Bad opinions

I really liked Vampyr.

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I really liked The Order 1886 and was pissed that it was over just as it was getting started.

Is it actually worth playing? It's like 8 bucks in my local store

I think trans rights are human rights

I actually liked Lords of the Fallen

I enjoyed Dragon Age Inquisition

For that price sure. Heaps of satisfying weapons, great graphics, way too many cutscenes. Very very short.

Doom 2 had better overall level design than Doom 1

It was ok. The definition of a 7 / 10 game for me.

Just sad that old Bioware could have done so much better.

I liked vampyr too but some things were disappointing like combat didn't have many variations and your father was not some cool beefed up beast who made you such a strong vampire.
They glowy shit was embarrassing.
That secret group which runs things from shadow was disappointing too, I was hoping they would be some powerful vampires but turned out they were not even originals.

Not while having to make all these huge maps with no dev time to actually fill them

It was a pretty average game. The main guys VA was alright.

The last 2 AssCreed games have been surprisingly good games

Into Free is a dumb song and Coils of Light is immeasurably superior.

That VA was seriously one of the best I have seen.

user, don't let him fool you. That shit sucked mega ass, there's a reason it's only 8$

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Its fun if you play it with friends

Functionally probably, but I didn't like the bland presentation. That's why I prefer Final Doom.

I only played Odyssey and just finished it recently. Its definitely on par or better than Black Flag in my opinion. I liked the gear and skill customization, but the rpg stat stuff wasn't that great. Nothing more annoying than not being able to kill a lowly guard or dog because the game says its 5-10 levels ahead of you. Everything else was great.

Forcing everyone to pretend to buy in to your delusion when it's obviously delusion is a human right?

and i think the sky is green

>bland presentation
what do you mean by this?

DmC definitive edition was actually a good game

The Division was great

Battlefield V is a good game online wise

Mighty N9 was a solid platformer

Dark Souls 2 was great

Tales of Zestiria was a great game

I thought watch dogs story and gameplay was great and it ended nice. It had a darker tone than I was used to in GTA and for that I liked.

All these games I really like and for being on Yea Forums for about 8 years I can tell which games this board tends to dislike. If you say any of these games are good, then people will run to your thread and shitpost.

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DMCV wasn't that bad

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*slaps your dumb animegirl cheeks around*

I got a thing for bleak
and how the cello amps up as you decide any of the primary npc's fate was kino

Too Human is one of my favorite games and I'll never not be upset that the trilogy will be left uncompleted forever

DMCV is good but not thaaaat good .

Cyberpunk 2027 is gonna be fine, probably gonna win GOTY from a few people and generally be an 8/10 experience

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That's not a bad opinion. The game was really great. It has decent amount of replayability and some aspects were a bit rough (the combat, mainly), but in general it was a good game.
Now this is a bad opinion

i love the division 1 and can’t wait to play the division 2

I genuinely prefer western female character design to Jap. I'm not gay. I checked.

first person automatically means more immersion

DMC3 is the best in the series

If you actually have been on Yea Forums for that long, you'd know that no matter what game you make a thread about, some anons will rush in to tell you it's shit.
Also, I only agree on DaS2 being good. The rest of your opinions are irrevocably shit.
Have a good one.

Crysis has better graphics than any game from the 2010's

>Being this contrarian
Literally rivaling DMC3 as best game of the series. You probably don't even enjoy DMC in general if you hold this opinion.

I think the first guy was agreeing with you

stay mad, niggies. I bet you love shitonetta as well

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tyranny was a decent game

human revolution is better than original dues ex

oblivion is a shit game next to skyrim

dynasty warriors 9 was great

Me neither.
And the game fucked me over because the night I was planning to kill everyone in the hospital, the game forced me to take a sleep which led to everyone death because I didn't kill the vampire hunter (who I also wanted to kill later), this annoyed me so much that I dropped the game.

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i'd say that was true until about 2017

>Stray into another area of town
>Get one-shotted by a werewolf
Wow if the town was that dangerous and literal super saiyan beasts were just two blocks away it's a wonder everyone isn't dead yet

who's this chubster?

Codemned 2 was better than original

Human revolution is best deus ex game

Skyrim is trash and so is Oblivion

Bayonetta is trash

Vanqusih is garbage

Battlefront isnt that bad.

I just think it's way too much urban rectangular. Brown boxes after brown boxes. I know there are exceptions but Doom2 is definitely most guilty of level design sameface.

>That secret group which runs things from shadow was disappointing too, I was hoping they would be some powerful vampires but turned out they were not even originals.
That was kind of the point. They talked tough but were actually total pushovers compared to you.

hey vsauce here.
This is a green board.

Objectively wrong.

8bucks, id say go for it. Easy platinum aswell

No man's sky is one of my favorite exploration games.
i didn't know about it until it was actually released though

Im thinking about downloading CoC because it has the same voice actor as the protagonist.
Should I give it a try?

it was ok
should have had fast travel and the dumb feminist shouting bullshit on midnight was dumb

I know, that's why its a bad opinion

Here's my bad opinion. Crysis has great gameplay and perfect design that always works

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That's fine, it was a great game. I'm just talking about the graphics. They were mindblowingly good for their time, but people on Yea Forums completely overhype it by pretending that no game has surpassed it in 12 years. They seemingly do it just to shit on modern games graphics for not making more progress than they have / not being as ahead-of-their-time as Crysis

Yeah, I paid $5 for it in a sale and I don't regret it.

Crytek just has a lot of drones that refuse to let their baby go. The game has been surpassed several years ago when it comes to graphics. I'm pretty sure even indie jank like Kingdom Come is an overall prettier game than Crysis.

Horizon Zero Dawn is one of my favorite games this generation. Easy 10/10.

Division 2 feels soulless

you just have shit taste user thats all you had to say instead of dancing around the issue.

I booted up Crysis when I built my PC and the thing that struck me was how real and lush it all looked. IIRC they brute force a ton of shit because it just didn’t exist in a more optimized form at the time. I honestly think it’s still one of the best looking games because of that. Nothing else has that look.

It also plays amazingly well. I think the open world stuff people talk about is overstated but it’s free form with great physics and encourages experimentation. It’s awesome. There aren’t enough FPS games like that, the sequels weren’t close (although they were good for what they were).

Vampyr is a good game. Sure it has it's problems and is not the hottest shit ever but it definitely does get into "good" rating.


Its scientific fact, you Yea Forums retards need to stop spouting /pol/ garbage.

Prototype 2 is much better than 1.

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If you’re not turning trans then who cares? You’re not getting your dick cut off.

I liked botw

It also a scientific fact that trans people are more likely to commit suicide so i urge you to help improving the statistic by killing yourself of course

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Uncharted 4 is better than 2
Lost Legacy is better than both, outside of Nadine

You pay for their medication and encourage their mental illness. Not supporting their degeneracy seems like a no brainer to me.

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Should I play Vampyr? It looked interesting when they talked about how it's about a vampire who tries to choose targets without getting caught, and that it would be smart to pick people no one will miss and things like that. But then they showed combat where you kill dozens and it ruined everything for me. You cant have a murderous action game and a morality based vampire simulator in one

hey, me too!

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it is. Mercer makes a better villain than a hero

I like resident evil 5

It's much more admirable to find enjoyment out of shitty games than it is to shit on good games

>You pay for their medication
[citation needed]
I don't agree with what they do but someone pumping themselves full of hormones their body naturally rejects is still a better investment than bombs or a soldier's salary

While Crysis graphics are objectively not as technically impressive as many modern games, it does plenty of things that are just not done anymore in terms of level interactivity and immersion. It's like comparing Build engine games and Quake 1. Later is objectively more advanced, but it's levels are still rather simple and abstract geometry, meanwhile former has more lifelike and interactive levels.

Metal Gear Survive was okay and was not worth any controversy.

o-k retard

Agony was fine once they fixed and uncensored it.

There are no bad mechanics, there is just bad game design.

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Yeah but what about all the fucking children being forcefed hormones.

I like the immersive sim elements of Crysis but they are often extremely difficult to utilize because most of the game takes place in environments where there's nothing to interact with. Sure you can shoot branches off of trees and beat people with them, or throw frogs at gooks but that's about it most of the time. The times you get to do something awesome are few and far between.
The game is also filled with basic game design flaws that nobody in their right mind would not have done even at the time Crysis was made. Like:
-No aim hold, just aim toggle
-No crouch toggle, just crouch hold
-Heat gauge for overheating weapons is a tiny meter in the corner where you're not looking
-You get next to no ammo for the weapon your character canonically uses throughout the story
-Tank turret can't tilt lower than the horizontal default of the base vehicle so you have to always be facing downhill to be able to engage everything
-Armored enemies absorb mag fulls of rifle ammo but die from one shot of buckshot

Prepare for butthurt Quakefags because you just made an argument in defense of Quake II's level design as opposed to Quake

I think DB Xenoverse 2 is fun.

Katie Cummings.

>Skyrim and Oblivion being trash
This is fact though.

Oblivion is the only good elder scrolls game

That’s what I mean about it being overstated. Still throwing some gook against a building and watching it collapse on another dude never gets old.

It is literally the definition of a delusion, that IS a fact. What, are you says trans people's minds AREN'T fucking with them? That they're doing it just because?

>-You get next to no ammo for the weapon your character canonically uses throughout the story
this one is wrong, you start with 280 (40 in mag, 240 in reserve), in first level get 40 from Aztec, and begining of of second level you get 120 from Jester, in third mission 40 from prophet and in 4th mission 180 from landing site alone and IIRC 240-280 from command post on the ridge

more like katie makes me do the cummings lmao

This, but DA2 instead.
I really enjoy Dragon Fag 2 guys, you don't understand.

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I don't understand people complaining about how 2 "ruined" Alex. He had like no fucking personality in the first game, he was just generic action hero man.

Skyward Sword is the best Zelda.
The only good rouge like is Prey's Mooncrash
LawBreakers was one of the best shooters in recent history

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and keep in mind that normal nork takes 2 shots, armored one 3 and nano suit takes 10 tops (probably less)

>nano suit takes 10 tops
More like 10 magazines.

I liked Dragon Age 2 (my first DA game) and Dragon Age Inquisition (with controller, PC controls are kinda ass)

I like QTEs. More like PS2 God of War, MGR and the obscure Ninja Blade, and less like RE4 and Ace Combat Assault Horizon.

Gives break from constant action, and can give satisfying conclusion to fights.

even in unpatched game they don't take that much
just remember use strength to control recoil
or just use shotgun from point blank
or tranq them
or ragdoll them

I think it's worth playing if you want to see something that looks genuinely incredible. I found the game and story to be rather uninteresting though.

I had fun with Risen 2. It was ridiculously janky and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone for anything other than just seeing how bad it can get, but I enjoyed it.

Mankind Divided is way better than HR despite being half a story. I like it almost as much as the original DX.

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I like them when the game is designed around them (like Heavy Rain) but generally they're half assed in implementation. They should never be used as an insta-lose like RE4 does.

>someone else who played Ninja Blade
holy fuck

I enjoy western games.

I think it has more to do with the fact that bad QTEs' button inputs have nothing in common with the activity that you're trying to execute. Press reload to shoot. Press left to dodge right. Press jump to crouch. QTEs that use contextually appropriate inputs aren't that bad. RE4 has you tap a button that isn't the run button to run, and has you press aim knife and aim gun to dodge.

Anthem did more right than it did wrong, and didn't deserve the amount of hate it got.

I like it too user.

Didn't it win a fuckton of GotY awards. What's so bad about it that someone would feel shame in it?

damn you are starting off really bad, making it hard to beat

While I don't think this is a "bad opinion" I imagine it's an unpopular one:
I don't like Nero's combat in DMC 4 and 5. Too many damn gimmicks like reloading his gun and ignition. And while I actually do like devil breakers I don't understand why the hell they're not swapable, organizable (other than the unintuitive pasta breaker) yet get replaced on pickup.

Ori and the Blind Forest is one of the greatest platformers ever made

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its terrible at eveything other than world environmen ts. seriously, every aspect of the game is objectivley bad other than the maps but the (((game awars shows)))) are paid off and as for these guysthey just have shit taste

I enjoy fallout 76

So did I but those shoulders and greatsword animations were awful.

>Anthem did more right than it did wrong
6 years for that vacuous, barebones piece of shit. Made even more apparent by The Division 2 having exponentially more content despite being worked on less than a third of that time AND while the devs also worked on fixing the original game. Fuck your opinion, friend

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are you a white, left wing bald male living in a white western country per chance?

I love Detroit Become Human
There's nothing wrong with playing on easier difficulties, using walkthroughs, and quicksaving
I Iove Human Revolution and Mankind Divided but haven't played the original for more than 10 minutes
God of War is a great series even if the new one is kinda overrated
I hate every entry in the Sonic franchise and all fighting games that aren't Smash Brothers or newer Mortal Kombat games

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not videogames but I suggest you read Baltimore.
it's more or less the same setting but over several years and continents on a grander scope

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> Dark Souls 2 was great
Allow me to up the ante. Dark Souls 2 is the best FromSoft game full stop.
> Best bosses
> Best level design (though not world design)
> Best combat. DS1 is too clunky and DS3 is too floaty. DS2 is the perfect middle ground
> The most content with the most consistent quality. Everyone seems to ignore the massive drop in quality in the second half of DS1, and the fact that Dark Souls 3 is way shorter than the other games.
Don't get me wrong, they're all great games, but Dark Souls 2 has always stood out as the best to me
