What was his name again?

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Brenton Tarrant

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Pounds of puss filled zits and liquid shit.

You don't have to remember


Insane how bodycounts of this size don’t happen more often. Usually you see only a few killed but this guy seemed to get a high score without much effort.

The killed huddled in the corders for some reason and he just mowed them down

He shot the bodies a few times to make sure they stayed dead
Most of the mass shooters just shot a few bullets per person and leave a shitload people wounded and a few killed

I know but you go outside and you see huge crowds of people, and I mentally avoid them because I’m paranoid as fuck about shooters. But it seems like they usually kill someone personal to them along with some bystanders as opposed to killing as many people as possible.

Press W to wrap bacon on their graves

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Wouldn’t be surprised if we see more calculated shootings now. So much stuff online to plan from see where people made mistakes etc. Also how easy it is to stream things now is going to give some interesting results.


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>man aren't mass shootings great? I hope more happen!

he didn't even take donations for his stream

the absolute fucking sorry state of this clown world we live in

D. Matter


fucking this
people are dying because of fucking journalism and internet bullshit
I hate the media so fucking much

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It's cool brah, journalists are being killed too

It's a fucking retarded world we live in. Imagine getting brainwashed by an anime image board

Forget streaming this is the best way to become famous

Well, Mr. Illuminati, maybe you should've created your own niche for contrarianism.

you fell for the memes didn't you?

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why is edgelord culture a thing again? I still dont fucking get it
this is the fucking worst if you really analyze what the shooter's motives were
his plan was to divide everything and everyone and he knows the MSM will do it.
he associated himself with as many unrelated groups as possible and he created a massive scapegoat, basically half of the internet.
every single one of Pewdiepie's 90 million subscribers are terrorists now, let that sink in.

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>every single one of Pewdiepie's 90 million subscribers are terrorists now, let that sink in
doing gods work

Not the medias fault, it's the stupid people that fall for it.
Hate the game, not the player.

>every single one of Pewdiepie's 90 million subscribers are terrorists now, let that sink in.
that's enough internet for me today :^)

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