>best friend said he would play with me
>message him next day to remind him
>he ignores my message and plays with other people
Best friend said he would play with me
Other urls found in this thread:
Reconsider your friends then.
He's not your friend buddy
i feel your pain user. Maybe think about your friendship as the other poster suggested if this is a recurring thing
Sad to say this but you are the backup guy now.
you need to suck his dick
Do not do this it doesn't work out, trust me
>That one guy who bothers you every day because he has no friends
turns out he's fucking dead
Your pic makes it clear you were probably being passive aggressive about it. Sounds like he dodged a bullet.
>friend asks to play vidya with you
>say okay but later
>they constantly remind you to play with them
>put off playing game longer each time they ask
Post his id I'll be his friend instead of you
why would you remind me of this emotionally predatory shit
Atleast you have friends to play with.
I absolutely hate this man, here
>play game with girl
>says she has a lot of fun and wants to play again
>never signs in again
>doesn't want to play with an anime faggot
sounds like he's a cool dude
>Friend asks to play a game
>"Sure I'd be down in a bit, just lemme finish up some shit"
>they spend the next hour pestering you every 5 minutes and getting annoyed that you aren't ready yet
>every time they ask to play games they expect you to drop everything and play immediately like this
You can't just fucking ask out of nowhere and expect me to be ready, I don't just sit around all day waiting for someone to ask me to play a game
If you don't like anime you don't belong on Yea Forums
what's worse, that shit or a group of friends that abandons every game you try, leaving you holding the bag every single time?
Stop giving a fuck about people that don't want to be with you.
Why don't you have balls to tell him this?
I don't like anime because manga is vastly superior
But then there's no one left.
Who says I haven't? Thats just how they are
Sorry bro that was Yea Forums, this is 4CHANNEL
go back to your containment site nerd :^)
>Hey man wanna play some X
>Sure, I'll be on in 5 minutes
>Friend never shows up
>End up just sitting there for like 2 hours
>Haha I got tired so I went to bed xDD
>Get friends to try new vidya
>They enjoy the first couple of hours
>Next day they're linking wikis, build guides, and forums posts on what to do to optimize
>Only want to min/max from the start and use the best strats they found in forums and youtube
>Complain the game wasn't even that good to begin with when its over or Get bored with the game part way through because it's "Too easy and predictable"
internet friends aren't your "best friends" you pathetic schmuck. And if you weren't so fucking clingy I bet they'd have played with you
not everyone's a filthy neet or retailscrub, some of us have real jobs
I see this shit every time someone makes a thread like this, OP just needs to stop being such a needy fuck. Unless he's dating this friend, maybe something just came up. Sounds like OP is a lonely autist, if I had plans to play a game with a buddy, but I messaged him with something like "Ayy, where you at my dude, games soon?" and he never replied, I'd just fuckin assume he got busy with something else and catch up with him later.
God damn, also, people on Yea Forums need to stop pretending that "That guy I played a game with once or twice that accepted the friend request I sent him after I played on his team" are "friends"
These threads are always about random fucks people met in games on steam that they barely ever talk to and just pester like an autist to pay attention to them even though that person barely knows this attention starved sperg.
These faggots need to get off of steam and try hitting up smaller active communities where people actually just chill out and talk about stuff. Like a dubtrack room or some kind of niche discord server. Adding random people from steam games will almost never result in a lasting actual friendship, especially if you're a socially awkward NEET sperg that gets really overbearing really quickly because you have no social experience
Not him but I once told a friend to cool his jets and that he was annoying me by asking so much and he started crying. I'm not sure if he was legit sad or it was some guilt trip attempt but comeon, you're a grown man.
To anons that do this, just chill we (probably) don't hate you but people do other shit than play games with you or talk to you.
I have a real job my friend is one the who's a no life neet
Please don't do this.
How do you know?
he must’ve found out you’re a dumb discord tranny
I wish I could do this
Ill be his friend and play with him if he does this
dumb sissy
only thing you should play with is dick
you certainly write like an asocial NEET, thats for sure.
1. First impressions matter, even IF they just met.
2. Don't make plans with someone and than 'cancel' them unless you have a good reason; state this reason then, or tell someone you can't.
You are competing with literally everyone else on the planet for my friendship. And I won't invest time into people that are trash-tier like you for example. Time is a very limited ressource.
Sucking dick while they're playing video games is my fetish
What anime is that?
Why are these threads always so gay?
>somebody ignores a dumb anime poster probably also gay and a tranny
Gay men are pathetic incels, they have no friends because they're desperate freaks.
i just wanted friends...
>used to play alot of games with said friend
>time passes as we play different games and speak less with each other
>motherfucker is a lonely neet like me and demands everytime to come in vc and play what he wants no matter if you doing other stuff
>one day playing stuff
>he starts spamming messages
>respond with few words since Im busy playing
>mfw he calls me an asshole and blocks me everywhere
>Don't make plans with someone and than 'cancel' them unless you have a good reason
Thinking this is a big deal is the reason your friends find you insufferable. Oh no he didn't want to play a video game with you! Get a grip you anime faggot.
>all my """"""""""friends""""""""""""" asked me to play apex legends
>i say ok
>i ask my """"""""""""friends""""""""""""""" to play different game
>get ignored
don't be sad, loli loving user
What's your steam?
>says as he post the reddit frog
Really makes my neurons are fire up
>have a friend like this
>he literally cries at one point because he thinks i don't care about him
>start to feel bad for the guy
>hug him
>he hugs back hard and cries into my shoulder
>for some reason i start to get an erection even though i'm not really into guys and he's not girly looking
I hope he didn't feel it. Also I think it was from the rush of power I felt. Like I held his happiness in the palm of my hand.
I'd take 1,000 frogposters before a discord tranny who watches "cute" anime and calls everything "cute".
>talking to kinda weird kid in college
>offhand mention that I used to play dota to him when videogames come up
>"dude we should totally play together man"
>"I don't really play anymore but yeah maybe next time I get back into it"
>every time I pass him he says "you owe me a dota game, how about tonight?"
>always bullshit that I have something to do
>he also carefully records how many beers or cigs people owe him
I hope you guys aren't this autistic
Jesus christ, shut your fucking mouth. I have GREAT friends. They DON'T find me insufferable you projecting retard.
I have more friends that want to spend time with me than time available.
But even if I had 0 friends, I'd rather use my time to meet new people and look for those I have good chemistry with.
Maybe look for your own faults, because I bet you got plenty.
>meet very nice people online through twitch community
>sometimes play games
>still get intense anxiety when in party chat, mind often goes blank, not sure if they actually like me
how do you stop this
>friend convinces you to buy game so he can have a friend to play it with
>he gets bored a week later and stops playing
you can be my friend
but I expect friends to send me pics of their feminine peenors and suck my dick
you need jesus, user
>You are competing with literally everyone else on the planet for my friendship. And I won't invest time into people that are trash-tier like you for example. Time is a very limited ressource.
You're not that special nigga, I wouldn't want to be friends with a weirdly pompous autist like you anyway, I have better things to do than sit around sniffing my own farts
I'm not your buddy, pal
You don't, just try to remember that online it's easy to ghost people you don't like.
truth is
friendship was a lie from the start
how do you think lol
You say you got better things to do, but here you are posting on Yea Forums
I can be your friend.
you're gay as fuck user
If a friend acts that way towards me i just don't bother with, people i play with are irl friends and only one of them ever acts like this and he is known for it so most people just don't bother with them.
you say that is posting on Yea Forums isn't better than talking to some self important sperg that acts like his time is more precious than gold.
If you don't have any chill I'm not chilling with you
>you say that as if*
I'm not your friend, guy.
Any of you fags actually have good internet friends still? I have fond memories of playing CS1.6 with dudes I met online, we used to chat a lot, play video games, was cool. We're talking ten years or more ago though and I don't have anyone to play with anymore. Just a few real life friends who are great, but console gamers and hard to see much because they're/we're all flakes. Kinda miss having some online bros.
>some random pub faggot with an anime avatar sends me a friend request
>give him the benefit of the doubt and accept
>he asks me if we can play again tomorrow
>say sure, I play this game almost every day anyway
>next day
>come home from a 12 hour shift
>just wanna relax and play some games with my bros
>random anime faggot sends me a message
>''hehe I'm just reminding you of the promise you made yesterday =^_^=~''
>literally my fucking face when
>I was planning on playing the game anyway but now I feel like being passive aggressive with this autistic cunt will be more satisfying
>ignore him completely and play with my other friends instead
>can almost hear his gay anime sounds in the distance
Better, worse, it's still a waste of time. Not saying you should be that guy's friend though.
>rl friends (or randoms on my friends list I've played with in the past) genuinely want to play games with me for some reason
>too much of a socially challenged person to actually into social situations
>stay offline on discord, steam, psn, etc at all times and play in offline mode to avoid them
>tfw people want to be your friend but you have too many social issues to let them in
I would trade your suffering for mine, OP
i feel super bad about doing this
describe yourself (as a person) and be brutally honest. that increases your chance to find someone with good chemistry
what game
>playing tf2
>some anime avatar adds me
>uses a lot of emotes like ^_^ and :D
>whatever, he's pretty decent at medic
>next day
>he messages me "hey go soldier again and i'll heal you ^____^" or something like that, I don't remember the exact message
>i was about to launch tf2 anyhow so i play with him
>after a few days of this he starts to tell me all kinds of personal shit out of nowhere
>then out of fucking nowhere asks how big my dick is
>i'm not gay, just into trap hentai
>but i tell him anyhow
>he starts getting lewder and lewder
Now I can't log into Steam without wanting to fap. Also I think I'm into dudes now.
I had a friend once and it was awful.
I have good online friends
but I met them through /trash/
>tfw no friends
when you say
>but now I feel like being passive aggressive
that makes you look like the cunt
Ye I've made lots of good friends in FFXIV, we play all kinds of stuff together
It's okay being a cunt to anime faggots.
>i'm not gay, just into trap hentai
>play team game
>happen to have a really damn good game where I play way better than usual
>teammate: damn user you are pretty good lets play again?"
>add them to friends
>have an average game the next time where I play just okay
>player leaves party and I never see them online on friends list again
every damn time
A few, met them on a magical girl roleplay IRC though and not through vidya
I don't want to be your friend
But I wish you luck in gaining them
>tfw used to go in these threads and add new people who wanted friends or were lonely
>met some pretty cool people, still talk to them
>met one that I got into a really awkward situation with
>too tired and afraid to even think of adding another person
I just want you anons to be happy, is all.
I had a ton of really good friends I met playing WoW. It was pretty much the best game when it came to having something brain dead enough that you could run a dungeon while shooting the shit with bros. Too bad that game blows ass now. My social skills have fallen off the map since I stopped playing it.
so user, how big is your dick?
anime trannies aren't human so it doesn't count, also kill yourself discord tranny
real online friends:
>talk through VC consistently
>willing to talk about nearly anything and everything
>willing to do impromptu games, but not offended when other friend(s) decline
>relationship is not affected by disagreements in personal belief
>interactions are from amenity
fake online friends:
>rarely go beyond text chat, sometimes VCs are scheduled
>only talk about one or a handful of topics
>have to make arrangements for games when there are no real schedule conflicts between them
>friendship can end or be damaged by difference in ideology or petty disagreements
>interactions seem almost obligatory, in that they happen because it seems like that's what friends should be doing
3.5 inches
I've thought about adding people from these threads but I'm not that talkative so I'd just be wasting their time.
just a bit bigger than 5 inches
well what games do you like to play, what are your hobbies and shit
you can't expect people to be friendly just because you have an anime avatar
Delete this gif right now.
He is planning a surprise for you with those people.
Had a friend I used to play a ton of games with then I was abandoned the second he got a girlfriend.
Same here except instead of abandoning me he just brings his boring ass doormat gf everywhere and I feel like a third wheel.
Anime website fag.
Its for the best that you not try to watch it. Emotional trauma is gaurenteed.
Nah. Something else
We're your only friends and that's all that matters
I'm pretty talkative and social so I didn't have a problem so much but I just didn't want anons to feel so lonely anymore. Loneliness is a terrible feeling but if you can share it with someone, it becomes much more bearable.
How do I get a friend like that?
about 8 long and 6 around but I haven't measured it since highschool
hot. You better treat that healslut well
>clingy animefaggots
The fucking worst. All I have is my waifu as my profile picture, no ancilliary bullshit and these ERPing chucklefucks won't leave me alone.
I'm sorry I cannot offer myself to be your friend, but I wish every user in this thread good luck in finding a good friend.
I'm that guy. Give me a break, I just want to spend time with her because I'm enjoying it a lot. Be happy for me.
Suck his dick to establish dominance
Can I talk to you?
trash is furry u tard
One of us!
Gooble gobble!
One of us!
>wanting friends
this is really the core of the issue
You sound clingy and annoying.
Ohhey, I was just wondering when you'd show up.
Sure! You got a discord?
>i just like her and not you anymore, be happy
Some people just don't enjoy VCing/have background shit they don't want people to hear. I've made great friends who turned into irl friends from just chatting online.
join any group of weebs or furries, they're basically the same thing but they just jerk off and base their gay ERPs on either western degeneracy or eastern degeneracy. Take your pick, you can either get your virtual dick sucked by a fat greasy pedo that doesn't shower or a fat greasy dog fucker that doesn't shower, sometimes they overlap and will be both at once too
The friend is more of a jerk for not keeping a promise.
>it's a steam user with more friends than games or with hundreds of games that he has never played
>he has an anime avatar
>he has a profile background
>his profile description consists of quotes from his friends about himself and guidelines on when it's okay to contact him
>he thinks everyone who talks to him is potential boyfriend material
>he gets clingy and possessive over other fucking steam users
>he complains to you about his personal life five minutes after you initially message him
>if you keep him around, he will start threatening suicide within two or three months
>(bonus level) he bitches about his family life and asks where you live so he can live with you (free of charge)
Do you expect it to have grown much since high school?
Picture this
>yeah of course we'll play this again
>>You've said that about other games before and-
>don't worry about it
Several months pass
>I uninstalled [game] because it took up too much space
Every time. Fucking women
You can't own people faggot. Get over it.
Alrighty, what's your username, then?
>his profile description consists of quotes from his friends about himself and guidelines on when it's okay to contact him
The fucking worst. How do these losers even get such an inflated sense of self worth?
women don't like things
women like the potential attention things can bring
This so fucking much. Metagaming ruined so many games
If he liked only her and not you then he wouldn't bother showing up and bringing her along
it DOES have the potential to be an absolute ass experience though I admit
Not with that attitude.
I assume most get a bit bigger beyond the age of 15
i wouldnt mind meeting some pedo friends desu
No matter what your situation is internet "friends" are not real friends until you meet with him or her in flesh and blood. Until then they are nothing.
Imagine having zero loyalty to your friends.
I hope that one day she'll dump you and you'll crawl back to your so called friend, only to be ignored.
I have a shred of naivety which makes me pretend this isn't true and I expect the behavior of a real human bean
my own fault really
doing this shit in anything but pure PvP games is unacceptable
Alright, boys, do I order a pizza or chinese?
Are you me? In general I love helping people and just being a good person, but whenever anyone shows more trust than normal or confides with me something personal, my body reacts that way, its extremely annoying.
They live in their little erp communities and get 1-3 clingy omega faggots who fuel their ego because they've never experienced any kind of attention in the first place
yeah happens to me all the time. I usually play alone (bloodlines) or with stranges (broodwar)
Tfw had a good group of friends.
Tfw made plans to meet eventually.
Tfw even was able to get titty pics from the girl wich you had a great friendship with.
Tfw collegue comes and now all contact is lost, and the last message you get from one of them is at new years excusing themselves for not being available but how important you are from them,only to not get sent another message since then.
I don't know if i should be depressed about this,it's part of growing up i guess, and maybe i'm the only one who cares this much,but it still hurts.
my love for cunny cannot be overstated
>best friend has a big fat dick
>always have to see it when we finish the gym
>can't bring myself to tell him I'm in love with him
>friends want to play Terraria together
>decide that sounds pretty cool since I've never tried it before
>finally get a nice house built inside a giant tree
>suddenly half of my house is corruption
>events constantly happening and enemies are flying through my walls and killing me as I spawn
>tfw they already got to hard mode in the time it took me to build my house
>tfw I barely got to play because they would just give me their hand me downs and I'd fuck around with them doing nothing like a retard as they whizzed through the game
>all I really got to do was get killed by random event mobs and build a house that didn't even matter
Terraria sucks
>OP posts a greentext story about having issues with friends or not being able to make some
>doesn't post steam id or anything
Every fucking time. See, in this very thread there might be people who are also (???) lonely just like you, but you don't even let them to attempt to aproach you and try to become friends. No, you faggot came here to talk about yourself only. You don't want to become friends with someone you don't already like (including someone from here), you just want those who you like to do what you want them to do. Cunt.
These aren't "lonely" threads, they're dating threads for gay autists, not even joking or memeing, these threads literally get made so gay autists can add each other and jerk off
if they posted steamid in addition to blogposting it would be even more obnoxious attentionwhoring and the thread would be an even higher percentage of gay shit instead of allowing a small amount of discussion
This is true, but I come here to bitch about the stupid shit my clingy friends do.
I see. Eurofag here, when I see ''since highschool'' I think ''18 years''. But nice
You can't just assume that they're all gay trannies god damnit.
asking the right questions
I refuse to watch any youtube video that has meme in the title on principle.
>had friends who i would get lewd with over steam and we would fap with each other
>now i have no one to fap with
Anyone want to be fap buddies?
Party van is on the way user.
I'm down depending on what you're into
Yeah. I'm not a gay tranny! im a bi one
The fuck is your point? If he was your "best" friend neither of you wouldn't give a shit about something as small as this. Your relationship with a friend should stem from more than just playing games with them, because once they don't play with you, you're going to end up feeling the way you do now.
kill yourselves transhits
>Used to have friend I liked playing vidya with
>I have really fucking bad anxiety so I worry about being annoying and asking people to play with me so I just sit around waiting for people to ask if I want to play.
>This friend's computer breaks and he can't replace it, it goes like 4 months of him having no computer and being depressed.
>Come into some excess money I don't need so send him enough to get a new computer.
>Excited to get to play with him again when it arives.
>He spends the entire day playing with someone else.
Anything but piss and scat
Yeah, back when mmo beta threads were a thing about
moral of the story: don't trust people on the internet
Sauce, you fucking faggot.
>best friend frequently ghosts me for a few days, ignoring all messages and the sends me a shitty meme
Have some basic fucking social etiquette you fucking autist
I have two friends and they already take plenty of my time. I don't get how people have many friends.
Be more specific, top or bottom?
I just want to rub dicks together with my friend but he won't.
Whichever you want
>a year later he moves in with that guy because his parents wouldn't pay for the internet unless he gets a job.
>Has the fucking nerve to complain to me about being lonely when his roommate goes out to LAN parties without him when I've spent like 4 years just waiting for anybody to bother playing with me and he never gives a shit about that.
>Argument happens over him drinking constantly, neglecting me as a friend and the fact he didn't pay me back entirely, (he sent about half back, I only brought that up because he spends all his money on alcohol and it feels bad watching him in that state), he removes me on steam etc., I block him.
>Genuinely feel relieved not having to deal with him anymore.
>not a single piece of gay shit in this story
most friendships eventually go into some sort of "low maintenance mode", where you talk less and do less stuff with each other.
And I guess my comment got deleted, oh well. I lost interest anyways.
He doesn't play with you probably think you're a fag.
Well, the gay shit wasn't as dramatic.
He owns a dragon dildo though and has sent pics of him using it to everybody but me.
>used to have a reasonably tightly knit group of three/four friends
>one of them mostly just wants to play a game i don't really have a lot of excitement for right now
>one of them works for EA and gets up to other shit, doesn't really hang out with us quite as much anymore at all
>one of them was always sort of bad at being timely but ever since he got involved with VR it takes lots of effort to get him to play with us instead of his new VR friends
kill yourself tranny
Does that mean he's a furry
what was it?
Most trapfaggots are also furfags
that gif of the dude shitting on a baby
Daisy's Destruction
did you send him pics?
nah, I am pretty much entirely a man.
and bald.
a pedo.
this is actually the solution to most of the world's problems
>friend begs you for months to get on voice chat
>finally do It and immediately removed +blocked
probably was an orbiter retard hoping you'd be a stacy sissy femboy
This is a gaslighter. For educational purposes, I will now explain the danger. All humans feel thoughts about sucking dick. They sneak in like wisps and are usually discarded by the higher functions of our mind. Humans can be corrupted by these gaslighters by convincing one suffering from a persistent dick sucking thoughts that they are alone in their perverse ideations. This will foment in the mind of the intruded that they are cursed to think this way, which will result in a spiral of ill-thinking more likely to end in the engagement in aforementioned dick sucking. These gaslighters are the most dangerous creatures in existence, but unfortunately are usually unaware of the damage they do.
Remember, if you feel it in your gut that something is normal and someone tries to convince you it is not, they are the freaks! Incapable of rationalizing and dispelling their own dick sucking demons, they project greater evil upon the good, normal folk of the world! We were not born to hoist the burdens of the uninitiated.
What games are even any good to play with friends anymore?
what an emasculated individual
don't befriend normalfags
it really is just that simple
>Friend keeps pestering me to play a game with him
>He drops it within a week
>Sometime later starts asking me to play a different game
>Same shit happens
Every fucking time. If this asshole wasn't one of the only friends I have left I wouldn't even bother.
holy shit an actual underage trying to fit in, it's so weird seeing them out in the wild like this
Actually he was the one who portrayed himself as a sissy femboy. I'm just a shy,so I guess he expected someone more cutesy sounding.
Shame though, had a lot of fun playing games with him.
you'll find someone better than him
Dungeons and Dragons Online.
>stacy sissy femboy
This meme needs to stop. Sissy femboys are in the same tier as fat chicks. Men will fuck 'em if they're desperate but if there's the option of a hot skinny chick, they're gonna go for her.
>friends play games I don't like
>I want to play games that they don't like
>finally cave and buy a game they are playing just so I can play with them
>they all stop playing it a day or two as if avoiding me
If you really love him, you should figure out where he stands if you ever tell him. There's no worse feeling than ruining a friendship like that.
i felt that way when my roomates cat nuzzled up to me for me to pet him
that's like a serial killer origin story
Just one, known them for only about a decade though. All my early 2000's friends are gone.
Sorry man, but you won't find real friends on the internet. Gotta go out in public for that kind of shit
This. Or just don't tell him at all.
>posting this while on Yea Forums and the internet in general
nice try sissy, you still get orbiter retards, just because it's not as many as some roastbeef might get doesn't change the fact you still attract the retards in hordes
hey man sorry i'm late, i would've suggested pizza but hope you had a good lunch regardless
I did order a pizza, it was an hour late but they gave me a free pepsi to make up for it. I don't drink soda.
>an hour late and a soda you won't drink
that sucks man, currently waiting on food that's 30 minutes late. must be because it's a friday lunch hour. hope the pizza was good and that you're having a nice day, pal.
haha rekt
>We fightin bugs tonight man!?
>Hell yeah!
This is how a conversation should go.
You forgot the last line
My communicator isn't working! I think it ran out of batteries!
hahah faggot
> having frens
Whenever it is time to roll and my friend isn't around I just send him a copy of a Spy Fox game since I have about 40 of them
>tfw no weak-willed user who lets you do all sort of things to him in fear you'll leave him
>Yea Forums is the girl
Based alpha Yea Forums chads win again.
>play games with friend all the time, talk to him almost every day
>only person I have really
>one day a little over a month ago gets super pissed over something inconsequential
>removes and blocks me, on pretty much everything
>still not back
>tfw only 3 friends, but it's more like a combined 0.7 friends because they rarely talk to me
Thats some bad cheese man.
hi Del
Friendships aren't formal contracts you fucking autist.
If someone doesn't do something they said it's not exactly a slight against you.
Stop being so fucking needy.
Friendships are SUPPOSED to be chill and casual whats the point of treating a friendship like a formal agreement to not step on each others toes at all times?
You're not competing with everyone else on the planet, you wont even meet most people on the planet, and a LOT of people you meet wont care much about being your friend.
If you want to genuinely make friends you have to be willing to forgive flaws and accept that they wont always be perfect, bonding with people isn't about formal agreements, shit like that just makes you fall out as soon as someone makes a mistep, friendship built on shakey ground.
Being friends with people and making bonds needs to be built on trust and compromises.
No one is perfect and unless you wanna find yourself alone one day you need to realize peoples lives dont revolve around you or your "social agreement"
Dry those tears.
But I didn't tell the punchline yet
>tfw the only friends you have on your friends list are people that think you aimbot
Oh well
>Best friend plays ll4d with you all the time
>He gets a girlfriend and stops having even 5 minutes to message you
>Girl leaves him and all of a sudden he has all the time in the world
>Repeat until you drift apart after years of being friends
Anyone wanna jerk off over Discord?
I wish I had friends to play vidya with and a taste in vidya that I could have in common with friends.
die sissies kill yourselves trannies
What games do you like, user?
I'm not whoever that is.
I'll be your best friend in vrchat.
>tfw I did all sorts of things for someone in fear they'd leave me
I should learn how to say no
move on bud
you blew it
What's your username?
You experienced affection for the first time in your life and your body got excited.
Don't twist it user, you aren't powerful, if you broke his heart he'd eventually get over it and move on.
He's just attached to you at the moment, either way you're probably a lil bi or absolutely starved for intimacy of any kind, he was acting pretty femme so your body responded.
What did you do?
>If someone doesn't do something they said it's not exactly a slight against you.
Yes it fucking is you absolute retard. You're probably a nonwhite, or descended from one.
If you decide to go to the restaurant or to the movies with someone, and plan a time and a place with that person and they don't show up, you've been slighted.
The fact that they didn't show up isn't the problem, it's the problem that they didn't warn you before.
Telling someone "okay, I'll be there at X time", deciding you can't do it for whatever reason, and not having the mind to tell the person you won't be able to make it is the problem.
Wanna try that again? I'll promise I'll treat you better than that cunt who used you like a rag and threw you away when you were no longer of use to him.
>If someone doesn't do something they said it's not exactly a slight against you.
>Yes it fucking is you absolute retard.
Not him but people I know have families and commitments. I'm not going to shit on a guy just because he his son got sick or he's going to eat dinner with his wife. Grow up, the world isn't black and white.
Well I don't like shooty games much, so battle royales and fps aren't too interesting.
I like stuff like MMOs but with actual build customization, I fucking loved the way SMT: Imagine worked but hated how cashshop focused it was.
I can enjoy mobas but because of the learning curves and the fact I get burnt out I tend to feel like dead weight when I come back to playing in a month or two and the character balance is completely different.
I've been playing a lot of SRPGs lately but the only multiplayer one I'm aware of is Wakfu.
>tfw no clingy friend that likes video games and the occasional lewd
the guy is saying it's a slight if they don't even respect you enough to tell you why they won't be keeping to the plan.
>Not him but people I know have families and commitments. I'm not going to shit on a guy just because he his son got sick or he's going to eat dinner with his wife.
But you fucking atomic retard, that's not the point. Any reason to cancel an appointment is fine.
The thing that's not fine is not telling the person on the other end. They're setting time aside for you, and you know they're going to sit there waiting for you like a retard, and yet you can't even have the sense to just send them a text to say "hey sorry but I won't be able to show". It takes 15 seconds.
Point still stands, you aren't special kid. Grow up.
I told him it's gonna take more than 2 months to get a driver's license. Basically he's living in a hotel and wants me to drive and get him which I was willing to do but he expects it in an unreasonable time. Apparently that makes me lazy or something. There's more to it than just that but I don't wanna spend all day here.
That's easier said than done when they're your only friend for years.
the best advice I can possibly give you in situations like this is to self evaluate yourself and try to learn if you're the one who is the problem
it might not seem obvious at first but it's entirely possible a behavior you continue to perpetuate or something you've said has hurt your friend and he doesn't have the heart to tell you so he's ignoring you
a friend of mine always harasses me to play a fighting game with him and then wipes the floor with me repeatedly and then always wants to play more (I assume because Im easy) so I started declining
that is just an example though, anyway, self evaluation is a valuable skill in the modern world and you should try to practice it more
if after thorough (and I do mean thorough) analysis, if you find that there is without a shadow of a doubt nothing you did wrong, then the problem could lie in the other person, and at that point having a calm discussion with them about how you feel could do wonders to fix the relationship you have
some people however are beyond help, and no matter how hard you try, you'll never fix what you thought you had, at that point user it's time to move on and make new friends
knowing when you've done wrong, or when you've been wronged by someone else, is such an important thing
He sounds like an absolute shithead, good riddance.
yes he is, he values himself and has self respect unlike you
fucking pathetic cockroach lmao, bottom bitch mentality right here
It isn't a slight to cancel a plan. It is a slight to do so without warning or apology afterwards. When you schedule something, it means you intend to set time aside for the thing you scheduled, that's the entire fucking point. Yeah, shit comes up, but it's common courtesy to send a quick message ("hey, gotta cancel, shit came up") or, if time doesn't allow, send a message after things have calmed down ("sorry about last week, some shit happened").
>tfw I had 2 "friends" who would constantly get me off and for some reason I was an idiot who deleted them off friends list and never spoke to them again
Now I get myself off
lol you dumbass, how do you even come back to this "I bet ur n-not even white" horseshit? Now I know exactly the kinda autismo I'm dealing with
Talking to people online isn't inviting someone to the movies IRL, of course dropping out on that is a slight, I was talking about online communications and them sayin they'd play like a game, sometimes shit happens, if they do it a lot then yeah it's an issue, call them out on it but it doesn't have to be a friendship ender, like I said no one is perfect.
Personally I'm punctual and try to stick to my words but it's no biggie if someone just don't feel like talking anymore or got busy with something, sure they should say something but like I said, treating a friendship like treading on ice is just toxic.
I like shooty games and MOBAs, I play Apex Legends, LoL, and Overwatch currently. And Deep Rock Galactic. But I also play stuff like For The King, Divinity Original Sin 2 and I'm actually considering about playing on this WoW burning crusade private server.
If you can't or don't care about keeping appointments with someone then don't bother making them
>haha you're an autist
*roundhouse kick you in the back of the head* whatever fag
>see threads like this
>crtl+f my old username to make sure I'm not being talked about
I was a bad friend to quite a few people from Yea Forums
>tfw gay
>genuinely have a girl's voice. never have I forced it or did it on purpose
>join voice chat
>everyone tells me my voice is so cute and actually nice and ask me for pics
>tired of coming out as a gay dude so I just play along and say I'm a girl
>I used to do ERP back in the day and for the most shame of myself I actually enjoyed and got around at straight dudes making out secretly with a gay man thinking it was a girl
I don't do that anymore but I still pretend I'm a girl
kill yourself sissycel
not him but i think white people care a lot about being proper in social situations, protocols and shit. i prefer to imagine that guy was awkwardly trying to make a point about cultural differences rather than racebaiting, but it's hard to tell desu
fuck you xXdragon_loverXx
>implying you were that infamous
Take your meds
don't tempt me you
>tfw I have to do my best not to be clingy but usually fail after a few months
>something you've said
It's been 9 months, I want to bring it up but I'm too afraid to ask.
That fine with me. Just dont ever mention it again.
>tfw I used to be in the closet and someone I was e-dating turned out to be a guy
>I was ashamed of myself and deleted him
>never heard from him again
I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend irl :(
>, call them out on it but it doesn't have to be a friendship ender, like I said no one is perfect.
but no one said it has to be a friendship ender, it's just a shitty thing to do and this faggot actually gets upset at the idea of people having common courtesy and acts like being a no-show and giving no reason at all is a perfectly fine thing to be.
what did you say user
Based and sensitivitypilled
How do you deal with longtime friends turning tranny for attention and compliments?
Anyone want to be lewd Steam friends? No personal information exchanged. No pics. I don't need to know what you look like in real life. Let's just be lewd as fuck with each other. Let's both jack off to each other over text. Let's exchange porn/hentai. I used to have a few friends to do this with but I lost contact with them a few years ago. I really want to do this again.
Are you saying you're that second post? Post Discord
>tfw haven't been clingy in nearly two years, but really feeling the urge lately
does his name start with m
I don't know. Imagining it hurts, I don't any of my friends to sink that low. Self harm is the most I can deal with, self mutilation is too much.
>tfw no cute girl(boy)friend to play vidja with and do sexy chatting
You get them to give you blowjobs
I got put off LoL pretty badly because an ex-friend () started playing with some self obsessed shithead who would shittalk everyone behind their backs and basically demanded they stop playing with me because I wasn't doing too well when I tried to pick the game up again. (Thing is that cunt is on a college scholarship for playing league and being black. Why is American education like that?)
Shooters just have never really appealed to me and the closest to a shooter I've enjoyed is Warframe (where I just end up playing melee)
He wasn't an asshole all the time but I will admit I mostly liked him because he was all I had. and did quite a lot of lewd stuff with me
It's just hard to accept.
uhh jannies? clean it up
Your reply chain reminds me of an obnoxious co-worker who offered to pay my lunch out of nowhere. He played Pokémon during the break and had no social skills in general . He paid somebody else's beverages too.
I declined his offer, but he paid for me anyway at the cash register (in-house cafeteria).
I still did not want that and wanted to give him the money back right there. He vehemently refused that and said he just wanted pay for it and wants nothing in return.
A couple days later this idiot forgot his wallet. He demands that I pay for his lunch and that the other guy pays for drinks. We both laugh at him and walk away. He was furious and thankfully stopped talking to me altogether which I wanted to happen anyway.
What if I masturbate to women being killed and think that is completely normal in any stream of consciousness? Or maybe necrophilia?
I do enjoy playing melee characters in most things as well. Thoughts on Vermintide?
>Tfw gay and nothing is cute about me.
>I just have a big dick.
I wish I was cute enough for guys to like me.
>Friend ask to play a game
>Go offline and watch anime
D you At least you look like a female?
Completely unrelated story, nice.
I enjoyed it for a bit, got burnt out before all the rebalancing started.
I prefer to call it bad rats because I'm autistic.
Damn, you're kind of an asshole.
I told him I had feelings for him
I knew he was gay so I just threw caution to the wind and told him. I can barely remember what he said, I just said sorry for being a dumbass and we've never mentioned it again. But I feel like I've driven a rift in our friendship.
>a friend of mine always harasses me to play a fighting game with him and then wipes the floor with me repeatedly and then always wants to play more (I assume because Im easy) so I started declining
why wouldn't you just tell him that's why you don't want to play? and why are you so quick to assume he wants to play you because you're easy? never understood people who act weird and evasive like this.
>be young kid
>get accepted in some internet game with three other players
>the others are dudes that are around 20
>say I'm 13/m
>get kicked immediately
I know it's hard, but try. Things would have gone wrong eventually with how petty he is juding from that reaction. You deserve better
Just skimming the thread, the autism is almost palpable. Kill all yourselves faggots.
Why? Try growing a brain and learn social cues.
I can never keep friends. One day I'll randomly get an impulse to delete them and cut them out of my life, then if they re-add me I'm too much of a coward to accept so I decline.
I don't know why I do this. I've had like 5 group of solid friends who genuinely cared about me.
You'll never get over it if all you do is mope by yourself. You gotta distract yourself and make new friends.
Let's play some vidya, what do you like?
No, I don't know anybody called Beepy.
People call me Lot mostly.
Or faggot.
But that's an actual autist who doesn't know how to take no for an answer. Sending a text saying 'HELLO SORRY I HAVE TO CANCEL' isn't autism, it's just common fucking courtesy. Surely you've done it at one point
Post discord tag.
Sounds like your brain may be damaged with all that lack of empathy, user. 'Getting a brain' and social cues doesn't mean you have to be a rude dickhead. Or do you really think that's how it is?
Can you give me insider knowledge on what to do if a friend of mine does this? Is there anything that would work?
>reply chain
>first post in this thread
you are projecting a lot on this reply chain, go seek a therapist you're such a retard lul
>start playing a game with other people from Yea Forums
>accept an invitation to a kik group
>euro with authentic nazi paraphernalia
>poo in loo
>Midwestern virgin going to the gym all day
Horror show
>Abandon my friend several times
>come back each time because Im not sure of my feelings or myself
>He still accepts me, every time, even when I made him cry, made him hate me for not being there.
I dont deserve you, damnit, I hate myself every time I remember the things I did to you
Good post.
!! retard !!
Yes, I unironically do. I talk like one too.
What most I like about my physic is my hair and hips.
I really believe I should have been born a girl since I'm built for childbirth, yet I'm a man
Not getting attached to the mentally ill is a good start.
I guess
It's just weird to me how formal some people treat friendships or interacting with people.
I get it makes things kinda easier when you feel like you're not winging everything but you gotta know how to be chill too or you make friendships into a chore.
>"I wanna play with you"
>"here's some games we can play that I have"
>buy games
>never play together
>always too busy for me among other things
Fuck that cunt. Learned my lesson.
>tfw I keep ruining my friendships because I'm too clingy for a boy and most guys aren't into that shit
>Half of the political Spectrum wants to kill you
Good enough reason to keep living, friend.
I have no clue. I feel bad when I do it. I need help.
Are you talking about me, user?
Except I finally stopped talking to them for good.
>tfw no clingy friend who will do literally anything with you to keep you around
My boner weeps.
stop doing them then you dumb retard
take some actual responsibility beyond "I feel bad :v("
Sorry, maybe I was unclear. My story had nothing to do with your argument and I agree that it's common courtesy to cancel or if it's a big emergency to mention later why you couldn't show up(does not need ot be in detail, I have online buddies who only know my location and first name, no need to tell personal stories)
He Hit the nail on the head
Date him.
Alright. Thanks.
Honestly I usually play singleplayer games, but I do like ones that can be played in co op too. I haven't really played with someone for a while tho so I'm not sure what I'd like the most. Sorry.
I want to play games with you user while you cheer me on with your feminine voice. Discord?
He does it because he thinks you are his friend for obligation and wants to see if you truly care about him, but then feels bad about it.
No, Ive decided not to abandon them anymore, and ive been with them for a couple months now.
Now I have to talk to the other friends affected by this, to a lesser degree, but still just as important.
I dont know why I was so overwhelmed at first, but thats what made me leave so many times.
nah eat shit cunt, youre not a real friend and when you break up you wont have her or any friends
Want a friend? :)
I just want a cutie to play warframe with me and grind for hours while talking about lewd stuff.
Do you like MMOs?
>moral lepers
This is such an accurate term.
Holy fucking based this thread stopped being irredeemable garbage because of this one post
You a bottom?
Let's get your cute dick swaying while I clap your cheeks boy.
What was my username?
My name is Michael.
You don't know him. He was a dick to everyone. He had no friends at work, he would literally follow me around and interrupt my conversations with other people. Talking about whatever the fuck, I barely listened to his nonsense and told him multiple times that he should leave me alone others did the same thing. He never stopped bothering me up until that incident.
I'm sorry, but no.
What do you mean "abandon" and "hate you for not being there"? the fuck kind of relationship do you have with your online friends?
met them all in guild wars 1 in 2006
still friends today
currently waiting for halo MCC to play togheter
based and pasta-pilled
why do fatties lie like this and why do people fall for it
Sup, Ivan
Kys anime autists. You replied to an ongoing argument. Did I hit a nerve, are you as autistic as him? I just told a story, nothing to project there, mongoloid.
yes, i know what you mean friend said we'll play gta 5. i bought it i didn't even want the game. i even scraped the code for whatever balloon thing.
>no womb
>built for childbirth
hardcore delusion
sounds hot
If you're not him and this is a weird coincidence apologies.
>weeb wonders why noone likes him
Really makes you think doesnt it?
Our Steam group chat has been together for about 13 years at this point
Some people went off, others left because they didn't feel at home anymore, one killed himself. So we've gone from a periphery of about 40 people to like 15 now, but we're still fairly close. As close as online friends can be
post vocaroo
say today's date and the word cumgargle in any sentence
Wasn't me.
I've heard people call path of exile one and I play that a lot but otherwise I haven't played them much. I'm not opposed to it tho.
Sounds like you just need to be more descriptive in your stories then so people don't get the wrong idea about you
>ask friend if he wants to play a game
>he says he'll play tonight
>8pm comes around, nothing
>10pm comes around, nothing
>midnight comes around, nothing
>2am comes around, nothing
>4am, he says something came up and he's sorry but he can't play
>and then he proceeds to keep doing that every time i ask him to play
How about you cling to me, user?
>muh loyalty
if your ass got a girlfriend instead of your onahole youd do the same thing
>was a regular on a forum
>shitposting, Jabber, game servers, Sven coop, Obsidian Conflict, Minecraft, GMOD, TF2 - you name it
>favourite was a custom Killing Floor mod one of the guys did that made everything CRAZY
>just drifted off one day for some reason
2007-2011 was a magical time for me. Thank you, csmania
A more personal relationship. One that I was an absolute asshole about. I abandoned them once, twice, three times, 4 times over the course of a year. I stopped in January of this year. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by a community, like your online responsibilities are overtaking your real life responsibilities?
Do you ever feel something awful when you read messages that you were meant to read months ago, of a person begging you to come back, explaining how they feel about you? And others, who say they miss you?
Maybe you're just annoying. Are you into touhou or fate by any chance?
If you want to drop some contact info we could decide on something to play. It's alright if you're not comfortable with it tho.
take the hint james, i don't want to play games with you
>friend will do almost anything with me
>play games, watch anime, talk, fap
>the only times he's gotten upset are when I've done stupid things
>even when I dump my feelings of affection on him almost daily he never gets annoyed
>have a sort of unbinding exclusivity where we arent boyfriends but we might as well be
he's the best
kill yourselves retarded ironic weeb faggots
>Do you ever feel something awful when you read messages that you were meant to read months ago, of a person begging you to come back, explaining how they feel about you? And others, who say they miss you?
No because I don't have anyone that cares about me.
Are you all identifying with him? That's not how you make friends. He was fired and moved back with his mom, he told everyone on his last day.
SeeFor more info about your soul mate
Damn. That's disappointing.
But anyway you should really stop abusing his trust like that, if they're anything like me they'll never stop welcoming you back no matter how shitty your treatment is.
i know fags like you, attention whoring cringe trash
You're describing the different types of friendship that the greeks laid out.
>Hey let's play this mmo
>They start playing and I quit
>Hey let's play this mmo
>I start playing and they quit
don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you have something to contribute to the conversation
Pick something that isnt a grindfest faggot
Nope, go study food packaging (more up to your cognitive capacity) and try your debate tactics elsewhere you retard who has no idea what projecting means
that guy's probably an autist but you come across like a shithead, honestly. every post you've made is dripping with latent rage.
I know that feel it's amazing.
It sucks when he has to wagie but it's bearable because I hope he and I can meet up after we've saved enough.
Then he can fuck me stupid and we can play old local multiplayer games.
hahahahaha, mentally ill retard btro
I cant help it. Sometimes I go on an MMO craze and start trying out all kinds of them. Im sorry user. I promise I'll stick with classic WoW though.
I know that feel it's amazing.
It sucks when he has to wagie but it's bearable because I hope he and I can meet up after we've saved enough.
Then he can fuck me stupid and we can play old local multiplayer games.
what do you get from it?
You keep him close
Kys, you friendless mong
This. I've literally only used VC once in all my life with a group of friends i've known online, and that was fairly recently.
I hate my voice and will not VC with anyone I don't already know IRL, I prefer to just use text chat.
How do I find a clingy friend if I don't like doing VC or multiplayer games?
Fuck it.
whater#6934 is my discord
I met them through a 'chan general
I showed him my actual face after several months, and he still said he loved me. He called me cute. And he showed me his face. And I was surprised, he was fucking hot.
If you cant say that you had an experience like this, you havent felt true love.
>bf won't quiet down when I'm fucking him
for god's sake, people are trying to sleep and i don't want to be rude
the feeling of being appreciated
Yikes, get your anger issues sorted out. You're projecting that onto my posts. Have fun being mad, I guess. You come across as a mental patient on the run from the police
It's contagious.
I don't really know how to make friends, I've lost the ability I had 15 years ago and slowly lost the friends I made back then. Guess I got complacent and didn't try to make new ones.
sounds great
Googling this now.
Call your nurse and take your meds, schizo
>projecting your mental illness
>just lemme finish up some shit
hate to break it to you lad, but you're the one with the issue here. if a friend says what you said to me, that's 5-10 mins maybe.
if you make me wait 15-20 or more, let alone an hour, i'm gonna fucking message and see what's up. you're bitching that they expect you to drop shit, but you expect them to sit the fuck around waiting on your ass, get a grip. give a goddamn specific amount of time that you'll be
>tfw I'm the one that keeps taking them back
Been doing this for four years. I can go a lot longer. I just hope they notice my effort at some point. Every time he gets rid of me it's pretty soul-crushing.
I agree with most of this post, however when make plans to play video games with my friend a priority over whatever else I was going to do, it's a massive waste of time. I could have made plans with my other friends.
However that's quite literally the only downside, the positive outcome if you can call it that is that you know the said friend is not reliable and now use your current time to do things by yourself and have your lesson learned.
Idea is to not get overly attached to some rando on the internet. Don't base your life on someone else.
I want a clingy trap boy friend who will jump at every boner I get and try to milk me dry.
>tfw have this
>but found a gf instead so been neglecting him
Heh, life's weird.
mad af
4 years is a long time, I'm sure you've told them how you feel about this. But if you havent, tell them, all of it, remind them if you already told them.
And if they still dont get it, I dont know what to tell you.
Stop being a pussy and tell whoever it is that you don't want to play games instead of hinting at it.
"Maybe next time" is a shitty fucking hint you disingenuous cunt.
Neither of those
and yeah I've had many people tell me annoying, which is why I avoid talking to people a lot I guess
Do you mind if I take him?
I hate reading this story. Makes me sad.
this thread is gay
based and same
Bro, share.
Yes I do.
Someone that I can cling to as well
Wait if people that know me are here how have I not been posted about?
Why are you here?
what the hell, I'll bite
Fuck, that sounds familiar.
>Friend is just sitting around doing nothing
>Strike up conversation about this and that, ask if he wants to play games since we are both free
>Sure user, just give me like an hour or so I have to take care of something
>Say sure thing and get food ect as to not spend my time waiting doing nothing
>Literally never replies back
>Happens over and over
I just don't ask anymore or play with him, dudes cool but some people really don't understand the idea of wasting other peoples time.
I'm almost always on Yea Forums
>tfw no cute friend
I have a group of dudes and grills I met from an old as anime forum. Got into into a skype group back then for vidya and anime shit and now moved to discord.
Haven't talked to them in a while though because we all live around the world and schedules suck
>be on a discord server for a certain mmo
>start shit with someone for saying something absolutely wrong like I usually do
>beyond that I always get ignored unless they need something from me
>leave silently, block everyone that asked something from me
>secondaries all go "r u ok brah"
>they even ask me ingame
>mfw I don't have the energy to deal with that shit
I have this problem but i think it's a tell tale sign of how I don't have enough friends. Also the problem is that I always feel like I'm initiating communication with the person always.
post a way I can contact you.
Why are mothposters so great?
I've told them, when sober and when drunk. I only started drinking in the past year to cope with it. It's kind of destroying me. I really feel dependent on it now.
Last time I got drunk I sobbed on voice and went off on him, ended up having a big breakdown, something I really shouldn't have done.
We're still talking just fine but he just treats me the same as anyone else. He used to do lewd stuff with me, like getting off on voice together, and I always asked him for a few years if he did that stuff with anyone else, and he always said he only did it with me. In the past year, he's stopped doing that stuff with me, and I found out he was lying about not doing those things with anyone else, which really hurts because I trusted him the most and just wanted him to be honest with me.
I'm sorry Fake Akagi. I felt overwhelmed. I hope you've been happy.
james detected
let's be friends, pal. i rarely play mp games though although i just resubbed to ffxiv so if that's primarily what you're looking for i can't really help you, but i'd be down to chat.