Japan makes the best console RPGs

>Japan makes the best console RPGs
>Eastern Europe makes the best PC RPGs
>The west makes the best lootboxes, season passes and looter shooters.

Is this accurate?

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>the west is the best at corrupting the industry
Sounds about right

>The west
>Europe is not part of 'The West'

sure smells like weeb in here

Eastern European games are their own genre and don’t deserve to be lumped with western trash, mutt.

Oh i’m sorry.
*Orders some mc donalds*
*Pre orders Assassin’s Creed*
*buys microtransactions in Anthem*
*Opens a can of Monster on my way home but someone nearby hears the sound, gets afraid and shoots me*

Good enough for you now?

Chicken-chan is cute...

Chicken-chan is a slag.

Here? On 4channel? Impossible.

>Microsof and Steam are American
>Nintendo and Sony are the US property
>about half of the European developers are under the American publishers
>most of the gaming device companies are American

Whole gaming is owned by the US though.

Japan makes the best lolis

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>The west makes the best lootboxes
the west doesn't have shit on gacha

Why are Pokegirls so perfect?

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The west makes the best Shoot Everyone All the Time: America Simulator games too, like Red Dead and GTA. DOOM was pretty good as well. The death of Blizzard and the Fallout franchise has really narrowed the scope of western games.

Because you live in the country of manchildren americuck.

Whatever keeps the lolis coming.

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I'm not even American, though.

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>Eastern Europe makes the best PC RPGs
not true anymore now that lots of jrpgs get released on pc.

>Is not western because I say so.

its okay when chinks do it?

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There's no such thing as "the best" lootboxes, season passes, and looter shooters, because those things are all inherently horrible. The "best" pile of shit is still a pile of shit.

>Japan makes the best console non-RPGs

Just like Japan doesn't deserve flack for Fate Grand Order, right?
Lootboxes are just wrong, but Gacha is A-OK!

Why are pokegirls so naturally lewd?

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