problems" and just typical examples of waste-of-time scenes that pretty much every VN ever has. Most of those have plenty of potential explanations, too, but I'll agree it at least sucks that no definitive answers are given regarding them.
The Yuki thing is max retarded though, I've always thought that. Kagari could have just stayed regular Kagari and literally nothing would have been different.
Overall I'll concede S;G 0 definitely feels like a rushed product. Which, I mean, it was. They restricted Chaos;Child to consoles, Xbox of all things, which was just retarded for them to do. So they needed money and S;G was easy money.
Anyways, your big point about Okabe time leaping from 2036 happens in a story path where it's not confirmed he's taken into custody by Leskinen. So it's not unreasonable to say in that version of the apocalyptic future, he simply isn't captured. So time leaping back wouldn't be a problem.
Also, Vega & Altair is a different worldline from the true ending, which is why it skips right to it.
I'm only at Chapter 2, but the universe itself is the most engaging part to me. Being an inspector and working with Enforcers is a nice dynamic. The female lead being fairly unempathetic is also handled in a way that ties it into the story, while also being a benefit and a character flaw.
It certainly does a good job of making you go "was there some way I could have done that better?" after the first case though.
So far I'm considering it "an interesting crime drama with a setting that picks up the slack when/if the story feels lacking". I'm not a big connoisseur of VNs, and mostly pick them up on sale, but for a sale price so far it's engaging.
All of Grisaia is pants on head retarded, Makina's route ends with a wizard saving her.
Been reading Muv-Luv photonflowers beta version which got released today.
Are there any good porn VNs that focus on romance and love and other nice things? Bonus if it involves monster girls.
oh, neato
>just typical examples of waste-of-time scenes that pretty much every VN ever has.
Except for the original S;G which had no such plot holes or wasted scenes, outside of the card game shit in Faris' route. The specific problem here isn't that it's just bad game by itself, it's even worse when compared to how much better its predecessor was.
>Anyways, your big point about Okabe time leaping from 2036 happens in a story path where it's not confirmed he's taken into custody by Leskinen.
You dumb shit, it specifically is the timeline where he is taken into custody by Leskinen. The entire fucking point of pretending he was dead was because they were hiding him from Leskinen after saving him. How the fuck do you forget this?
>Also, Vega & Altair is a different worldline from the true ending, which is why it skips right to it.
No it isn't, the entire point of the true end is that Mayuri's actions somehow result in Vega & Altair becoming the true world line but with no explanation. And even if you were right and it was a different world line, that makes it even more retarded, because then there's zero point in having the true end plat out from Vega & Altair after getting the pre-requisite scenes to trigger it.
>That keyhole scene
The first S;G had plenty of waste of time scenes, especially in the first 4 chapters. It just depends here on what you consider to be a waste of time scene, and what I consider it to be.
The writers said in a Q&A that there's no hard evidence Okabe is ever actually captured. It could easily be falsified info. Which, I'll admit, that's pretty fucking stupid. But Okabe has to "die" in 2025. So he easily makes a loophole to manipulate by faking his death, as seen in Promised Rinascimento.
Yeah, Milky-Way Crossing being a different worldline IS correct, but they give almost zero indication that's what happens.
I want them to make Steins;Gate 0 Elite, because the anime answers a ton of these things that the VN doesnt, but the anime is fucking garbage. Give me the VN but with things fleshed out like they are in the anime.
>especially in the first 4 chapters
Literal retard, the VN had to build the characters and their relationship from scratch, that's why it's so SoL heavy at first.
>A-1 is mediocre
That's not nice.
Spank me Daddy!
Well sure, but that doesn't make every single scene essential.
dies irae
Do they have good taste?
>The writers said in a Q&A that there's no hard evidence Okabe is ever actually captured. It could easily be falsified info.
I'm fairly sure that you literally get a scene of him being captured before the torture starts at which point it cuts to him waking up in 2036 in his emaciated body where the characters then explain to you that Okabe was left effectively braindead as a result of Leskinen's torture until you transferred in and took over that broken body. Even if I'm remembering wrong and the torture scene wasn't there, the explanation of it was, so that's basically just an out-of-game interview saying "lol what the game said was actually a lie because we realised it was a plot hole" which in itself creates more plot holes.
>panicked adolescents/teenagers
lmao fuck off, everyone in their right mind would try against fate and headfirst into the forest and proof lies in amane simply walking out and making it despite waiting 2 weeks doing fucking nothing but starve, the writing is piss and you defending it is pathetic
You sound like one of those people who would say it's fine to skip Muv-Luv Extra and Unlimited and start with Alternative.
>those ratings for Umineko
Nope, it starts out with Okabe dreaming he's back in the present time with all the lab members hanging out. No torture scene. That might be anime only but not in the VN. He just has a dream of the old days and then wakes up in a room that he himself put himself in as part of his deceptive plan.
The dumbest part is everyone going "NO WE'LL GET LOST IN THE FOREST" when they're right next to the cliff wall and can follow it without any issue.
>start reading Umineko
>have an absolute blast with the first 2 chapters
>underwhelmed by 3rd and 4th chapters
>high hopes for 5th because it starts out pretty awesome
>turns into hot, irredeemable garbage halfway through
I really, really wanted it to be good, but just like with Higurashi, it seems the writer couldn't keep it up.
Are there any other VNs with the comfiness and mysteriousness of early Umineko that consistently stays high quality and has a satisfying ending?
Can you even compare some of those to ones at top when they have less than a thousand reviews?
You’re a pleb
3 > 5 > 2 > 4 > 7 > 1 > 8 > 6
>blast with 2
>underwhelmed by 3
Literally how, 3 blows 2 out of the fucking water in every single aspect while 2 has full on retarded Battler giving up over dumb shit
Also maybe WTC5 will have what you want, other than that the only VN I can think of with comfy and mystery is Fate/Hollow Ataraxia but that is only the main story which is like a quarter of the VN
Reminder that 7 Scarlet just released on steam if you want to support otome.
Oh whoops, I meant to put 5 above 3.
>8 and 6 that low
>6, peak Umineko, at the absolute bottom
Holy shit what a pretentious faggot
Should I read fate?
It's the literal worst episode
>logic error
>the tea party
That's it, nothing else interesting or good happens in it
So what exactly do you think was happening if Okabe didn't get tortured, then? He just went and sat in a room and thought really hard about stuff for 11 years? If he wasn't actually braindead there was no reason for him not to be working in secret, but he wasn't doing that, and no one ever indicates he is. Your whole argument here is "well a writer said in some QA I haven't linked that this part of the story was actually a lie" and that writer retcon doesn't fix the source material and only creates more issues if it's the truth. There is no reason for Daru to be lying to Okabe about what happened at this point in the story, and if Okabe wasn't braindead, then there was no reason to replace his memories in the first place.
There's a pregnancy nukige about love called Maman Kyou-something. It's alright.
These threads are so fucking awful for Umineko discussion that you might as well not have it.
>if you want to support otome.
>discussing an over 10 years old VN
What is there to discuss?
Might as well speculate over WTC5
There is nothing wrong with otome. We are even getting more 18+ ones like Fxxx me royally soon.
I think you need to settle down and not assume every single thing behind what I'm saying.
That's not my whole argument. My original argument is there's plenty of potential explanations and it's shitty that a lot of them aren't given definitive answers.
The whole point of S;G's theory is that little things always end up differently. So who's to say he's captured the same way every single time? Maybe this particular worldline, he's captured and tortured in a way that time leaping back through that makes it doable?
Also, thinking back to the first game, Nae is proof the machine works. It's not unreasonable at all to think Okabe doing the same isn't completely doable.
I read Grisaia in 2013 is the other 2 worth reading I heard the transation is worse or more toned down because official release
Higurashi is infinitely better than Umineko.
waiting on taimanin asagi zero to be fully translated
alchemy meister, do i need to grind all and take the same missions over again for a new route?
All people discuss is "I liked Chapter X", "Chapter X is garbage", "Anyone who reads Umineko is an idiot", etc. I do would rather discuss WTC5.
>It's not unreasonable at all to think Okabe doing the same isn't completely doable.
yes it fucking is given the circumstances he just outlined for you, you absolute dipshit
Why are Umineko and higurashi fags always arguing?
Since you guys mentioned all the stupid shit in S;G 0, did anyone else found the "MY FORK" retcon in Linear Bounded Phenogram fucking retarded?
>"my fork" was just a phrase that Kurisu mentioned that helped Okabe in making her believe that time leaping worked
>wait, no. Actually, "my fork" is something very important to Kurisu, because she always wanted her father to give her a fork since she was a child
>he was actually going to gift her a fork that he ended up leaving in care of Faris' father, since they were friends that studied together in university with old Suzuha as their mentor. Also, Faris and Kurisu are childhood friends but they forgot about it
It's easy to get mad about brainless shitposts towards the series. For once it looks like S;G people are arguing more.
Because they both have shit taste.
We should be getting news this month at least
Is pic related worth reading? Been sitting in my backlog forever.
I think you and the fuckhead I'm talking to need to re-read the VN because you're literally incorrect.
But you won't "because it sucks"
I'm outtie
Are we? I hope so.
Erika a SHIT
Honestly seems like it's another piece of work trying to portray basic economics as being super intellectual shit
Also fuck Sekai Project
She is shit but she is great for it.
>My original argument is there's plenty of potential explanations
There is no explanation for the single biggest plot hole in the story which the entire ending relies upon. I said this at the start. This is a major problem with 0's writing on top of all the other less major plot holes and contrivances it has. Hell, it just occurred to me that Okabe's swap to 2036 doesn't even make sense in the first place, because he jumps from one worldline to a different worldline at the exact time his digitised memories were applied to his comatose body 25 years later, and they even note for some reason that in that world line his memories should be different because they were digitised later than they were in the world line he travelled over from. Even the vagueness of 0's Amadeus-based worldline swaps doesn't give enough room for that to make sense.
>So who's to say he's captured the same way every single time? Maybe this particular worldline, he's captured and tortured in a way that time leaping back through that makes it doable?
If he was then they should have mentioned that, but they fucking don't. And they didn't improve the time leap machine until 2026, so Okabe has to go back in time in 48 hour periods after that, which includes the time he was in Leskinen's custody. So if we assume it's not a plot hole, we just have to assume that Leskinen caught Okabe and tortured him badly enough to render him braindead before he was then rescued by the resistance all within 48 hours. That's ludicrous.
>The whole point of S;G's theory is that little things always end up differently.
Yeah, sure, but the time leaps in the original at least had some logical sense to them, even if say, Luka's gender was based on some pretty shitty science. In 0 every single time leap happens for no real reason based on no real sequence of events, it's just "dude butterfly effect lmao" and "dude kurisu's memories lmao".
That last part is pretty stupid, yeah.
I always thought it was some cutsy child brand sort of fork thing shit liked when she was a kid, on top of her being half American, half Japanese.
>Also, thinking back to the first game, Nae is proof the machine works. It's not unreasonable at all to think Okabe doing the same isn't completely doable.
That and Okabe's travel back have absolutely nothing to do with each other. There would be nothing wrong with Okabe going back in time if not for the problems presented by Leskinen. Nae has no such given obstacles.
This is why people need to stop writing shit as canon after a series is done.
I read through all of FSN and I liked it. I would even partially disagree with "it gets good in 30 hours" fags, I liked most of it. I'm a bunch of hours into FHA now and I find it boring as shit so far, does it get better/is it worth it?
True route is the Kunosato route bro
If Spice and Wolf was 60% romance/SoL and 40% economics, WEE is 80% economics and 20% romance/SoL. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing depends on you.
Personally I thought it was great. Translation on the first is a bit stiff though but 2 and 3 are much better.
It makes me smile.
>Bazett and Angra
get better taste
8 is good in places and also has the best scene in the vn, the ending in the boat, but it drags a lot in other areas. Especially the first half. 6 is just boring compared to other eps. It’s still good, all the episodes are, it’s just the least good. No idea what part of my post is pretentious. Stop giving the best witch a bad name.
It seemed interesting but the translation is terrible. SP promised they would fix it but they never did because they're SP.
>foreknowledge foreknowledge
>the desert eagle is the world's heaviest, biggest, most hardcore and impossible to use gun but Shirou can use it flawlessly by being a rad dude
>if it was anyone else even attempting to fire a single bullet would break every bone in their body but Shirou was firing two deagles at a rate of one thousand shots per second without breaking a sweat
>foreknowledge foreknowledge
>it didn't do shit because his opponent is literally immune to gunfire but Shirou still kept at it for 30 minutes because I really like writing this cringeworthy shit
>Shirou got hit by some superhuman monster and broke twenty ribs but kept firing his atomic hand cannon aka the legendary desert eagle, the world's most insane and radical gun
>foreknowledge foreknowledge
>seriously, take a break and go jack off to Shirou right now
>eventually Shirou's opponent went away and was killed by someone else in the following chapter
>"Tch... I'm tired of this damn foreknowledge..." said Shirou as he used his deagle to light a cigarette while playing some totally sick guitar riffs with his huge dick
Masada is a true master, we might as well wrap up the entire genre because it doesn't get any better than this.
Those have been the only enjoyable parts so far actually. The rest feels like SoL fanservice.
Never read it, but what's so bad about it?
It's just fanservice for the most part. There's a plot deep in there and it's pretty alright, but if you don't like the fanservice then it's not for you.
Labyrinth is just Yuuji's backstory, with the extra of having the continuation of the endings of each girl's route.
Eden is a weird amalgam of things from each route from the first one in which the girls go full Mission Impossible in order to save Yuuji. It's like the most retarded parts of Makina's route in the first one, times 10. Kind of amusing, but if you're expecting the girls to be anything but one-note gags, you're gonna be dissapointed.
>late for a VN thread
I never read it either despite having backed it at some point. The problem is that Sekai Project are a bunch of shitty cash grabbers, they crowdfund all their translations then churn out the shittiest translation possible. Pretty sure they pissed off and burnt their bridges with Frontwing as well
This forbidden knowledge makes School Days the creepiest thing I've ever read.
>play SoL fanservice VN
>complain about SoL fanservice
But anyway, in my opinion the main storyline blows FSN out of the water, Bazett and Angra are by far my favorite TM characters
If anything, the early SoL is probably the worst of it all since it focuses on ordinary life stuff and it eventually becomes pretty funny most of the time with absolutely retarded scenarios and interactions
If you enjoy the fishing Lancer scenes you will probbaly enjoy the later SoL scenes I think
Good explanations, all are pretty valid. I assume that user got uppity because of how many people shitpost about the series and especially those 2 chapters on what killed Umineko.
>like shoujo manga
>don't like otome
Are 18+ otome better than AA otome?
I see people say it's shit but why exactly do people no like G-Senjou no Maou?
It's just more female perspective for sex, if you don't like the choices in otome the R18 content isn't going to make it any better. AA otome usually have the better stories and cuter art.
All it has going for it is being one of the few "mindgames" VN out there with genius mastermind vs genius "detective" like death note
the mindgames are pretty bad, the overall story isn't that good, characters are mediocre
This is pretty bad but not so bad I would be anything worse than decent
Problem is during the last chapter an absolutely retarded twist happens that ruins everything that happened and anything that happens after it is shit too
>Pretty sure they pissed off and burnt their bridges with Frontwing as well
They sure did.
If you finished it then you know exactly why.
>>"my fork" was just a phrase that Kurisu mentioned that helped Okabe in making her believe that time leaping worked
Nah, it was pretty obvious it had meaning for her in SG. When okabe uses it to make kurisu believe him she blushes and stammers she cannot believe she would ever tell okabe something like that.
>and anything that happens after it is shit too
The ending was pretty good, but it doesn't make up for everything else the twist fucked up.
It was okayish, chuuni as fuck because it was genius vs genius and it had a kind of cliche plot that they already tried with Sharin no Kuni (not that it had been translated at that point). They had a fucking retarded plot point though, one you could immediately see in the opening cutscene and pray they weren't stupid enough to go through with it.
Kind of left a foul taste in your mouth as a result
Sounds like the Death Note comparison is very apt.
>it had a kind of cliche plot that they already tried with Sharin no Kuni (not that it had been translated at that point)
Sharin No Kuni's English translation was already out for a year before G-Senjou's.
>girls who should have had routes but did not
>after bringing the popular girl to a breaking point you have the option to fuck your sister instead, leaving her like a sad sack of shit forever.
after what she did to the cute baker girl? Shitting herself was too kind.
Who should have gotten a route was the sister though, she was begging for the oniichan cock
Maybe I'm thinking more of the fan disc then
It is
It's pretty much a discount Death Note that is worse in every single aspect
I hated that route and ending. It was clear everything was the brunette's boyfriend's fault but we didn't get any choice to make that distinction or save her from her circumstances, and then the game just treats attempted murder like it's okay because "muh revenge".
Do the sequels matter much in the Grisaia series?
Or is the first VN a complete experience?
Frontwing even went so far as to refuse to relicense the Grisaia trilogy to Sekai Project again when the term came up last year so they're definitely not over it either.
Nigga she okayed him raping the baker girl and she tortured the girl with the zapper ballpen. Without the boyfriend she still was a bitfch
I wish this was more coherent. I want to know exactly how related all the SD characters are and how much shared DNA there is between characters, but this chart is a clusterfuck to navigate.
>game allows you to save a cute anime girl from hell and see her slowly lower her defenses as she tries to trust someone
It's been a very long time since I read it but I remember a conversation where she said the boyfriend was threatening her and she was in an abusive relationship with him and basically had to do whatever he said.
>no China
No thanks.
The first VN is a complete experience. The sequels make it much worse.
But if you don't give a shit that much and just want more sex with the heroines and a bunch of retarded action scenes then you might like them.
its been a long time and from what I remember she never said anything like that. The only thing I remember was that she stuck with him and just complained about how he slept around.
Why even bother having these threads if you're just going to circlejerk the same 5 vns that were discussed to death 10 years ago?
>tfw fetish for nopan
it's okay if the guy does it, basically
i'm trained to kill anyway, at least by army standards not really lol their typical bjj training at nonsf level is useless but i would rather have taken out the boyfriend since he did most of the actual physical abuse and i don't take "because i was told to" as an excuse
even in the army doing something "because you were told to" is a fallacy, because doing an unlawful order could get you ucmj'd or at least that's supposed to be how it plays out
i don't have sympies for anyone doing anything "just because they were told"
i'm not saying antoinette doesn't deserve a beatdown just to wake her up but targeting only her and letting the other guy off seemed like a copout
School Days is just one of many games of 0verflow. The main character (but not the main protagonist) is Tomaru Sawagoe. Born to a middle (probably) class family from his father Jou and an unknown woman. He also had two sisters; Moegi (the older sister) and Asagi. At an unknown age, probably 10 or 12, Tomaru had sex with Moegi and got her pregnant with Kagura. Eight years later, Tomaru and Kagura (now in the fourth grade) met by causality. She was going home but it was snowing, so she was hitchhiking. Tomaru almost ran over Kagura. When he saw her, he offered her a ride. Once she was in the car, he raped her.
Later he left her and disappeared again. Unknown to him, she got pregnant. She entered to work at her mother's place: Snow Radish. Also there were aunt Asagi and her friends Arisu and Hatsuka and Tomaru’s sister Tomoe. Eight months later of that encounter, Tomaru reappeared again, (Snow Radish VN). In that game, Tomaru screwed all girls and all of them got pregnant. At the end, Kagura made Tomaru to stop wandering and take care of her daughter and he agreed.
Then Tomaru realized that he had some kind of “plot armor”; 1: the moment a girl looked at him, she immediately fell in love with him. 2: the moment they had sex, that girl devoted herself to him. These rules vary in effect in each girl, but no girl can escape them. So he started screwing with other girls like there's no tomorrow.
National Park Girls. It just barely came out with its first episode and it was comfy.
isnt graiasa less than 5 years old
Gacha games < LN < .... < VN < .... < Actual games
I wasn't there discussing them to death 10 years ago dumb boomer.
I enjoyed them but only because I find yuuji's autism to be pretty funny. The girl's are just fluff too but were amusing enough.
She never got a scene in the end, did she?
In a lapse of 16 years from Snow Radish Vacation, Kagura gave birth to three daughters; Hajime, her first one, Mai Kiyoura and Rina Inou. Asagi gave birth to Yukari. Hatsuka gave birth to Shun, Toki and Kuu Hazama. Arisu gave birth to Rideru Takatsukasa. Tomoe gave birth to Tomomasa Sawagoe. Moegi gave birth to Youko Saionji, Ayumu and Moeka Inou. Also Hajime, Kagura’s first daughter, gave birth to other Tomaru’s daughter, Rio Inou, but Hajime died. Kagura was traumatized for that, but with Tomaru’s plot armor she remained loyal to him. He also had several children with married women; Kei, Touri, Wakaba, and probably more. His plot armor let him control all girls, and steal their money, (especially from Hatsuka, who had inherited a fortune) and combine it with his own inherited money. He studied to become a doctor, while using his girls to bribe authorities and important people.
Meanwhile, Asagi took Ayumu, who was a child, and turned him into an animal-like beast who lusted for constant sex. She gave birth to two daughters, Sakura and Midori Nagawa, while she was married to another man.
Kagura went to rescue him, but ended up by being raped by him (though she returned him to normal).
16 years pass, and Summer Radish Vacation 1 starts.
There was no such content, she was already bullying Aeka before her boyfriend came back.
>literally picking zoomer and ironic weeb meme games
why are you doing this
im still on my first route and seeing it has 2 fandiscs she probably got something somewhere.
Kagura, pregnant with Ayumu's child is in charge of another Radish, Summer Radish. Youko, Mai, Wakaba also work there as waitresses (all of them Tomaru’s daughters). Tomaru, who goes from one of his girls to another to watch them, visits Hatsuka’s house planning to stay a little. Shun, his son, didn’t like that, decided to get a part-time job to be away until he leaves. He meets Youko and ends up working with her. He and the girls stay in a near hotel with Rio and Rina. A new girl, Natsuhi, appears. Again Tomaru appears, and depending on what Shun does…
-Nothing. (Tomaru probably ends with all the girls)
-Go after Youko, Wakaba or Mai, but Tomaru rapes them, (rule 2) they declare to Shun that they love him, but can't leave him.
-Go after Kagura, but she still can’t let go off Tomaru, even when Tomaru pimped her to a lot of men.
-Ends with Kagura
-Ends with Wakaba
-Ends with Mai
-Ends with Youko
-Ends with Natsuhi
-Ends with Kagura, Youko and Mai
Canon ending ends in Shun with Youko, Mai, Wakaba and Natsuhi. Tomaru leaves with Kagura, Rio and Rina.
Who's ready for the next kamige?
Shun gets all his girls pregnant; Youko gave birth to Sekai. Mai gave birth to Setsuna. Wakaba gave birth to Futaba and Kazuha, and Natsuhi to an unknown child. Meanwhile, one of Tomaru’s nurses gave birth to Makoto and later to Itaru.
Tomaru keeps busy by making Kagura pregnant as fast as possible; she ended with another 13 children, the main cast of Sister Princess, while Rio gives birth to Risa.
Apparently Rina died the same way Hajime died years ago. Shun's rule 1 effect stops working, and all his girls leave him.
Eight years pass and Ayumu reappears again, now an adult, in Large Ponpon. In this game he screws many girls, one of them is one of his half-sister, Touri, who is also married to another of his half-brothers, Tomomasa. All of the game's girls end pregnant, many with many children. At the same time, another son of Tomaru, Kei, likes another girl, Midori, who in fact is his niece. Again Kei screws almost all the girls, but there's no ending with Midori, she leaves to live with her father, who is Ayumu, and she ends up pregnant with him.
People should just on a whim grab something that might interest them, like I got into VNs through a random impulse to read Steins;Gate and Umineko and I never made a better decision in my life.
how cute is this anime girl in the animer
Three years pass and Tomaru is now in charge of another Radish. In this VN, Summer Radish Vacation 2, one of his daughters, Rideru, is in love with Kuu, another of his sons, who is also working on Radish. She goes there for him, and Tomaru offers her a job. There's also another girl, Rin or Rinrin, from Sister Princess, and Tomaru and Risa's daughter, Rika.
The endings are:
Rideru ends with Kuu. Canon.
Rin ends with Kuu.
Rideru ends up with Tomaru and she ends up with one of his children, while being pregnant with another, while being used as a fucktoy by him.
Five years pass and Summer Days and School Days start.
Did anyone else read Rose Gun Days? I actually liked it for the most part although I remember it got really dumb at times, especially season 2.
Thanks user, now I can read School Days and get the most out of it.
It's pretty good, just overshadowed by his other work. I still need to read Higanbana myself.
>>"Tch... I'm tired of this damn foreknowledge..." said Shirou as he used his deagle to light a cigarette while playing some totally sick guitar riffs with his huge dick
I did
Had no problems with 2 but season 4 was an absolute rushed mess
I really liked it though
whatever happened to that Umineko Gold thing?
>actually caring about a dub
lmao get the fuck out
The person in charge of running it that was in charge of a lot of stuff behind the scenes got diagnosed with cancer immediately after they announced it so it's indefinitely postponed until they can find someone else.
I just didn't really like the kids from season 2. In fact I also didn't like Leo when I started the VN but he grew on me by the end. With 4 I liked the concept for the ending but yeah I did feel they rushed which is a shame.
Unironically one of my most anticipated games, not just VNs but games in general. I don't even jerk off to that shit, it just looks awesome and I'm tired of all the bitchmade stuff getting translated.
Thumbnail makes it look like she has really long neck and hair.
I hated the kids when they were introduced but as the story went on they grew on me
Oliver's death hit me the hardest
What are some good older VNs that I can play on an old Thinkpad running WinXP?
I played Euphoria for the shock value and I was too bored of it to finish more than two routes. I hope Maggot Baits is as extreme as people claim.
>not playing euphoria for the best love story of this generation
fuck off normalfag
Eh, the only worthwhile part was the True Ending Route. For shock value, every route had some form of scat, so it got kind of old.
I want to but I don't think I am degenerate enough.
did you not see the bit where Rika cuts open her throat?
it's worth reading for Nemu alone
>tfw the artist of clockup is some messed up girl who just wants people to enjoy her art
I wonder what she felt when she drew the handholding for eroge!
I just finished the true ending of 428 Shibuya Scramble. Way better than I thought it might be
Shiggy is very cute
>tfw the pre empress games dont have decent pure sex scenes after you avoided the countless rape endings for the cute herione
Any reverse rape themed VNs where the MC is constantly getting molested by all the female characters?
Now read the Canaan kino sidestory written by Nasu
>spend every day drawing cute girls having hot and heavy sex with a caring boyfriend
>after youre done reflect on your work and feel a pang of loss somewhere
Well she does draw Gay sex(without hats) as well.
What vn is this?
Forgot about that, but I didn't like Rika that much anyway.
The thing that I found more fucked up is all the cult related shit.
Name please?