
Why does Yea Forums hate this game so much? It hasn't even come out yet? Why is it attracting so many contrarians, I though Yea Forums loved fromsoft games?

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Can't stand Souls' style games. Completed Demons and Dark and never want to touch them again so fuck any game that does the same.

Nioh is pretty good though. Hope Sekiro is somewhere in between bloodborne and nioh.

What didn't you like about them?

Not on a shitch. Like most upcoming games.

A vast majority of posters don't play video games anymore and like to be the first that say they didn't like a thing. Being part of the minority that shit talk a game that everyone else likes is a close second. Most of these fools can't even come up with legit reasons to dislike games until the first Youtuber that can put together a coherent thought makes a video for them to greentext quote over and over.

Sorry I have no interest.

Too stiff, too obsessed with punishing the player. I had zero enjoyment when completing both and was playing only for the art direction in the end which is fantastic.

So, what do you like to play?

A lot of people on Yea Forums wanted Dark Souls 4 instead, which is retarded. Give Dark Souls a rest, the series has already been milked to high hell. I'm happy to see that they're trying something different, whether it meets expectations or not.

Right now I've been sinking a lot of hours into Dragons Dogma and Devil May Cry 5.

Souls fatigue


I don't think there's much hate for it honestly. Just disinterest. That'll either change because the game will be so good that it'll spread by word of mouth, or nothing will change. This isn't a big release like KH3 and DMC5 (10+ year waits), so I don't expect people will shitpost Sekiro endlessly.

Personally I'm not going to get it day 1. It's single-player only so I'll pirate it until its at a good sale price with all the DLC (if its a good game).

So you can’t stand those games, completed one of them, and hated it so much you completed a second one?

Why do you do this?

git gud

I really hope its more than block/parry the bosses because all the gameplay they've showed so far of the combat is literally that unless you have to run and dodge something you can't fight

>Can't stand Souls' style games
Besides the hub world and bonfire mechanics the gameplay seems to be different from Souls, people are actually getting their asses handed to them in Sekiro for trying to play it as a Souls game.

not this stupid shit again

PvP retards hates it. SP gods like myself are too busy being hyped.

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Idiots mostly. Either people like Who think it's another dark souls game, or the opposite - soulsbabs who only know dark souls and are mad it's not DS4 or BB2

Real fans of course are also mad, mad it's not armored core or shadow tower

The combat looks too cinematic from what i have seen so far...kinda like Batman arkham city...except that's cool because you get to play as Batman...and you get to say IM BATMAAAN...what would you say in this one?Im Sekiro?Laaaame

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This. Demons and Dark were a breath of fresh air when action games were tired. Now Souls are the ones to rip off and it’s been done to death within the series itself and from other games.

Wait for enemy to attack, roll, attack. Repeat for every enemy in the game. Roll twice if it’s a boss.

>A lot of people on Yea Forums wanted Dark Souls 4 instead
No, they wanted BB2. If you were watching E3 everyone here and on twtich were spamming "BB2 HYPUUU" shit

>Real fans of course are also mad, mad it's not armored core or shadow tower
Nah real fans are happy that we are actually getting something new and not yet another rehash. Fuck off.

>completed the first one, didn't recon much to it but liked the art direction
>Dark Souls is announced, looks to be an improvement and like the art direction
>got it many years later when it was barely a few bucks
>didn't like it either
Simple as that, never bothered with any other souls style game after.

Completing Demon and Dark would Imply I did user.

Sony is probably just saving BB2 as a ps5 title to get the soulsfags to buy a ps5 lol


I think it’s a legitimate question. Why complete two full games in the same style you can’t stand? Do you feel you need to be punished? Do you think you don’t deserve to be happy? I’m worried about you, user. I love you.


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Where do I pre-order?

this is some dmc5 tier trash

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>regular trash enemies take like 100 hits to kill unless you parry them
garbage game with garbage animations
fucking ps2 looking shit lmao

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That's kino tho

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Have you even taken a second to watch gameplay? It plays so much differently from Souls. There is much less emphasis on dodging now. You're meant to parry most attacks and in general combat moves much faster. The level design is far more open and vertical now as well due to the grappling hook. There is also the new posture system that completely changes the flow of combat. Enemies also seem far more capable in general in Sekiro. This game was made for people who were suffering Souls fatigue. Its a breath of fresh air.

>people are getting bored of souls
>*new thing gets announced*
Yea Forumseddit sucks man

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I feel like I could run through this whole game with no weapon, that parry window is fucking massive.


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>retards hates it

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Nah, only human enemies are parryable like that.
Most of the harder missions are packed with demons.

Just pre-ordered the collectors edition. Did I do good Yea Forums?

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This is going to be the first Miyazaki game to fail. People are buying it expecting another Souls game but what they'll get is an action game with a weird, unproven, combat system. The success of this game rests entirely on people liking the combat system enough to stick with it for dozens of hours.

It's a bold gamble for From Software, I admire the bravado. But it will likely end poorly.

>This isn't a big release like DMC5
top kek. it's been the most preordered and recently even bought game on steam before and shortly after your cringe core edge meme released