Today is Friday, March 15th, 2019.
Good morning, Morgan
This game was way better then it had any right to be.
This. If the game wasn’t called fucking Prey, everyone on Yea Forums and elsewhere would have given it a 10/10.
Had a cool aesthetic too, retro-future with more future than retro?
Sequel when?
The DLCs were trash,i expected narrative ones like Dishonored
I completed it recently and enjoyed it quite a bit as wasn't spoiled on the tweest. Gloo gun + shotgun is extremely fun when sliding about.
The shotgun in the game is amazing. It has a really cool design too. I got the pre order one that's gold and its gunkino
I fell off it after doing shit in the Crew's headquarters. is it worth it to keep going?
Gay as story with that gay ass ending
>it was all a dream
Fuck off...
Gameplay was fun thought
Been putting this off hoping for a rerelease with all the DLC, guess it didn't sell well enough for that.
>Lasers off 3/4 of your health
Pssh, nothing personnel, Yu
Does Mooncrash still have a shitty timer on everything?
My favourite part of the game
It wasn't a dream, it was a simulation. And it was pretty great. Tired of people calling it shit when it wasn't.
Closest thing to SS2 in almost 20 years.
I know dumbass
It's basically equivalent to the aforementioned and no, it's absolute horse shit of lazy story making
Saw this thread, remembered I wanted to play the game.
It's 50% off on Steam, if anyone else is curious.
It's fine.
I loved it, I only wish the mimics were more lethal. Halfway through the game they're no longer a big threat. Now that I think about it, this seems like a game I should play on higher difficulties
is this game really SS3? Some kind of bugged on release underrated gem?
Well sure if by fine you mean an ending that pretty much undermines everything you did in the game and renders it pointless and your whole immersive investment is for naught then no my friend
It's not fine by me
It's not lazy since the events themselves happened. Perhaps not quite the same way but still. What difference does it make if they happened before or now?
>Everything is going to be ok plays
>Morgan taps his/her feet to the beat
Name a more kino moment. And fuck Everything is going to be ok is a good song.
Neo art deco kinda. Which made me ROCK FUCKING SOLID.
It didn't sell enough apparently.
I could never get past the ugly as fuck UI
It least it happened in only one game instead of rending 2 pointless.
I think thats mainly because of all the articles bitching about how it wasn't old prey. All the shitflinging drowned out the good reviews.
Why couldn't we play it when it happened then
Why do I have to play a simulation of it
we can go round and round all day mate
it had meaning and possible influence with the real world. it was done in a great way too
No, it was boring and terrible. Fuck off with your terrible taste.
It's as close as you will ever get to a proper SS2 sequel. SS3 by Warren "hack fraud" Spector will be shit. I don't know how he can even have the gall to take credit for SS1 when he was just a producer.
seeit was great seeing the game and everything the player did under a new light when the twist happened instead of just being a flat you survived or died ending. it also means shit is wayyyy more fucked that it originally appears to be which is darker and opens up more options if the series somehow gets revived.
Done in a great way?
It literally ends abruptly after you either shake hands or attack instead
Then credits roll
Worst ending ever
It wasn't even bugged on release. It ran like butter on my PC. It uses CryEngine and really well, I might add
It deserved so much more than what it received. It's such a pity.
God I enjoyed Mooncrash so fucking much. It's way more tense than the base game
>mfw playing as the pajeet with speed upgrades and a shotty
>mfw using the Psi cutter
Why does Arkane get everything right in their games except the story
Every fucking time
Well baring Dishonoured
The only exception
Arx Fatalis and Prey were fine.
It really did. Its a damn shame. I hope that by becoming a cult classic it generates enough interest to open up the possibility for a sequel.
>Name a more Kino moment.
You posted the wrong version.
You're right, the concert was fucking kino. If only I had enough ammo to not get my shit kicked in the first time I tried it.
god that bit was great
>You will never have comfy lesbian sex and play a tabletop Arx Fatalis game on a space station.
Why even live. Also those little character sheets were adorable.
My nigga
I just want a huntress crossbow to annoy my coworkers. And a reployer, I heard those things are sweet.
but the implications for the story are solid and i don't need games to spell out every single outcome to the extent of what someone has for breakfast the next day. it added to the story and experience without locking down where exactly it is going to go if another title in the same universe comes about. it was a lot like tlou ending where it sorta cuts out in a plave where many people are expecting a full on happy ending, ellie and joel settle down with his bro and community but it didn't, gave us a good resolution without cornering the story and letting players actually think about where things may go next. i love that kinda ending. if dark souls ended with not just lighting the flame or bringing about darkness but instead spelled out what our characters did, how the world was reborn or molded by us it would kill the role plying element i so much enjoy games for.
Prey is the best Immersive Sim since fucking System Shock 2. It does 1 thing wrong and that the Typhoid, while mechanically fun for most of them, are very boring in the looks department.
This actually might have been the newest Immersive Sim since Bioshock 1. (2 and infinite are not immersive sims and 1 is already stretching it.)
Arx was fucking great, at least with its world building and characters. Prey was fantastic and most retards who never played it and think they know the twist get its context completely wrong every single time, or think the twist is the simulation which you should have figured out within an hour or two.
Yes, its more in depth gameplay wise than SS2, but SS2 still has it beat. If you like SS2 at all, you will love Prey.
It ran like butter on release and its demo(actually fucking had one) made me buy it when I had the torrent already going.
He never takes full credit for anything you retard, and hes not a hack, just outdated. An infamous interview with him is saying exactly how he hates when hes credited for games hes worked on when his involvement isnt much compared to everyone else.
yeah he's not a hack i love mickey mouse games, violence in games are bad, and look forward to ss3 by the creator of system shock 1 who was on the other side of the country while the dev team made the game
Doing the third playthrough right now. Typhon powers only, Missing Persons, I and It and Awkward Ride Home.
I'm feeling like Typhon only run is the game's hard mode. Solely because I have no fucking inventory space.
I also fucked up I and Thou and Do No Harm on my blind run, so I'll have to do another playthrough. Maybe with the new "survival" rules they added in an update.
Danielle best girl (gay).
This post is a mimic.
not now since prey did a massive bombed
Dishonored 3 will probably be announced this year, they said they wanted to do a 3 not linked to the other games (main reason 2 and DOTO didn't do well was because they were linked to the DLC of the first game, only played by 10% of the players, they finished the story with the comics and novels.)
I fucking hope Diso3 will takes place in Tyviah (teased in one of the novels) or Morley. it will probably also takes place in another era. (either before or after. since the outsider is dead after would be a lot strange.)
>prey did a massive bombed
This again?
It sold just fine.
>There's people who didn't side with Alex Yu
Fuck all that. I want a prequel where you play the ill-fated expedition to Pandyssia.
doesn't matter
Typhon-only is a ton of fun and even a bit easy on NG+, after a No Needles run. The early psychoscope in your office remembers all your scans, meaning you can start dumping all your neuromods into the good shit and get busted right from the start.
>renders everything you did in the game pointless
>frequent interactions from your playthrough are mentioned and judged, impacting whether you live, die, or end the human race
>renders everything you did in the game pointless
What? The DLC is a full on 5 interconnected stories. I really liked it.
How does that work?
I had two save files before they added NG+, but it said I didn't have any, when I tried to select it.
the shotgun is downright beautiful. the ammo counter looks like a fucking upmarket mailbox.
>Played Dishonored and liked how the controls for main character felt
>Prey, same developers, same engine, same genre
>Buy it
>Controls are fucking awful, movement makes me want to throw up
Fucking how? How do you fuck up this badly?
>tfw the last novel confirmed Billie fucking kill the outsider
fuck this bitch.
This could be pretty cool , but a lot different.
you would play as a young Granny Rags
I get what they were trying to do with the typhon. An amorphous shadowy alien race that's supposed to be scary. I like the concept, but they visually just don't match up. Except maybe nightmare.
It's a videogame.
They're all pointless.
Everything you do in a videogame has no consequences.
Stop bitching about it.
Didn't we have this exact same thread yesterday?
The game is interesting. I'm playing it through and can't decide whether I hate it or it's actually really nice. I feel like there were a few kind of annoying things it did, but maybe they're outweighed by the other cool stuff that the game has. The typhon are mostly boring/annoying to deal with rather than threatening and the Nightmare was a terrible idea. He shows up and you either run past him and his slow ass and lock yourself in an escape pod until he fucks off or shotgun him in the dick til he dies. It's not exactly riveting. What am I missing? The only weapons I rarely use are emps and nullwave transmitters (though I do use emps for technopaths or whatever) because the game does feel like it's a bit of a drag towards the end.
Honestly no one gives a shit about old prey, this games simply had shit marketing
It was a mimic.
No, you're a mimic.
>player character
>their name is literally yu
You're right. I am
*turns into a coffee cup and rolls away*
I used to know a kid who did that on his way to school. Fucking asshole.
>game steals the name and identity from another franchise
>is a thought provoking and well written exploration about the nature of identity and false masks
>that spoiler
EXACTLY, yes! You’d see plague and “magic” and strange native inhabitants, maybe even the rumored “walking whales” on land. They could basically do whatever they wanted because Pandyssia is such a vast, foreign, unexplored place.
I would also accept a game in Tyvia. A Russia-like winter setting for stealth sounds awesome. (Footprints in snow, etc.). God, I have such a fucking boner for Dishonored lore.
So basically you want a neo-colonial 'darkest Africa' game, right? Well too fucking bad. You're no longer important and never will be again.
She's so perfect.
Pandyssia isn't Africa, all human on this continent died before the expedition, but there's a lot of fucked up creatures.
But a game in Tyvia with the gulagtier governement or a game with an overseer/sister during the Morley insurrection would be more interesting. (especially since overseers don't exist after doto : last novel said they all got full autismo when they learned about the outsider, and started killing everyone, they had to be hunted and the sisters were burned like witches. Emily had to destroy the Abbey.)
>that part where you have to calibrate the looking glass
One of the few times a video game managed to really catch me off guard
ear suicide