DMC thread

What is the best source of power in DMC universe, Yea Forums?

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Kyrie's heart-shaped ass

left has no soul

Don't you dare say it.

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Reminder Itsuno is wholesome.

>Nidhogg transforms in DMD

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Lady has a SMALL and CUTE ASS

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Both moments made my chest-penis hard, but the right had more overall impact desu especially after the bit about failing Credo.


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Qliphot fruit?


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More DMC5 Borgils when?

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I wish

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>game released on PC

Anyone have luck playing with friends? My friend and I tried to do mission 7 together, but couldn't get matched after an hour. We both had friend priority on too.

God damn I am so hype for DMD except some fights just turn into fucking slogs because of enemies DTing


>nero gained the power to protect the ones he cares about just by wishing to do so instead of trying to get the power first
reminder that nero is the best DMC character

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The series has so many over the top moments it can easily resurrect Credo. I would be very okay with it.

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>DMC4 Nero Soul
Eh, somehow this timeline still manages to surprise me


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what? i never saw that on dmd


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>Kyrie's mom looks almost like Kyrie
>Vergil appreciates these fertile hips and decides to put the power of Sparda in it if his son fails to do it

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>tfw you killed him so fast he couldnt DT and by extension never transformed
>wouldnt even have known about it if it wasnt for Yea Forums
Why live

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>tfw trying to go through human after SoS
I sleep

>mission 18 fight on DMD
this shit took me way too much time to beat and i didn't die once and i took all the roots out

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>Nearly cause the end of the world twice in a quest for power
>Split yourself from your human side and almost die twice because of it
>Still weaker than your goofball brother and your own overgrown sperm
Vergil can't catch a break

To the anons who gave the tips for faust use thanks, I'll get right on that.

Perhaps not but Vergil is responsible for spawning Urizen and making the threat larger than what it could have been, some random mook attached to the tree wouldn't have been as big a problem.

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Fury is a pure joy to fight against

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Imagine getting to suddenly being a director on a game that will launch in less then 4 months and there's only 1 attack move completed

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On it

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>tfw I got it today too

Gonna be good weekend


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>Vergilfag still trying

Your headcanon doesn't count, autismo.

Not that user but he does it at low health
It turns the fight into a clusterfuck. It's p fun

Enjoy it lads. One of the best vidya experiences I've had in years.

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I like that about his DT
>Dante and Vergil gains DT by a enormous motivation to defeat their enemies and kill
>Nero gains DT by enormous motivation to protect his friends and family and coming to terms with his regrets

Nero's a lucky guy
You know besides constantly getting dragged into Sparda related bullshit

Don't compare prideful Vergilfags to THAT, famlan.

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It's in the novel an' files tho'.

Translated excerpt from novel

>"He’s been acquainted with Patty Lowell for what’s nearly been 10 years. His first encounter with her was escorting the girl as her bodyguard. After that, for some reason, Patty’s been barging in and out of Dante’s office whenever she feels like it."

>"One way or another, she’s always poking in on Dante and trying to take care of him. Still, for better or worse, she’s got a really good head on her shoulders. She’s got a tendency to try and draw Dante in to the world of “everyday” life that he’s ill-fit for."

Why is Patty trying to turn our boy into a normalfag?

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These are the best and most comfy hours for DMC threads, when fujos wake up it turns to shit.

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That twist took me off guard and I died because Royal Fork input is shit

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>kill all the heads
>expecting nidhogg to drop down stunned
>the gang shows up instead
>only 2 bars of health

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How the FUCK do you S-rank Mission 8?
S-SSS every single fight up to Urizen and even got him down to like 75% in the second phase

Didn't Dante say he's stronger because he fights for an actual purpose unlike Vergil's lust for power in the Urizen fight?

>unprotected handholding
Holy moly.

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kyrie obviously

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love strictly platonic

Zoomer girl D A D D Y fetishist

She wants the DSD but Dante doesn't want to Real Impact his kinda-adopted daughter

True that.

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>DMC 6
>Credo is resurrected
>slightly disappointed that Nero didn't give Kyrie any kids yet
>defends Nero when Dante swings by to call him dead weight again
>starts frothing at the mouth when Vergil says Kyrie looks like the woman he banged and left

those aren't rips user, those are edits.
user was probably referring to shit like SFM/Blender/whatever animations being made using them

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IMAGINE being this ignorant

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>Never played 1-3, only played first half of 4.
>100% Revengeance and at least completed Bayo
I'm having the time of my life without this game. It's non-stomp learning and improvement.

Should I go back and try 1-3?

guys guys guys
imagine this
imagine it, really try to imagine it

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Only as DLC and only if you buy my game user.
I really need that pizza.

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Come to think of it, Patty doesn't even have a dad. Either he knocked up Nina and pulled a Vergil, Nina bailed to protect him from demons chasing her, or he was murdered by said demons.

Reminder, the tree was said to have not sprouted because of a lack of connection to the human world. Vergil and Arkham unsealing Temen-ni-gru and Urizen using Yamato to open a portal for the tree to pass through is what caused the incident. Without either of these, which Vergil was both responsible for, the tree would never have shown up and is the major reason for Sparda sealing the demon world in the first place.

1 isn't really the same style of game, but it's enjoyable all the same.
2 is absolute garbage don't bother beyond morbid curiosity.
3 is the genesis of the series as you know it, it's certainly worth the time.

A mild, appropriately formatted reminder that Urizen used Yamato to bring it into the human world so is still responsible for the chaos it caused.

I really like this theme and replay 7 just to hear it. 7 on DMD is rough though since the proto angelo turns into a two shot machine when he DTs and if you' don't have good breakers he'll take forever to finish.

the faust hat is so much fun to use once you learn that it's better to use circle for magic hat's explosion

You gonna buy something or what?

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I want him to return

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>Vergil's spent his entire life weakening the doorway to the demon world
>The tree was growing and Urizen ensured it would
>V spends the entire game gathering demonic power and instead of letting Urizen just die, fuses with him to get more power
>Vergil sits on the tree at the end, watching it continue humanity's genocide and fuse the two worlds together

Post hats

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>Gold Orb
>Sold Out

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i feel almost 100% sure in my gut that nero was originally intended to be a reincarnation of vergil's soul, not his actual son

>V AI zone the entire gang into a corner while I unga with Tomboy

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>mfw I just realized that a Japanese person would pronounce "Nelo" and "Nero" the exact same way

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You'll cry by the ending of this game, they said. It has best ending in the series, they said.
This shit was biggest catfish than Shirrako's "Vergil is most handsome." case.

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You are a clown.

Hey, it's not my from my file.

Y-yeah, uh, g-give me that uh, that blorb p-please. please love me

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I never purchased Gold Orbs and sometimes they'd be sold out.

Mod Anons. How would I go about making a weapon invisible?

I want to edit Balrog to look like I'm just fighting with my fists

>Ever so slowly, I'm ensuring the only character in Devil May Cry 5 is Lady.

Based modder

idk man, i almost cried at the I'M NOT LETTING YOU DIE part

>Vergil was once Nero Angelo
>Names his son Nero

I love the idea of Vergil separating his human side giving him enough perspective to grow as a person. I also love that him eating the fruit made him being a match for Dante make sense. I also love how much love and care you can feel from Nero during the last fight, trying to get them to chill the fuck out. I love how fucking animu Nero's DT is.

Only thing I wish they'd done I'd make the tree stuff clearer. I'm still a bit confused on if Vergil escaping was because of the tree sprouting or if they were unrelated.

I loved this game and its treatment of the characters. Best Vidya experience I've had in probably a decade.

same, they're always sold out even though I never bougt them.

used singular for a reason, fellow vergilchad

He's so much more fun on SoS when there's a ton of enemies around and you actually have reasons to use his massive charge ups

the V AI killed the proto alone for me somehow while i was juggling scudos on DMD

Yes, 2 is short so just blast through it to see why it sucks.

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Do you have a single fact to back that up? The trees occur in hell, but they dont break into the human world without a portal

DMC1 boomer reporting in
Started this last night and V is lame as fuck

These new versions of Shadow and Gryphon are so fucking lame-looking that I didn't even realize it was supposed to be them until I got Nightmare, who's even worse. What did they do to my boys?

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How come Nico doesn't have anybody that could possibly be a love interest
Demi-fiend would be a good match with her

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this but best game and it's easy enough to ignore the V thing until after mission 17 anyway

I don't think you can buy Gold Orbs if you have more than like 3-5

I think if you're holding more than like 5 they're sold out.

How did he do it?

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Of course. There's no "L" in Japanese phonetics. It is invariably 「ロ」in every instance. Anyone telling our "Nero Angelo" is incorrect is literally retarded. We've just adjusted to the mistranslation. Having said that, one of the number one reasons people thought Nero was connected to Vergil at the TGS 2006 trailers was due to his name (aside from the "more power.") Of course, that was all purely coincidental as Bingo is a hack.

Why is Nero so fucking hot? i'd smash a thousand times.

reminder that DMC fags are defending Neros "FUCK YOU!" DT transformation but they went apeshit over Donte's "Fuck you!".

truly a pathetic fanbase.

My headcanon is that she and Lady will end up together. She was clearly crushing on her hard when Nero brought her in the first time.

>Vergil pumped and dumped som random Fortuna hooker
>Nero is in an intimate relationship with Kyrie with occasional threesomes with Nico
>Patty seems like the only girl who actually wants to fuck Dante

Poor Dante

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Her love interest will be Nero's rival in 6

People say that Urizen brought the tree using Yamato but then how did Vergil escape since he didnt have Yamato yet to create gateways. I figure the tree sprouted, Vergil rode the sapling into the overworld and stole Yamato, seperated himself, then Urizen went and exacerbated the situation by seating himself on the throne and allowing the tree to grow unhampered.

He Max Acted our expectations.

Is he the most BASED dev out there?

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Vergil without his lust for power is just a huge fucking nerd, and that's a good thing.

Cheer up crew cut

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How salty are you that fujos won?

>still trying to stir up shit

another dmc1 boomer here. take off those rose tinted glasses.


Read the files in game. The tree sprouts every several thousand years and bears fruit which is often used by the next king of hell to dominate. Nothing triggers it, it just happens.

Good it's only in your headcanon and will NEVER happen

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Fuck off Barry

Read the file on Kyrie and you'll get it.

>many fuck you's, no reason, just a minor slug boss stolen from an episode of futurama
>DMC 5
>One fuck you, it's the emotional climax of the game

I hate zoomers.

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>than Shirrako's "Vergil is most handsome." case.
That thing was funny.

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ah so you're a boomer now huh?

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>Twink posterboy died after 2 weeks

He did it first on DMC 4

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That's what seems the most logical to me too. I'll roll with that until something contradicts it.

Through one of the rifts Balrog was opening.

No wonder casuals get so butthurt over Nico.

tfw my fetish too
tfw married one
tfw sass levels through the roof
tfw counter sass with angry sex

its fun

Vergil is a dork in this game and I do not look forward to him appearing in future; he'll probably only get worse.

I think the Tree was barely happening and it only became as dangerous as it did due to Urizen's connecting to it. He did *choose* that the Tree would rise up in Red Grave after all.

>wanting shadows to actually look like shadows because they were cool as fuck is "rose tinted glasses"
>wanting birdboy to not act like a comedy sidekick because that's not what he was is "rose tinted glasses"
>wanting Nightmare to be literally anything like his original incarnation is "rose tinted glasses"

They might as well be called Panther, Falcon and Golem for as much as they actually resemble their namesakes

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>CrewCut didn't end up being a minor character
>Itsuno-san said he wanted "memes" from the game
This wasn't how it was meant to be

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The more you know
That's actually pretty based

>Patty seems like the only girl who actually wants to fuck Dante
Not just Patty. Lucia as well. The chick working at the cafe in the anime, the hooker in the brothel in the manga, multiple thots like Claire and Kerry in the first novel, and Trish by Kamiya canon, but people like to sweep that one under the rug. Trish also hinted Lady might feel some type of way about him in the Drama CD, but that's up for interpretation.

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He is giving Dante more business since he is so poor.

It won't but Lady making Nico wet is canon so that's good enough for me until there's a conflict with the games.

Alright anons, i'll grab one of the collections

They made them more normalfag friendly. Same reason we never got Phantom. I'm hoping they'll do a Nelo costume DLC that makes them look more like their old selves.

he was always a dork, have you literally not played 3

>Patty seems like the only girl who actually wants to fuck Dante

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>Trish getting visibly upset if you steal her kill

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I was annoyed at first but now I feel a real satisfaction from hiding these shitty DMC threads, this is the 12th time today I dunked these threads in the trash where they belong.

Finish the game you retard
They're not the actual demons they share their names with

Hope Nero's rival is Gene, he fits the series and it would be good if the franchises conjoin.

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Shut up, Dead Weight.

>"Come on guys just because the new reboot has Dante swearing and his hair's different it doesn't mean the game will be bad, grow up sweetie. :)"

>"I don't know why you're defending the fact that Nero has different hair and swears now it's like it's a totally different game why aren't you guys mad about it?"

The absolute state of DmCucks.

it's not actually them. it's just vergil's memory of them.

so ive seen some videos of people modding V into the Virgil fight and he happens to have a unique kill finisher on Virgil.
Guess that confirms him being fightable during bloody palace.

Dante and Lady would have to get absolutely fucking sloshed to drop their facades for long enough to bone

Little sister emulating big bro, not wanting to fuck her idol.


>This shit was biggest catfish than Shirrako's "Vergil is most handsome." case.
I said it then and I'll say it again: Whenever someone emphasizes too much on something, it's bound to be ironic.
Only brainlets as such bought "Vergil is most handsome." statement unironically.

>Super Sexy SEXY!!!
>One hell of a strike!

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the powerlevels are way off
Gene is too strong for the DMC universe
he might have trouble with RE though

Seriously they are the perfect couple, fuck Kamiya.

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yes and it's very gay

Donte WAS immitation Nero, everything Donte TRIED to be, Nero already was, better.

Donte also was immitation Dante, but acted nothing like Dante, that's the key point here. Donte was wannabe Nero, except x10 the edge and tryhard.

Oh user... how naive are you? The ending was a pure fujo win for the most popular DMC ship.

>Your Kyrie, give her to me.

>big bro
They are the same age, and she certainly doesn't look up to him.

>b-but its the context!
fucking every time.

Donte had a reason to say fuck you in his game, you know.


While I'd love to see Gene again, I'd rather see him in God Hand 2

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Does the red orb farm trick still work on the newest patch?

It's for the best. Memes acknowledged are jokes explained.



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>not knowing how to jump cancel

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Griffon best bird

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>Like air to a bird
>And sea to fish
>So is comtempt for the comtemptible

V is so cool

How can Lady, Trish, and Nico compete?

Kill yourself painfully.

Patch apparently only added more censorship

>implying after DMC6 wouldn't have a God Hand 2 since Gene would be a famous character


Literally just beat the game a few min ago. That final fight with Vergil was pure kino

>implying Shirrako lied

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I enjoyed Vergil a great deal in the last moments of the game, in fact the game's plot and V's arc made him a much more nuanced character in my eyes

I'm very glad that he's reconciled with his humanity

He says Fuck you to the slug monster, the bouncer, the demon at the start, his own brother, Mundus, a bunch of other demons he fights for no reason and he also constantly says things like
>you ugly sack of shit
>you stupid fat fuck
>c'mon fatfuck, keep up
>who the fuck are you?
He's a potty mouth, a slob and his fighting style looks really shit. Nero is aggressive but skilled, cleanly put together and he swears only when doing something actually significant such as a Breakage or when fighting down his dad

Kratos could defeat Gene, and Dante could defeat Kratos, so.

Vergil has some shitty memory then LMAO

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But would his gameplay still be an over the shoulder beat-em-up?

I knew it wasn't goin to happen. But my wish was for Crew Cut to end up stuck with the gang and being the odd man out just along for the crazy ride.

Just have in the van with Nico because they never get a chance to drop him somewhere safe

This game is pretty strange desu, maybe their amount increases with available difficulties?

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>only has blue, purple and gold orbs
>vital stars and holy water completely gone
i know they were never used by anyone because they just fucked up your ranking, but i still miss them regardless

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that's pretty cute desu

If you packaged that salt you could make some good money.

going back to 3 after playing this will be fine since it still shares similar gameplay mechanics.

playing 1 and especially 2 though, its gonna be completely different. its slow and clunky.

What was that reason?

No, seriously, why?

It makes no sense for him to act the way he does, yeah he had a rough childhood but he doesn't remember any of the trauma with his family. Kat actually had a way more traumatic past and has way more reason to be totally disconnected from humanity but she's the one convincing him to be nice to da hoomans.

I don't see why not.

>This shit was biggest catfish than Shirrako's "Vergil is most handsome." case.
I don't know what are you talking about. Catfish? What catfish?

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>Credo's death was so painful to Nero that preventing a similar situation with Dante and Virgil was enough to make him DT
I loved this shit, I was so happy to hear Credo come up so late in the game. Makes so much sense for Nero's character.

Has anyone modded Vergil's face to just be Dante's yet?

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I used a Vital Star on Arkham in 3 because the fight is shit and I wanted to get it over with

No shit Sherlock

Vergil is handsome though?

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Because that's Tameme writing for you.

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> Griffon went from a fucking flying T-rex to a kentucky chicken

No shit.

yes, but it kinda breaks and the mouth looks weird because of the different bone rigs

Yes. And it looks like shit.
His original face is unironically better.

Mr. Sonofsparda get down

So who was she? How did she somehow convince Vergil to bang her?

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Why, it's not even that hard

Kalina Ann the dolphins and dodge his ridiculously telegraphed attacks, Vergil just makes it even easier

>emotional climax
>"hell yeah boys! Nero just pulled off his devil trigger by raising his middle finger and yelling fuck you!" Truly an epic masterpiece!!

literally the definition of cringe. jesus christ you guys are fucking sad.

But Vergil is the most handsome.

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I hope Nero gets a proper rival

To pull him out of being a dirty depressed bum who sits in a dark room eating pizza and strawberry sundaes for years at a time until Vergil or something related to him pops out of the woodwork again.

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I miss him.

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>than Shirrako's "Vergil is most handsome." case.
I miss the shitpost this thing caused.

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Even with Kalina Ann I just kept getting chipped during those phases
And then they take your Style away which certainly doesn't help, yeah Vergil does good damage but damage wasn't my problem there.

He is really handsome though.

Package yourself into a coffin.

I enjoy how easy it is in 5 compared to 4
in general I really like that in order get really cuhrazy you just need to get creative and stylish as the devs intended, not having to learn autistic frame perfect inputs and motion cancels

V being evil the whole time was neat but it's pretty contrived in earlier levels when he says shit like "I must stop Urizen from becoming more powerful...". That's just a blatant lie being told to the player in order to hide the fact that V is evil.

I don't see how he reconciled with anything, he never apologises for what he did, he got everything he wanted and he even participated in Urizen's actions by sitting on the Tree and watching. There is nothing even mildly suggestive that he has been redeemed in the game to me.

I'd let him fuck me, if ya catch my drift.

>trips Vergil, who thinks he was so sneaky
>Vergil hits his head and passes out
>she polishes Yamato
>she pays him 5,000,000 red orbs to fuck off

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still pretty bad in both parties no matter how much you try to defend it
nice try though.

>It's Vergil's other bastard son, Angelo.


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You missed the point
He did want to stop Urizen but at the end he also didn't want to die

if urizen becomes too powerful then he cannot be defeated and V cannot merge

I wouldn't be surprised if the orphanage at Fortuna was actually filled with Vergil bastards

That or, if the divergence=any character can complete any mission thing is true, it could be his finisher for the main game Vergil fight.

And that's something that Dante's never done. Dante's character arc has always been about accepting his fate, accepting the power and the burden that Sparda left him. Nero's development is about defying that fate and choosing to make his own happy ending.

I also love how in DMC4 Dante hangs back in order to give Nero the spotlight and let him save the day, and now in DMC5 Nero takes that spotlight by force. He's not just being passed the baton anymore, now he's ready to take it.

Vergil really needs to take it easy with those Judgement Nuts

>To pull him out of being a dirty depressed bum who sits in a dark room eating pizza and strawberry sundaes for years at a time
But he's happier that way.

Nonesense, he didn't have the Yamato when it sprouted.

>go through life thinking you’re just a human with anime powers
>find out in your late twenties that you’re actually part demon
>also your dad is an asshole

It's not bad in Nero's case, he's literally telling his Dad to go fuck himself because he continually refuses to acknowledge Nero exists, thinks he's weak and a waste of skin and he almost killed him, Nico and Dante multiple times as Urizen. Why would he *not* say 'Fuck You' in that context? Anything else he would have said would have been limp and weak.

>wanted strength to protec
>doesn't actually care that he has a son and even want to beat the shit out of him later
why is vergil such a autistic piece of shit?

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Well, not his fault Judgement Nut End covers such a large area.

Shouldn't sales figures be out today?

4 was hard because the hit boxes were weird. Once you learned the hitboxes it wasn't so bad, but it made it harder to do anything too crazy

Playing DMC3 why does the guard break during some attacks are some attacks not parryable?
I am fighting against vergil3 hardmode by the way.

But the plan was always for Urizen to eat the fruit, right? So what difference does it make how much power he acquires.

I'm going to say the WORDS

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>than Shirrako's "Vergil is most handsome." case
Reaction to his face was glorious:

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atleast you have a nice gf Nero


>getting fucking bodied on mission 19 on SoS

Vergil going DT just fucking wrecks my shit, I've been using royal guard to release and do huge chunks of damage but if I fuck up a parry I lose nearly all my health. Any tips anons?

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Not gonna lie, when I saw that I panicked and started mashing to get the fight over with asap. It felt like it only happened because the fight dragged on and isn’t exclusive to DMD

I would imagine he figured out the part-demon part, although his first assumption may have been that it could've been some Order bullshit

I don't know when this game takes place but I don't think it's that long after 4. I'm confident Nero is meant to be late teens/early twenties still.

What the fuck is wrong with people saying Vergil is ugly? I was there with the shirrako shitposting, but it turns out that he was right. Well at least I think he is the most handsome in the cast not gonna lie.

Would Vergil be a lolicon?

Context is everything. And without a proper script you cannot swear anywhere.

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You can Royal Guard literally EVERYTHING, you just have to time it right instead of just holding style button down


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Well atleast he knows his grand father was Sparda.

You two are close but This user is correct. Urizen doesn't want to merge with V and, if he had kept draining blood, would have been too strong to stop as the Fruit would have accumulated even more blood even faster. V needs Urizen weakened so that he can shank him and fuse, getting them both together and reforming Vergil with the power of the demons in the cane and the fruit.

This also has the benefit of V preventing Urizen from being pure evil and only being mostly evil as Vergil instead. That said, Vergil still ends up letting the tree genocide people.

She acts like a dead fish, perfect match for dead weight

Don't fuck up your parries.



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>tfw i can't do the cool longer combos everyone else in the threads can do yet
>the best I can do is webm related, babby tier stuff thats easy to pull in a mission
How much practice did it take you guys to actually be flashy with nero and dante? I've played all of the games but i've always been a little more efficiency focused over style, besides in DMC3. I'm dedicated to getting better in DMC5.

On a side note, what are your guys thoughts on GP01? It's just a better and more run Gerbera to me.

If your guard breaks in DMC3, its due to messing up the timing. I think almost every single thing can be guarded.

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>That last fight in mission 7 on DMD
Fucking Proto Angelo in DT have more health than the fucking bosses.

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If you Royal Guard too early it eats your DT but you still gain some meter
If you don't have enough DT left your guard breaks
Using summoned swords or DTing yourself makes perfect guards easier


>V was evil

What? No, he isn't. He wants to merge back with Urizen and you are suppose to question his motives, but then realize that V and then Vergil aren't obsessed with gaining power to the point of damning humanity. He actually cares now and his whole fight with Dante is just because that is the only memory the two have where they were happy. What's unclear is if Vergil was thinking that he was going to die by Dante's hands or not. That's why Griffon and crew were trying to weaken Dante before he got to Vergil, they didn't want him to die. They wanted him to be able to move on from his nightmarish past and if Dante killed him, well that wouldn't happen.

Vergil has changed, he doesn't find humans contemptible anymore, he can work out his differences with his brother and he wants to see Nero again.

It sprouts in the demon world dipshit, it only crosses into the human world when someone brings it through and when it appeared in the human world Urizen was in control of it already.

Vergil didn't want to protect the girl or Nero. He didn't even know she got pregnant. Vergil wanted power to protect himself and his agency.

Sure do. Hope you got lucky and got an ally.

>Playing DMC3


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Do the old short hop/roll into RG to abuse the extra iframes

take it slow and just parry the attacks you know you can parry just fine.
had the same problem with you because i always gets to the point where i felt like i had to beat him as fast as possible.
but after several tries, i just took it easy and it worked out fine. sure the fight lasted a lot longer but at least i beat it.

>What? No, he isn't.
So it wasn't his plan to let Urizen eat the fruit and then fuse back with him from the beginning? Because that's the impression I got.

Nobody beats the fucking God hand bro wouldnt be a fair rivalry

Itsuno said he won't get Dante and Lady together because he respects Kamiya. Kamiya wants/wanted Dante with Trish because mommy issues. If the new director is based, Dante and Lady will be real

Oh well then it eats your health if you fuck up
Just git gud

LOL, every word and sentence that came from Donte's mouth was x10 cringier than anything in DMC 5. Nothing he ever said sounded natural. Chalk that up to Jonny shitting on him as a voice actor

I can't even exceed properly...

What the fuck is wrong with people saying that Vergil is ugly ? I was there with the shirrako shitposting but it turns out that he was not wrong.
Vergil is one of the most handsome of the cast. In my eyes he is the best actually.

Why did nero's arm turn blue

NO. In the novel V wanted to kill Urizen before he even woke up. The fruit was totally Urizen's plan and V wanted to prevent it. It just ended up being a coincidence that Urizen got to eat the fruit in the end.

Is Hell and Hell DMD but you die in one hit, or is it closer to SoS?

It was Vergil's plan, in his zombie hobo delirium, to split himself in two to remove his "weak" human side and gain more power to fight Dante
Then Urizen decided to use the giant resident evil genocide tree to gain ULTIMATE POWEEEEER and V instantly regretted everything

He regretted splitting the moment he came to existence. Eating the fruit was Urizen's own idea.
It's SoS.

>pulled a Vergil
Shame the timeline doesn't fit, we could have joked it was Vergil.

because he inherited his fathers color

>god hand vs devil hand


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>playing DMD
Holy hell I'm loving this. I can't just blow off even regular encounters, shit's great. Murder on my hands though.

No, because he paid Dante and Nero to take Urizen down before the tree really took off. That's why he was flipping shit in the beginning, because he wanted it done before Urizen got the fruit.

>he's literally telling his Dad to go fuck himself because he continually refuses to acknowledge Nero exists
Yeah. That never happened. Which is why I was confused during Nero's buster animation "You will existence!" and "You feeling accepting yet!?" Vergil's first act upon becoming whole again was uncharacteristically expressing gratitude towards Nero before heading up to the summit of the Qliphoth. He literally had no idea Nero was his son until Dante dropped the bomb on him 30 seconds before Nero's dynamic shounen power up entry. As soon as the fight begins, Vergil demonstrates a strong reluctance is fighting Nero and asks him to stand down and the situation with Dante has nothing to do with him - to which Nero sperged about it definitely involving him. At no point did Vergil ever deny his existence, barring "Urizen" who was Vergil yet bereft of any humanity and gave zero fucks about anyone or anything except power.

Dante is very obviously heavily depressed.

Efficiency has to come before style. You do complex combos because they're rewarding to pull off. Then when you get comfortable with it you start getting fancier. Don't worry about how long it takes you, as long as you're having fun along the way then take as much time as you want.

What costumes do you guys want?

>DMC 3 dante
>DMC 4 dante
>DMC 1 dante
>Legendary Dark Knight Dante
>Coatless Dante

>Dmc 4 Nero
>coatless Nero
>Vergils DMC 3 costume and hair, on Nero

>fuck, I don't know

It's just typical Yea Forums shitposting. DMC5 Vergil is best Vergil.

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not him but:

1. assuming all he wanted to do was get rid of his human side to get stronger, he may not have known about the qliphoth (but then I question the whole "running out of time" thing), and harnessing it would entirely be urizen's decision

2. Vergil was still corrupt at the point he made that decision, it might be he couldn't really think clearly until he was V

Dude, this air combo is fine. You're good. Needs more JCing and calibers though.

Take any vidya quote and DmC-fy it.
>what the fuck is a man? a miserable little wet chunks of fucks
>but shut your ass up, let's dance

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>than Shirrako's "Vergil is most handsome." case.
What happened with that case? This last month.

now hear me out
>V emerges as some kind of personification of Vergil's latent humanity that still lingers in the poetry book due to the emotional resonance and memories that it carries, it's all a side effect of splitting himself in two with yamato
>he considers himself to be 'fathered' by Vergil and has a deep emotional connection to him
>they have a friendly rivalry over carrying on the legacy of protecting humanity and recognising its value
>they bicker over V being a huge nerd and Nero being an unga bunga knucklehead

Itsuno has never once said that you fucking liar, Itsuno has affirmed that Lady and Dante aren't romantically involved and you dumb niggers just assumed everything else.

From what I understand, we're at a point where Dante and Trish may have been canon for a while post DMC1, but Dante ruined it because he kept seeing mommy in her so they split.

It's probably both. There are sound files for every character finishing Vergil, which don't play in the main game. Dante saying he has a gift for him, Nero telling him that HE has the power.

for V
>vergils cloak
>willy wonka style outfit

I need to put the icing on that Xmas cake.

A lot of unflattering angles in this game for him
Was hoping one of the demons who wanted the fruit ended up starting a rivalry against him.

See Shirrako, guy who was leaking stuff about DMC5 before anyone else, kept saying how Vergil is top tier no homo material and fangirls bought it.
So, when Vergil's face actually leaked, Yea Forums couldn't stop shitposting about it.

>DMC2 Costume
>Proto Nero
>New Goblin

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Even in the reboot, the brothers are autistic. There's a reason why a high-powered sniper rifle is not used for abortions.

and what about him thanking Nero, not wanting to murder Dante anymore and willingly going to save the human world?

DMC1 Dante is really all I desperately want, being able to pick different hair styles for the characters would be sweet though.

Caliber is probably the hardest input in the game for me. Through the countless times I practice this combo, it always fucked up at the end with caliber.

This but with Nero internally seething because Vergil seems to like V more.

>He actually cares now
>calmly sits atop tree watching it massacre humanity

Oh god if V gets a fucking fruity Willy Wonka tophat I might die of laughter.

>nothing to do with him
Because he isn't part of the family in Vergil's eyes.
>do you want me to acknowledge your power or your existence?
He says multiple times he doesn't see Nero as his son/as involved. As for any reluctance, that's because Nero's weak and would have been a poor fight.

But, you are ultimately correct that the ending of the game is incredibly weird and schizophrenic and is one of the biggest weaknesses the game has.These problems start at Mission 12 and slowly spread from there as you see the missions have increasingly little impact on the story with the story completely imploding by mission 19.

He's more of a recluse than "depressed" and only feels alive when he's fighting.

Glad to see I am not alone.

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>love playing V on SoS where you have to combo properly and can't just mash
>his levels on DMD absolutely destroy my bum
I think it's just a matter of getting better at recalling the familiars before they get hit but I dread every time a behemoth spawns if my DT gauge isn't full

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DMC1 dante
DMC4 Nero
Give Gilver for V

that was the continued thread. the first reveal was 10 times fucking hilarious

No Vergil, no. You can't even take care of your one armed caveman.

>willy wonka outfit

That would be awesome

The way I see it was something like this.

>Fuck I'm dying, I need the Yamato to cut away the part of me that's weak and dying
>OK now my demon self is going to destroy the world and for some reason that idea makes me feel bad inside, I'm still weak as fuck so I better get Dante to kill him
>Alright that didn't go as planned, and now my body is falling apart, fuck, maybe killing my demon half isn't such a good idea after all
>OK I can get this kid to bring me to my demon half, if I fuse back together then I'll be a power-hungry asshole again but at least I won't be literal dust

>How come Nico doesn't have anybody that could possibly be a love interest
Polyamory you unenlightened plebs. Dante, Lady, and Trish are a triad. Nero, Nico, and Kyrie are a triad. You think one woman could satisfy the blood of Sparda?

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>Which Capcom girl is powerful enough to get Vergil in bed?

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regular guard can be broken by specific powerful attacks
just guards (ingame called royal guards) can never be broken but require precise timing. IIRC they have a unique flash

WELL the pictures bashing on his looks were of course all taken from angles that made him look at his worst

Vergil is in no way ugly, but sorry, he's not better than either Dante or Nero, just no.

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Thoughts on this girl’s opinions on V? Should she git gud?

>You'll cry by the ending of this game
and it did. it fucking did

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>thanking Nero
For helping him achieve his objectives. He gives Nero the book because he respects him as a warrior.
>He and Dante no longer fighting to the death
They are though. They're just fighting down in Hell. Apparently that's how they have fun.
>going to save the human world
This is something he said he wanted to do anyway because the tree would interfere with their conflict and as Vergil never admits fault, we must assume that that's why he does it.

You cannot be redeemed unless you admit fault and try to engage in penance. He does neither of these things.


Nobody cares.

Pfft! Now I miss missing it out.

What's your favorite style?

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Vergil wanted the strength to be able to protect himself. As he says to Nero, he just wanted to be loved and protected. He never wanted to feel helpless ever again. I'm sure that can change to protecting others and as V in the novel, he does say that he genuinely wants to save people. Not even just to prevent Urizen from growing stronger, but because it's the right thing to do. Vergil's just really new to the whole, being a parent thing and he still has his issues with Dante to work through, which might take a while. He'll be back though, the book was his promise to that and Nero and him formed a nice friendship as V. He's not going to just junk that.

Holy hell those timings must be airtight.
Because I cam't imagine doing this in yhe middke of combat on reflex.

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I'm not watching that video but V is a fun-siphon.

>DMC 4
aHaha good one op.

>You think one woman could satisfy the blood of Sparda?

Yeah, it's really just one shot where he looks strange to me. The rest of the time is spot on.

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That seems to be V's plan, given the fact he tries to kill as many demons as he can with his cane and even asks others to let him kill the demons instead to gather more. Destroying the threat of Urizen is a side bonus to this because, as Vergil's human side, he does feel some guilt. Just not enough to put his hatred of Dante second to saving people.

always RG because it makes your peepee hard when landing parries



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What's the easiest way to S rank mission 10? Perhaps just to no damage it? I'm bad at this game so i can't maintain SSS long enough to get high enough style points necessary in this mission

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Don't you dare do it-!

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That's just a matter of taste here user. I find him the most handsome but Nero and Dante are close behind.

not looking forward to doing this again on DMD

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>Looks like a twink in 4
>Looks like some autistic dweeb with JUST haircut in V

Poor Nero. Well, at least he is fun to use.

>Just not enough to put his hatred of Dante second to saving people
He stopped himself from stabbing Dante with Sparda when Dante was vulnerable.

>Having a blast to the game
>First V level
>I don't get him, so I replay the level 3-4 times to get a hang of him and unlock some of his moves
>Hate the layout of his attacks, charging moves is awkward since you have to do an odd claw grip
>Move on to the second V level do it a couple of times as well
>Still don't get him
What am I doing wrong? I get high rank meters (almost impossible to go below S) but I'm not having any fun whatsoever between the shadows getting stuck and the generalized feeling I am not earning any victory. I could just move on but this is seriously impacting my enjoyment of the game.

Does V just "click" with you at a certain point?

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If you weren't aware, you can jump/roll guard during your i-frames to make it significantly easier to guard attacks as the attack will be inside of you while your invulnerable, allowing for perfect guards.


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I FUCKING LOVE NEROS ARMS. Nigga is like Lucy from Elfin Lied. Watch his SDT is just going to be him completely spectral form with like 15 arms.

>waifucancer instantly rushes in and destroys the thread
every time.

Yeah I remember that, there was a huge mental breakdown after that.

You sick son of a bitch
what would your father say

At first I would have said Trickster because I love how they buffed it up but after trying RG I can't go back

April 1st

what does taking out the roots in mission 18 actually do? i've done it every time out of autism but i can't tell what effect it even has


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I default to Trickster for general use and cause it's what I got used to in 3 and I never played 4 but now that I have style switching I toggle between everything, keeping Trickster as my "base" style just to have an ezmode dodge button and distance closer

>Be literal manifestations of your master's nightmares and bad memories
>Still help him out when he is weak and need help
>When he recovers his powers and you get released, you still kill yourself because you know your very existence hurts your master.
Name anyone who is a greater bro in gaming.
You fucking cant

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How do I get rid of the lens flares? Apparently disabling lens flare doesn't do it.

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What are the chances Vergil banged a pair of twins?


>barely able to stop himself from killing Dante in order to save his own skin
He's pretty obsessed.

You shouldn't need to claw to use Griffon and Shadow at the same time. Get V close to the action and use Round Robin to deal AoE damage, and summon Nightmare a lot. Use your dodges to pull your summons away from danger.

for reference
I'd recommend checking all three parts of this guide as it sums and all the advanced tech from DMC3 in a very neat way

You'll learn to effectively combo with him eventually. I find him really fun to play as. Shadow Combo B is just amazing. Trying to hand back as far as possible just isn't the best way to play him. Once you get enemy step you'll mostly be in the thick of things and jumping off enemies while you're charging up Shadow and Griffon. Make sure to change Griffon to a trigger instead.

Apparently Nightmare can use the purple nodes to heal himself if you don't knock out the roots supporting them.

any sfm porn yet?

>Because he isn't part of the family in Vergil's eyes.
I don't think that's what he meant. To me, it seemed like he just didn't want to get Nero involved in the matter. It's no different than Dante telling Nero to back off and that its "his" job to deal with Vergil. Neither of them wanted Nero involved in their brotherly spat.
>He says multiple times he doesn't see Nero as his son/as involved.
He only states this in, to bother another term from you, the "schizophrenic" moment of:

>"My son...means nothing to me!"
>"Nero is my son?"

- to which I need to see the original Japanese of, as this little exchange makes no sense. That's another problem with this narrative. In the novel, V clearly knows Nero is a descendant of Sparda and Griffon jokingly asks who Nero gets his stubbornness from to which V says "No idea." It's spelled out that even fucking Griffon knows Nero is Vergil's son. So unless V/Vergil thought Nero was Dante's son or Sparda had some bastard child on the loose making more descendants, he should know Nero is his. But when he is restored, he has no idea at all.

>Even though he called V a sissy, Griffon always told V it was okay to run away and that he needed to rest and was genuinely concerned about his physical well-being

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Vergil, Fortuna woman, and Yamato, obviously.

And your wrong. The world keeps turning regardless.

She's not alone, I fucking hate playing V especially harded difficulties, just dodging and that damn panther missing all the hits because of it. Fucking hate his playstyle.

Keep trying, I had a weird issue where I disabled lens flare, but Lady's dark place was still filled with light, yet later on Trish's butt was in full view.

You guys think Nero and Dante got HIV from the bloodstreams they rode in

that's what happens when you don't need to use them
be nice if you could sell them though

remember when the final trailer dropped and Yea Forums's hype meter was immeasurable?

and then came the massive leaks:

>tfw we'll never experience that moment again

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Bind Griffon to a shoulder button and use him mainly for his charge attacks

I think they become sold out once you get 5 or so. Never bothered to buy them, but I could at first and then in the middle of 1st playthrough they suddenly became sold out.

I can smell it now, the headcanon. Dante will blame himself for the critters' death, and rationalizes that if he had Yamato and learned how to separate their bad shit from their good shit, they would have been saved.

Not that Vergil cares about his human half's friends. Fucker doesn't even care about his son.

>not red orbed
One fucking job

>>"My son...means nothing to me!"
>>"Nero is my son?"
I kinda want to believe it was a knee-jerk reaction from his chuuni side
>"You cut your own son's arm for this?"
>"My son means nothing to me!"
>(Wait did he say son? Is he talking about nero?)

>Hate the layout of his attacks, charging moves is awkward since you have to do an odd claw grip
For that, same tip as Nero: Move one or both of the commands you need to be charging constantly to the shoulder buttons. Also, at the start use more of the auto-attack mode where you pump a block of DT into one summon to make it do things on its own for a bit, and then focus controlling the other. It's not as needed later once you get the multitasking down better to synergize.
And remember your side and back dodges, and the double jump both reposition and interrupt your summons away from the fighting, so avoid having to do those much.

>those giant armored drill-like fuckers in DMD as V

shit takes fucking forever holy goddamn. just standing there for minutes whaling on it. what non-nightmare moves / combos do the most damage for V? i have no trouble staying alive in general but some of these encounters sure do take a long fucking time

it was so surreal it felt like a fever dream
I regret nothing

Can I get a fuckin' uuuuuhhhh

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The whole "running out of time" thing is just because he was on the verge of death even then. He needed Yamato then and there to get rid of the crumbling flesh and feelings, which became V along with the memories of when he was Nelo Angelo, which was the actual cause of his dying. The merge is what would have saved them, even without the fruit, as it purged the corruption and Griffon and pals became separate from Vergil

Is it really that much to ask that people photoshop glasses correctly?

They're demons, one of which grew his hand back. They don't get sick.

>"My son...means nothing to me!"
>"Nero is my son?"
I just read this as initial denial/confusion followed by growing realisation that it's the truth.

>The way Vergil puts on the kiddy gloves when he fiths nero compared to with Dante.

You can only buy a couple from Nico I think. It costs almost nothing too.

>mfw watching the cutscenes with Dante, Trish, and Lady now.
Yep. Adds up.

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I think a DmC costume would be cool.

I know the game sucked, but such a radically different costume would be neat

Would also like some capcom franchise related costumes

>megaman nero
>ryu dante
>wesker vergil
>amaterasu shadow

Mission 13 is better for that, just keep checkpointing and dropping to the hole until you see each other, Mission 7 is much harder since the first part is not actual coop but ghost data, the coop starts at the automatic escalators

No way, you got your own.

Imagine being this salty about a strong comunity that actually loves the game they post about it. Get out tammem.

>the menu screen where Vergil and Nero are sitting together
>Vergil trying to think of something to say to Nero, looks at him like he's about to talk, but pulls away at the last second when he can't think of anything

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The auto mode also makes their attacks hit harder and they can still be controlled in this mode. So it's great to do even into the late game. It just means that they will auto attack when you aren't telling them what to do.

pretty much
I can be the change you want me to be, but by the time I'm done, there would be like 20 more images of white haired James McAvoy wearing glasses.

I'm wondering how they're going to explore that in the future, him regrowing his arm and being able to phase it back out. If Nero can phase his whole body like that? holy fuck OP as shit.

I don't see why he wouldn't assume Nero is Dante's son.

I think that line is supposed to be something like: "You said 'my son'? That phrase means nothing to me." It is a surprisingly awkward phrasing though, it wouldn't sound out of place in DMC3 or another game that's a bit rough around the edges translation-wise, but 5 is normally smooth as silk.

Oh so they do get a bit of automatism while in DT mode? That's quite better, I was relying on shadow's aerial spin and the move where he turns his head into tentacles a bit too much. Thanks for the suggestions.

DmC fans still triggered Donte is never coming back lol.

well i want yours too

>Vergil fucks a Fotuna woman, Nero is born
>gets fucked by Yamato, V is born
Someone should teach Vergil contraception.

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>Nero ends up getting wing hands that can shapeshift

Wow, this makes more sense then it should.

>V's missions in DmD

FUCK they're hard. Even nightmare spam doesn't save my ass at times.

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V has the hardest missions by a landslide.

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Try the fucking mission where he loses his pets and only has shadow to depend on. I almost threw my damn controller. It made me hate V.

Shadow too. Griffon was translating for her at the beginning when he said the thing about 'being careful' and no shit shirley.


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i made those threads :)

V must've fucked somebody. He's a stickman, a fat gal like Nico must've had fun with him while he was evacuating civilians.

I tried to do that on SoS taking Nightmare first. Quite the experience.

Hold on, do you really not get rated for anything in Mission 18 except the final boss fight?

Beat Niddhog last night and he was surprisingly easier than i expected, once you play V focusing on dodging more than pulling out sick combos, things get much easier, Niddhog has literally an attack where he opens his arms ala "come at me bro" that lasts 5 fucking seconds every single time he will charge at you, he is REALLY easy to telegraph, i expect timehorse to be harder though

>"So... uh, you like power?"
>"Them Fortuna chicks, huh? Wild, right?"
>"I hear you stabbed Dante with his own sword, oh boy that brings me back..."


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