"Real-Time Ray Traced Reflections coming to CRYENGINE V this year for everyone"
How can other game engines compete?
"Real-Time Ray Traced Reflections coming to CRYENGINE V this year for everyone"
How can other game engines compete?
PC melting crysis 4 when
First crysis sold like 22k in the first few weeks
shame that almost nothing uses cryengine because it's shit.
K. Now add it for shadows, caustics GI and ambient occlusion.
Cannot fucking way for ray tracing everything to be the standard. So sick of the hacks and other bullshit that we need to use today to get by.
>we are nearing the day where shitty mirrors threads will no longer exist
It can't come soon enough.
HUNT died for THIS?
I dont even know what that means
>Not RTX dependent
Okay that's pretty cool
UE4 already has it though.
I'm curious how they're accomplishing this in real time without dedicated ray-tracing circuitry.
Yeah but then people would have to use fucking CryEngine, the biggest piece of shit on the planet
CE BTFO UE4 and Unity. I've done map design development on all 3 and using the same assets in all of these engines, CryEngine provides double the performance for the same or better visuals. The post processing bloat in the other two is fucking awful. CE is ironically the cleanest and most efficient one, scaling up to insanely taxing stuff like this if you choose.
Other engines will add it too if it's truly a novel approach.
Yeah that's why literally everybody uses UE4/Unity and only 13 games have used CryEngine V, with three of them being from Crytek themselves and none of them on consoles besides SNOW and that dinosaur VR game they showed off that's never coming out.
Non-rtx ray tracing has been a thing for a while. One graphics researcher demonstrated real-time denoised path tracing with a laptop GTX 1070 youtube.com
Sonic ether also made his OpenGL Minecraft PTGI mod based on denoising technique mentioned in the video (SVGF)
too bad every game to have used cryengine sucks
So this doesn't even need Windows 10?
By being used in games people actually play.
Better tools for new developers/better licensing schemes would explain that one, boss man
It's RTX dependent, this solution works on every card
Isn't the problem with SVGF that the performance tanks on large outdoor levels?
Cryengine is still a thing? Didn't those autistic Germans go under?
They literally have 2 studios plus their German HQ left and the latter is bleeding staff to Scam Citizen because their prospects with Crytek is even worse
I dont think so, otherwise it couldnt be used for minecraft. Its limitation is mainly due to artifacts namely ghosting like shadows or reflections lagging behind and it could potential overblur small details and shadows. Though the author of SVGF (Schied) improved his technique to addressed some of these issues and implemented it in Quake 2 recently.
Nvidia's raytracing never needed W10. You can do it with vulkan.
do you have an opinion on CryEngine vs. Amazon's Lumberyard?
Wonder if this means it's also coming to the free cryengine version: lumberyard, too.
not that I really care.. have there ever even any games been made with lumberyard?
And others sold worse.
Based zoomer minding his own business on ps4 and fortnite.
When's Crysis 4 holy shit
People still meme Crysis to this day because of how beautiful it looked back then and how beautiful it still looks today. Props to them trying to move forward the stagnating visual space. We haven't had a big jump in visual quality in over a decade.
On another note, if there was any doubt that RTX was DoA, this cements it completely unless nvidia bribes everyone.
you can't legally use cryengine for autism games or porn so this i just useless
neat to see that they were able to do it on amd hardware
Why? Isn't it free like Unreal?
Weren't these faggots bankrupt and trying to make some money by suing star citizen devs?
my dear child, "hacks and bullshit" is literally all we have unless you want to simulate every elementary particle
shitty mirrors are the result of programmers lacking imagination, not technology
yea, it's free, and the free license specifically says no porn and no academic games
>any contemporary card
RTX as a brand is a DOA scumbag scam, but the tensor cores behind it are the real thing. Maybe Crytek managed to optimize the RT so it runs fine on any cards, but the RTX cards should still be able to run that even faster until AMD comes up with their own specialized hardware solution
And Unreal/Unity are fine with porn?
>just render everything twice lmao
This isn't imagination idiot.
CryEngine invented ambient occlusion, Crysis in general was hugely innovative graphics-wise.
there are a fuckload of porn games made in both unity and unreal so i assume so
>running on vega 56
Imagine if you fell to the RTX card meme.
Well, you can't legally do that and sell them. Nobody is going to give a shit what you release as a Mega link or a torrent for free.
rtx is not really worth it for reflections imo. it's definitely worth it for global illumination though. They should bring that first
crytek are desperate for money and copyright infringement suits over actual big boy software are a rather big deal
it is not a good idea to tempt fate
What's your solution? Bear in mind it should be as efficient or more.
It's not efficient though unless you use a way lower resolution, something Hitman 2 is doing on it's mirrors or large glass part, or that one working mirror in RE2. It looks really bad if you're running the game at lower than 4K though (since it's typically 1/4 of the current native resolution). And of course reflecting the rendering this way several times for EVERY REFLECTIVE SURFACES facing completely different direction would be even worse/basically impossible. This is why screenspace reflections are used on top of that since it's far more efficient, but that can't reflect stuffs that are hidden or invisible from the viewpoint's perspective, something raytracing fix instantly.
Genuinely curious, CE was really the first engine/renderer to implement such feature? Or only first in gaming. Speaking about cinema 4d/maya/max etc
SSAO was built for gaming. It was is attempt to approximate indirect shadows/occlusion that is automatically produced by offline computationally heavy rendering methods (distributed ray tracing, path tracing, metropolis light transport). I imagine when pixar was still using Reyes rendering method for Renderman, they probably came up with a similar approach to SSAO. But generally, its was mostly unnecessary for offline rendering
Like with most things, it was probably released as a paper in the 90s by some research team which then got implemented into a mainstream tool a decade down the line. Wikipedia says they were the first to do it in realtime with CryEngine 2, which I'm inclined to believe since until recently most 3D modeling/animation suites haven't really bothered with realtime shit.
Also this, most features with weird abbreviations that you see in the graphics settings of PC games are more or less just crude "cheats" so you can achieve a similar look to what an offline renderer calculating an image for days could do with proper light simulation and ray/path tracing, but 30-60 times a second. Which is why real time ray tracing is touted as a huge deal, even though it's a long way off from being anywhere near perfect. The ideal endgame of all this would be to have what is essentially a physics simulation accurately simulating photons like billions of NPCs in a digital world, in real time.
Crysis 2 sold 3 million in a few momths