Game makes you play the same shit 3 times instead of having actual content

>game makes you play the same shit 3 times instead of having actual content

Attached: diablo-2-different-difficulties.jpg (328x203, 19K)

>Makes you

Would you prefer lootboxes and inclusivity for people who don't play video games? Remind me what year it is

bring bing!

Attached: wahoo.png (770x76, 27K)

The game changes each difficulty
Different enemies, drops, skills, etc

Path of Exile thread?

hi retard zoomer
games used to have severe technological limitations, including the amount of space available on a disc (Diablo 2: LoD was already on 4 separate discs) and hard drive space. Thus, it wasn't realistically possible for old games to have huge amounts of "content", and difficulty was one of the only ways to add sufficient play time, unless you wanted to end up with an 8 disc monster like Final Fantasy 7.

Hope this helps!

Come on, I don't agree with op, but saying that changes in the difficulties are meaningful is too much
It's just replaced names for monsters and items

God I wish there was a way to cheese through the poe campaign like d2.

nah they're meaningful

>complaining about ng+
>in aRPG no less
I know it's bait, but still...

Attached: 1490958880322.png (325x340, 121K)

>game actually have more content than most modern AAA games
>make you play it 3 times to fully complete, each time with bigger challenge and improved enemies and items
I don't see the problem here.

While this is a somewhat valid argument, the flipside is Ubisoft. Is that the kind of "content" you want? Because that's the kind of "content" you're getting when you complain about this.

It literally does everything I said.
New loot contains new mechanics, monsters contain new mechanics, etc
It's not replaced names, you've never played D2.

>same shit 3 times
so you never finished it on normal, haven't you?

For most characters lvl 24 and 30 skills are gamechanging, getting there means you start forming your character for real. Difficulty spike means you can no longer just fuck around with stats and stomp anyway, you need a plan to be effective.

D2 has barely any dialogue or quests, it's autogenerated enviroments
Games like Baldur's gate somehow manage to last a lot, lot longer than one difficulty playthrough of D2, and D2's gameplay is nowhere as varied and handcrafted as those
So saying you can't stuff more into a game than what D2 has is just stupid

this. op is either baiting or a zoomer fag that couldn't even finish it on normal.

But you can level to 30 on your first playthrough if you want, this has nothing to do with replays at all

>grind way more than the game expects from you
>wtf why is the game different

a huge portion of bg2s game time is spent in dialogue, which has an amazing time spent:space used ratio

also, baldur's gate 1 had 6 discs, plus the expansion. baldur's gate 2 had 5(4? can't quite remember) discs, plus the expansion

having access to entire skill tree is when you start creating actual build, which usually ends around lvl 80, when you have your major skill(s) maxed out, and minor high enough to make difference

Lel did 7 really have 8 discs on PC?