If this isn’t shown at Sega FES, it’s officially dead and never coming out

If this isn’t shown at Sega FES, it’s officially dead and never coming out

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>shitch exclusive
Who fucking cares?

>T. I don't know how Atlus works.
They have the bad habit of announcing games even before their production started.

It's being only 2 years since the reveal. Persona 5 took over 5 years to release.

>Snoyboys get weeb Persona shit
>Nintendo chads get real SMT

Keep seething SMTfag

Do you really care after how terrible IV and apocalypse were?

I just want worldbuilding man

>SMTranny thinks his basedboy fedora tipping game is any good

>not liking both persona and smt
sucks to be you. plus, if smtiv:a is any indication of where mainline is headed, smtv will be persona-esque anyway.

>Console war faggots
How do we rangeban Europe and South America?

P5 took so long because the dev team constantly wrestled with their in-house engine for some reason. Between using UE4, not repeating P5's mistake, borrowing models, and finally having some experience in HD, physically building the game after all the planning and pre-production is done should be a breeze.

But Apocalypse let me kill all the "friends," then revive one to be a mindless fuckdoll for all eternity. Persona characters just bop each other on the head in fake-ish spinoff fighting games and occasionally dance to j-pop.


Full scale development has only been going on for a year and a bit anyway. It will probably release in September 2020 in Japan.

Vanilla IV was amazing, what are you talking about?
gtfo nocturnefag

Muh samurai

I could live with that. But for that to happen there has to be some kind of announcement this year for sure.

Cant you imagine buying a Shitch for this game and never come out? L M A O, what a fucking loser.


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>nocturne boomer

Such is the skill

This is just like that time a new SMT for the 3DS was announced before the system launched and years went by and no new SMT ever showed up on the system.

Oh wait you guys are retarded.

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>buying consoles for games that arent out yet
did you not see all the squirming sequel fags make the same mistake last gen?

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"persona-esque" =/= "exactly the same as persona in every way."

In an interview they said that they were very ambitious with the game and worded it like they are just too ambitious and focus on every little thing.
Yeah, it might very well end up as one of those games that will end up in an development hell.

This is the SMT teams first full 3D HD game too. I’m worried.

They should show it at E3 to show the Switch has games for next year

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I mean, I bought a switch for it

4 (and 4a) was pretty much fully 3d except for central Mikado right at the start of the game. After that everything was in 3D.

HD games take a lot more work my dude

P5 took 8 years user. Patience.

Now that I think about it Atlus is probably busy with P5 spinoffs.

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Apocalypse has slightly Persona-esque writing, but other than that it is about as far from Persona-esque as an SMT game can be. Try harder.

Apocalypse isn't like Persona even in its writing. It's also not an indicator of where the series is going at all.

Didn't they say already that there's new info coming this year

Hopefully Atlus will go full multiplat from now on and console war autitsts can fuck off from SMT and Persona forever.

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looking at the state of monster hunter threads since world came out, going multiplat would only increase the amount of console warring if anything.

whens sega fes?

What do they even argue about when a game is out on every system?

They said it was going to be more Nocturne than IV so I'm looking forward to it.

I wish we could erase console war fags. There is nothing wrong with making a game for one system only.

Wasnt SegaFes only showcasing the story of SMT/Persona?

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Atlus is retarded for spreading themselves so thin across every platform without any exclusivity deals to make it worthwhile.

>I just want worldbuilding man
Why would you hate IV then? The only game besides II that has worldbuilding?

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Atlus always does special streams for their big reveals, and for something as big as SMT I doubt they'd do it differently

That would be retarded
They have to be showing more on Persona 5 R some time this month and there's no indication they'd be doing it sooner than then. Would be the perfect time to pair it with some SMTV gameplay/info and same for Etrian

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IV has way more worldbuilding than Nocturne though.

Pretty much.
If you want a game buy the fucking console or move on

>They have to be showing more on Persona 5 R some time this month
That has its separate event

MonHun had been multiplat for years before World came out. The console war shitposting started with World, but it was mainly because of the console that it wasn't on rather than the ones it was.

Literally just few anime tropes that aren't unique to Persona. It was forced on the team by higher ups, and since IVA sold much worse than IV, it won't happen again.

Like half of the team consists from the old crew that worked on PS2 titles.

Most Nocturnefags never even played other SMT games, they've only (barely) played Nocturne because it's """Yea Forumscore""".

Basically, every critique of World is met with "cope nintendie".

Did Persona make SMT become the spinoff.

Different teams, P Studio is making the Persona spinoffs and the whatever the fuck the Smt team is named is making V

If the multiplat breakthrough occurred we'd have to endure a single game worth of Sonyfags celebrating their toy of choice getting SMT or Nintendofags doing the same for Persona.
Then it would come full circle and those shitters would have to move on to polluting other game threads.

Nocturne fanboys and SMT fags in general aren't even weebs.

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