Best 3ds games. Go

I'll go first.
Hyrule Warriors Legends

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Still can’t top this

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Honestly, uprising's main problem is that it's a 3DS game. That shitty system doesn't deserve it

How do I get a green 2DS XL?

Dragon Ball Fusions.

ALBW, a real 90+ game and not a 75 game with 20+ Nintendo Bonus points unlike some others from this sane franchise

if your first answer isn't Rune Factory 4 then just sell your ds because you have shit taste in video games

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Literally better on Switch. NEXT

custom skins prolly

I had more fun with minigames like the choicest voice with friends than the boards themselves
if this game didn't have minigames like that, this would be a mario party you could just skip

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But user, RF4 doesn't count because it's not an exclusive anymore
also RF3 is better

Missing the full image OP

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RF4 is better gameplay wise but RF3 has better characters. Everyone in Sharence is completely off their rocker and I love it.

Are there even any Shrek games on 3DS?

Kid Icarus Uprising
Luigi's Mansion
Kirby Planet Robobot
Animal Crossing New Leaf
Mario Kart 7
Super Smash Bros.
Metroid Samus Returns
Monster Hunter Generations
Shin Megami Tensai: Strange Journey, IV and IV: Apocalypse
Legend of Legacy
Alliance Alive
Dragon Ball Fusions
Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
OoT/MM remakes
Shovel Knight
Warioware Gold
Donkey Kong Returns 3D
Super Mario 3D Land
Dragon Quest remakes
Star Fox 64 3D
7th Dragon III
Rune Factory IV
Bravely Default

WWE All Stars
Etrian Odyssey Franchise
Dead or Alive Dimensions
Kirby Triple Deluxe
Fire Emblem
Resident Evil Revelations
LBX: Little Battlers Experience
Puzzle Dragons Z + Super Mario Bros.
Xenoblade Chronicles
Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology
Theaterrythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call
Ace Combat Assault Horizon Legacy+
Story of Seasons franchise
NES Remix Ultimate
Yoshi's Wooly World
Mario & Luigi remakes

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there was this

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Picross 3D Round 2
Round 3 when?

how do i get into ace attorney?

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You play it and have fun.

that doesn't work

Is Bravely Second worth playing?

honestly we're lucky to have gotten a second game, just be happy that we have two

then try other VNs, like hotel dusk

start with the first game on the DS. alternatively, the trilogy is coming to PS4, PC and switch in april so you could wait for that.

I couldn't get into it either, which is weird since I like similar VN/adventure games like Professor Layton and Danganronpa.

rune factory 4

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dolce worst girl

Pokémon sun and moon
(The tutorial is super long so it’s replay factor is terrible but first time play through is bliss)
Star fox 64 3D
(I love star fox 64 so it has to be good on 3DS)
Xenoblade chronicles 3D
(Takes a lot of commitment but stellar game)
Would you like recommendations for DS games too since the 3DS is backwards compatible?

Infinite Space
Black/White 2 (Hard Mode)
Bowser's Inside Story
999 (Avoid the other versions, they ruin the game)

Dolce is good, it's just that pico is so bad that it ruins her.

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Yo-kai Watch 2: Psychic Specters
Yo-kai Watch Blasters
Yo-kai Watch 3
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

where can i find images like this for other systems?

/vg/ threads for specific consoles usually have them, /vr/ as well for older ones

Warioware Gold it has like 200 different games

Magnolia is pretty hot so yeah

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Fap to every girl.

There used to be some Yea Forums wiki that had critically acclaimed (by Yea Forums) lists like that for every single system. I'm sure it's still around but I'm also sure it's been redditized by now, like logicalincrements

Hey pssst hey you there
Yeah you over there
Dont let others hear this

fire emblem

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My child... Is this the path you want to go down?

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birthright is the only sane route considering what garon does and corrin still acts like a little faggot when he gets betrayed by that mage captive. Fates is shit, awakening is the onle decent 3ds FE game.


What theme is that?

Hahah desu didnt play any of the fates.
Played 16 chapters of awakening and couldnt finish it.
I did finish fe7 and fe8 on my 3ds.

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i need some good themes for my 3ds man.

Is the n2ds any better than the n3ds? I mean does it still have a piss yellow screen and feel uncomfortable as fuck? Is it any lighter?

it's inferior in every way but price


2DS is literally made from scraps

SMT IV Apocalypse
Thank me later.

Codename Steam

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It's called Room 3:

There are a bunch of similar themes out there by the same guy, they're all good.

That's not my current theme though. Currently using this one:

I think it was made by someone on Yea Forums

What a up with the image quality?

>I mean does it still have a piss yellow screen
That's only some 3DS systems. That indicates that they calibrated it "warm" at the factory. The screen lottery on the 3DS is the biggest bullshit that has ever come out of Nintendo.

My favorite 3DS is currently my Black Friday n3DS (non-XL). I've also got a black n3DS XL from launch night for the n3DS, and a Samus n3DS XL which is total garbage because its calibrated warm.

phoneposter begone

>snes roms
>new 3ds exclusive
That was a really good joke nintendo.
Don't do it again tho.

>game with the literal worst girl in the series
The one with shit taste is you faggot

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Project mirai

That's the Minecraft Creeper 2ds

>having worst girl means it's worst game
No other Rune Factory lets you take worst girl to get beat up by monsters. 4 is the best BECAUSE it has worst girl

Nice Censorship

one of my favorite 3ds games, at least until the switch version came out

Mh4u, Smt4, RE:R

Beyond that it’s just the best snes and gba emulator we have

Picross 3D Round 2

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I really want to play a version that doesn't have shitty controls, is there a switch port coming?

Maybe in 20 years

>Legend of Legacy
But it's so barebones.


Pitch Hyrule Warriors to me, anons.

the 3ds version isn't the best now that the switch version is out, but it's a zelda themed musou, not much to say other than that, lots of fanservice, lots of bonus content (enough to last 1000 hours or so), it's one of the best musous made alongside pirate warriors 3