Hello! I am Emi Evans. I sang "Song of the ancients" for Nier and "Nameless song" for Dark Souls

Hello! I am Emi Evans. I sang "Song of the ancients" for Nier and "Nameless song" for Dark Souls.

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I didn't realize skeletons could sing, well done I guess


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Makes sense for Dark Souls to get a skelly to sing

Eat something woman, doesn't matter how good you can sing if you're a white woman who isn't preparing herself to have many white children.

So that's the face behund the voice, huh. A Whasian?

Have sex

What the fuck is wrong with her nose

I've had lots of sex with plenty of women. I'd still bang the skeleton in the OP, but only after guzzling a 6-pack

They're no thicker than a cigarette! I could smoke them little arms!

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Jewish genes

Needs to regain humanity before taking a picture nextime

You have not had sex even once

ive fucked almost a hundred girls lol


For a bunch of Yea Forumsirgins that are just as ugly on the outside they sure love to point out physical deficiencies
Is there something psychology that explains this? Any armchairs doctors?

I liked your work with Onoken!

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I can't.

Why not?

Is this peak brain damage?
OP came in here attention whoring and got a negative attention for being so hopelessly shallow. People dog piling attention whores is common.
If the real Emi Evans came in here, adopted a trip, and asked us what we thought of her work, everyone would start orbiting.

I cut off my blank.

you did well, but you should eat more.

k show feet

so fucking based

Do they have lyrics?

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Its literally gibberish.

>on the internet
yikes, it must be convenient to have such a boogeyman to turn to every time!

The Wretched Automatons is her best song.

I prefer the slower version.

if its an attractive person people would talk about the attractive qualities. if its an unattractive person people will talk about the unattractive qualities.

its not a hard concept to understand, nor is it unfair.

at any rate, you're the one calling them 'physical deficiencies' like they are brain damaged or handicapped for being ugly.

so you clearly think less of them than we do.

imagining how big my dick would look slapping that bony ass


I like the witch and the hundred knight song she did.

are they not paying you enough to afford food?

God japanese are ugly. White genetics wasted.

Temple of drifting sands is better

I have always wondered if there were lyrics when they gave it to her and then told her to make up a language for them. Was I just overthinking it?

oh fuck I had no idea she did Nameless Song too

Also man she looks like a skeleton I hope she isn't bulimic


Yes but it's a made up language
there's a plot reason for that too
I don't think there is but I might be wrong.
Yeah I didn't know that either

that nose though

Song of the Ancients was such a cop out
So what is the song actually supposed to be considering the context of the original game? Literally made up shit by D&P?

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Suppose to be the legend of Grimoire Weis and Blanc coming together to save humanity, I think.

Love her voice. Nier ist one of my most favourite soundtracks of all time.
Honestly had no idea she was white. Since those are both Japanese games, I assumed she was a Japanese singer.

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You serious nigga? It's right on the tittle. It's a song from old humanity. Of course the replicants can't understand the lyrics as they have their own language, but since it's probably based on some of the old languages it sounds familiar, like you could almost understand it if you pay enough attention.

cute nose