why aren't you playing GOTY
Why aren't you playing GOTY
Im cuck with no friends
>windows central
Is it fun? I have no friends but AMD gave it to me for free. I don't know what a shooter looter even plays like, you shoot waves of enemies for loot or some shit?
>looter shooter
No thanks
"It's good"
- irrelevant website we paid to give a good review so we can stick it on the box and in trailers
Because it comes out next week
I'm loading into it right now
Cool another tactical shooter from Ubisoft. I bet it's really unique.
Looter shooters are fucking boring and every last one of them are just repetitive grind fests.
it comes out today
It's a cover shooter where the enemies are bullet sponges. Loot/gear mechanics work the same as any RPG: you get it from rewards, enemy drops, and chests.
I thought the first one was fun to play through once, so I don't see why this one wouldn't be.
Tactical shooter? Haha
Never ever, Ubishill.
The Division 1 was a God awful bullet sponge grindfest. I wouldn't touch this identical rehash with a 10 foot pole. Sent.
it's _fun. do you guys junk all your lower level items like kneepads and masks? i have a shit load of them with certain bonuses
Why do people think corporations pay for reviews? There are so many small time media outlets trying to suck publisher dick for attention just to get their words featured like that. Publishers dont even need to pay people to say that shit.
Off to a great start
It's the concept of Diablo turned into a shooter. Except The Division is easily the worst of its genre. It's a mindless cover shooter like Gears of War but every enemy is a damage sponge that takes hundreds of bullets to kill. You got it for free so you might as well give it a look, but don't expect a good game.
Because I don't play trash.
Sounds like it's shit honestly, how are the guns?
cheatcc is still around? based
yes it is
I don't play western trash so i don't care
They’re ok if you’re into realistic feeling mechanics. I think, I never play shooters and I got this one through AMD.
As for the fags complaining about bullet-sponge enemies, you niggers clearly haven’t played the game.
Played the first one. Yellow guys often took full magazines to the head before they died.
All games are just skinner boxes. Looter shooters are just more open about it than most others.
They pay for ads in their websites and they won't pay for those ads next time if your review says the game is shit unless it's a completely broken mess like Fallout 76.
Either way, they die pretty quick in this one. They just send out a lot
I think they should do a free weekend so we can see if it's worth it, there are too many other good games out right now.
There was a beta a few weeks ago
>generic ubishit
Nice one shill, you almost made me laugh.
Does this game have an open world aspect or is it just quing up instences with a few other people?
I am, user!
A closed beta. I'm lucky I got in. My computer ran Division 1 just fine, but 2 ran so bad I could barely play the beta even though the graphics didn't look any better than the first one.
This is a complete lie. Even basic low level enemies take 10-15 headshots to kill. Fucking shill.
I've been enjoying it. Enemies are nowhere near as spongy as the previous game, they've reworked it so they generally have armour which can take bullets until it breaks, then they're weak as fuck underneath. Same applies to your character though, and rather than using medipacks, you replace the plate in your vest.
Pretty good. A lot of variety, and they sound better. Plus, they actually sound different/louder indoors, which is pretty neat.
I've been just about melting everything with an M60 I modded to max stability, and keep an AA12 in reserve for when the suicide bomber enemies get too close for comfort.
Annoying lack of sidearm drops though. I think I've had maybe three, and I'm Level 19 at the moment. Was stuck with a Level 3 1911 for ages, so if I ran dry, I was fucked.
Open world with a clear rout of progression. No loading screens.
*open beta
It was a website for windows phones before wp died.
Fuck you guys I'm having fun with my friends.
I know Yea Forums not playing games is a meme, but jesus, who are you trying to impress?
You can do that with literally any game. In fact, it's usually the bad games that are even more fun with friends.
No you aren't, kiddo.
>still trying to lie about a game we all know the truth about
Yikes, I hope Ubisoft isn't paying you much.
Some people appreciate the honesty, but I need my skinner box to be hidden underneath other shit. Fighting games have even less going on, but I find them more fun because playing against another human with various character combinations is more fun to me than repeating the same corridor and shooting the same dudes for a +6 gun.
Post cute agents
i was trying to make a decent character but they're all so fuck ugly
because the gameplay literally is the same as the old one(which got trashed for that) and there are no major upgrades compared to the first game
I've seen a few nice ones but yeah this game makes it almost impossible to make it look decent
but its the truth?
playing with 4 friends the whole day and enemies level 10 enemies take 9 headshots at least
>"There was something appealing about exploring a barren, snowy New York City, shooting bad guys, and working to uncover the mystery of “The Dollar Flu.” It was a Tom Clancy story for all intents and purposes, but it did feel a little more sci-fi than usual. If you took a magnifying glass to the story, things got uncomfortable though. It essentially endorsed police violence against looters during a state of emergency. Luckily for everyone who wasn’t down with that vibe, The Division 2 doubles down on that in a way that makes the whole experience feel like violent right wing survivalist porn."
These people need to be shot into the Sun
I will be in one week when Sekiro launches
John, you are the shills
>I'm having fun
>>no you aren't
no john, you are the shills
I don’t know what’s more impressive, you pretending to have friends or doubling down on the shitposts.
THe gameplay only really got trashed because of the HP sponge enemies, which was addressed in the sequel.
Yes user, you can trivialize and oversimplify every video game ever
But this one trivializes itself.
it's fun
but i am
ok the shills are getting desperate
the core gameplay is boring, i hate cover shooters, i dunno how people can enjoy them.
it will be forgotten by xmas apart from the people that are in deep.
a looter shooter where you can use loot right when you find it and rewards exploration. How the fuck did Anthem not get this right?
>Played the first one
Good thing this isn't the first one. basing the second game on your experience with the first one is pretty stupid.
>Even basic low level enemies take 10-15 headshots to kill.
mmm no they don't. if they have head armor it'll take a few shots to break the armor, otherwise they go down in about 2 shots average, some with one. You clearly haven't played the 2nd game have you?
so whats changed?
>amd gave it to me for free
How? Was it a gift for buying one of their cpu/gpu?
I'm waiting a week or 2 when its revealed that the game has glaring problems.
Enemies will flank the shit out of you and work together in missions. They gave certain enemies actual armor that visually disintegrates when you destroy it so sort of get around the bullet sponges so it visually makes more sense, open world enemies die pretty quick with headshots but the volume of enemies went up. Some of the skills are fun, like placing an automated turret somewhere stupid like on top of a light pole. Open world DC.
>automated turrets are fun
i dont think its for me user, im glad you enjoy it though, envious desu i enjoy few games these days.
>Perfect sequel
>To a turd
Turd 2: Re-shittening
Yeah, you get this, DMCV, and RE2
Is there any variation to the gameplay? One thing I loved about Destiny was the raid mechanics had you doing a bunch of shit that didn’t involve just pumping lead mindlessly.
Anything like that here or is the entire gameplay loop just duck-shoot-duck?
It's a game that works at launch we should support this.
Damn that's a good fucking deal of receiving like 3 games worth of 180$ total.
Nope, it has nothing on Destiny. Very dull, repetitive, and one note game.
Except it doesn't. It's full of bugs and the day one patch disabled class abilities.
Well, at least two of those games were good.
It's pretty decent, but I feel something is "missing" - or just something feels off. In any case, I didn't pay for it so I'm happy with my 'purchase'
I haven't noticed much more than taking cover and shooting, but it does vary that well. If you get a good operator teammate that doesn't spaz out and is a careful shot, the game becomes a lot more fun.
What does destiny have that makes it vary btw? Never played it but I remember they were giving it out a few months back for free, so that can't be good.
Which one? DMCV or RE2?
ubisoft marketers at it again, like clockwork
funny how division 2 gets no threads until release date, just like far cry new dawn went silent after the initial release only to get rampant threads around launch
please god educate yourselves and know that ubisoft is purposefully shilling here
They gave it out for free around the time the first big expansion came out to get people to buy that. The game requires more coordinated teamwork than any other multiplayer game on the market save for maybe Rainbow Six Siege. The raids and various other endgame content aren't doable without mics and the gameplay is a far better and more satisfying shooter than The Division. It's more like the original Halo trilogy. Loot is more finely tuned and varied as well because it's a sci-fi universe rather than modern day shit.
I personally liked RE2 much better, got like 45 hours of playtime out of it across multiple playthroughs, but I love Resident Evil a lot and have always found DMC and most games like it to be really boring save for the God of War series and The Force Unleashed. DMCV is a good game if you like that kind of game and that series though, I can recognize that even though I found it dull.
The fuck are you talking about? Class abilities are earned at the end game
Can I make a cute girl in it?
>most games like it to be really boring save for the God of War series and The Force Unleashed
Hate to break it to you, but you are terminally casual
Yup. Though the clothing options are a bit more limited for lolis. Thank fucking god some legend made a loli version of the bikini armor at least.
Disregard, I thought I was in the lewd skyrim thread.
no thanks. warframe's like the best one of these and warframe is shit.
>says the guy playing The Division 2
Nah, you just have shit taste.
>game is bad because right wing
Oh bother here we go again
>It essentially endorsed police violence against looters during a state of emergency.
Again, why is Ubisoft so based? Far Cry has similar themes too.
But GOTY doesnt come out till 7 days from now
I’m seeing more anti-shills here than shills praising the game though
if it's another shooter looter game where your gun stats matter more than your skill then no thanks,
got genuinely tired of the first game during free weekend and recall being bored as fuck with borderlands.
i'd understand beefy enemies if they weren't also using guns that shoot you down faster than you do but it's generally not the case.
that was my thought
Nothing to be ashamed of, you were born casual. It’s just who you are, it’s not a choice. Keep proudly being a low effort casual.
There were threads before launch and they were full of people like you screaming to each other about shills. Pretty hilarious honestly.
>Im having feelings/opinions
Chill out a little
I'm just going to wait on it, hope they do some free weekends so I can beat it like that.
I am. It's fun
it'll have cheaters and the summer aesthetic isn't as nice as the winter one
Truly your time is better spent shitting on games rather than playing them
What constitutes 'skill' to you?
I am, compared to D1 it feels soulless.
Positioning is very important since they will flank you pretty consistently and different skill usage helps a lot. Of course inventory matters though, that's literally the genre, not sure how you can fault it on that
>none of your friends play this game
"fuck you I want money"
-some homeless man who we gave a free sandwich to say the division 2 was amazing
>90 GB install
>Have to download half the game if I buy the disc
Because that
>plays an rpg
>upset that stats matter
It's just realistic. Like how a fat guy who is skilled at running can be outran by a skinny dude.
90gb takes 15 mins to download.
I'm still downloading the 41 Gigabyte patch
Because fuck patching only what needs to be patched, let's just repack the WHOLE FUCKING GAME
Meanwhile I'm still playing the first, because ripping mobs to shreds with the Big Al is hella fun.
It's not an RPG, he's still dumb.
Not all of us live in areas or buildings where gigabit internet exists.
> It essentially endorsed police violence against looters during a state of emergency.
Wait what? The one or two times I remember stuff like this its left vague what happened next, that's not endorsing, that's showing what the fuck might happen as people go on a bigger power trip.
Yeah, and going from here to the other side of town takes only 15 minutes if you have a chopper.
Go fuck yourself down a lane of fire and get AIDS, motherfucker. Not everyone have internet connection that good.
>Almost 100GB for this
What the actual fuck?
Uncompressed everything
Fucked up something major on ps4 version and repacked the whole game, everyone else gets a smaller patch.
PC here, disc version, 42GB installer, 41GB download
Game is like a 6/10 to me but i'm just at level 16 so i hope the legendary difficulty missions will be just as fun as in the first game. It's honestly an okay game although it will appeal more to casuals than folks who grinded hard the first game though.
>he has friends
they gave it out for free because it massively under performed, people just got fed up of being lied too.
Literally me.
Now imagine having installed the initial 40-50 for the game, then having to install 90gb more. Poor sonybros can't catch a break at the moment.
I am and DT Nero is ludo as fuck
I love that more shit keeps on coming.
TO ALL THE ASSHOLES POSTING DMC5 IN THIS THREAD You are all my brothers. Peace and love to you all.
>I don't like one skill so this game isn't for me
Uhh you do realize this game is follows the holy triad of MMORPGs and turret users are essentially DPS kids? You could just make a build around your playstyle when you reach endgame, and this game has a very diverse endgame.
Because FPS and "RPG" looter are essentially anti-compatible genres which cancel out each other's fun points in the vast majority of games which attempt to combine them.
is that fucking mumkey jones?
Im doing it bros
Absolutely fucking not after being heavily invested in the First Division game. I don't particularly forgive them for just ditching the first after its horrendous launch updates.
That and shooting hyper-bullet-sponges got boring as fuck.
need connection for this game like the other one? for solo. sad