How much does this need to fix?
Ice Ice Baby
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Nothing. Nothing's broken and in need of a fix. what it needs to do however, is add a ton more monsters, change the layout of the hub town by adding a new one and maybe rework the stats system so that the powercreep isn't too insane.
PC at launch for one
Anons I still don't know how to use my charge blade can I get a quick run down?
1. Unga
2. Bunga
Make the gathering hub useful without me needing to mod it so.
Let me hang out with my friends
More monsters
Harder monsters
More stuff to grind
Less gay shit like KT
How do i reach the bunga?
Master Rank versions of maps should disable fast travel. Maybe have fast travel between camps only. Also add tempered monsters to expedition(if tempered monsters are even relevant in Iceborne)
>Maybe have fast travel between camps only
That's already how it is. And if you want it to be that you can't fast travel without being at a camp first? You're forgetting that farcasters exist.
r2 + o
As a long time fan who just started mhw just make the monsters harder without over saturating it with one shots
it would have to do a lot to actually fix everything wrong with the base game, but the least they could do is disable quick travel and item box usage in G maps to actually simulate how HR+ worked in the older games and force people to rely on shit they bring with them
So it doesn't need to do anything, it just has to do those things
Probably a decent "endgame" so to speak. Tempered and arch-tempered monsters are just terrible. I'd almost like the guild quests from 4U where the monsters got smarter as you went on, probably implemented more organically but that would be cool.
Could work with World's roaming monsters. Like high intelligence monsters might be able to hide from scout flies or try to ambush you.
Just add more content and monsters and all would be fine
Far casters would become a general use item if they disabled fast travel. Currently far casters are only really used for escaping AOE attacks. Also "random drop into map" thingie would make more sense again. Currently it only makes sense if the game happens to drop you right into aggro range, but that rarely happens. Again also, given how much detail they put into shortcuts and paths on the map it is clear that free fast travel was a "last minute" decision.
Same shit dude, what the hell
>Could work with World's roaming monsters. Like high intelligence monsters might be able to hide from scout flies or try to ambush you.
World already does that with some monsters like how Anjanath likes to run to a new area and then do a fire attack as soon as you arrive. They really should expand upon that. They could make Narga do some really neat ambushes
It doesn't NEED to fix anything. That's the point. Iceborne is expected to improve the game, not "fix" it.
Implying Iceborne is gonna "fix" the game implies that it needs fixing. It doesn't.
Destroy the more powerful mantles like Temporal or Rocksteady, and maybe add one more slot for them and make them more into pure utility and retarded dumb fun things. Add tons of monsters, add new difficulty, make some weapons less boring like Switch Axe.
What's not useful about the gathering up?
Literally everything
>unfuck the movesets on half the weapons
>bring back the old skill system. Otherwise, everyone is just going to breeze through G rank with 4pc drachen kids meal
>bring back charm farming and lef us craft decos again. It's complete bullshit that I have over a thousand hours and still no Protective Polish or Capacity boost without being forced to use 4pc Odogaron/Dodogama legs
>completely scrap every map except for Wildspire Wastes. These atrocious maps make the first gen maps look decent by comparison.
>fix monster AI and movesets. I don't care if it means bringing back frame 1 attacks to punish overextending. There is a huge overreliamce on AOE spam because Capcom can't make threatening movesets anymore
>60FPS at 1080p. That's all I wanted from vanilla World and Capcom didn't deliver
>remove SOS completely becausw it kills guild hall
>every non iron/bone weapon bettwe have its owm design
>something something add older monsters that people actually like.
inb4 Bing/Cope/Seething/Boomer/Grandpa/"Fire Emblem Awakeming saved the series"
there's no access to a smithy or other utilities found in the main hub
but the gathering hub is always going to be pretty much dead as long as the SOS system exists and village and guild quests remain merged
Bing bing wahoo coping and seething boomer grandpa.
it's always been like that though. At least now you don't have to exit the online session to go to those places.
it hasn't been like that in a long time, X and XX had smithing and utility access adjacent to the gathering hall that you didn't need to go offline for
I agree with most of these points, just not as aggressively.
x and xx are barely even mh games though. they're like spinoffs and even so that hardly makes it "for a long time" since mhw and mhx were developed concurrently
If they add zinogre to iceborne i'll shit my dick
Needs more monsters, more maps, and by extension more armor and weapons to make
Difficulty isn't too much of an issue with AT stuff being almost as strong as traditional GR monsters, but having so many of them on timed events is bad
Personal gripe, but I hope they do away with the whole "limited time event" bullshit. this isn't an MMO, it's bad enough that the game is starved for content compared to other titles but then they went and made events on-off content for no good reason
I'm glad I play it on PC where I can fix these things with mods, but I feel bad for consolefriends who are getting cucked hard by capcom, it's a shameless attempt at generating hype spikes by limiting peoples' ability to play the content they made and I'm mad there isn't more backlash for it
Did anyone enjoy only this bullshit with Jhen mohran? It was neat one or two times but past that it's just infuriating that this chunk of the game only shows up when daddy megacorp decides
fuck off. make new monsters instead of rehashing this one for the billionth fucking time.
what are you talking about? 4 and 4G also let you use the smithy and stuff right outside of the hall without going offline
Expand monster rooster. What we currently have is pathetic. And adding ridiculous dmg values to monsters and releasing them as events does not substitute adding real new monsters.
Weapon models that aren't just bone/iron with monster scales taped on for one.
Master Rank quests need to have random drop off, no fast travel, and no eating/resupplying/gearing up at camps.
Quite a few of World's new monsters come across as rehashes of old ones anyway.
>no eating
Fuck that.
>no gearing/resupplying
I understand your angle, but honestly, this is the same as food. NOTHING is worse than losing time and having to restart a quest because you or somebody else fucked up on gear/armor/weapon/food
I think resupplying is understandable because you sacrifice time to resupply
Gearing is something that never should have been allowed in the field
Why? So I have to cancel the quest for 4 people and possibly lose their gold tickets and my/their expedition usage?
What's so much worse about gear?
In low rank, sure, give people those safety nets, but in master rank or even just in high rank players should be expected to properly prepare themselves instead of relying on the game to cover for them if they fuck up. The training wheels should be off by that point.
>add new monsters
With the exception of nerg and clifford the new monsters fucking suck. Bazel was a decent concept but his fight is boring as hell once you find out that other than his exploding turd gimmick all his moves are gen 1 tier shit. If these are how new monsters are going to be then I'll have the old ones back thanks.
>x and xx are barely even mh games though. they're like spinoffs
based retard
why even take the bait
because he's based
I think the thing that ruined bazel for me is that his AI makes him show up all the fucking time deliberately, unlike jho who just kinda stumbles upon you
I'm sick and tired of having to dung bomb him every 2 minutes and having him show up and roar me out of a mount
Ironwall jewel +1
Charger +3
capacity boost +1
impact phials only
artilery +3
then damage health etc
this lets you charge up your phials in 2 carged circle presses. Store those, can in a combo, store those, get in a combo, then SAED if you can manage it, regular circle combos if it's an asshole like lunastra. If the monster's on the ground try to hit em with the SAED in the head as they get up. Learn to guard point, since the +1 to blocking will let you block just about anything that's not super huge.
You'll get Khezu and 2 Khezu colors and you'll be fucking pleased sbout it.
so disable things that are convienient because it makes it harder in an obtuse way because YOU liked it? nah.
Why did everyone eat the ass of this game when it came out and now that everyone has completed it they treat it like it was a shit game?
>revert gems from the stupid level shit and RNG drop crap since there is anough RNG without it
>fix elemental monster balance
>REMOVE TEMPERED/AT because they are fucking boring and stupid and pointless endgame grinding for nothing
>put actual effort into weapon design
All world needs is more content and some minor balancing.
t. grandpa, respect my saggy grandad balls.
and prevent cheese strats that everyone does with monsters like behemoth and leshen where you expend everything you have at once and then just restock immediately with 0 consequence, "convenience" can only go so far before it completely trivializes things
the absolute last thing they need to do is be removing content from the game user
>make it so that you can go on story quests with friends without one person having to watch the fucking cutscene and quit to join the other, the old games had custcenes in gathering hub quests and managed to make to not make it an obnoxious piece of shit like they did with this one
>let me play the fucking quests when I want to and not be restricted by time limited bullshit
>give unique models to every single fucking weapon tree like the previous games did, the current selection is a god damn joke
>stop with the tempered and arch tempered garbage, lazy fucking design for the sole purpose of content dripping that is inferior to deviants in every way
>make the game's online actually function properly on PC without constant disconnects and release it the same time as consoles, they have literally no fucking excuse to delay this since the base game is already on PC and all they're doing is adding content
>kill the fucking handler off, never want to see her again
I'd add balance the different weapon types to have more similar kill times but they never got that right anyway
lunastra is hard
I'm stuck on the quest where you gotta fight both teostra and lunastra, any tips? playing solo
>>unfuck the movesets on half the weapons
Most of the weapons improved greatly, I ain't going back to how CB's were. Most weapons just roll in all the styles now, and they're better than they ever were.
>>bring back the old skill system Otherwise, everyone is just going to breeze through G rank with 4pc drachen kids meal
No, fuck you, the old skill system sucked dick. I can actually make decent builds now, the Drachen set isn't even that good for 99% of builds brainlet, you might use a piece or two but there's tons of other shit to build for.
>>bring back charm farming and lef us craft decos again. It's complete bullshit that I have over a thousand hours and still no Protective Polish or Capacity boost without being forced to use 4pc Odogaron/Dodogama legs
If you don't have a deco you shoulda played the fuckin anniversary jagras because that shit dropped everything. There should've been a back end system for the grind, but that's the only real flaw the game's got besides less monsters.
>>completely scrap every map except for Wildspire Wastes. These atrocious maps make the first gen maps look decent by comparison.
Stop being an over exaggerating baby, all the maps are good, there's just not enough of them.
>>fix monster AI and movesets. I don't care if it means bringing back frame 1 attacks to punish overextending. There is a huge overreliamce on AOE spam because Capcom can't make threatening movesets anymore
FPS at 1080p. That's all I wanted from vanilla World and Capcom didn't deliver
Are you playing on console or what.
>>remove SOS completely because it kills guild hall
SoS is fine, the problem is guild hall being on the fourth fucking floor and there being no reason to go there outside of Kulve Tarroth.
>>every non iron/bone weapon bettwe have its owm design
Slopes are great, the fuck is your problem.
>>something something add older monsters that people actually like.
Iceborn's doin that plus some of the dlc.
>things being inconvenient is better
I will never understand this retarded thought process.
Having to take the time to prepare for a hunt before it actually began was part of the game, and dealing with the consequences if you failed to prepare properly was also part of the game. I don't see how that's obtuse.
Nobody does that on behemoth, you either are a HBG cluster baby and carry a million bombs with you or you do the fight right. Sleeping/paralyzing the monster to get a few k damage out isn't that much when the monster is as dangerous as that and takes that long to kill.
A lot of the "invasions" feel very scripted, like whenever I do certain quests/investigations bazel will always show up at the exact same time and location and even apart from those quests it seems like whenever he or the other monsters run they'll tend to run to the same spot on the map just to be more annoying for no reason. It really feels like they're trying to artificially replicate the tense moments when deviljho would barge in on a hunt and failing to capture the spirit of it. The reason why the latter was so tense was because especially early on you were not properly geared to handle him and he would appear unexpectedly most of the time. Here you can almost always expect bazel to come which makes him more of an annoyance when you do see him. It's like they were trying too hard to make an "oh shit" moment and ended up making it more of a "not this fucking idiot again" kinda thing. It's funny because the more open and organic nature of this title was supposed to make it less predictable but it ended up being the opposite because you can tell there was a level of cinematic and scripted feel they were going for which I very much dislike.
>makes it harder in an obtuse way
By that logic dropping you off randomly in HR is making the game harder in an obtuse way. They clearly wanted to mimic the tension that previous games had by doing just that but they did not have the foresight to work around the new system they put in place that allowed you to immediately fly back to camp.
Nothing's broken it literally just needs more maps and more monsters
The one thing I'm really curious about is moves, some weapons like SA could stand to have more styles of play in order to keep the game interesting. The way they worded it makes it sound like each weapon will get one or two moves at best rather than entire gameplay reworks, but you never know
That's still part of the game, and you can't just swap out gear on the fly unless you made a load out prior. It just wastes time.
every single behemoth fight I have done has had everyone warp to camp between every phase and restock on shit from healing to ammo to buff items, I don't know what lying actually gets you in this conversation
tempered isnt really removing anything because its worthless/pointless content anyways.
>By that logic dropping you off randomly in HR is making the game harder in an obtuse way.
No that's just fucking stupid and serves no purpose, half the time I just have to fast travel or walk to camp.
a lot of weapons definitely need balancing
sns is rather terrible due to poor balancing
>bro we heard you like shoryugeki so we put shoryugeki in your basic moveset so you can shoryugeki constantly and not use any other move because they all suck in comparison
Better weapon design variety would be fantastic and a update to change weapon designs would be even better
it serves no purpose precisely because you can restock mid-mission and have free fast travel now where you couldn't do either of those things previously
the only people who restock like that who need to are for bombs, as the healer guys, and at that point you're complaining because they can grab healing items.
Fucking hell this shit always happens with MHW, if they streamlined ANYTHING someone will always complain about it. You mgiht as well complain about power steering and that the change to cars from horse and buggy makes treks to the store less meaningful.
no shit retard, the whole point of dropping you off randomly forces you to understand the map from memory or use farcaster
now there is no thinking involved, just fast travel whenever I want
Yeah no shit it serves no purpose, like I said they ported the mechanic over directly and did not bother to make it work with the new game so you can very easily just work around it.
being able to heal and restock everything for absolutely free mid-mission is in no way "streamlining" the game, it's a complete destruction of the core of the series that is preparation and dedication to your actions. Things like having a weapon tree in-game and an in-game wiki for weakspots and drops is streamlining, gutting the game by trivializing item management is not
>A monster is about to leave the area
Fucking everytime I'm close to killing they just run and you can't do shit to stop it, fuck this shit
You know the map anyway, even if it did do that with some sort of twist it adds nothing but time to the gameplay and makes it so I can't get to the fight as quick so I can't tank for brainlets. If the map wasn't there, and neither was the fast travel it'd still be frustrating and annoying because it just wastes time.
>This thread
I knew Worldbabs weren't a meme but I didn't think they were this bad.
that is literally the entire point
you're supposed to be hunting the monster not magically teleporting around so you can kill it in 3 minutes
you only know the map if you've played the game enough, first starting out in freedom unite made the random start mechanic genuinely interesting since the maps were a clusterfuck maze, rewarding you for remembering them
It's literally barely different than MHGU where you just take everything with you, the only difference is "oh shit forgot this, better grab it form camp" It barely matters because you still have to buy/craft the shit anyway. Besides I always carry everything I need with me anyway, the restocking thing is a convenience further because I don't have to do it all the tiem when I get back if I do i t mid mission.
1) Yea Forums doesn't like games
2) they're elitists and acting like a MH oldfag shitting on "casual" MHW makes them feel good
They'll go back to eating its ass when the xpac comes out and they remember why it's so good.
Is this worth re-buying on PC? I have a few hundred hours on PS4 but I want higher performance. Will I need to grind to get to Iceborne or just shit through the game cause I already got gud? Is it noticeably better performance?
Rocksteady can be easily fixed by monster having movesets punishing it, which many monsters already do. Temporal can only be nerfed by shorten duration and/or lengthen the cool down time
it's entirely different, you can literally change loadouts and restock every bit of ammo, bombs, healing, buffs, etc. you have mid-mission with 0 consequence, it's not a "convenience" at all, forgetting things is on you and many maps had the means to generate items like potions and hot/cold drinks without the need for your entire item box in your camp
What kills me is it's the same fucking game that's always been good but with all the bullshit streamlined.
>slightly smaller/less complex zones, ancient forest is way too big
>more weapon/armor models
>more weapon choices
thats honestly all i want
>many maps had the means to generate items
This, it's so fucking stupid how there was never a point to bringing cold drinks to the elder's recess because there were chillshrooms everywhere that automatically gave you 2 drinks a pop. I can bet iceborne is going to do the same thing with hot drinks.
not enough weapon models is the only legit complaint i have with the game. in theory a new engine and all this new shit would excuse it, but if that's the case iceborne should have a lot more
Lemme put it to you this way, my buddy who was a mh vet shit on this thing hardcore on ps4 because of the input lag, fps, graphics etc. I convinced him to get the pc version and he completely turned around on it. Your'e able to get steady 120 fps if you have a good rig, you can turn off the bullshit graphics, the res is high, and you can catch up easy to your old file with save editors and shop mods. You can also to fix what few problems the game has, like putting the hub folks in the gathering hub.
I've got about 1k hours on the pc version, I love the fuckin game, couldn't imagine it on consoles.
IMO a major flaw with the whole series is that making armor from a monster gives you resistance to that particular monster. I get that it makes sense thematically but it doesn't really make sense in a game design sense. I already killed kushala daora 15 times to get all his armor, why would I need resistance to kushala's shit now?
I like the models they have, I just hate that I have to be stuck using the ugliest shit for optimal gear like the tarroth assault horn II. Also Ancient forest is my favorite area, I jsut hate how confusing it is to get to the upper level on foot.
>save editors and shop mods
I thought the anticheat banned for transmog, how could you get away with that
A shitload of stuff as far as PC optimization is concerned.
For gameplay, it literally just needs more content, not super duper hyper EX+ magical miracle dreamy lighting+fire holy demon arch tempered frenzied apex "insert random elder dragon".
there is no anticheat
Dude that's how I'm feeling too. I don't wanna fuck around with save editors so I might just have to replay, not a big deal cause I loved World and better performance is more than enough reason for me to replay. I can fuck around with different weapon types too
>nothing's broken
Arch Tempered, babby-tier weapon difficulty on GL and ezpz enemy ai and hitboxes would like to have a word with you
seriously? are you shitting me? I remember /mhg/ going off on how the anticheat sucked because any mod would get you banned
it must have been a large scale shitposting campaign or something
u wot mate
Far as I know none of that exists on pc, I've been modding it to shit to fix the handler, to get the shop to sell shit I need like in the old games, to put the hub guys where they should be, and so far nothing bad has happened to me.
The save editor I only used on my alt dudes anyways to catch them up. Only thing about transmog is it breaks every other patch, but it keeps your appearance through the games, just fucks with using it. Far as I understand the anti-cheat shit is only on consoles and it's not natively capcom, judt the default console shit.
yeah, it's a problem sometimes playing with randoms, one of them will have an isntant kill and just knock behemoth out in one hit or something
Not that guy but slopes ruined hammer. I just wanna hit the monster not do gymnastics.
bizarre, I really was lied to
well, I don't like messing with save editor too much, but at least I know it's an option if I get lazy when branching out into new weapons
Seriously all they need is new monsters and if they can tweak gathering hub than it will be perfect.
Extra points for more gathering quests
You still have to rebeat the game, UNLESS you get the save file downloaded from the nexus mods with the game already beat, then you can just mod it into your old file. It's completely fine if you want to replay it, but the mods are there for buying back your old decos. After a few hundred hours I broke down and bought some decos just so I could swap out to a different weapon with the same build so I could grind for more gear, so it's certainly helpful if you need it.
I don't think it was a built in anti-cheat, it was people getting reported for cheating by other players online or something like that.
Fair enough, I just like slopes for shit like DBS, CB, SnS, gunlance, anything that's not a gun basically. It's super useful for a lot of weapons, and adds a bit of a learning curve to the maps.
I think they ban you for it on consoles, not on pc.
>Things like having a weapon tree in-game and an in-game wiki for weakspots and drops is streamlining, gutting the game by trivializing item management is not
This. People trying to deflect criticism of unnecessary changes by calling them quality of life improvements comes up way too much in discussion of this game, it's pretty clear that a lot of people don't understand the difference.
It's a quality of life thing, it's not a deflection. Restocking with shit you ground for is literally fine.
does that actually work on pc? I know faggots get real uppity on steam about "cheaters' even if you use it to copy your console file because they like to moralfag.
Go back to the old games gramps, the zoom-zooms are here now and this is forever MH.
>diablos weapons are the best for are damage
>all look ugly as sin
I hope they rebalance elemental damage so ungabunga raw isn’t just the best in nearly every situation.
element hasn't been good in a long ass time, I don't really think that elemental balance is even a thought anymore, at least elemental crit is a thing now
How large will the outcry be if they don't do something about weapon and armor designs in Iceborne? It's probably the one complaint about the game that absolutely everybody agrees with.
The weapon models and the fact that I dont really like super hard purple monster endgame concept are the big things I didnt really enjoy. each can be easily fixed in the expansion since its adding Master/G rank and adding more weapons in general. I also agree with anons in this thread that they should drop you off at a random place in Master rank every single time. It happened maybe a handful of times randomly to me in high rank. Other than that really just want more monsters, for the Master rank armors to look really good and distinct from High rank and that theres at least 2 new maps. I'm sure theres weapon balance like there always is from standard to the G/ultimate game as well.
there won't be any outcry because the majority of people playing now have never played any previous game and don't know any better
When does that shit comes out anyway
This, and making elemental damage relevant
I think you're taking "fix" too literally.
Unfuck SNS. Unfuck elemental, unfuck status, unfuck the silly monster hitboxes like odo, make endgame monsters that arent just stat pads (tempered monsters are by far the laziest end game variants)
Unfuck weapon trees, unfuck elemental weakness where everything is weak to elec. Unfuck dragonseal so that it isnt required to make certain fights a complete boring chore, make it so that status ailments arent so god damn annoying because "just gem it ouy bro ;)" is a shit solution where gems are random. Unfuck gem adquisition where if youre not grinding the same thing for hours youre not getting shit worth keeping. Cut down on the skill bloat, remove the ezmode babby defenwive options all weapons get now
Thatd be a start
I think they should do the opposite of this so that crybabies like you stop playing
A lot. Make monsters more aggressive, make environments dangerous for the player and not just the monster, bring back real healing with real risk, remove scoutflies, remove being able to access the item box from camp, remove fast travel so farcaster has a point, add in far more monster variety, more biome variety, better hit effects like blood splash sizes, bring back hunting rooms where you can see everyone as the main online setup, and actual weapon designs instead of 90% "base weapon, but with a monster part slapped on the side".
Among other things.
Bring back the BLOOD goddammit.
And also my nigga Gore Magala.
They need to fix the weapon designs.
Well sure, enjoy your shit expansion.
i will thanks!
This. We need at least 10 new monsters and revamped movesets for current monsters that will be in Master Rank. Other than that the game is fine and doesn't need anything fixed. Just added to. I'd like to see more tools that aren't just mantles or boosters as well. Oh, and purple sharpness.
You'll get two new monsters at best.
Nothing will be fixed until the next game MH6. The best you can hope for is more monsters and more interesting locales.
Give weapons unique designs please they look like ass in this game
I highly doubt that considering its a paid expansion and weve gotten like 5 or 6 monsters for free added to the base game. It just wouldn't make sense for only 2 new additions considering the scope of the expansion.
Did they ever fix the issue with graphics on pc I played at launch and it looked really bad
G games historically only get 2 new monsters, the flagship and the new secret boss, everything else is subspecies and returning monsters, but I can see them adding more collab monsters later after launch like the base game
>It just wouldn't make sense for only 2 new additions considering the scope of the expansion.
It's what every other G-rank expansion has done.
>One new flagship
>One new ultimate boss
>Returning monsters
>Subspecies or other variants
Of course they could break that pattern (Iceborne being DLC rather than a separate game is already a pretty big departure itself), but don't get your hopes up.
Chameleos or riot
Quest is tough considering they like to be in the same area. They do fight eachother a lot though so you have that going for you. Get your best fire res gear together and slap 3 fire res decos on it. Earplugs are nice for this fight if you don't have a blocking weapon. For weapons, Ice element is best for both if you wanna go that route, but I'd say anything with dragonseal would be better. Jho weapons are a solid choice here. Bring Fireproof mantle and either Rocksteady, Temporal (if you have it), or a health booster as your second tool.
Focus on one or the other, and if both are getting up in your shit then use a flashbomb. Make use of the falling crystals in the cave area. Other than that, don't get hit. Bring Max potions
You fucking nigger, the weapons designs still look like shit, I want more than just default skin with feathers glued in for 3 tiers.
I didn't even know this was a mechanic. Did I miss a cutscene or dialogue or something?
I'll get a Jho weapon and see how I fare then. I can kill one most of the time but I die often to the aoe attacks. By the time one is dead my max potions are gone.
Whatever weapons designs are in the game now is what you're still getting. Idk why people think Capcom is going to "fix" this when it's not even a design issue or something that's broken. It's just your opinion that you think the designs suck, and Capcom isn't going out of it's way to model 300+ weapons to appease autismos.
i thought MH:W was fun but after the zora magdaros fight i realized that there would be no new monsters to kill, just reskinned, stat-boosted versions of old monsters with maybe one different move from the base version.
that instantly killed the game for me desu.
>By the time one is dead my max potions are gone.
you can go back to camp and resupply
I forgot to add, slap 3 vitality gems on your setup or try to get Health Boost +3 from armor skills if you don't have the decos. The extra health is really nice.
And yeah, weapons like Nerg, Jho, or Xeno have an elderseal stat. It acts like a status effect and stops an elder's aura a couple times throughout a battle. Really handy for Luna.
the skill system is busted, you have no need to ever build full sets again other than to visuals.
in the other monster hunters, you had to build a whole set to really get the skills (or most of a set) so you had to deal with the drawbacks the set has.
the new system means that there are far far less optimal combinations, and you end up looking like a fucking clown.
>after the zora magdaros fight i realized
uh if you "realized" that then you're pretty dumb because you're wrong.
>I forgot to add, slap 3 vitality gems on your setup or try to get Health Boost +3 from armor skills if you don't have the decos. The extra health is really nice.
or just eat a max potion and use those slots for something useful
I think you'll find you're in the minority if you think the weapon designs are fine as they are. It's not a criticism that only autismos are making.
>It's just your opinion that you think the designs suck
It's a complaint brought up everywhere the game is discussed, stop being such a retarded drone holy shit.
I don't see anywhere in the post where he said that he thinks they are fine. Learn some reading comprehension
here I have a video for you to explain what an opinion is:
It's a minor issue even if you don't like them. They're not being "fixed". That would be fucking retarded.
That's why I said IF he thinks the designs are fine, smart ass.
>Nothing's broken and in need of a fix
>Just these things that are broken and in need of a fix
Enjoy your endgame
Hunter tools need a nerf bat like no other
Tempered monsters are just a way of naming the higher difficulty monsters that are always found as you unlock higher hunter ranks in every monster hunter game and giving you a reason to beat them.
When shit like Ancient Leshen and Extremoth exist no way fag.
Max potion only fills your health bar to your maximum health right? HB+3 increases your max health, like Status Cap Up does with your stamina.
The issue with World is that it was such a massive downgrade in every area except graphics, and since all the newfags were too stupid to realize this we're stuck with it forever. Hopefully Capcom cares more about Japan than reddit, because they rightfully hated it.
*Stamina Cap Up
they don't have the higher level AI or significant stat boosts or new moves that's given to those monsters, without it they're just the same monsters with slightly higher attack values, arch-tempereds on the other hand do have the higher AI as well as new moves and more varied stats, they're basically G monsters
Charge blade is just literally like, the circle charge attack, hit, another circle charge, stock phials, then do the first 2 or whatever combo hits that let you combo into your super, just use them to aim and don't bother about hitting, then blow your load with your phials with the super hopefully connecting. Repeat forever
>Again also, given how much detail they put into shortcuts and paths on the map it is clear that free fast travel was a "last minute" decision.
The game needs fast travel between camps with how constantly monsters keep running the fuck away and never settle in one place, most of them don't even have like a nest location they'll retreat to when damaged enough.
The more time you spend chasing cunts and the less time you spend fighting them, the worse the game is.
You're an idiot and completely incapable of recognizing a good game. Your welcome for the (you)
how ironic
Honestly what made me quit playing is mostly the timed event bullshit. Like, if I put down the game for a couple weeks, boom, missed some shit that you can't get for ages. And it also forces you to spam the shit out of the events when they're there, which really burns you the fuck out on enjoying it.
This. People are like MUH RUNNING THROUGH THE JUNGLE FOR 10 MINUTES but in reality the optimal MH experience is just you and a monster in a featureless room.
Ledges ruin it.
Slopes ruin it.
You'd better fucking believe that any wall/corridor ruins it.
Simple 'as
Surely the solution here should have been to just make monsters run away less and not as far?
>Using mantles gives you their benefits at the cost of overriding your chest/helmet skills since the hunter seemingly takes them off to put on the mantle
Yes or yes?
While I do like older MH titles, MHW is a natural progression of the franchise whether you like it or not. Nobody wants to do 200+ gathering quests, throw paintballs, traverse constant loading zones, spend over a minute gathering a single herb, or fight 4 recolors of the same monster. MHW improved upon many of the mechanics of older titleas, nd if you can't see how obvious that is then maybe you should just stick to playing your old shit. I don't really care.
again, how ironic
What's wrong with mantles? Don't use them if they bother you. I use the Vitality Mantle and it breaks after like 2 hits and I can't use it again until the monster is dead. That's fine.
But World is the only game with more than 3 forced gathering quest since Dos. Becuase in other games you unlock everything automatically when you hit High Rank, while in World you have to do shit like deliver 20 cacti for an upgrade.
Is this what passes for an elder dragon these days? Where's the thrill? Where's the dance with death? Nothing but Frontier AOE spam and then it keels over. FU's Kirin was harder than this.
you're going to love behemoth and leshen and the ATs user
Will I even be able to fight them despite being offline? No way am I paying for this pile of tutorials.
you can, but they're all frontier AOE spam with bloated health (except the ATs, they're just the spam part)
Have they said how much it's gonna cost? It's also gonna be DLC and not an additional game purchase, right?
You could say the same about every FU monster, anyway
Whatever. As long as they're hard I'm game. or is it like Clashing Fists! where the biggest danger is timing out due to the fucking thing being invincible?
the difficulty comes from trying to find an opportunity to hit things in between playing DDR trying to dodge glowing circles, it's a lot easier for gunners though
>you only know the map if you've played the game enough, first starting out in freedom unite made the random start mechanic genuinely interesting since the maps were a clusterfuck maze, rewarding you for remembering them
Nah random placement was a joke to begin with. If you played through low rank there was no way you didn't know your way around the maps already, the only thing it has ever done is to inconvenience your access to supply items. Which is another thing 90% of players outgrow by the time random drops become a factor anyway.
But yeah, I agree that they are totally pointless in World. It's kind of a vestigial thing that calls back to the old games, and honestly I would be fine if they cut it out like all the other changes they made in the name of "QoL"
I will be for sure.
do your bets on next "-Borne" search recognition exploiting title
Dude, before they released the DLC that lets you purchase raw meat, not getting rations was a huge hurdle.
In MHGU I find the biggest issue is not getting paintballs, since you can't buy or grow them and have to waste precious stones to combine more.
I just farm paintballs by doing the easiest low rank hunts.
See? You're going out of your way for items.
And that's a good thing. Items should be valuable and precious; you were never meant to bring 10 Mega Pots to every hunt.
>Dark Souls: Bloodborne. Red
>Monster Hunter: Iceborne. Blue
what will yellow and green be?
my guesses
>The Elder Scrolls: Pissborne
>Ninja Gaiden: Weedborne
Going out of your way to get paintballs is garbage and not fun, and yes you were. What are you smoking?
it's an obvious falseflag
>Dude, before they released the DLC that lets you purchase raw meat, not getting rations was a huge hurdle.
I didn't feel that way, but I also went out of my way to gather raw meats & other scarce resources on mostly every hunt up until G-Rank. But that was me playing through FU solo so I guess it may not have been practical to do if you were playing online.
I HATE KULVE. I need the Kjarr Charge Blade Ice & Decay, maybe Horn, and I'm sitting at like 3+ copies of every other CB and weapon, and she just won't drop them. I hate this shit, I wish you could unlock the weapons with her materials or some sort of point system for doing a lot of runs, that way I'd feel I am actually progressing towards those weapons instead of doing a million runs and having to hope this lootbox shit drops the right weapon this time. Also Pursuit 1 / Area 1 needs to go, it hurts my soul. At least the rest of the fight is really cool.
use hex's mod to let you craft the weapons
I play on PS4
you have no one to blame but yourself
Nothing dude posted is a fix for anything broken in the game. The lack of monsters isn't the game being "Broken". The current hub town isn't "Broken". The stats system isn't "Broken", it just has evident powercreep and can be adjusted. More content and adjustment of current content isn't a "Fix" for anything you blithering fucking retard.
Case in point: Anthem had plenty serious issues that actually needed fixing.
It needs to not be casual as fuck. World is the easiest HR game second only to P3rd which was simply because it had fucked defense scaling. If the same balancing philosophy carries over to G rank, it will be shit.
Redo the entire skill system and purge all the skills that are useless to the game. More than half are trash that no one would use.
And bring back negative skills.
You're taking "broken" and "fix" completely at face value when that's not what anyone else is doing in this context.
>Nothing's broken and in need of a fix.
How about weapon design, Mr. Shill? That sure as hell needs fixing.
Clown suitting was always a thing, are you new?
Plesioth was NOT OK, Grandpa.
>on GL
You're saying Gunlance is easy mode?
If anything Charge Blade is ridiculously busted and needs a nerf or at least a rebalance.
They should just bring back the old system but have some of the weaker skills have much lower point totals required for activation.
bazel reacts to monsters roaring btw. thats how he always homes in.
I like my fast crawling, don't take it away.
Elemental Damage have some importance instead of being almost irrelevant.
Add a lot of monsters, like 15.
Make Arch Tempered battles stop being a 1-hit kill thing.
fuse the gathering hub and actual hub and make it like the previous games, because nobody fucking goes up there and its killed all sense of actual socializing. whats the point of having 16 people in a lobby if they are not even there?
Also make some variations of the new monsters, like an albino Odogaron (or gold, idk).
Not much in terms of gameplay, the game is great despite contrarians shitting on it now it's mainstream
It just needs more content. More monsters, more armours, more skills, more zones. Balance things out a bit too so crit isn't 100% meta
And for god sake put all vendors and npcs in the gatherings hub
Goddman after I hit "Post" I remember another thing that needs fixing on this mess that I love.
The weapons need some redesign. Everything looks the same, I can't tell from a glance which weapon people are using.
Remove Bazel or rework him
At least Jho kind of does his own thing, then if you cross him he fucks shit up
Bazel feels like he's on a switch that whenever you enter combat anywhere on the map he just flies over and roars 8 times so you can't move and is just a pain in the fucking ass
Also more stuff like the waterfall/sand trap would be nice.
Bazel makes earplugs and dung bombs a necessity rather than a strategic choice.
Make new monsters before recycling old ones already, please. Odogaron sucks.
The games too easy and becomes boring very quickly shortly after finishing everything in endgame. The old games (not XX) where actually challenging the whole way through and gave you a real sense of accomplishment as you progressed up the ranks. Every difficult monster felt like an accomplishment to beat and even more so when you where able to beat it enough to make it's set. In World in combination with how simplified the skill system was made, it makes the game feel your just rushing for efficiency. Clown suiting for example has been made so easy you'll never actually run into anyone using fullsets, they've always been optimal but not practical with the old system unless you knew what you where doing. it's kinda the same thing that ruined OSRS for me. The game became easier and as a result people just play to REACH the reward as fast as they can since the gameplay is no longer gratifying and the path to the reward is no longer fun.
I HIGHLY doubt G rank or any future title for that matter will do anything to fix this since it's been a power creep problem that started in 3rd gen but culminated with W orld and XX. I really hope they at least make it so you can Solo real G rank and don't nerf everything while Solo.
Also same day PC release is needed. Console's fps is unplayable, bought World twice and I'm never going back to the shitstation version.
It needs to make every existing copy of World unplayable so Capcom has to make Monster Hunter 5.
It's not that bad. Hunting Horn is pretty fun to use and that makes it worth it for me.
I still miss the guitar HH, though.
I'd love a hybrid style for the skill system.
Where some skills require multiple pips before they give any abilities or upgrade, so instead of each single pip being a paltry improvement, its more about synergizing pieces to make a cohesive set.
Also rebalancing some of them is a must. You have the Tremor/Wind Res/Earplugs being almost useless with how many pips it takes to get anything out of them, and then you have Elementaless being a single pip to get everything.
It feels like cheating but I guess it's gotta be done if it comes to it
I'll make a Jho weapon for this then. Sounds like an incredibly useful effect.
I honestly think HH suffered the most from the lack of weapon design variety.
Odo is one of the better new monsters
>that one sperg that is still upset by this despite weapons looking better than ever before
kek what the fuck
Just stack fire resist and they're easy.
>and hitboxes would like to have a word with you
>he unironically wants the old garbage hitboxes back
holy shit
>glowing circles
you mean Behemoth? that's literally one monster and it was intended to mimic the MMO it came from
What's wrong with Arch-Tempered monsters? Right now it's pretty much the only decent challenge left.
Based retard
this is exactly how I felt about Dark Souls 3 before I realized that it was actually a much harder game than the previous entries and it was me that was just really good at the gameplay mechanics
going back and playing Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 was basically 0 challenge. I feel the same way about MHW and I feel like a lot of gripes about it's difficulty stems from this. In many ways it IS more difficult than older MH titles
>What's wrong with mantles?
Temporal mantle is extremely OP and has literally no flaws.
It's an easy and boring hunt, though.
In all fairness, that was introduced way after release so that people could handle the upcoming Behemoth. You can't unlock it without more or less finishing the game.
It was specifically added because of how bullshit Behemoth is without one.
apparently not easy enough considering people still carted to him when I played. with 3 total carts shared, it still made it intense enough for me
He also has one of the best battle themes and animations
Mantles are still too good. Elemental last for so long and their protection against their element is amazing. Combine rocksteady with healing booster or regenerate augments and you're pretty much unstoppable. Meanwhile neat stuff like glider mantle is pretty much useless. Also, with tool specialist you can almost spam mantles non-stop which further trivializes the hunt.
Don't you just have to clear the Teo+Luna quest? Or that another mantle?
I guess I could see that, I've never had trouble with Odo so hunting it feels like going through the motions.
Being on a timer because people keep dying to it might spice it up a bit, but people will die to anything, there's some pretty awful players online.