Fighting games

>the game has a built in comeback mechanic

Attached: Parental_Abuse.webm (426x240, 2.96M)

>Kirito has a built in comeback mechanic*

Doesn't look too bad desu, it just looks like a V-trigger

Still fucking trash. V-trigger, Overdrive and all of those kinds of mechanics are all trash.

Oh calm your tits, comeback mechanics aren't nearly as bad as people make them out to be.

I always use Kirino as my target in training mode. Fucking bitch.

>excusing shitty comeback mechanics

Attached: Ok_retard.png (200x201, 21K)

You're a good lad

Dont most fighting games at least give you meter as a comeback mechanic? I havent played many.

this doesnt even look that bad or much of a comeback mechanic. that much damage on the first combo is pretty typical of an anime fighter, and then he got counter hit twice. you would die in most anime fighters from that.

Yeah but rage/v-trigger/xfactor/overdrive are all shit mechanics

what comeback mechanic? I don't know what you're referring to here, I've only played vanilla DBFC and there wasn't one there

yeah, people like OP though are just mad about such mechanics because they are bad at the game and dont understand how to utilize said mechanic so they keep getting beat online.

No they're designed to steal matches and have it be "flashy"

Probably talking about burst. Which isn't even that bad.

it's a generic system that both players can employ at any time
you get another one when you lose a round but that's the same thing in blazblue

Based Kirito having a unique power up that massively boost his damage.

Unist is such a good game, cuz the mechanic that -looks- like a comeback mechanic is actually entirely based on you blocking and attacking correctly. Losing health in fact decreases the guage.

DBFC is a damn good game OP don't be so butthurt you got your ass kicked by Kiritofags

DBFC > all other casual anime fighters

I really like DBFC and would play a modern port on PS4 or PC. Tomoka a best

Still I've heard really good things about Koihime Enbu too and how it's great at teaching footsies to noobs.

I agree good sir. Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition is the only true fighting game.

Fuck off Kirito is cancer

I agree. It's so fucking satisfying man.

>Uses whatever the fuck is the 'comeback mechanic
>Every combo is a counter hit
>All meter is used
Why is this retarded to you?

Rentaro+Accel is best build

>Accel support
I don't see that much anymore sadly

Is it worth playing on ps4?


Probably one of my favourite Anime fighters

Killer Instinct's Instinct mode is the only good comback mechanic

Trump card is a good comeback mechanic. It's not all that ridiculously OP.

I like the baroque system in TvC. It's got a great risk/reward idea behind it.

Kirito is such a flashy and fun character to use man.

You keep saying that, but you never explained why.

>People actually want this fucker on BBTAG


He'd be an amazingly fun character if he got into BBTAG.

>Giving a non air-dashing character the ability to air-dash
>Giving him the ability to double install
Nope fuck off

>double install

I'd love to play this game but Europe doesn't have a scene for the FGC much less anime fighters

I've never looked at them like that.
