It's okay when nintendo does it

it's okay when nintendo does it

Attached: 1552510255637.png (1034x355, 375K)

switch looks so much better
the browner skin is much nicer :) and the censor is okay , MUCH better than at that saturn one that looks like it got censored with microsoft paint
wtf is a saturn

>try to find where OP's image is from by reverse image search
>just find a thread where people shit on him for not understanding standard Japanese censorship
The game is super real mahjong pv btw.

Attached: brown girl.jpg (1271x183, 28K)

You DO know you can't show nipples on modern consoles, right? Is showing a bit of skin and people sperg out now days, so imagine this.

Hey OP can I post this thread next week?

Welp, thread's over, everyone fuck off.


Uh it actually IS okay when nintendo does it. This is a children's console; I don't want my wife's son seeing any explicit, harmful images m'kay?

God I fucking hate Americans

Has great doujins.

Attached: 01.jpg (1657x2335, 1.56M)

Attached: insert coin.gif (336x240, 1.06M)

>nintendo censors game
>game on sony console is censored

I wish the girl was browner like she is in the switch release honestly, but I'm still gonna fap.

Yes because it's sony censoring the game themselves AFTER it went through CERO

sony isn't japanese

But it is. The censorship is due to CERO's new laws, while the censorship in the Sony games have to do with Sony HQ being in Commiefornia.


i guess nintendo moved to california

>Game has bare nipples
>Japanese law requires censorship of nipples
>Nippon dev complies
>Game shows no nipples, just some risque outfit
>Not breaking any Japanese censor laws
>Snoymericans- "Ermagawd, must protect the "vulnerable"

Nintendo didn't censor this game, you spamming retard. Japan's ratings board (CERO) forbids nipples in all console games, period. Western games that release over there are censored no matter what platform they release on.

That's because Sony is no longer Japanese.

Are you being stupid on purpose?

Hi, welcome to Yea Forums. You must be new here

Short answer is yes

nintendo has a headquarters in far-left seattle, so it's not surprising that they're also making sjw-friendly changes to games.

whatever helps you cope

>Hey that's hot, I-
>*sees hose*
What kind of low quality bargain bin hose is that?
Instantly flaccid.

But Nintendo didn't censor this game?

Nintendo doesn't censor any third party games, as long as a game psses through CERO, Nintendo will put it out.
Sony censors games even if they pass CERO. Any game deemed by them to be too risky will be censored, no matter what CERO says.

Go cry like a bitch, lick your PS4 if you're so butthurt.

lol her boobs fly up for no reason

It's always okay when Nintendo does it OP, how new are you?