Did life is strange deserve the reception it got?
Did life is strange deserve the reception it got?
good game but obviously overrated
Well it had a cute petite lesbian, a cute religious girl, so my penis was pleased.
>game for normies
>normies eat it up
Completely deserved.
Yes. As an added bonus it made Yea Forums seethe.
Interesting game bogged down by the fact it didn't have a 3 hour exposition dump explaining how every aspect of time travel worked.
kinda, yes, it was a mediocre story and LiS waifufags are one among the mose annoying people on this board
I decided to give it a go despite all the TUMBLR surrounding it
Ended up emotionally invested and genuinly loving the fuck out of the game
Never played S2.
>make cute game about the love between two girls
>great sales, better reviews than it probably deserves, game gets extremly popular in Japan
>piss away all the momentum by making the sequel about 2 brown mexicans, completly disregarding the previous game and it´s characters
I coukdnt get past episode 1, felt like I was play a shitty teen MTV show.
Not only was it released in one of the worst years for consoles ever, but it was a unique feeling game. This was in a time before the rednecks south of the Mason–Dixon line had internet access, so people were willing to take on a new experience.
It didn't deserve "overwhelmingly positive" reviews but it had a decent idea, a cool gameplay mechanic and cute girls. Dialogue was a complete dumpster fire and it wasn't able to carry ANY momentum to the sequels though. Did anyone even play them?
Characters are extremely cute and episodes 1-3 have a nice lynchian buildup but 4-5 are failing to realise it.
Also I wanna be Chloe`s gf (male)
>good game
I actually really liked the spin-off
The writing was, quite frankly, atrocious (at least diolague wise), and most characters were extremely difficult to like
>Chloe, an obnoxious edgy cunt who whines the entire game until the games lets you mercilfully kill her
>Max, who is a passive artsy "whoAh Art is SoO cOoL!" loser who talks in one of the softest and weakest voices imaginable
>Warren, Max's unironic beta orbiter loser friend
>Kate, who's just stupid (though sympathetic)
>Nathan, an emotionally unstable "villain" who's so fucking weak even Warren could beat the shit out of him
>Mark Jefferson, who goes from being your hip art teacher to a fucking monologue rambling super villain in one episode
The only character I found interest is David, Chloe's stepfather. But the game wants you to hate him all the way until Episode 5, where he is treated as a hero now apperantly.
Life is Strange only got popular because of Lesbians, which frankly I can't even understand. Chloe and Max are fuckig twigs. They're ugly, unattractive. The art style is horrendous. It makes every character look like a painted on alien. The most we ever get is them kissing once or twice, but apperantly this is enough for Yea Forumsirgins and Tumblrinas to cream their panties. Cringe inducing diolague written by middle aged Frenchmen trying to understand American teenagers in a time traveling "mystery" that never gets a satisfying conclusion. The only redeeming quality is that it can be fucking hilarious to laugh at with your buddies, yet people will treat this game like a serious piece of art and entertainment.
It's fucking ridiculous
>Also I wanna be Chloe`s gf (male)
Enjoy being emotionally and psychological manipulated by a vindictive, self absorbed cunt.
good interactive movie*
bad interactive movie*
I ended up wanting to fuck the brains out of the blue haired emo, so yeah.
It means *I* will be doing psychological shenanigans (for her own good of course). Such as forsing her to quit drinking and smoking for me and start doing sports, to begin with.
Where was the gameplay? This could have been a movie or an interactive thing like Bandersnatch.
Dropped after 30 mins of 'gameplay'
It’s a teen girl simulator with time travel powers. Of course it was popular.
Meanwhile the sequel took out the girls and the time travel and no one is talking about it. There’s two episodes out, and it’s not even close to the level of discussion the first episode of the first game got, its pathetic
Considering how bad many games are sure it was fine
there's 99% more gameplay than in any new telltale games thing and people here loved walking dead when it came out for whatever reason
It deserved a lot worse.
So are these quantic dream, telltale, life is strange titles considered 'games'
All the hate this game gets comes from people who havent played it
i didnt know it was popular in japan
Imagine being the developer and thinking your game was popular for the clever narrative and important choices and not because people self-inserted into your teen lesbian romance.
>protag goes in to restroom
>witnesses blue hair blackmailing clearly agitated and possibly tweaked out rich boy who's dealing drugs
>threatens to reveal everything and destroy his life if he doesn't pay up
>he busts out a gun and tells her to B-BACK THE FUCK OFF?!
>instead of rationally realizing that he is armed, in panic mode and might do something crazy and simply leaving, she antagonizes him further telling him to drop the gun
>being the irrational retard that she is and leaving safely, she takes the riskiest option possible and attempts to disarm him and gets shot like the stupid fucker she is
>the protag T-T-TIME FLIPS back
>the protag has a chance to report everything to the principal
>but absolutely refuses to mention the blue haired dumb fuck and actually sympathizes with her, calling her a poor girl for getting shot DESPITE her blackmailing him and then antagonizing him from a point of disadvantage
>this happens within the first 10-15 min of the game
The easiest DROPPED of my life. Irrational protagonist, irrational characters. I don't care if they're just kids, if I wanted this kind of pathetic drama I can watch daytime soap operas.
There was nothing cute about that goblin
Screen capping this, so true.
And let`s not forget how they outsourced the spin-off to some monkeys while shitting out that vampire game (but that`s a differrent story)