Shenmue III
Desperados III
Fade to Silence
Aquanox Deep Silence
Generation Zero (I think Avalanche self publishes the Steam version)
The Guild 3
Monster Jam Steel Titans
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition
The Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep (console versions)
Dead Island 2
Pillars of Eternity II (console versions)
SEGA JP and Atlus physical copies in Europe (depends on some games and countries, double check yourselves)
Persona 5
Catherine: Full Body
Metro Exodus
Saints Row Series
Yakuza Series (console versions)
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Wasteland 2 (console versions)
Dreamfall Series
Killing Floor 2
Risen Series
Sacred Series
For people who want to boycott THQNordic and DS, here are the list of games they are publishing
Other urls found in this thread:
Yea Forums is officially resetera in chan form now
I just bought all these games, thanks.
excellent, now i know what game i have to buy
Thanks, queer. Just preordered all of them.
what's the reason?
brb, buying every single game on your list
I don't really care about any of these games desu.
Added to my shopping cart
you copypasted this from resetera lol
Besides Yakuza, Dreamfall and Sacred I'm not really interested in those tittles and I already bought those games years ago so shouldn't be an issue for me thanks for the list.
Please buy Shenmue 3 in particular.
Why do I want to boycott this company exactly?
Someone buttmad tranny probably got called a buttmad tranny
Nice, bought.
When will fake outrage culture die out?
what did they do to warrant this?
Say something good about the Epic Store?
Now I know which games should I purchase. And there is nothing you can do, seething tranny shit.
>already own 16 games from that list
Now I know the next 4 games I'll get, thanks op
Can't believe pewds would shoot up a mosque for his newest video
why would I want to boycott them?
>No sign of De Blob 3
>Only good games in that list are Biomutant and Shenmue III
Boycott them now
why boycott? because they AMA'd on infinity chan? that is straight up fucking retarded.
This new stealth marketing campaign is working great. Truly, Yea Forums is full of megacorp cocksuckers who will pretend they are contrarian if it means throwing their money at a soulless corporate entity
Why would I boycott them
like I'm not gonna buy these games but that's just because they don't interest me (outside Shenmue III but I'm a sucker that kickstarted it so I've already got a copy waiting for me anyway)
None of these interest me, I guess I'm boycotting this trash
Actively triggering resetera = SOUL
Thanks, just put them all on my wishlist.
Why are we boycotting them? They might have apologized which was a mistake but not worth a boycott surely.
Heloofellow resetera tranny
Seething tranny
Not even Yakuza, Shenmue and Persona?
I despise japan but that's probably the best they have to offer
lmao yeah
for years now, as long as people have strove to achieve complete normie-hood and start dividing the internet into high school lunch room groups
it's over, the internet will exist in it's post-election form for eternity or at least until the magapedes finally fucking stop
That's really a solid lineup desu. They are a good publisher.
You should be embarrassed trying to make the murder of innocents about your vidya grudge.
because they're bad devs ruining old decent franchises trying to pick a free ride off of THQ's coattails, did you see what they did to Darksiders?
>blaming the shooting on the other -chan
these niggas are full retard aren't they
he livestreamed it on facebook, better cancel facebook too while we're at it
> SEGA JP and Atlus physical copies in Europe
Keeping in mind that they have put many of their games on epic store already, chances that p5 pc version will be on epic store looks high now.
>You should be embarrassed trying to make the murder of innocents
and how is this related to OP wanting people to boycott THQ
I thought Killing Floor 2 was Tripwire developed and published.
now dude lmao we're totally different here over at gamergate i mean you faggots got figureheads like anita parcheesihands but we don't do the same cultish behavior we just LISTEN to visionaries like TheQuartering who totally aren't hucksters like Blowey Zinn lmao amirite
>Business does a not great PR move
>some nutcase blasts some brown people
>these events are connected
Are they really that fucking stupid
Thanks Resetera Discord Tranny!
Just went and bought every game on your list.
Acting as if sjws don’t do the same damn thing.
Because THQ and DS games mass murder millions of PoC and trans people.
THQ indrectly (read: directly) supports and condones white supremacist mass shootings since they are obviously ok with posting on infinitychan
They're actually going forward with Dead Island 2? I thought it was cancelled for the longest time.
They're also planning on a new Destroy All Humans and Timesplitters soon
You miss the news?
Interesting... Apparently I've been boycotting them forever but without know it... It also appears that I will continue to neither buy or pirate their games.
If you mean the New Zealand thing, how is it related to THQ?
>ruining old decent franchises
>dead island
That's before Nordic bought them homo
retardera posters are playing six degrees of separation to act like THQ's complicit
Another case of memes manifesting themselves in reality.
>it will be hard but nothing worthwhile in life is easy
sounds like hitler talking about exterminating jews. I think he said that sentence almost exactly in mein kampf
I don't care what they do as a dev, if the game is good I'll buy and if not I'll pass. As for whatever "controversy" they have caused, unless they do something more relevant to affecting their game quality, I'm not going to bother going out of my way to avoid games they have a hand in publishing. Tell me about how they're fucking up devs like EA or Activision do and maybe we can talk.
I don't even know HOW you get from game company to mass shooter
>sees it's a /pol/ screenshot
figures a MAGA faggot would shoot Muslims.
the magapedes that get any sort of exposure are youre typical watch-the-world-burn post shit like "i want to rape you" in the normie-sphere dickheads that vindicate your "ctrl+left" types
i'm not against people who want to actually pursue journalist integrity, it's unfortunate that in the realm of video games normies aren't completely tuned in because what they see are the extreme examples
what we fail to understand is that the actual place the discussions are happening are populated by normies and regulated by the old guard, people who are beyond detached from even the basics of deep internet culture like older Yea Forums, the IRCs, the old games, the BBS shit, and the over-the-top behavior has been shooting the entire community in the foot nonstop since before the election and before gamergate
it is connecting the AMA controversy to the shooter. did you read the screen cap? jfc don't forget to breathe too, since I have to explain everything for you.
So you're saying you're just as bad as them then?
Literally who you fucking tranny
He's not even american
>did you read the screen cap?
I did. I saw it was from /pol/ and that was enough to know THQ is not connected and it's just /pol/ trying to force a scapegoat.
Thanks for the compliment.
also fuck kikes and fuck niggers
i do not hate thq but i don´t like any of these games
That's eightchan. Yea Forums's pol is all sjws arguing with each other for their college projects
Why is it so easy to trick the goyim?
>hello fellow gamer, we at BusinessCorp are totally on your side and really care about whatever causes you believe in. Why not buy one of our fine products to fight the good fight?
It works every time, do they never learn? Do they even realize that they're just cattle serving God's chosen people?
dumb resetera crossposter
>it's okay to be willfully ignorant if it suits my agenda tee hee
you're too far gone, man want to be like a sjw?
Kill yourself.
/pol/ is shit in any number
now I do.
If they can do it so can I.
It works, no?
does atechan not report posts like this to authorities?
You aren't taking my Shenmue 3 from me.
we have
Holy shit Yea Forums really is the dumbest board, you retards fall for any bait. The existence of the board brings down the average IQ of this website by several points.
Fucking hysterical how my post was deleted for being off topic when it fucking wasnt. Go fuck yourself jannies.
Why would I want to boycott them?
literally no idea what you are talking about
>For people who want to boycott THQNordic
preordered all of them
how come you never post that in giant bomb threads, transfat?
>For people who want to boycott THQNordic and DS
This is not ResetEra, go back to where you came from!
>I did. I saw it was from /pol/
no. the screen cap in the comment was from Resetera. explaining the boycott, you utter moron.
>/pol/ trying to force a scapegoat
>THQ Nordic AMA on evil Yea Forums
>Resetera boycott
>shooting happens
>Resetera starts connecting shooting to boycott, since both involve same website
is this too complicated a web of events? like I'm baffled at how dumb you're being that this has to be bait.
Thanks user, you really showed him
I still don't see how THQ is involved
>more original games than sequels being published
Based, wasn't a Destroy All Humans being made too?
>check cripplechan Yea Forums for those "quality discussions"
>unironic gaymergate general on the first page
Fuck off tranny
Why would you make the devs suffer at the cost of the publisher? Just goes to show these people don’t even buy these games in the first place so theres nothing to lose for them.
Afaik THQ did an AMA on 8ch and now everyone is freaking out because 8ch is a naughty site.
In the eyes of SJW retards everyone who posts on that site also directly supports racism, sexism and cp.
I'll consider it if you tell me what lit this fire under your ass user. Like really i'm all for bashing companies but only if I agree with the reason for bashing. Any user who could respond it would be appreciated.
>THQ did a Q&A on Yea Forums, there was a shooter in /pol/ therefore do not buy VALVE games.
E3 this year apparently
Why would you even post this here, the vast majority of people here and I'd argue most of everywhere else don't give a shit about the cuck chan controversy. If anything I think you're just urging fags here to buy more THQ games
gun *claps* review *claps*
It astounds how much and how far SJWs are willing to go to tear down things and people they can't control.
>Gamergate in 2019
I like capitalism though, now go back to shilling for Disney movies to take down capitalism liberal retard
being social justice worriors isn't the problem. social justice is a good thing.
being hysteric, dumb, easily offended crybabies with inconsistent beliefs, who for the life of themselves can't stand other opinions, is not.
that's precisely what the THQ resetera mob is.
it's really pathetic.
Go away ResetERA
Infinitards are such fucking idiots.
You're WAY too late.
Isn't this the exact thing Yea Forums would like. Or is Yea Forums just jealous it didn't happen here?
spoon feed me pls
Thq if you're doing licensed games again give us a collection for the hot wheels games PLEASE
>and DS
what did they do?
These overreacting left-wing nuts are just as awful as the right-wing conspiracy morons. Fucking hell can we go back to 2014?
THQ Nordic is in no way connected to those shootings. You have to be a massive low IQ human to come to this conclusion. Neither are they in any shape or form responsible for that. Likewise, all their employees as well as all the publishers of those listed games and thus all their employees, too, are in no shape or form either responsible or connected the shootings.
So in other words, boycotting those games is retarded as fuck.
I thought some more recent news came up, that's practically ancient considering how nothing that was.
>this thread still up
Do your work jannies
They're /ourpublisher/.
Fuck off tranny.
>THQ does AMA on other chan, reveals E3 plans
>ResetEra goes into panic mode and starts uncontrollably seething
>THQ says sorry
>RetardEra obsessively lurks other chan for weeks looking for something to yell at THQ for
>Some New Zealand faggot makes a thread linking to his facebook stream where he shoots some chinks
>They're now compiling a list of games to boycott that no one will pay attention too
I wonder how many new subscribers he'll get...
Shut up and eat another cake.
Based, I'll be sure to buy THQ games even more. Thanks tranny!
You made one mistake fuckhead. most of Yea Forums doesn't buy games.
>see list
>no idea why people are boycotting THQ
>Never played any of this shit
>Bard´s Tale and Yakuza would be the only good things there
>(console version)
This. All the true anons left for the real chan too. Join us, and save gaming
To be fair, they have genuine cp boards though. Not that they're allowed, but the mods there are all stuck to their own boards and no pedo would report a cp board, so boards usually last 2-4 weeks.
T. Browse /ss/ and often see cp shilling their boards
that's when gamergate started lmao
anyway just ignore them, resetera is only a fraction the size of neogaf during its prime and they are already (slowly but surely) dying
Other chan is too slow and it's shitposting is garbage. It served it's purpose but after Moot resigned there was no reason not to come back. It's nice as a backup site though
Look at all the replies. That's precisely what this bored internet drama faggot is seeking. And you give it to him without a pause.
>Youre just letting him shill THQ more
But user what if I agree with him
resetera is dying becaue they are becoming an echo chamber. echo cambers are just boring.
Not even. Doubt he's a shill, but some bored larping teen playing pretend since he knows the flak thq got. It's prime larp material. And OP loves larp since he has no personality or opinion on his own
they have reached that point years ago.
>tfw all the leddit, Tumblr, and resetera tourists are getting mad again
THQ Nordic and Infinity Chan have truly blessed us. Also fuck Islam
They're dying because they ban half their userbase everytime a new controversial topic comes up.
You mean aside from advertising towards users on a terrorist website? Hmmmm IDUNNO MAN?!!?!?!?!?!?!
Basically around the time EvilLore got "caught" on GAF, the court of public opinion found him guilty, and they performed mass self-exodus to ResetEra.
agreed. it's a ridiculous sight to behold.
>and often see cp shilling their boards
Why didn't you report them, then? Hmm... Kinda suspicious, don't you think?
But I do, it's just that 99% board creators just fuck off after a week. And Jim sure as hell won't hire actual admins after he kicked wheels out on the streets of Philippines.
The fuck are you on about? Who here ever wanted to boycott Nordic? Nobody besides "old media" and era-faggots cares about their double-chan fiasco.