Why aren't there games like Deus Ex anymore?

Why aren't there games like Deus Ex anymore?

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Oi, you want to end up commiting suicide with two bullets to the back of the head OP?

im behind seven favelas

>Religion of the Overlords is luciferianism
>Monarchs are in the Overlord club rather than being neutured descendents of the only families to ever challenge the Overlords
>certain bloodline families, certainly not the case of "a certain tribe"
user, I.... this image...

then make a 2D or pixel thingy that is really basic in graphics, can run of a toaster (or a favela computer) and concentrate on fun but simple gameplay and a kino story.

Do it for us all OP.

have sex

how is it even possible to do so much research without coming to the most obvious conclusion?

and what would that be user, pray tell?

I got two problems with all those conspiracy theories:

1)For all their chaotic details, they are structured in a really, naively simplistic way. Real life is more complex than that, you have conflicting interests, crises, revolutions, etc., that cannot conform to a simple, fairy-tale, top-down hierarchy.

2)Even if we assume this hierarchy is true, there is no way out of it and there is no reason to find a way out. If everyone is in the game, why not assume the people trying to spread "the truth" are not also part of the game as well? Conspiracy theorists have no way to explain themselves. Besides, if the "Overlords" are not just nigh-omnipotent, but rightful rulers as well, who is entitled to challenge that right and what is he to replace it with, according to those theories? What should I strive for, if I should strive for anything at all?

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lol wut?

It's much simpler than that. Yes there are people who want to control everything and pull strings to get what they want. But it's not secret. The do it in the open because our justice system favors the wealthy and they know they won't face any real time. Paul Manafort has been aiding dictators and creating civil wars in foreign countries for decades. He's made more money and lived a better life than anyone here would see in 10 lifetimes. And now he's going to jail for like 10 years, probably 5 at most given good behavior and appeals. He'll keep his money. The only reason he got in trouble with anything is because he fucked with other rich people's money. All the government subversion and lobbying for foreign government stuff is okay. He was also part of several presidential administrations. But 99% of the public didn't know his name until 2016. There's multiple Manaforts out there. Hell GHW Bush got away with lending out CIA planes to drug lords, who brought drugs into the US. Even his political enemies were praising him when he died. Imagine that.

The real "redpill" is that society is too stupid to care what these people to do. There's no great secret, it's right in front of us. Believing that there's some kind of satanic cult secretly doing everything allows you to escape the truth. You still get to believe in justice, and that one day some magical man in the sky will make everything right. It's much harder to realize that it's every man for himself, they'll get away with everything and die loved. There will be no torture for eternity, no great punishment for their crimes. Meanwhile your grandma will live a poor and painful life, die at an early age, and never see any justice for what's been done to her. Conspiracies hide that truth.

Class war is eternal you either want to take part in that race for power or you dont

>Class war is eternal
Is it though? Who says so? On what grounds?

>you either want to take part in that race for power or you dont
What does "power" entail? What do I do with that power? Why should I want it? Am I going to become the next Soros or whatever and have conspiracy theorists use my name in Mongolian basket-weaving bulletin boards for meme magic purposes? Do I want that? Answer me.

On the grounds that humans are very different and the recources are always limited. Weak and poor will always seek ways to take wealth from those in power and control. Add that an average human lifespan is only 70-80 years old, so by the time people realise anything about the life - they are already on the deathbed and the only real experience that teaches is personal experience - and you have the neverending class conflict.

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Power is your freedom. Do you fight for more of your personal freedom and ability to enslave others or are you content with you current affairs.

>the recources are always limited
Factually wrong.
>Weak and poor will always seek ways to take wealth from those in power and control.
Not always, there have been times when the weak and poor were guaranteed a life as weak and poor and instead sought protection from the rich and powerful.
I get a feeling you're either full of shit or just really young and you judge everything based on your meager experiences.

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>ability to enslave others
So, when I take power, will I be the one to fear those below me, just like those above me fear me right now, and exercise all my power around that fear? Does that sound like freedom to you?

Well I can always answer with NO U and ask about
>your meager experiences

>weak and poor were guaranteed a life as weak and poor and instead sought protection from the rich and powerful.

hey what about the conflict between rich and powerful and SLIGHTLY less rich and powerful. Not every class war is revolution. Some just want more of stuff over others heads. And most of the time it's the RICHEST killing any form of competition. It's class war too

That's how it always worked no? I mean you can present examples of when it worked differently.

First of all, what you said is not only true, it also refutes OP's image. But still, do I want to be eternally locked in a conflict between myself and other rich&powerful people? Isn't that still a reign of fear, devoid of any real freedom?

There is some evidence that early humanity did not work in that exact manner. But even if it was, that's still a synthetic claim you're making, it doesn't mean it will always be that way.

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You either take part in that conflict or you're a collateral damage. It's in the human nature to take part in that conflict anyway. And nothing will change unless humans can live for 200+ years. But that will probably breed another type of conflict anyway. Because life without conflict is a stagnation and death

>It's in the human nature to take part in that conflict anyway.
Says who and why? Why do people take part in that conflict?
>Because life without conflict is a stagnation and death
Life with conflict is also stagnation and death.

As someone who is borderline executive leadership in "Big Agra", we don't manage shit. We pretty much split all of our time between developing new products and trying to mitigate the overwhelming poor reputation we have thanks to GMO fear mongers who would crucify Norman Borlaug and lawsuits such as that fucking janitor out in California who did not develop cancer from fucking Round Up unless he was drinking gallons of the stuff every week for years. You drink gallons of Jack Daniels every week for years and you'll get cancer also. Happened to Lemmy.

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I don't get why conspiracy dipshits aren't full commies? they clearly hate every thing about capitalism yet blame space reptoids in secret lodges instead of a system the encourages greed above all.
Also we need more robin hood themed vidya games.

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>Says who and why?

Says fucking nature. Since the basis of all the conflicts is the need to fuck a pussy of a female - an imprinted need into a human body. Because without that will to fuck female pussy there would be no humanity

wir mussen die juden ausrotten

>you're not going to believe what's next!
Tell us already, you stupid paranoid rabbit.

inderdimensional psycho-vampire pedophiles, then Satan

Warhammer fetishists need to go

conspiracy theorists are mad about said conspiracies because it's not a right-wing government behind them.
They don't hate the "evil cabal", They are jealous their guys are not part of it.

>lone gunman mass shootings (for gun control)
That's funny because there is hardly any gun control after any mass shooting