Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
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Whatever, bulbasaur sucks now that I know it's based on a frog.
Im not sure what you have qualms with
because apparently that's what Gen Alpha likes.
I think you mean, fushigidane aka mysterious seed.
They all loom fine though. Realism shouldn't be applied to everything, but I think pokemon is doing a decent job
formerly mysterious suck
Mysterious mutt more like
I didn't think the bulbasaur looked that bad but Mr Mime is actually scary.
I think we've all had a moment of clarity, that a lot of Pokemon in real life would be terrifying.
This, it's hardly the movie designers' fault that some Pokemon didn't turn out so good, even Pikachu is creepy.
Why can't we have realistic Digimon movie instead?
Of all Pokemon, you pointed out the ones that actually turned out decent. The less animalistic they look, like Machamp and Loudred, the worse they appear.
Making realistic characters in a realistic setting, and cartoonish ones in a cartoony settings? It's allowed, because it's the very basis of how good stylistic choices work.
or, you know, just a good animated digimon movie that goes back to either season 1 or 3
is there a movie or something?
looks great.
Detective Pikachu, comes out in a couple months. I've heard that it's based in a world that but just happens to contain Pokemon, rather than the world revolving around Pokemon like in the anime and games.
Where’s pestilence bitch?
Because it will be problematic.
Conquest came first
They look just like the anime and game designs except with a realistic touch. Would you rather they have done what the Sonic movie is doing or the Mario movie did?
What's wrong with how Machamp looks?
>tfw you find out half of Gardevoirs are dudes
DP takes place in the game world (See: all the signs and whatnot referencing various regions in the series), it’s just taking place in an OC city
Mr. Mime looks based.
>literally a woman wearing cosplay
unless you're speaking about low quality outfits I don't see anything wrong with that
Ryme City is from the DP game, goofus.
how about what they're doing for mewtwo strikes back evolution instead of hyper-realism which looks like shit
And everyone's screaming about how awful that looks as well, especially the human characters. There's no pleasing your fickle faggots.
>Pokemon in real life would be terrifying
Half of which prey on human children.
What I meant was, it's something like a fictionalized version of the real world with Pokemon in it.
>waaaaah it's not in a style I like I'm going to cry so hard about it
I constantly point out how they're fictional monsters. Everyone here seems to think they're actual living creatures.
That's exactly what it is. It's the Pokemon world in real life. People seem to think it should be "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?", which doesn't work here because WFRR is about Toons who live in their own place going to the human world to work their jobs.
What the fuck is up with Japan's obsession of making every nostalgic 90s anime with Jump Forcey realism this year?
You are the pestilence that pays the ticket to go watch those movies
they're animals in the pokemon world
They want to piss people like you off and laugh at you.
Detective Pikachu is an american movie.
And they're monsters. the very definition of monster is "strange, unnatural, something that causes unease". Of course these things would look weird and bizarre in reality.
Nintendo fanboys are so on obnoxious
>I think we've all had a moment of clarity, that a lot of Pokemon in real life would be terrifying.
bro lmao cartoon characters have FUCKED UP proportison lmaooo
like what if we did ULTRA realistic POKEMON how fucked up would that even be?????
Having them actually look how they do in the cartoon and game is better than having some pseudo realistic bullshit like that awful deviant art stuff.
I don't like Pokemon much anymore but at least the people involved in this aren't already insulting the audience's suspension of disbelief and the source material.
Pestilence and Death were synonomous back then (The Pale Rider, the source of the grim reaper, was pale because it's a sickly color). It replacing Conquest is only a recent thing in pop culture.
Would you?
Pokemon isn't really thought of as Nintendo by fans. It's more of a second party kind of series
> add fur and hair to everything
> don't give mr.mime actual hair
what the fuck
He meant DPPt. There's posters representing Sinnoh.
And Hoenn, and Johto, and Kanto.
When you cant think of anything original, just go back!
- Game Freak
Is that fucking Dumbo?
Imagine being this angry over a remake of a twenty-year-old anime movie.
Jews. Whenever (((Hollywood))) touches any work of fiction and makes them 3D, they always look as realistic and ungodly as possible. Just look at the Sonic movie. Kikes hate beauty.
It could've been way fucking worse so I ain't complaining.
>Thinking Japan has anything to do with this abomination
Will they have the balls to add Gardevior in this?
A whole new generation of degenerates being created from this movie would be hilarious.
My dude, most of the ones you would expect to be cute in the DP movie are indeed very cute.
war looks pretty badass
looks fine to me
I just dislike how the DP movie looks, it's not really a big deal, are you alright?
>Half of which prey on human children.
Pretty much the pokemon fanbase
My biggest hopes are the inclusion of Gardevoir, Lopunny, and Braixen.
And there's one of the dumbest things I've read to day.
I know, right, all those pedophiles playing Pokemon, right?
Truth hurts, doesn't it Moshe.
Fucking rekt
Because Pokemon have always been nightmare fuel dressed in cutesy anime styling. Ghastly is a disembodied Pokemon soul that you capture and force fight. Later gens get even worse.
That Ludicolo is fucking nightmarish
Danny FUCKING Devito
because the normalfag audience thinks realism= good, and so do the aging execs ultimately in control of the production,not too mention they quite like the idea of reusing existing ip's to get those nostalgia bucks coming through the theater door.
Okay then, keep flailing like a retard, child.
It's hilarious how much you people throw shitfits and rage about unimportant things like how a movie looks.
>design isn't an important aspect of movie production
try not being a fucking plebeian
This is a western movie though.
You're a fucking idiot.
You need a huge amount of attractive women so it would be hard for the west to make it.
Did anyone actually think that fucker had hair? It was clearly ways skin
what the fuck are you talking about? it's a live action pokemon movie, what are the pokemon supposed to look like other than realistic?
too dark, lives in a crowded city with a job
>tfw think the movie looks ugly as sin and will probably be shit
>will probably go so it with my sister anyway
Am I the only one who thinks Snorlax doesn't look right?
The body is fine, but his fucking face looks literally drawn on
>tfw a piece of cynical garbage like you has a little sis and I don't
Fuck you, I hope she dates a black dude
He's not wearing a little hat and a sash to signify that he's a crossing guard.
none of them look right, except maybe bulbasaur. everyone else looks like shit and most of them are too furry.
>tfw I have a sister who I love and care about and vice versa
>will go to the Detective Pikachu movie and have a good time regardless of quality because we got to hang out with each other
Suck my ass user
Pestilence isn't a real horseman.
small choices that ultimately affect the look of a model user, guarantee you each one of these character wen't through several designs and concepts before the model was even made, and that's all before going too the lighting team, decisions on texture etc.
for more info on basic 3d production see the following.
Exactly. Making character designs that were never meant to be anything more than caricatures of living animals and trying to translate that to any sort of "realism" doesn't work.
I mean I guess some of them are fine, like Pikachu, Flareon, Snubbull, Golurk, and I guess Mewtwo since he was always meant to look like an abomination
I didn't think Pikachu or Jigglypuff had fur either but here we are
make him my teams dedicated sweeper? Yes, yes I would
How the fuck could you think that they didn't have fur or hair? "Mouse" and "puff ball" are pretty fucking obvious compared to "mime creature"
There is no way you can make CG look good. If you can tell it’s CG, it doesn’t look good, barring things that you can only tell are CG because it would be impossible otherwise.
I hope it's Male
He’s talking about the big stupid clown horns, not his skin
Please tell me theres some autist who uploaded moments like these to some album
I'll give you Jigglypuff. But Pikachu is a fucking rodent, rodents are mammals, and mammals have fur.
What would you ever think Pikachu wouldn't have fur?
Go fuck your mother if you want a sister that badly.
In the anime they showed him having fur often.
>they literally just googled "realistic pokemon" and hired that arvalis faggot
True and Patchoulipilled.
Memes aside, they really do need to get off the "realistic=grotesque" train.
looks good
why does he turn into a shiny?
>Normies freak the fuck out over Aladdin with Will Smith looking like shit
>Somehow this gets a pass and everyone on /vp/ is on board for this
Yikes, imagine having a worse opinions than literal normies