Welcome to the thread for anons that can't EX-act
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Welcome to the thread for anons that can't EX-act
I can EX-ACT except the second slash of Combo A. That one happens really quickly so it seems kind of random when I hit it.
I can do it with one gauge easy but is there a specific way to always get 3 stocks? I can hit it but the timing feels almost no different
I play rhythm games so this shouldnt be impossible to get i just wonder if im missing something
>needing EX-ACT when Tomboy exists
Just timing, unfortunately. I can also get 1 gauge always, but Max ACT is always a long shot. Sometimes I'm on fire and land it every time though.
Tomboy is fun but i slip up and pop it when i mean to grapple sometimes so im not sold on it. learning the EX act timing has been pretty satisfying for me so far anyways, to each their own
How are people struggling with this? I for the timing down after 10 minutes with the demo. It's much easier than 4 too.
I can almost always get it on first air hit but on first ground hit is a bit gamble
Tomboy's only good for combo finishers, if you leave it on it's just a high damage no style unga mode that'll never get you a decent rank.
Same here. I can do it if i delay the second hit just a bit, but i feel that would defeat the purpose of exact desu.
It's not so simple for everyone
literally the only time I can ex-act is on nero's unga ground pound combo and i just spam l2
>Get max-ACT
>Timing of swings change so I can't keep exceeding
So to properly ex-act, you need to hit LT after the attack hits, but before the windup for the next attack, right?
Yes, the timeframe is 200ms
why is it so hard
I spend alot of time air taunting because I can only reliably max-act in that move
how in the world can you do all those moves, when i hop on punchline i only ever do a weak lil jump sometimes
Is there a better breaker than punchline or gp01? I always get SS in 10 seconds running an alternating a set of those two.
My problem is that whenever i get the hang of it I get swapped to some other character and forget how to play nero again
>playing as V
>Alternate between spamming/holding the face buttons while standing in a mob and locking onto to randos then flicking the left stick while hammering buttons
>SSS on SoS
Meanwhile I can't preform table hopper, EX-ACT (except by accident through spam), or intentional parries. Is this because I have 74 processing speed or is it a muscle memory I need to develop. If I need to be paying attention to both my own and enemy animation frames I'm fucked since I can barely listen to a song and pay attention to the lyrics at the same time.
So 20 frames?
~17ms per frame so 11 frames.