Not cracked yet

>Not cracked yet

Must be great game then.

Attached: f72e5f5c727eee5b74cd8ca326cccd34.jpg (950x1689, 427K)

>Cry when devs make sure their good single player games are bought not pirated
>Cry when devs make a battle royale instead of a good single player game

This is why they focus on consoles.

Attached: 54575696545.jpg (1080x1082, 1.6M)

motivation to crack it must be pretty low when devs handed out a version that didn't need to be cracked

>Not cracked yet

>Not cracked yet
It's been cracked a week ago tho.

Attached: wat.png (120x264, 15K)

it's not, see it's technically an older build too and will not have any updates, will need to crack the release version eventually

what is this thread


Rarbg has nothing.

This. If they appeal to people with high end PCs they’re literally retarded because those are the people who are likely the most likely to know how not to pay for your product.

you can pirate it and play it, it's just not cracked

there's a version that was leaked without denuvo

Who gives a fuck about updates, you finish the game in a single day on the hardest difficulty.

Attached: 1330491488700.jpg (550x438, 62K)

...also, much like GOG releases, this also lead to the game being less widespread in distribution

scene releases are just all over the place, but when it just has no DRM then nobody seem to care

not that you can't find it easily anyway if you just know where to look

The pirated version doesn't have denuvo.

It took me a week on my first run
Damn. Asement dwellers

I'm confused. Wasn't there a crack out already on like day 1 that everyone was saying increased performance? Was that not a crack but an entirely different build of the game?

>Who gives a fuck about updates
Bloody palace and Vergil

It's not a crack because it was a DRM-free version (aka no denuvo).

Someone at capcom just fucked up and a version got released that way in the wild.

So the performance increase could be due to any number of things and not just denuvo

I pirated the game on release day and i've been playing it since release date.

Look harder retard

It's apparently a slightly older developer build but not sure if there's any notable difference.

Complete lack of denuvo should help performance nonetheless. Cracks often don't completely remove it and instead just fool it into working anyway.

lol the devs literally cracked the game themselves by having that no drm exe get leaked

This will probably suffer the same fate as FFXV aka leaked dev build "crack" so no legit crack and updates ever. Piratefags are stuck with old build forever.

I pirated it the day it came out and it ran better without denovo. Buyfags for BTFO with this one.

wrong image

Attached: dmc.png (1920x1080, 259K)

>will not have any updates, will need to crack
>it's technically an older build too
It's not

The best thing about this crack is that game runs on ULTRA without fps dips on 970 GTX. Cuz there's no fucking denuvo