Why did you stop playing Overwatch?

Why did you stop playing Overwatch?

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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Why did you stop playing Overwatch/filter/text/

Because I got bored and went back to League.

I never started.

I just don't like team-based MP games.

I just fapped

I dont like it

no toilet slut hero

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Got boring, pretty much play Zarya to carry shitters to glory 24/7.

I quit even ranked came out. It just wasn't that fun to me anymore. Games were mostly decided by who could use their ults the best, and I found that lame coming from a game like TF2 where you really had to strategize an approach. All of the matches started to feel the same after I figured this out.

So basically I'm butthurt about dragons and mass resurrection.

Because you get crowd controlled half the game


>takes them on average 3-4 months to add "content"
>balance is done between seasons and memEsports
>stale meta's last way too long
>retard community that can rival league

Why haven't you stopped? The only good part about the game is the porn.

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I only played it because a couple friends were as well. After a few months the limited skill ceiling and general restriction on technical gameplay became much more evident. This made the game much more boring. The gameplay as such doesn’t provide as much variety as I’d like, and the use of Ultimates makes it a game of “press Ult button to kill”.

More than anything I dislike the use of unlimited ammo and heavy reliance on ability cooldowns

People got way too serious.


Why would you go from garbage to even worse garbage?

I got bored after a month and by the time I came back people started treating it like counter strike


Ew, she's covered in pee.

The porn has a game?

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Thought it would be an evolution of TF2s formula developed by people actually interested in adding new content on a more regular basis. Was wrong on both those accounts, not nearly as much depth as tf2 and the content updates are usually shit compared to tf2s sparse but meaningful updates. That and the complete lack of any ability to keep the game balanced in any reasonable sense, its an absolute shitfest.

The biggest nail is how shitty all their engineer derivatives are, fucking no one who uses TF2s engineers DNA understands what and how good the class is.

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It takes 5-6 hours to realize how shallow overwatch is .

It has maybe 50 hours before you see everything there is to see. I did 600 so I got my moneys worth.

Moving on to greener pastures

imagine the smell

because Lucióball needs to be a permanent game mode,that's the only time i had fun with the game

spamming TURN IT UP IN MY HEADPHONES all day

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toxicity between me and my friends was getting too much. Refuse to play comp by myself or with no less then 4 people. The game just stopped being fun and was more of a chore. I regret playing comp lol all that for nothing too I'm not even that good, I always hovered around 2600-2800

Top 500 multiple seasons already

just play Sombra...makes brigitte useless

I would drop money to make that permanent. funnest shit ever

Not enough Ashe SFM.

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It’s such a shame how fucking braindead Torb is compared to Engie. It’s an easy parallel for the rest of the game

there is no better garbage than the garbage where you spawned in.

I quit overwatch after they began balancing the game.
Usually you'd want a game to be balanced or atleast not broken, but it depends on how you go about it.
There are two ways a game can be balanced, you either buff whats bad or nerf whats good.
Blizzards as many know decided to nerf every thing into the ground.

The most fun i can remember having in overwatch is dashing around on koth maps as genji, when you could basically solo carry with him. That was a fun meta.

The difference with overwatch from tf2, is that overwatch is balanced only for the top level of play, but useless as a casual game. While tf2 is made to fun, and then forced into a competitive setting by fans.

Yeah i can remember how it wasn't really fun getting anally raped by a good genji, but you didn't feel like he was cheesing. So it just seamed like he was better than you. On the otherhand it felt great destroying teams with him, since you felt you were doing something.

It used to feel like overwatch could be beaten into submission with individual skill, but then they made it so you have to work with your team, and in europe where most people don't wanna talk because they can't talk their native language, it gets frustrating quick.

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Fuck now I want to play TF2 some more but
>public servers are filled with shit players
>any decent private server has a noticeable ping that causes delay issues
>competitive is full of autism

Never played

I already told you my reasons several months and hundreds of threads ago, autist-sama.

Don't forget they'd nerf x character then buff y character who was a direct counter.

When they nerfed McCrees Fan the Hammer and it couldn’t headshot anymore. Game was shit after that.

TF2 is just more fun

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You’re right, but to make a point Valve made some errors in nerfing weapons that weren’t a problem in casual play. I will never forgive them for fucking up the Sandman AND the cleaver in the same patch.

Meanwhile they make certain weapons objectively better than the stock, yet more braindead (Iron Bomber, Tomislav)

Hey faggot how about you stop making the same thread over and over again. How about you make a thread called "What changes will make you go back to overwatch"

>not flat as a board
Get this trash cosplayer out of here.

Combination of boredom and most new heroes being annoying

Explicit removal of Ultrawide support

Fortnite is just unironically better

single button abilities feel stale after Fortnite

When they started catering strictly to the retards
>Hey guys we'll be adding in a ranked mode but we want quick play to be the place you can screw around in with teams of 6 of one hero
>Hey guys we decided to make quickplay ranked lite so now you can only play as one of each hero.
>So plenty of people are having trouble wasting all 6 of their ults and not killing mercy with it so we've decided to change her ult to something that'll make you hate her even more!
>Symmetras auto aim beam is annoying a lot of people and making the game feel cheap since tracers and genjis can't out play her and annoy the enemy team if their the same skill level so we've removed that

I was already growing weary of the game by this point, but the first Chinese New Year update is when I dropped. It became abundantly clear that Blizzard has no idea what they’re doing; I’ve never seen a CTF mode fucked up more than that before

you niggers released too many maps junkrat isn't playable on

Lack of real content, awful userbase, sjw shit etc etc etc

tries to be hardcore and casual at the same time
shit maps
lazy developers
none of the heroes are fun to play against

because its balanced by monkeys chained to cubicles

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Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and DMC5
It’s just a small break though, i’m hopefully gonna return to the game very soon.

Stopped playing because Blizzard seriously doesn't know how to balance this game and keep letting the retarded player-base strong-arm them into nerfing chars into the ground because "Wahhh I can't 1v6 as Genji".

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Comp is cancer and Blizzard don't know how to balance characters. I started to play less when Doomfist was added, then pretty much stopped around the time Moira came. Ana and Sombra were fine but it seems like the new characters get progressively more fucking stupid.

Because Blizzard made the cutest girl in the game a dyke.

Orisa is not a dyke you dummy

because blizzard and the devs are gay as hell and the new hero is ridiculously lame looking

Because its boring and has fucking zero content worth giving a shit about.

>b-b-but muh new characters and muh special events

Fuck over watch and more importantly fuck blizzard

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If I call a low SR trash ass Mercymain whore or something like that I get perma banned. No, I'm good.

I got sick of the fucking 5-min rounds over and over and over. I want multiplayer games where a match is like, 30-mins to an hour, at least.

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Why did you stop playing Overwatch/filter/text/
Seek help.

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Game wasnt fun, and the people i played with werent having fun
The only guy i know who still plays is a screamer, cool guy but really painful to play with sometimes

Paladins it's better

>Meanwhile Paladins has 41 champions and not a single one of them is broken in pro/intermediate play.

Stop after my whole team couldn’t main DVA :/

the gays

>The mods will never do anything about this because it's Overwatch and for some reason they've never dared to touch a single thread, no matter how off-topic it was

Really makes you think huh?

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Oh no! Template threads? ON MY Yea Forums?!
Unheard of!

Because I play Paladins

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Agreed on all points, however making a class in your game truly reflective of the Tf2 engineer is a huge commitment. For a huge portion of its lifetime (I stopped playing a bit after the free to play update so cant speak for zombie Tf2) the engi was the entire backbone and true obstacle of Tf2 in Cp and payload maps. The game revolved around building up a push to take out the engineers’ nest of sentries, teleporters and dispensers. Engineer was the fortress of team fortress 2. It’s understandable if another developer didn’t want to put that kind of pressure or importance all on one character, especially since from the beginning for Overwatch in particular they really wanted to encourage constantly swapping heroes mid match.

Low effort updates and stagnant gameplay

Wanted to do something else with my life

Their characters are premium fap material now

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It is not fun. stop making this fucking thread every 6 hours please for the love of God.


Competitive is just an unfun Sisyphean grind, especially on your own.
It can be fun with friends, but they never invited me to play with them.
And whenever OW gets brought up now they do nothing but rant about Brigitte, and it gets really tiring. So I think I made the right choice to stop playin.

Imagine the smell

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Just play rocket league then

I play it pretty casually with friends here and there sometimes, but there's just so many other games out there I'd rather spend my time on.

a well polished turd is still a turd. Even idiots and casuals figured that out one day with their tiny brain...

When it stopped being playable.

I got tired of the game, and I hate trusting blizzard to balance a game

Sombra is best girl you can't deny this.

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Comp is just not fun, which is what the whole game is based around so you can see the issue. Not to mention there is really no high skill things you can master with the classes, like rocket jumping in TF2. You just coordinate alts and use the same classes over and over or you get your shit kicked in. Blizzard had a good thing and ran it into the ground with their usual incompetence.

It made me realize how much I hate team games.

This. I got burnt out on OW and went back to my old addiction, League

What I hated about comp in OW is that if one player ragequits and leaves the match, he essentially dooms the rest of you.

Then eventually other players rage and start leaving as well because tou arent going to win a 3 v 6 in this fucking game.

>Yeah i can remember how it wasn't really fun getting anally raped by a good genji, but you didn't feel like he was cheesing. So it just seamed like he was better than you.
t. faggot genji main
I remember dying to Genji and thinking "wow it must be nice having twice as many options in your kit as me"

Genji has always been the Yasuo of OW.

I had no fun, new shit took too long and seasonal events were recycled shit that only added new skins to the already bloated loot boxes.

I stopped playing the moment I realized it was not mathematically possible to get all the event skins. I was still a fool for even buying a game that has lootboxes in it and I'll never do it again

Because shit just gets old and Blizzard for some reason fucking sucks with keeping content coming.
Only very few games are fun enough to survive without constant updates to keep things fresh

The player is a toilet slut
t: Jeff Kaplan

Short answer: It got boring

Longer answer:
Stale meta
Balance changes that fucked over the flow of the game
Esports pandering
Shitty community
No single player mode
3 years in and the story still hasn’t even progressed
Focus more on loot boxes than actual content
Kaplan being an utter cunt
Somehow has less going for than TF2 of all things
And rather address any of these issues, let’s just make a random character gay to distract everyone.

I don’t know, I just stopped playing one day and haven’t felt the urge to come back. Hell I’ve spent more time playing Warframe or TF2 at this point.

Why are overwatch players constantly upset over the meta of their game? Counterstrike players don't do this. You don't see them saying "The game is so STALE because there's only 3 guns!. We need to buff the Aug/Sig/galil so we can have more diversity in comp play". The game is fun to watch by itself. Overwatch players can't understand it's their game that's boring, not the meta. Other games go with having small metas of 3-5 viable builds/items/characters for decades. It's not the meta. Your game is just boring

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>tfw you knew OW was gonna be garbage from day one and never touched that shit
>mfw constant threads like these

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I had fun with it, but at some point it started to feel like fucking work and just became unfun as all hell. Grandmaster ranked matches were a fucking terrible experience. I played on someone's silver account to try and have fun dicking around but the game instantly rose me to high masters again so I just gave up on it.