Any of you guys grew up poor? Has this affected your ability to enjoy video games?

Any of you guys grew up poor? Has this affected your ability to enjoy video games?

Was pretty poor growing up. Had maybe 5 games on the N64 total, could only afford one console per generation. Most of the time I either rented games or sold what I had to afford newer stuff. I could never really build a decent collection because of this.

Naturally this led to a lot of emulation and low-end PC gaming. Now we’re not doing as bad (not by much though) and I still can’t afford a decent gaming PC.

Anyone else know this feel?

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nope lol

Get a job and support your own hobby, you fucking bum.

I barely buy new games, usually find some old ass games on the cheap 2nd hand so it don't bother me much, wish i had a better PC though.

The only consoles I had were ps2, mega drive (with 2 or 3 games)

I am thankful because this forced me to not play mainstream games and explore the far I could get by emulation, it expanded my library to obscure games.

Today that I can afford something better I simply don't because AAA titles arent interesting for me anymore than when I was a child.

I grew up a Jehovah's Witness, so all I had were video games. Can't be friends with those other awful devil-worshipping children, can we?

I was using a Socket A PC until 2011

>ask for a ps2 after playing one at a friends house
>faggot dad buys an xbox instead
>few years later 7th gen begins
>stuck with og xbox, missing out on kingdom hearts, ratchet and clank, sly cooper, etc
>stuck on old hardware so i can't play halo on xbox live with the other kids
>childhood ruined
>never even got to play jsrf

>5 games on the N64
Mr. Moneybags

>Any of you guys grew up poor?
>Has this affected your ability to enjoy video games?
Nope. Saved money until had enough to buy console. Pirated and rented 90% of the games played as kid. As an adult I could afford to buy more regularly.

I don't really get pissy about not getting my luxuries RIGHT NOW! My parents raised me well. For example, my gaming computer died a couple of months ago. I'm now in the process of saving to get a new one. Probably going to take a few more months. Having to go without a gaming computer for sixth months while I save is far from a terrible ordeal, relatively speaking. I just can't be upset about something like that.

I was poor but thankfully my cousin also had a genesis with a huge collection so I was able to come and trade out new games every so often

Knew a kid like pic related. Always getting the latest PC gaming hardware and consoles. Nobody really fucking liked him but we all pretended we did so we could go to his house. One of our poorer friends managed to steal like a game a month from his house, kid didn’t even notice.

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I only had a PS2. I used to steal the demo discs from magazines and my friends houses when they weren't looking. Eventually got a job so now it's fine.

Joke's on you, I'm still poor.

Fuck being born in a 3rd world country. Both of my parents had middle-class money but divorced in the middle of my major, and even worse, both of them lost their jobs soon after (mom didn't finish uni and dad didn't finish high school, so jobs for them are pretty rare) so I had to postpone it (or sometimes take like half of the regular courses) just to pay the bills. I was like 21 when it happened, started at 18.

I'm 27 now and at last I'm only 5 courses away to finishing my engineering career. Problem is I'm currently jobless so I just paid the entry fee and won't pay anything else until I have the cash.

Even with a secure job cost of life here is pretty high for our economy.
Luckily my mom started working again thanks to a contact and I'm on the way of getting a job too thanks to a friend mom made at work. So hope prevails for me.

At least piracy wise I have plenty of content to enjoy, that's when being a gen behind is great.

All I want to have right now tho is a Switch, man. K. Rool in Smash feels like a fever dream and won't want to miss it.

I'll make it bros.

>childhood ruined bc of a lack of video games
you fucking faggot

I will never understand how people can possibly drink soda on a daily basis.
If I drink it more than say once a week it literally saps all my energy and gives me horrible stomach pains.
And I’m American as well

Until 8 years old, I would play nothing but Mame32. I wasn't poor though.

a disgusting thief like you will always be a thief just on a different scale or in another sense

Grew up very poor. Like way below poverty level poor. Parents moved us from TX to TN and now we are considered upper lower class’s I’m about to move into middle class.

>parents are rich
>only get anything on birthday and christmas and then it's strictly one game
>friends with poor parents
>have every damn system available and 90001 games their parents shower at them

Being the dumb oblivious kid I was, I thought we were the poorfags of the town even though we had a nice big house while my friends lived in commieblox.

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I remember asking dad for an N64 when I passed 1st grade with straight A's because I was a genwunner who played PKMN Stadium in the arcades all the time. I didn't care for other IPs, I wanted a pokeman machine.
He got me a PS2 with GTA 3, MGS2, FFX, and GT3 A-Spec from abroad. I was mad about it at the time and didn't want to play it for a week despite having had a PS1 before that.

Thank you so much, dad. I will never forget it, you saved me from being a loser.

Fellow poor user, I only had maybe 4 games in total for my ps1, Bugs Life, Rurats Search for Reptar, Toy Story 2, Pac-Man World, but my das learned what pirating was, so his laptop was filles with pc gamea like Empire Earth Starcraft, Spiderman, and Morrowind.

You are too old for videogames, pal, and I'm not saying it to insult you.

Looks like your parents had their priorities in order unlike those other brainlet parents.

enjoy working at mcdonalds. maybe you'll become manager after they send you to community college for a business course. you will get there and make it, "bro". you will get your switch and your life will be fulfilled. #goals.

faggot. grow up. you literally explain all your issues and all you can think about is getting video games. fucking manchild. you deserve to stay poor.

This x100

Well my drunkard dad did a whole lot of other things worse than get the wrong game console. I'd atleast like my one comfort in life not be so lacking since we couldn't even afford cable either.

BOOHOO I was poor growing up so I didn't have much video games. My life is ruined. I'm also in my mid to late 20's, if not older when posting this.

This is why you'll stay poor for the rest of your life.

Gonna be honest with you user, I got a switch and it's not the best thing in the world, its got some alright games like Zelda and Mario, but other than that it is filled to the brim with shovelware indie crap. I'm not saying don't buy one, just reel your expectations back a bit, it'll make the wait easier I'm really only looking forward to Dragons Dogma and Darksiders, both of which are ports ,I just happened never to get around to playing.

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Saps your energy, maybe I should try not drinking for a week, I am extremly tired all the time.

>community college
>muh first world issues
>just get a job and grow up

Fuck off. You wouldn't last a singleday here, burger.
There aren't any jobs here at all thanks to Memezuela inmigrating.

>Couldn't afford games as a kid, birthdays only
>Could afford the occasional game as a teen if I saved, bought my own 360 with weekend wages. Got into emulation and private servers.
>Can basically afford to impulse buy whatever the fuck I want now but never have any time to play these games.

>tfw poorfag yuropeon slav
>was a bootlegger for 2 console generations because people were and still are inept at using the internet
I bought my first car with PS2 games lol

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Lmao. You make it seem like your life is the absolute worst and you're the only person who suffered through this. No cable tv = my life is ruined. Lmao.. I have ZERO sympathy or empathy for you. You make it sound like you are owed this "comfort" like a lil' entitled shit. No one owes you anything in life. If you're not lucky enough to be born into a family with parents who love you and give you shit, work for it yourself and get your priorities straight. Sacrifice a few years and do things to build your career and life so that you can live the remaining decades in TRUE comfort, you dumb fuck. Get your shit straight. Sitting there at late 20's dreaming about a Nintendo Switch or a better gaming PC isn't going to get you very far in life.

>Grew up poor
>Barely got any games
>Got my first job
>Learned how to balance money
>Was able to buy lots of games while saving
>My gf
>Was poorer
>Mom bought her anything
>Doesn’t know how to manage money
>Never has money to buy games now.

It’s funny you look at our collection pre psx is 90% here and post psx is 95% mine.

>I was so poor, I only got one console per gen and only 5 games :'(((

I had a fucking hacked PS1 up to 2004 you stinky son of a bitch. Had maybe 3 games on it (Rayman and a YuGiOh game that was impossibly hard) and a garbage bag full of burnt games that didn't work. My dad got them from an Indian friend at work.

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Damn man I know this feel.

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Lol. Calling me "burger" and telling me I wouldn't last a day where you are because your racist ass is pushing the blame on immigrants. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking amazing. I love how you dumbfuckcunts dwell in your lil' shitty imaginations. This is why you'll stay poor and become a drunk or drug addict.

My uncle was always the one who bought consoles and handhelds for my siblings and I when we were younger. A lot of games too. And he'd basically give us his stuff when the next hardware iteration came out.
My grandparents spoiled him when he was younger and I guess he wanted to do the same for us since our parents couldn't afford to.

immigrants do in fact cripple economies and ruin social cohesion, retard

> i wouldn't last a single day there because immigrants are taking your jobs
> i would be applying for low level blue collared jobs

LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL enjoy competing against illegal immigrants

I think it's been mostly a positive thing in my life. Being stuck playing videogames from the pre-2010s actually pushed me to explore emulation and older titles. I don't think I've ever would've played games like Sacrifice or Baldur's Gate if my specs hadn't been so limiting.
It's a mixed blessing, as I really would like to play some of the newer games around, but I don't regret the situation one bit.

B-but our news said Venezuelan refugees are welcomed with open arms in all their neighboring countries.

okay m8 #MAGA #hurrdurr

Bitch I only had 3 N64 games

Are you saying that they are better workers than yourself?

do you think a life working at mcdonalds would be affordable for anyone? do you honestly think that without proper qualification anyone can land a good well paying job? he is finishing his education too but you literally just ignored that. Are you so absolutely fucking ignorant you just ignore the whole context of his whole life just so you can open your mouth to talk shit about things you know absolutely 0 about? eat shit you fucking nigger

I'm from europe, moron.

>was poor
>always played shit games because of the shit pc
>always wanted to play those cool console games
>fast forward 15 years
>have a decent fulltime job
>have a pc with pretty good specs
>have a console
>don't feel like playing all those games I wanted to play
>rarely play any games in general

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>implying dumb yuropoors aren’t MAGAtards as well.

eat shit idiot

Had a gbc with pokemon yellow when i was 5ish, that got stolen, got a gba (non sp) and pokemon ruby a while after that, went missing, got an sp and a couple more games
Sp screen broke, got a phat ds a while later with pokemon ranger
Got a 360 in 09 and played halo for basically all of middle school and most of high school, got a pc that could play some stuff in '10 and that was it until '16 when i got a stable job and now i buy my own stuff
Other than the year or two where i had nothing but a windows xp pc with no internet with a polar bowler trial and mspaint to mess with i had a good enough vidya childhood

It led to me replaying the games I had alot. So that meant I know megaman X1 and 2 inside and out along with dino crisis and RE3. I did have 2 "Renaissances" though. First my older bro got a job at gamestop so I got a ton of PS2 games after the PS3 came out. Then I got an old computer and the gates were opened.

My family never liked consoles but I had some decent gaming pcs during late 90's. I miss the days I played LAN Q3A with my 2 brothers in our basement.

don't try to talk in third person, you cunt. it's unimaginably pathetic. we know you're still the samefag. i didn't ignore you're in college, except you said it like as if you finishing your "engineering career" (LOL) will automatically land you a well-paying job. it just shows how fucking delusional you are. context? what context? i understand you come from a dirthole with shitty parents and what not. doesn't change anything to what i said. it's the same shit that applies to everyone. work hard, work harder, and work even harder until you reach a place you're comfortable with. blame "niggers" and "memezuela inmigrating" all you want but if you're truly blaming others for your issues, then you're really not going to get anywhere. mark my words, faggot, you will get nowhere in life. mcdonald's manager position is a pipedream for for people like you. at least those immigrants actually work hard for their jobs.

sincerely, "shit eating fucking nigger"

>any conversation has to be america-centric at all times
this is why I fucking hate americans

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and? how does that change anything?


good one...

I’m not American.

>Any of you guys grew up poor?
>Has this affected your ability to enjoy video games?
i dont think so, even as poor we always find ways to work around that. had my first console when i was 10, uncle gave me his dreamcast which i destroyed when it wasnt reading any CDs so i wiped the reading lenses with cotton with TOO MUCH water and ended up ruining everything

>don't try to talk in third person, you cunt. it's unimaginably pathetic. we know you're still the samefag.
i will ignore everything after that. You know nothing, you assume you do, thats just ignorant, i have no time for ignorant people. cheers

This. Soda is fucking disgusting

even worse then

Who's RAyE and why does he suck?


The trick to being rich is not spending money frivolously. The trick to being poor is spending your entire paycheck on dumb flashy bullshit to make other poor people think you're rich.

> he didn't read anything after that
yes, yes you did, samefag. you're such an edgelord it's almost cute

Absolutely pathetic. Go read a book. I can literally sense the gaping hole where your brain should be through your halfbaked posts.

>you deserve to stay poor.
Most poor people do. There are very few people who are actually poor outside of their own control.


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i really didnt though lol
>still with the samefag shite

>"lol" except actually seething
the edge only gets edgier
*tips fedora*
also your use of the > isn't correct, samefag

>be born in eastern europe
>get a bootleg NES called pegasus
>only console I ever owned
>controllers kept breaking
>now that I can afford new and different, I no longer have the time or motivation to play them

contra was great tho

You seem to have misunderstood my post. I wasn't defending poor people, I was saying that poor people being bad with money is what makes them stay poor. In the vast majority of cases, it is their own fault.

We tha same

You are very correct, good sir. And for that reason, I deleted my stupid post.

My bad. You are of enlightened status. I do repent.