Do devs intentionally make their games this fucking huge to avoid piracy or what? not gonna lie i was about to download a game but i saw 106GBs what the fuck? even if i bought it it would take me ages to download it from steam, so whats the deal?
Do devs intentionally make their games this fucking huge to avoid piracy or what...
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even though that pic is supposed to be negative it still feels so wholesome
No, it's because they're too lazy to optimize their game.
Strange portrayal of one of the most human moments in the history of warfare.
There was something floating around that said devs make their games big so that console install space gets eaten up quickly by a smaller amount of games, making gamers more likely to buy DLC for those games
but there's also a ton of incompetence in the industry as well, so it depends
>Do devs intentionally make their games this fucking huge to avoid piracy or what?
>even if i bought it it would take me ages to download it from steam
Piracy have repacks. Original copies don't.
What was that WW1 multiplayer shooter that came a while back? V-something, is it still active?
I take it that it's more likely that the games are fuckhuge because nowadays all is uncompressed, making the game lighter on the console CPUs since they are a fucking mess of performances.
I'm pretty sure they know what they're doing.
it's because games have gone digital so there is no hard upper limit for game sizes anymore unlike during disc era where you had to design the game's assets to fit on a cd/dvd.
Christ what a pathetic thing to complain about. Honestly this is the most petty poorfag subject imaginable. Then if the game is only 20 gigs and it has shit textures they bitch about incompetent art direction.
Uncompressed sound files and multiple languages with no option to only download the language you want.
If they're trying to stop piracy, they're doing a pisspoor job because repacks let you do just that.
At least to my knowledge the FC Norf meme is supposed to be pretty wholesome. A kind of post-ironic celebration of the English working class
I'm starting to think this too desu. They all want to forcibly compete for hard drive/SSD space. Why else would they still use DVDs in this day and age
Yeah that's the one. Do you guys know the status of that game?
That would be Verdun user, I've been playing Tannenberg too. Way superior to battlefield made by EA where literally everybody has a machine gun so it feels like more of a WW2 shooter. Verdun & Tannenberg are all single shot rifles & pistols & you basically die in one hit.
It depicts northerners as fat unintelligent violent hooligans, what's wholesome about that?
If you can't look in the mirror and have a laugh maybe your ego is too big.
Fun, but dead
>that HUD
I'm okay with it.
if they did that to avoid people pirating it, wouldn't people downloading a legal copy also be less willing to download it? Or would they go "awww, c'mon. I guess I already paid, might as well leave it to download now"
For a niche game seems to be okay
Looks very nice and I've been longing for a proper WW1 game since. It also costs dirt cheap thanks.
Considering all major ISPs have data caps now, I'm actually less likely than ever to download a bloated install. Legitimate or not.
>have had niggernet for YEARS
>never knew 25mbps down speed was the national standard for a long time
>mfw going to a friend’s house and seeing him dl a 45gb game in about 20 minutes
It took me 4 days to download Red Dead Redemption and 2 for Ace Combat
I always thought they just figure "bigger is better" and they can brag about having "over x hours" of gameplay... because you spend a lot of that time lagging or backtracking across massive swaths of empty land.
>Do devs intentionally make their games this fucking huge to avoid piracy or what?
Pirate repacks are always 20% to 40% lighter though. They actually encourage piracy by not compressing game files and making you download over 80Gb of data.
i'd say you have to think about in the context of wojak grug (since they use the same faces etc). The humor of Grug is basically "primitive tribal simpleton is politically incorrect and therefore wiser than current year". In FC Norf, the amount of negative stereotyping is so absurd that they can't be see as villains and are therefore the protagonists of the panel (just like Grug). As such it's a moralistic piece in which the oft-derided northern caveman has his negative attributes recast as virtues, as Grug had his stupidity and tribalism recast as virtue
mbps down speed was the national standard
>tfw 70mb/s for $15 in my third world slav country
>tfw no face
Had the same experience user, it was magical.
>tfw have SLOWER internet speed than some starving spic in Venezuela
It hurts but it’s true
quality post user
every new open world game has fast travel though
what's the point then.
Your poorness made me laugh, at least your funny.
Yes because a large filesize is totally gonna deter someone who isn't even going to buy the game. Moron...
its a meme you dip