Be honest, do you have any hope for the sequel or has this game ruined the series?

Be honest, do you have any hope for the sequel or has this game ruined the series?

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It depends on how eager Miyamoto and Aonuma are to shove a new gimmick in.


How fucking contrarian do you have to be to pretend to not like BOTW

I think the sequel will be even better.

They're not contrarian if they're just going along with the Yea Forums meme opinion.

Played it at release, it's a 7/10.

it ruined the series in a way that no sequel will ever top botw. In my opinion it's such a step up from the previous entries that I can't imagine the next one be as good as this.

>has this game ruined the series?

What are you talking about. 10 years from now BotW will be remembered alongside ATTP and OoT as one of THE quintessential Zelda games.


do people honestly think that regular zelda games will just stop being made forever because of breath of the wild


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This. It's not terrible, but it's no masterpiece either.

Imagine being this upset and jealoud because Nintendo consistently make amazing games. Everyday must be an ordeal for you.

>n-n-no! Fucking toddlers with fucking kids games! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


Meme console war shit aside, there's nothing wrong with not liking a game. I don't care for the korok seeds and would love them to be gone. I don't care for the unnecessarily big open world and would be glad if the size was cut by 70%. I'd gladly trade most shrines for more areas like Hyrule Castle and Eventide Island. I acknowledge it's a well made game, but I still think it's shit and won't buy any other Zelda game like it.

>In my opinion it's such a step up from the previous entries that I can't imagine the next one be as good as this
That's not exactly a hard thing to do when you are a follow up to fucking Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. I'll never understand why people praise 3D Zelda so much when a good number of them are awful.

the only problems BoTW had that i would like addressed are towns and dungeons. The Divine beasts were all kind of boring i miss the traditional dungeons or would've liked some of the locations like Hyrule Castle or the Military Base to have more dungeon elements like puzzles.

As for towns they're not bad but they're all pretty small and i think that the game would've been more interesting with a Castle Town and maybe people traveling in groups like caravans to liven up the larger more open areas from feeling empty.

Series has been ruined since Ocarina of Time.

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I don't know how botw could have fucked up the LA remake, but somehow nintendo fucked up a 2d zelda for the first time and that's what worries me the most

I played ALTTP, Zelda 2, and Ages for the first time after beating BOTW and all of them were more enjoyable

BOTW core gameplay was not like SS which was not like TP which was not (aesthetically) like WW which was not like MM. I expect it to change it up again and be roughly to Zelda II was BOTW was to Zelda I, meaning much more swordplay and enemy heavy.

if they can bring back traditional dungeons and unique items as well as the more traditional fantasy styles of the older games then there are no worries, BOTW was really only to showcase that the series can still do nonlinear stuff even if the execution was a bit underwhelming

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The dungeons were shit


The mainline Zeldas changed post OOT to follow the same basic schema of being OOT + X

OOT + Time limit
OOT + sailing
OOT + werewolf
OOT + Flying

BOTW however is different enough to mirror the jump from LTTP to OOT. Sequels may see more structure and refinement of this new formula but the open world aspect of it is most likely here to stay. And honestly I'm pretty happy about that. The only thing it really needed to change was the aesthetics for the main dungeons to be different from eachother, less micro challenge shrines in exhange for more long form content, and an unbreakable master sword. If it can do those things it'd be just about the perfect game

literally seething

This. Dungeons should return in the next game but not at the expense at what was introduced in BOTW

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Literally the most boring game I've ever played. Would rather watch a 10 hour long Japanese movie from the 50s than play this shit again

Let it be open world, but bring back traditional dungeons with traditional item gadgets found inside. BotW's dungeons were so disappointing.

They're probably gonna use the same engine they used for BOTW along with some assets. That, along with the experience they gained making BOTW I think they could easily make something better simply by iterating on the formula. Also a different setting and aesthetic would be cool too.

How can you not have any hope? The only way the series can go is up now. BotW was more of a tech demo for the engine. Now that they finished developing the tools, Nintendo can create the best Zelda game ever by adding dungeons and better sidequests.

Its a weird feeling. Despite spending more time on this Zelda than any other I've played, I really hope this was a one off. If this is the direction they're going in now its going to slip into that category with Mega Man and Final Fantasy where I just replay the old games every other year because the new ones don't represent the series as far as I'm concerned.

Nah it's over. This direction of Zelda isn't for me.

I think the sequel will be good but I hope a lot of things they did in BotW get dialed back or reworked.

Shrines are not a good reward for exploration, spirit orbs are the only reason you want to find them anyway.

Weapon degradation is pointless because the combat in BotW is incredibly shallow.

Divine Beasts are boring as hell, major thematic dungeons need to return.

>The only way the series can go is up now.

BotW is one of the most acclaimed games of all time

This game ruined other games for me. Now I'm left waiting for the sequel because there's nothing left.

The flaws of the main game are either incredibly obvious or partially fixed in the dlc(stronger master sword, teleporting horse armor). I’m not too concerned that if they continue off the botw formula that it’ll be improved.

Open worlds are a trend. They'll die eventually once we get more gems like No Man's Sky.

Pretty dedicated of them to put together a 100+ hour tech demo for us.

Breath of the Wild will be remember far more than ATTP.

They can't make better dungeons if they're still stuck on giving people 100% freedom all the time.

The dungeons worked in past games because of their sometimes flexible linear structure.

This is how I feel.

I like BotW but it's not my favorite Zelda at all, I just keep finding myself playing it because it's the only one you can play right now on Switch besides the first two Zeldas.

I hope they port Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask to Switch later.

>Yea Forums meme opinion
Pick both

They totally nailed what a Zelda overworld should be. The next game needs to implement an UNDERWORLD.

Give us a reason to scavenge for resources and accumulate equipment. Let us explore deep caves and dungeons, unsure if we’ll survive the excursion out with our treasure. The gameplay loop in BOTW is kind of nonsensical. The treasure and items and food we acccumulate aren’t really used to overcome anything, the divine beasts and Hyruke Castle are trivial.

Explore the overworld, naturally accumulating resources without a grind
Explore the underworld, utilizing the resources you found earlier to compensate for lack of skill (or go at it with little prep, if you’re good)
Defeat bosses in the underworld and uncover treasure that will progress the story, lore, and point to new areas to search for in the overworld

If BotW is anything to go by, the sequel should be even better. All they have to do is add actual dungeons and maybe a few more enemy types and I'll be satisfied.

>Most praised game in the series since OoT
>Bazillion goty's and awards
>quickly became the best selling Zelda game ever
how did it ruin the series, and why wouldn't there be another Zelda game, you silly contrarian?

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I didn't say it was a bad tech demo. It just obviously reuses a lot of ideas in its sidequests, shrines, and Divine Beasts. Now they have the time to flesh out those elements.

While deeply flawed in places, I think this game is ripe for a direct sequel that fixes its key issues. I think such a game has 10/10 potential.

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The real question is how much manpower is Nintendo going to allocate to the next Zelda game. Breath of the Wild's development scale was fucking massive, it's not normal for a game to have that many resources allocated normally. The team that designed the world map was already larger than the entire development team of many Switch games.

A single team in BoTW's development was larger than the whole team that made Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee and Xenoblade 2 and more.

If the next game is “open air” again i won’t even bother with it. It’s borinf having the world so openly visible at all times

my favorite parts of zelda games are generally dungeons and interesting towns so this game, while good, certainly didn't take the series in a direction that I personally enjoyed

I agree. The world needs density and places you can feel lost in

ruined? you mean elevated

>its boring having Hyrule being an actual seamless world. Small compartmentalised rooms masquerading as a 'world' was a much better design.

this would be a good adjustment for sure

good thing that your opinion does not matter

I expect nothing from 3D zeldas

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I think he means large empty spaces you can see when looking from a vantage point.

I’ve been telling a lot of BotW fans that Zelda needs an overworld and underworld/dungeon duality going on, but they really hate the idea of staying in closed interiors for more than 10 minutes.

If they've heard the criticism, then a sequel should largely be exactly the same but with
>Decent Boss fights
>Decent dungeons
>Some change to weapon durability.

>The world needs density and places you can feel lost in

Like... the entire world?

I emulated it a while ago.
Nothing special, really.
Feels like a barebones early PS2 arpg like Dark Cloud, just without loadscreens.
Definitively needed more work put into it, mob variety and those minigame dungeons are fucking garbage. It's a fun game, but not something I see myself replaying any time soon.
I seriously don't understand all the 10/10 praise it gets, but then again, I also think Ocarina is mediocre as fuck.

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Don’t forget enemy variety and lore.

I can barley even imagine what the next zelda is gonna be like. its not gonna be BotW 2 because direct sequels dont happen in this series.
But seriously, what the fuck are they gonna do?
I cant even begin to imagine

>large, empty plains or forests with literally nothing but some materials
How about some buildings?

>Has the best selling Zelda game ruined the series
It amazes me that even years later, people are STILL upset about BotW

I’m worried it’ll take another 4 years. Don’t think i’m gonna make it.

I think if they added more traditional dungeons, more overworld secrets (NPC quests or hidden caves) and actual item progression, it'd be GOAT. That being said, BotW was definitely a good step forward.

7/10 is good, especially for a hardnosed faggot like you

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>its not gonna be BotW 2 because direct sequels dont happen in this series.
Phantom Hourglass is one, right?

I don't have much faith in Nintendo these days. Nothing has been good for years and they have just been phoning it in with every recent release, hardware and software alike.

>See? I also like BotW!
G-got 'em?

Overall I enjoyed my playthrough. But some quality of life stuff needs to be added. For example snow bowling is a pretty good way to make money but the process is fucking painful
>Chat box
>Accept and pay
>Chat box
>Loading screen
>Roll first ball
>Roll second ball
>Chat box
>Loading screen
>Chat box to play again
>Loading screen


I'd like the sequel to follow the same formula, but have a much more structured dungeon element to it. Not little piss ant shrines, mazes I just cheese, and 20 minutes boss dungeons. More enemies too.

The overworld in botw is great, but the whole fucking game feels like overworld.

>but the whole fucking game feels like overworld.
...which is the point of Zelda? Why are you people so obsessed with crawling through boring old buildings and depressing caves for hours? Let Zelda be what it was always meant to be.

Ideally they could find a way to make those more physics-based minigames integrate with the overworld so you don't have to go through the motions. It'd be pretty neat if you could get rupee multipliers for doing some sick shieldsurfing jumps or bowl over trees with snowballs to shake loose rupees.

But then people would say that's too cryptic and they'd whine about not knowing the mechanics until late/end game

baito desu

>take the BotW team
>give them a year to make a "romhack" of BotW
>tell them to make it kinda dark and spooky


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>ruined the series
If anything it’ll probably just make open world zelda another category for Nintendo to consider like the linear 3rd person Zeldas and top down zeldas

>walking simulator
Fucking zoomers. Any mention of content getting in the way of their walking simulator and they panic.


Fuck sake man.