What are some kino PS1 games?
What are some kino PS1 games?
Spyro 2 was the more kino choice with the two blonde kids enlisting your help to take down Bombo.
Future cop lapd
Gran turismo 2
Tomb raider 2
Tekken 3
final fantasy viii
Spyro the Dragon 3
>you will never go back to when you played Doom while listening to Marilyn Manson
why even keep going?
spyro is a extremist symbol now
Omega Boost and Knockout Kings 2000
Disney's Tarzan
1 is the best
This and fortnite have taught me so much about the world
Vanguard Bandits
Looney Tunes: Sheep Raider
How dare you, spyro have 50 people on it's consciousness
tomba 1 and 2
You know what you’re doing, dipshit. Knock it off.
Yeah same bro, i love flossing on dead ppl
take the tinfoil off, schizo
Eat shit cuck
Uh huh. Numerous Spyro 3 related threads just happen to pop up. Go suck a jew off, fag.
You are whats wrong with the world.
>saving pictures of people who have been dead for 12 hours with memes attached
brain damage
Feign more indignant outrage, neogaf normies. This meme factory will keep churning.
Yeah, because its totally “reddit” to not be a faggot who thinks mass executions are cool.
Lighten up, Francis.
You just really want your (You)’s, don’t you? Pathetic betachild.
Parasite Eve
Sol Divide
Guardian's Crusade
Xmen Mutant Academy
This is what Yea Forums has become? Memes about executions? What the fuck happened to this place? And don’t try to sell me the “its always been this way” bullshit. Thats Yea Forums and /pol/, dipshit. Go back to your containment, you sperg.
Limpwristed baby back bitches such as yourself are free to leave any time.
>This is what Yea Forums has become? Memes about executions?
Nah. Your ass belongs in /pol/. Start walking, sperg.
so what the fuck was the whole "pewdiepie vs t series" shit anyways?
Nah. Your ass belongs in resetera. Start walking, tranny.
I agree Yea Forums used to be pretty left in its political viewpoints, but edgy it had ALWAYS been. Get the fuck out newfag.
So fucking tired of these people feigning empathy. The vast majority of them doesn't give a shit, but it's socially unacceptable, so they convince themselves they care. Fucking obnoxious.