Why aren't you learning japanese? Don't you like video games?
Why aren't you learning japanese? Don't you like video games?
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>Don't you like video games?
No. I love qt japanese girls though, post more.
>inb4 bootyblasted white piggus attempt to derail the thread
If you like video games, learn English.
If you like pedophilia, learn Japanese.
I am. Its hard =(
I did just so I could get through this. Haruka best girl
I'd learn japanese to stick my dick in her mouth
I just wanna fuck a Japanese girl
why is katakana so hard
Just give up already
Be honest with yourselves. It's not worthy unless you wanna travel to japan. And even then, english is more than enough.
Just stop. Try investing your time in learning something actually useful.
Sour grapes detected. Grammar too tough for you, big guy? Did you even learn the kana? Oh well, enjoy your western games lmao
Katakana is super easy user. Never give up.
>just do something useful bro
Name a Japanese only game that's worth playing.
This means no visual novels.
Learning ANY language is useful. If you become fluent enough you can easily get certified and then become a translator and/or teacher in a huge variety of fields. Why not learn the language of a culture you actually like?
>This means no visual novels.
Yeah, they aren't any good anyway. It doesn't even matter if you can't learn Japanese.
Not an argument
Like discourage other people on Yea Forums?
I tried to but i'm too lazy and too dumb
I am itching to get into it because I love so much how the language looks and sounds and I'd love to visit nipland someday but I don't quite know where to begin.
Is the /jp/ board good for that?
Extremely punchable face
because it's difficult
>Don't you like video games?
I don't understand how that's relevant to learning Japanese. I mean, we are talking about GOOD games, right? Nobody wants to play crap video games, much less learn an entire language to play crap video games.
Too difficult
I remember feeling that katakana was harder to remember since you don’t encounter it nearly as much as hiragana while learning.
God I so want to give her a hug
It feels lonely anons
Unironically this. I rather learn some useful language like mandarin chinese for business shit.
why? games come in like 10 languages today
I'm trying, but I am really fucking stupid and lazy.
>If you like video games, learn English
This, if you were a south american shitskin in the 90s you had to learn english because no game was in spanish
Because i'm not interested in anything from Japan.
Download Anki and start running flash cards. Learn your kana first, then start learning vocab. The sooner you start kanji the better off you'll be.
Buy a book. I started with Nakama but I hear Genki is better. There are others around that I'm not familiar with but GET SOMETHING. Learning all the vocab and kanji in the world is no good if you don't know the grammar.
>Doing business with the Chinese
I keep hearing this and I think people need to accept that if China overtakes America then we’ll all be treated like niggers and no amount of Mandarin will save us
>enjoy your western games lmao
because jap games only come in jap, right? oh boy, i better learn jap so i can play the next resident evil!
Should have done that when I was my twenties.
Too old now. My memory is shit, by the time I learn hiragana and katakana, I'll probably already be senile.
All the worthwhile games get translations. Furthermore I already know the only important language so why would I learn any others?
I learned the kana but that's it. I don't know where to go from there. I tried using anki to learn some vocab, but it never felt like I learned a lot. I only know some of the kanji, and even then I don't remember the pronunciation to some of them, just know the meaning.
シ ッ ン ソ
are all totally different characters.
I've met fucking 60 year olds trying to learn English when I was looking for conversation partners. If you have that attitude you might as well just kill yourself now
what this guy said then if you're confident enough, talk to someone. have a language exchange session. skype, italki, hellotalk, whatever, just talk
do you already have business with Chinese people?
these aren't that complicated, just make sure people are not butchering it whilst writing.
Well of course we trust our localization teams. They would never alter or change the content of the product they are "translating". Why learn Japanese when English releases have always had a sterling reputation for integrity and loyalty to the original work?
I have learned hiragana + katakana, plus ~200 words and kanji, but I'm scared if I dive deeper I'll be an unsavable weeb and jav addict
There will almost always be a guide of some sort of translation online by someone else
It's not my fault that there are so many generous people out there that go through the trouble of continuing to enable my lazy attitude towards things
balance your media intake and you will be fine
Because I am upset by Japs relying on chinese to communicate. I don't want to learn thousands of hieroglyphs.
>footfag is a kissless virgin
b and d are different characters lol
v and y are different characters lol
l and I are different characters lmao
There are more useful languages to learn. Mandarin would even be more useful as you could be a epic games shill
Never learned japanese. But I read enough hentai to recognize those kanji.
I'm upset by English using German to communicate.
Not even the hardest one.
夕 タ 力 カ
>dont speak to people or even communicate with otherhumans outside of imageboards
If you know another language would you be sent to the country that speaks that language if you got a job?
Oh no! they changed a jap slang for an american one! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeee! game ruined! Why faggots care so much? unless they put some feminist shit or someting like that i do not care
One of these things is not like the others.
I learnt japanese already, I still dont know a bunch of words but i can read and play games fairly easily.
Weeb trash deserves to be changed
Translators don't change the gameplay so who gives a shit lmao.
Thanks anons, I'll start this evening!
3 of them belong under an umbrella which 1 of them does not.
She is like a little mouse.
it wasn't supposed to be an argument, he was making fun of you
It's too difficult for me.
I gave up
No it isn't. Just do it, you bitch.
cuz im lazy
Get cancer, corporate tool.
I can deal with similar looking kanji, what I can't deal with is excessive re-use. 上 has so many different fucking readings I'm always fucking it up when I try to read.
I married a Japanese woman with natural 36DD breasts. Ask me anything.
Why would you tell lies on the internet?
Tits or gtfo
Because it turns out that more Japanese and Chinese girls are interested in learning and speaking English with their White blue eyed boyfriends.
you ever fuck her tities?
japanese is the hardest language in the world to learn for an english speaker and im never going to live in japan so there's no point.
have sex. for real
Where'd you find her?
How fluent in nip are you?
How did you win her over?
Not lying. What's the point?
Not doing that.
Yes. That is a great benefit.
Tinder. Your STD slut comments do not phase me.
I keep hearing that, and I'm just a beginner mind you, but it seems pretty straight forward so far. Learning the hiragana is tricky, but with practice its not so bad.
Cantonese is much scarier
t. native HK
Conversational, probably JLPT N1 if I took it. I gave up studying as she's my source of Japanese knowledge now. It's enough to do anything I really want to besides talking about politics meaningfully.
>english is more than enough.
La criatura ignorante
>Why aren't you learning japanese?
I am.
>Don't you like video games?
/r/ moar qts
Speaking Japanese aloud is throwing away your heritage. Japanese chicks don't want you to speak Japanese to them. You literally sound like an otaku faggot.
settle down, chief. you don't need to use は
like that
Get cancer, corporate drone.
Hanahira is garbage and no one should be subjected to it.
This. Japanese girls want you to speak your own language or English, and if they like you want you to teach them and help them get away from their nightmare of living in Japan.
So, this Aniki thing, how do I use it?
See what I mean?
There are no good Japanese games.
>Speaking Japanese aloud is throwing away your heritage
This is what EOP tell themselves?
I finished this book this week, took around four months. I kept hearing that people give up when it's time to learn kanji so I decided to do it first. Next is grammar and sentence mining, I guess?
Can you easily identify the differences between 犬, 大, and 太, while telling me the meanings?
That's diving retarded, what good does just knowing kanji characters do you? Does it at least teach the various readings and vocabulary associated with each one? And even then vocabulary without the context of a sentence is even more retarded
Inu - doggo
Dai - BIG
idk the third one
The girl in the pic is for ____
just leave them to their fantasies I can't wait for user to show up as the next meme on reality tv
Like that takes any effort once you've seen each one of them used two or three times.
Dog, big, plump (fat). Those three are easy especially because they come up in other kanji so often.
If you need another language to enjoy a game, then the game isn't good.
I just want a Japanese Christmas cake for a wife.
Is that too much to ask?
Big bear hugs and cuddles at night.
Stop idealising Japanese women holy shit. They are not like anime. They are as vapid as your average Western woman
In reality, japanese culture is not worth investing in, the japanese have seen better days, to learn an overcomplicated language that's spoken in a small island and only there, it seems like a waste, besides the media is overrated by anons on this site, to them japanese is only for games and anime/manga, but there must be something more.
Too much work for a dumb neet and playing some shitty shovelware games isn't incentive enough.
No, me.
> Why aren't you learning japanese?
I am, though. Still can't read shit but I do it every day because it takes me 20 minutes tops.
You say this, and I'm not the user you replied, japanese culture and the way of life is oppresive, work and provide, wouldn't be that bad if there was some sense added into it. A female of japanese origin will demand more and more, you have no idea, by the end of it, what kind of man would enjoy that? A fetish is a fetish and should remain as one.
>A fetish is a fetish and should remain as one
>P-Please don't abandon us!
I rarely ever meet Japanese people where in Burgerland. Mostly just see Koreans instead. Also, it's just too much effort to learn moon runes. I'd rather just wait for an English version.
Hiragana isn't that bad but you also need katakana and kanji. You also need to get used to the grammar system. It's just not very intuitive for English speakers.
I'm not a female, it wouldn't be a lie to say that western/white females are indeed a nuisance, be it with culture or overall behavior and wants, public knowledge but to think that japanese females are extempt out of their own equally annoying equivalent is nothing but a delusion, a pitiful childish delusion.
Takes literally a couple hours to learn kana.
>They are not like anime. They are as vapid as your average Western woman
This is nothing short of truth. If you expect Japanese to be like your idealized kawaii waifu anime then you're in for a rude awakening.
>High school days
>Generally wants to learn Japan
>Interested in the culture more then just weeb shit
>Walks into classroom
>People with anime pins and listening to weeb songs
>Walks out
God that was disturbing
I once saw a dude blasting anime openings while doing Japanese class work during the time i was working at the guidance office. I wanted to yack
>"I'm not a female, you can trust me!"
>more strawmen
Weeaboos are the worst
Believe me or not, shall matter very little to me either way, you'll reject truth until you see it for your own. Go on champ, visit japan, get married, tell us how it goes.
Need to add though, it is quite notable that you lack true experience with the topic and understanding, or any arguments that are not memes, again, to deny the humanity if another, be it for good of bad and paint their existence as an ideal, when such a thing can't and won't hold true, it's childish.
I am learning Japanese, I just don't know enough kanji to actually play a game yet
>more strawmen
im sure you're marriage material yourself slag
But can you present evidence for your claims?
You're the only one making claims, dumb whore.
Go on please, I invite you to go to Japan, tell me how it goes, you know nothing and you haven't experienced anything, I have, I know.
I agree hiding your power level is important but I'd also like to point out you're greentexting in the wrong person.
>Why aren't you learning japanese?
If I do will I get a qt Japanese gf?
The only ones making any sense in this thread are the ones using a language the rest of you will never learn 笑
Sorry it's still my year one here
Theres not enough of a return for learning Japanese for me. I'm learning Spanish for work and it can be tough, but they say Spanish is easiest for English natives, and I'm having trouble with that. I've read about Asian languages and that sounds very difficult.
literally the same guy with the same girl in each pic
You better be at least 6', packing at least a 6" cock and make 6 figure salary. Oh, and be white. Otherwise no chance.
I was born in Yokohama.
>but they say Spanish is easiest for English natives
Bullshit. Spanish is my native language and it's such a fucking mess. I can't imagine how hard it must be for other people.
sure user
feel free to show us all your vacation pictures you took while over there
you don't have any
that's real surprising
unironically commit suicide already
German would prove to be the easiest for english natives user. Spanish can be way too complicated at times, to be expected of any of the romance languages
So what bitch, I was born in yoshinoya.
Life must be rough inside a tire.
Are you the roastie?
as a guy who did RTK i wouldn't say it's the best thing ever but it does help with learning words in the future and just recognizing the kanji. the time investment you have to put into it however is too much i'd say, and looking back at it if i had just started learning straight away i'd be like 3 months ahead of where i am right now.
> his momma so fat he was born in a fastfood restaurant
Can't be expected to be taken seriously.
Abandon your tricks, you maggot, crawling imbecile. I know why you are typing like that, back ro your discord circlejerk, you absolute moron, you fucking idiot.
I'm trying, man. It's just hard to find time/energy every day.
It's more how you chose to apply it that will determine whether or not there's a large 'return' for your troubles. I got a consulting job that frequently has me in Japan because I learned to speak it a few years back. Of course, I'd never admit to anyone I work with that I learn to speak Japanese because I wanted to understand Kurosawa films, as opposed to some practical reason.
this post reminds me of this
It's not fat, you fucking retard; it's called pregnancy.
I want a Japanese gf so bad, bros. Why don't any japs live near me?
Where do you live? I'll ship one to you.
I had to take some language classes for uni and ended up in Spanish. I'm sure it would be useful to continue learning but once I'm done with my last class this spring I probably won't touch it again. Makes me a little sad that I'll forget everything I've learned up to now in a few years but I just don't have the drive to learn it in my own time.
Thinking about genuinely diving into Japanese if I have the time though. I got bored once last Fall and learned all the Hiragana and Katakana in a couple days which was cool. I'd have to start over of course. Would a Genki pdf be enough or should I actually have the physical book to write in?
I already am.
Nothing wrong with digital. I'm an artist and use a tablet for my work, so I can take advantage of it and make handwritten notes.
Can't bring myself to learn reading. I understand it more or less by ear at this point. 3rd language feels like a bother.
ur like a baby
末 未
I don't get it. Pedophilia is illegal in Japan.
Oh yeah, try this
I l |
Learn your stroke directions and orders, you troglodyte
>assuming I have the brain capacity or mental strength to even start learning Japanese
I wish I was smarter
The dog one is super easy cause it looks like a guy throwing doggo a stick.
I can tell the difference without any help.
Ma/Mi(ま/み)for "Not Yet" and Matsu/Sue(まつ/すえ) for "Tip".
I like isolated kanji study.
Super Robot Taisen and Sakura Wars games
Unreadable are
Could read others even with bad writing.
I haven't laughed at or seen a yo mama joke in so long, thanks user.
I heard those are good. I saw Big O was in one of the games which makes me more interested.
is this aniki?
>シ ッ ン ソ
Here's How I remember it
> ッシソン
> [Tsu][Shi][So][N]
Sushi son. Line them up from the steeper 2 dash katakana and descend.
>seething brazilian
sad life if you aren't white, isn't it?
I didn't notice the difference until someone pointed it out, since I've never done isolated kanji study. I just treated them as one and the same.
You don't need japanese to play megaman so hah
Not this time weeb
>夕 タ 力 カ
2 of those are kanji broski, Evening, and Power.
Literally all I want to do in live is cum inside and impregnate asian women but the only race where I live is white
thank you, user
Also stroke. ソ the second stroke is up to down ン is down to up. Same for ツ and シ
Just be rich :^)
>japanese "beauty"
Bottom left is cute! Also, me to the left, third row from the back.
remember not to read the japanese of gaijins or you'll get worse
because BIX NOOD is the new NANI KORE
Amerimutts think fucking anything below 21 is pedophilia
袋 装
資 賃 貸
I can't write these anymore by remembering.
Found a cutie.
I studied abroad in Japan and Japanese uni girls were throwing themselves at me for knowing basic conversational Japanese and telling me how good I was. They think English is cool and attractive but you definitely have to be able to actually talk to them.
Niplips are just the worst
上手ですね ;-)
I am, in fact I just finished up four years of it at my local university, just in time to see the entire department get de-funded and all my former teachers laid off while the place goes bankrupt.
A good eight or nine tenths of what I've learned has just dissipated from my memory several months or weeks after the relevant test was over, to the point that near the end I was bumbling my way through questions about complicated shit like the causative-passive form or keigo whilst not remembering what half the particles mean or how to say the word "library" or "write" or which meal is 朝ごはん and which meal is 昼ごはん.
I feel like I need to go back through my textbooks from the beginning and re-memorize the first half to two-thirds of my japanese education and the thought of doing it all again kills me inside. I've been half-heartedly converting my early stuff into Anki decks to drill myself with but the motivation is fading and I can't seem to get it back.
I just wanted to be able to talk to these fucking people but their goddamn language seems like it was made by 4th dimensional aliens.
So now I have the esteemed honor of having completed a full Japanese course and still not being able to confidently hold a conversation about even the most mundane of topics outside of the weather or whether yesterday was hot or not.
Kill me Pete, take my life
there is also very little in the way of untranslated Japanese vidya that interests me outside of Metal Max and Romancing SaGa, so that doesn't really help either
Once I finish my Masters Degree, I want to enroll in some japanese classes. Maybe I will learn Chinese/Korean too. I would really like to learn other weeb languages.
good god almighty what the fuck is wrong with your i? it looks like ri
there are a few decent ones there user
pic related
Same. Being dumb gets you nothing.
Why did you even take Japanese in the first place, then? Your brain will delete shit you don't use. In my case I at least continue using it pretty much daily for reading manga porn, since I can't play games yet.
You have to force yourself to keep using jap. I'm a native spanish speaker figures but since I was young Ive been using english to get around in both games and tech stuff, I just graduated as a computer engi after all, and even when I was learning, I did all I could to force myself into english, like switching everything from the phone language to games languages to english, even if it had spanish options, watching movies solely on english and so on.
Also, I was learning german in uni a year ago, did the final test flawlessly and though I could get serious with it, was able to speak fluently about basic stuff, but after finishing the class I stopped using it so by this day, I can only say, "Ich spritch bitte deustch" because well, I havent used it again.
You type like an angry Japanese man trying to keep white men from stealing his women
i grew up
偏 倫
謙 譲
Give me one non-porn game which is good and hasn't been translated well.
>Got to keigo and causative-passive
>Forgot asagohan, Kaku, etc
user, I'm not sure you ever actually learned anything. I just finished the same grammar and while I also often feel I need to go back through all the early stuff for a refresher there's a lot of basic stuff that should be ingrained by now.
>took four semesters of Japanese years ago
>didn't keep up with my studies
>lost almost all the kanji in my head after learning dozens
a-at least I still know hiragana and katakana, r-right?
I'd be happy with any of them. I think they're top tier cuties.
>took four semesters of Japanese
>there are "people" who unionically pay to learn a language
never gonna make it
>took two years of Japanese in uni
>have Japanese gf and her mom who both speak the language
>go to Japan once a year
>Still shit at the language
I enjoy it but fuck
The good asian women are taken by asian men. Give up senpai
it was fun
>and be white
Why do white people tell themselves this
> there are people who don't speak a lick of Japanese, yet still somehow get a Japanese significant other
must be great living life on easy mode, huh mr. chad
Japan is a beautiful clean country but if it gets flooded by filthy western gaijin it will be ruined forever.
Westerners should only be allowed in if they pay a birth tax that goes toward funding young Japanese families.
America and other white countries should do this too before it's too late
論 輪
惑 感
誘 認
預 頂
Is there any good reason to learn the inferior language of dying country?
anime, porn and videogames
Because every country worth living in, aside from Japan and South Korea is mostly white, or white passing.
Why do you think migrants only flood into white countries?
Imagine learning Japanese instead of a programming language.
Reminder that english is the #1 second language in the world. Instead of trying to fit in a place no one wants you to be, why not get a gf who is motivated enough to not be a retard and learn the language most commonly used worldwide
I'm glad you think it's dying. Japan is no place for blackpilled mossad lovers.
Go ruin some other country.
I don't understand what the point of posting single kanji like this is. I can't read any of that shit alone, but if you type, for example, 指輪 for 輪 I know it's yubiwa. I also see the kanji for ninja in there. Deposit, receive, etc.
How on earth is a Korean or Jap 'White passing' . Might as well say American blacks are jewish
I'm currently doing both. Man I wish I started doing this 15 years earlier but I just had to keep lying to myself, saying "you're not a turbonerd weeb". You can only deny your nature for so long.
Imagine learning japanese just because you have yellow fever.
>Reading comprehension of a non-native english speaker
Read more kid
I was going to correct myself but i realized I'm on Yea Forums.com and it really doesnt matter. I'm tired user
Forget westerners, its the sub par asian countries that are now fucking shit up. Seems like every shop in Tokyo has Chinese, Indian or S.E Shitters working in them. Service quality has taken a fucking nosedive.
Why not both?
i want to learn programming really bad
whats the easiest language? i'd like to know c++ but i hear its hard
C# or Python probably
I actually noticed this.
How come indians get to run convenience stores in Japan? What legal loophole allows them to do this?
It's just RTK nerds
>leaning a language that likely cease to exist in 10 years
With that attitude might as well learn hebrew and practice your future job as shit sweeper
Immigration requirements for blue collar jobs have declined since they have labor shortage. I hope this continues for a while until I am able to get my dirty south american ass over there.
No need. I'm already a member of the tribe and we leave the sweeping to the goyim.
name 1 good japanese game that didn't come to the west
most jap games are shovelware and you know it
Why? At least people learn Japanese because they like the culture, so they might become English teachers or something. Learning Chinese for business purposes, even though you don't know shit about that is more useless.
or worse
Pretty sure there must be an image like this for Japanese somewhere. I keep hearing nothing but negative shit about life and work in Japan in general.
Enlgish teachers are basically toilet cleaners in Japan
Learning English is hard enough for me. I really don't want to waste my time learning a language that will ever be useful for vidya/manga/anime.
sure, but that job gives you enough experience to do something else
>English teacher
the absolute state of whitetoids in every Asian countries. Imagine we have poo in loo working as the CEO of Google, Microsoft, etc. The best whitetoids can do in Asian countries is to become an English teacher because they know they're inferior at other jobs that actually require useful skill and a degree. Another reason why Japs keep producing good games or any other source of entertainment, while in the west lacked in every department even in skill to develop a game that is not pixelshit, top-down view, 2d garbage platformer. Face it, you guys are slowly turning into the nigger of every Asian with your pathetic IQ It is only a matter of time until you start wearing yeezy everywhere and drink koolaids with fried chicken and get shot by a cop for being mistaken as criminal.
it can be useful for other things too. Do not just restrict yourself to weebshit when there is a whole culture and history you could look into.
>it can be useful for other things too
Name 3 (three) things Japanese can be useful for, other than videogames, anime, manga and all forms of JAV. I'll wait.
>Oh no! they changed a jap slang for an american one!
Are you really so clueless you think this is what irritates people?
I'll never leave my home state let alone travel half way across the world
I'm busy learning Korean, 아논 오빠.
I really hope that soon there will be an ai that can correctly translate japanase.
I really dont want to learn it just so i can read mango.
I really have no interest in Japan outside of their video game, anime, and the occasional Japanese cuties. Their history is pretty boring outside of the Sengoku stuff and there are lots of Sengoku materials available in English if I ever decided to be a nerd about it.
Shut the fuck up faggot. I know four languages and I'm not a native English speaker. Learning English and then using the knowledge of that language to learn Japanese is huge accomplishment impossible for your small nigger brain to handle.
It's not 2008 anymore. I don't need moonrunes to enjoy Japanese-only video games.
The Japanese do have some of the best literature with the likes of Mishima, Soseki, etc. But again I guess if you simply aren’t interested in the culture and history than Japanese has less utilitarian function
Good luck!
To add to that the director of The Evil Within 2 was an americanoid who traveled to Japan to study their literature. He was hired and to be a game director without any experience, besides just being an americanoid who learned their language. Learning a new language unlocks a lot of possibilities.
then translate this ching chong ping pong i fuka ur mada, u sucky sucky my peepee fo free ding dong
Jap bra sizes are over two sizes smaller than normal ones. So actually those are pretty average C cups.
Because it is a worthless language? Unless you want to live there it is pointless.
And why on earth would anyone want to live in Japan?
this applies to any language:
* to understand better the culture and the history of the country, unlocking a wealth of possibilities if you want to know more and access to media that has not been translated
* to visit more than just the English-knowing sections of the country and expanding your overall view of the place. You can become a bit more of a tourist and show people more of the country that likely if they go, will never ever see
* you get to talk to more people, listen to more stories and gain access to other opportunities. Talking to others in their own language is a pretty cool experience overall and others, not related to your language learning, can be impressed with the skill
If you have no intent in something, it will always be useless. May as well just sink that time being an OK games player. I am sure you do a number of things that people find useless.
This guy gets it.
>take two years of Japanese at uni
>Pick up heisigs
>Intro tells me learning Japanese in the classroom is shit
learning any language in a classroom is shit, unless it's one of those intensive 3 hours a day courses
>tell about how you're studying japanese using (method-that's-not-anki) on 4chinz
>ankidrones come gloat over you and tell you you're retarded
>some faggot who read a meme screencap from a /biz/let tells you to learn chinese instead
it's a tough life
This. All my Chinese friends moved away from China because of how unethical it was to work there. They all discourage working with national Chinese companies.
>wowwwww why are b, p, q, d all represented with basicallly the same character but they're completely different sounds how do i even remember which one is which when they're all just rotated 'b's
Yes I do but I’m not an autist about localization and dubs especially nowadays where fags like you are so butthurt about shit not being 1:1 to nippon, any vidya that comes from Japan will include as many original options as possible.
Isn't anki just flashcards? Why does everyone swear by it.
I started once, but it turns out that every single fucking kanji (SCRIBBLE) has a dozen readings, so fuck that.
Well some people have convinced themselves that they're the scientifically proven objective morally correct fastest way to learn anything and it's free, too.
I know Japanese and that's a fucking retarded comparison.
You try and read when it's hand written, it's a retarded alfabet compared to hiragana.
Because it takes 3-4 years to learn it.
5-10 to speak it.
Ohio goes eye moss
I don't like xenophobic and corn candy eating faggot faces
Nihongo ha... Muzukashii desu.
you could at least try to not be dumb
kujikecha dame da yo
>written ha, pronounced wa as a particle
>Huge amount of Japanese schools around
>Every single one without fail full of weebs
>University opens Japanese classes
>But the requirement to take them is to have passed all the 8 semesters of english first so no graphic design abominations will be able to join
>No weebs only old people or people that are about to graduate
Finally, too bad it only accepts 100 people per semester.
I lived there.
Proof that 2080 is the cutest GPU yet.
The problem with Spanish is that it changes from place to place, but if you learn neutral or Mexican spanish you can handle them all.
Moshi moshi watashi wa weebu desu
What age should we fuck?
is there a point to wanting to learn hiragana and katakana and stopping there? should I even bother if I don't want to learn kanji?
Just like Java right?
>learn hiragana and katakana
What's the point in learning only them? Why would you want to learn an alphabet at all then?
I meant that and speaking, just not kanji because fuck memorizing thousands of them
i just guess
which it is in your sentence
But I'm going through Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese Grammar right now OP.
imagine not doing both
Oh, man. Anki is such a breeze after RTK nonsense but the reason why 4chin's approved 6k deck has so many cards with the same word having alternative meanings eludes me. I have to keep 2-3 different pronunciations/meanings in mind each time I meet one of these cards. Probably good for memory but a bit irritating.
Also, how do you do about your grammar study, user? I had a great spur of enthusiasm at the beggining, writing down every topic but now it just feels bothersome. I want to blitz through the material once to have some feel for a reading practice (complex sentences are a bitch) and study it properly on a second go but it may still take awhile for no noticeable gains.
Do they use "?" in Japanese? My sensei told me to use か and a period for setting up questions. I am an early learner though.
Python C++ and ASM are all you need. Meme languages can get
i have been learning though
>be Burger
>shitty community college opens JP 101
>sign up
>room is full of people trying to add
>line out the back door
>landwhale yaoi fangirls squeeing along back wall
>teacher is Japanese
>barely knows any English
>mostly just mimes and improvs words while shouting them in Japanese until we tell her what the English equivalent is
>kid next to me looks like Jeeper Creepers villain
>keeps mumbling "stabbu o shimasu"
For some reason they never offered the class again.
I'm learning at a snail's pace, but tight loli pussy is a good motivator
this scene made my die monds
Desu/masu Japanese uses か as a question marker. In normal Japanese that feels curt so they just do it normally with inflection.
But is sensei cute?
Nope she was an older lady.
Does she 'ara ara' alot?
Learning a language is no small task.
If you like pedophilia, learn English.
I got so lucky. My class is full of young adults and older people learning for their job or travel. Teacher is cool too.
You won't be able to read for shit if you don't learn kanji as well. It'd be totally useless. That's why Japanese is just a pain in the ass to learn.
My brother's been learning it for a while, I wouldn't want to play catch up with him, he'd probably be a bit of a dick about it.
And I guess I don't really care. I should learn some second language though.
You'll be able to read some menu screens in games. It's a good place to start but from there try learning some common kanji at least.
Another day, time to once again vote for your favorite franchise Yea Forums
Besides, I've been shitposting in 5ch all morning, and the nips there could understand me fine even with google translate
this picture makes me want to give Japanese another go.
It's at the bottom of a list of priorities.
でも 俺は日本語を勉強する
They're secretly laughing their asses off at baka gaijin like you and me
white guys with asian girls are pure cringe
Less cringe than asian guys with white girls imo
Very lucky user. I've been solo studying at a decent pace for a little over half a year now using old import games as motivation.
If only nips weren't cucks and dropped those garbage kanji i would
Because I can barely speak English.
Kanji are the best and easiest part of Japanese.
I'd be fluent if it weren't for kanji.
Hiragana games are much more difficult to parse than kanji games.
how do i know you've never been to japan?
>people actually believe this
do you honestly think you'd feel that way if you had some russian girl come to the US and then never speak a lick of english so you could never actually have decent conversation
yellow hands typed this post
get raped of nanking
>learning dog runes
Burn in hallyu hell pepsifag
>dark elf runes
>l and I are different characters lmao
This is total bullshit by the way.
Why are there two variants of each letter, anyway? There's punctuation to mark where sentences end.
Let me see if I got it right. You're going to japan on March 20?
So why haven't you started yet?
He said he will start his japanese class/course in march 20th. I don't know why'd he wait a whole year, but whatever.
Oh fuck, nevermind. It's march 15th today. I swear I thought it was the 23rd.
I'm learning French because it's actually relevant to the country I live and opens up far more job opportunities opposed to speaking nip for the sole purpose of playing weeb shit. That enough of a reason for you?
if you learn nip you get job opportunities and can play weeb shit though
>living in a country where French is relevant
Fuck no. I have hiragana and katakana down pretty well but kanji are just confusing.
>you get job opportunities
>thinking you aren't getting job opportunities by knowing the language of the country with the 3rd largest economy in the world
I have never ever met a japanese speaking person. Nor have I ever had a piece of media that I couldn't understand because it was japanese. It seems that I'd have to go out of my way to find something that requires me to know it. Why the fuck would I learn such a useless language?
Kanji have great utility and are more intuitive than beginner learners think, but what makes them the "easiest" part of Japanese?
you would though, or maybe it's just irrelevant to you
>Don't you like video games
What to do after learning kana
Is this a legit suggestion?
fuck off. my sentence is fine. a jap said so himself
する and している both make sense
If you want a job in computer engineering, yes.
I hate videogames and I NEVER play them!
Tae Kim's Guide to Japanese Grammar.
You are stating that you study Japanese, not that you're studying Japanese.
Not the same thing.
I don't see the point. Everything good gets translated and I don't want to live there.
>>>>Everything good gets translated
Yes. I study Japanese. As in, studying Japanese is something I do. Even if I'm not explicitly stating that "I am studying Japanese" at the current moment in time, it still makes sense.
If somebody asked why aren't you doing something and you responded with "but I do do that thing" do you think he would respond with, "but you didn't explicitly say you are CURRENTLY doing it?"
no because it's fucking retarded semantics and the meaning is still perfectly implied
Fuck japanese and fuck weebs.
No, it's still not grammatically correct.
>what are you doing?
>I eat apple
It makes no sense, does it?
what's his endgame?
>Japs' anime just got surpassed by Koreans
>why don't you eat apples?
>i do eat apples
You don't even know English.
Yes that's correct.
Too much time and effort
Not really worth it
It is grammatically correct. I literally got confirmation from a jap you stupid N5 shitter
don't @ me again with your semantics bullshit
You're insanely wrong
Remember if you don't defile some qt Japanese priestess some chink will claim her to do some weird kinky shit like lick her armpits or some Arab will get his camel to shit on her
No, saying that you "study Japanese" means you are studying something about Japanese.
What are you studying about Japanese? The vocabulary, the grammar? You said you study the language, not that you are studying the language.
rihoko is best girl though
Unless you're talking actual literature, and I can't remember the last time I read a fiction book, then I don't think you can find a single counterexample.
Japanese are all polite who will tell you shit is correct even if you made a slight mistake out of courtesy
You can go over there and say "三りんごください" and they'll go "oooh very naisu Japanese"
it's the same thing retard. the only difference is that the current action isn't being explicitly stated as being in progress
for instance, the difference between studying from time to time and studying at the current moment in time
>What are you studying about Japanese? The vocabulary, the grammar?
the language? ている doesn't change that. dumb mong
Simply delusion.
yeah i'm sure japs are going to do that in a language thread where i asked a specific question about the grammar
shan't be replying to some N5 shitter again
Are you shitting me?
Reddit is one of the biggest, most obnoxious gathering place for the cringiest weebfags on this planet.
Actually reddit loves anime and everyone knows anime is normalfag shit
I study Japanese, I eat cake, I walk the dog = these are things I do. Maybe not at this very second, but if you give me a slice of cake I'll take it because cake is something that I eat. If someone tells you "I don't eat shellfish" they're not telling you about their current actions, they're telling you that it's just not something they do.
I am studying Japanese, I am eating cake, I am walking the dog = I exist in a state of doing these things right now. I'm listening to a Japanese podcast, shoveling cake into my mouth, and I'm walking the dog.
This isn't even Japanese grammar, this is basic fucking English.
Both of you need to leave.
breeding age is 7-16. All woman should be executed at 20 desu. Gives them enough time to reproduce and gets rid of them before they get too ugly and evil.
Video games have everything but VNs,RPGmaker crap and arcade cabinets robustly translated, and VNs and RPGmaker games are uniformly garbage and outside of fighting games the modern arcade scene is also garbage.
Manga is oversaturated with translations.
LNs are uniformly garbage.
Anime is almost uniformly garbage and everything remotely watchable is translated.
So there's capital L Literature left, and I only read nonfiction.
I have no doubt in my mind I'm older than you and have been here longer than you.
Where do I even start if I want to learn Japanese?
I've been learning 35 words per day from the core 2k/6k Yea Forums deck thing and reading through tae kim's grammar guide since the start of the year and honestly I feel super discouraged learning the grammar. It's so discouraging knowing I'll be a dekinai for at least another 3 years trying to learn this language and my japanese speaking friend just sends me "you can't learn japanese" memes every time I ask him a question. Kind of wish I was learning music or some bullshit instead but raw manga is too enticing.
is there any good grammar resource with a gamey side to it like my japanese coach?
I guess it makes sense that you don't know of games you've never heard of, but there's no reason to pretend like you know everything when you clearly do not.
I learned computer programming and BJJ instead sorry anime games I have failed you
Sorry for bad japanese.
watch 10,000 hours of anime with japanese dub and japanese subtitles. Don't look words up or do convoluted memorization techniques, just absorb the language through osmosis. After a couple of anime you'll start to recognize words like "des", "ohkneechan", and "baka". This is a superior method because you are introduced to new vocabulary in it's real life context.
Lots of old games still aren't translated though. Goemon 2 and 3 for starters.
Most of the video games I play are in English.
Currently learning Japanese. Its fun but I dont know the grammar so any attempt to speak japanese would be 不良
I keked at this but I also realize it's true.
Well okay I'll give that not all GOOD games are playable for English speakers. But the ones that do get translated (or don't require any fluency to play) are better and I'll never run out of those for the rest of my life.
Sounds like you need a friend who is not a cunt.
Watch more anime.
Not trying to be an asshole but you're not actually learning then. That's like saying you're learning Spanish to take a spring break vacation to Mexico and you learned how to say bano. You really gotta supplement your vocab user kun
i dont get it, whats the difference between the last two
>learn hiragana and katakana, breddy good
>start learning grammer and some basic kanji, slightly confusing but still ok
>regular kanji
And that's where I stopped. Someday I will pick it up again but not today.
Would bang all of them.
when I was in high school, all my four years I chose to have spanish as a class. 4 was pretty tough as we were essentially only talking and writing in spanish, no english. only a year out and I kind of forgot everything.
Dude, you need to use it daily and force yourself into situations where its necessary. Watch stuff in japanese with japanese subtitles, read japanese, talk with japanese people you find (VRchat is a great source).
don't stop man. if things are difficult switch over to something like from anki to pokemon games in japanese
Would be willing to bang any of them, but I would only bang one because I believe in monogamy.
>only one
I respect you user.
I would also marry her and financially support her so she can stay at home and raise all five of our children
Seiken Densetsu 3
Mother 3
Rythm Tengoku
>future jav actresses.jpg
Why aren’t you learning Icelandic? Don’t you like sounding like you’re passing a kidney stone?
Every single one of those games has an English patch, user
I do, but I already failed at learning Mandarin Chinese (to have a proper conversation with my Taiwanese grandma), so I don't feel confident in learning Japanese.
Just depends on the font bro. And because capitalization is a thing.
Dead language. Better learn Chinese if you want a useful language.
crackers on suicide watch
>japanese girl from tinder
i'm sorry.
Shi and tsu aren't that hard to tell appart, thankfully, and so and n are usually a lot easier to get from the context. No Japanese words start with n, for one.
>Rythm Tengoku
You mean...Rhythm Heaven?
>girl from tinder
should've just started there
I fucking hate video games.
99% of what I like gets translated. I don't play ero games so there isn't much point.
jesus that animation is stiff as fuck
you missed 'q'
I play all my games english dubbed because I don't care about the japanese language.
it just werks.
My point was that they're drawn in the same direction, not that you can't learn them regardless.
し doesn't look anything like つ
I've never heard of people mistaking them
シ is horizontal
ツ is vertical
Does anyone know where I can hire a translator for Japanese? Someone posted some ultra-obscure Toku movies (they don't even have Wikipedia pages) ripped from VHS but they're all raws with no subtitles.
based amerimutt
I actually am. I recommend everyone to use the marigoto books. They are pretty decent at teaching basic Japanese. I just started I find it to be quite fun.
*marugoto books
My bad. Have another one, on me.
I wanna throatfuck that 11.
the third one is super easy cause i got a fat dick and it looks like a guy with his his dick out
Holy fuck she's beautiful.
explain how the two are related
Why are Nip women such perfection? Chinks, Gooks, Viets, and SEAmonkeys can't even compete.
Good going, fucker. I'm Taiwanese and my parents taught me Chink enough that I have no problem with kanji making Japanese all the much easier to learn.
Why is it so difficult for people to accept that Japanese women are just beautiful?
>duh, it just a fetish!
Not at all. I'm actually pretty damn respectful of them and would never think of someone as just a fetish. People are so fucking retarded for thinking Japanese women are just a fetish to us.
But I am.
And I am the worst-performing student in my class. Seriously, Whenever we're reading stuff from the book, the professor usually skips me and have me read the easier parts (By easier, I mean something like "はい、すきです". Then again I am doing terribly with Grammar and Kanji so I guess I understand why she do that, but still feels bad, man
>be history grad
>writing on modern japan
>uni has a "japanese society"
>check it out
>it's just a glorified anime club
>no discussion of any media/literature outside of anime and manga
>try to strike up a conversation about kurosawa
>"is he the godzilla guy?"
>asked to talk about my research
>try to give a balanced historical overview
>attendees look visibly confused, even upset when i'm not giving nippon 100% upmost dying praise
>never go back again
Not my fault you go to a shit university.
>People are so fucking retarded for thinking beautiful women are just a fetish to us.
Because it literally is. Roasties can seethe all they want, we'll keep going what what we find attractive.
Keep trying.
It happens user. But you got to keep up. As someone who almost quite English when I was performing so badly I just endured and ended up being one of the best. It opened various job oportunitties as well.
Just keep it up.
i have that book
Except English actually gets you jobs while Japanese just gets you validation from anonymous users on cambodian fingerpainting forums.
Japan makes good games. I seem to see the west crushing Japan all over.
I was just a little kid when I tried to learn it, and I ended up just pissing my mom off by saying inane retarded shit like "18 o'clock" in mandarin to her. She's the only one in the house that speaks it.
>tfw teacher has cards to pick people randomly and he digs through them for my card when something is hard
What is a good, simple Japanese book even a 1st grader could read that's sort of vidya related? I feel I may be able to read Japanese enough to read something with fewer Kanji/With the ones I know only.
Legit too stupid to speak it.
>tfw no Japanese people would ever want to hangout with a stupid loser like me
Feels pretty shit. The most i'll get is some Chinese woman with white man fever which is not what i'm looking for.
What kind of jobs can a non native English speaker even get? I think my knowledge of English grammar is *close* to fluent and since it's really the one thing I'm really good at, I'd like to take advantage of it somehow
Yeah and I was 5 when my parents bought me books in Chinese and read them to me. Being born in the US doesn't mean you can't learn a foreign language growing up.
Japanese are a pretty curious people.
Even if you are a little interesting they'll hang out.
But yea they will still see what your social status is.
I learned Korean instead and regret nothing.
I'm too dumb to learn another language.
Too bad there are literally no Japs here in Commiefornia. Plenty of Chinks and Gooks though if your goal is just to hit it with an Asian.
I had a "Learn Chinese! Teaching Easy" disc for windows 98, which I was heavily limited in using. That was the whole extent of it.
Which is odd because for a good chunk of my childhood I spent it with my grandma and grandpa, who speak english but my grandpa didn't speak it exceptionally. Also I'm not from the US.
Learning grammar and kanji is one thing.
But this language is also very context and social status sensitive.
And thats the hardest part are like when to say "We" like.
Ware ware wa and Watachi tachi depends if you are among colleagues or friends or total strangers, and they have i think like 10 or more ways to say we depending in what social situation.
And then context
There pretty much in every major city user just not as much as you think. asians don't even count at least 7 percent of the population in the US. take that into consideration.
t. asian
You don't need to speak the language to play eroges.
>tfw moving to Japan in a few months
>tfw company paying for relocation expenses and new apartment
>tfw company paying for free Japanese lessons
I'm so fucking hyped, Yea Forums. I can't wait for a big tiddy asian videogame
Loads here in the city of Antwerp, Belgium.
Due to that story Dog of flanders or Furandāsu no Inu.
While only a marginal number of Belgium people actually know about this legend.
No you're not.
I don't think you are supposed to add a question mark if you are using the question particle. It's either one or the other, and both are equally valid.
Why can't America be full of asians? It isn't fucking fair. Doesn't matter if this sounds racist or not but you are white people's favorite race. (specifically Japanese, Korean, Chinese and Taiwanese)
Did you meet her in Japan?
If so what was your occupation at the time?
Sorry if this is a bit redundant.
Jokes on you, I'm all aware of that already. I don't give a shit. Moving to Japan will make it so much easier to access a lot of games I can't import easily into the west, and the standard of living (+ salary) is much higher and better over there so.. win/win
Asians avoid America because it's a shit country. Go to Japan/Korea/Taiwan if you want to give it a try but don't expect anyone but the shittiest of the shit to actually come here.
Living my dream.
Just because someone is into anime doesn't mean they want the entirety of Japan to also be into it. My love for anime is separate from my love of the Japanese and their culture.
>Asians avoid America because it's a shit country
Can't say I blame them. I've often heard foreigners are shocked on how violent and confrontational we are. I hope China or North Korea nukes the fuck out of us.
Eh. bro you're not going to see japanese people immigrate to america since they're way well off on their own. you're going to see immigration from poor countries like vietnam, philipines, or combodia. FYI some of these are fucking scum. viet people are fucking assholes, korean people are hella vain and being flip myself i know for a fact filipinos can be obnoxious at times. of course i'm talking about the first generation since their children are american raised.
I already did. Well, enough to play any game I want in Japanese at least. I'm not amazing at actually speaking or forming sentences.
me at the top right
Would anyone like to learn japanese with me? I started but it's been like two weeks since I studied now.
we could encourage each other to keep at it...
Filipino people are always good here when I meet them. It's Koreans that are very stuck up. Like the few Korean women i've met basically thought the typical
>he's white so I could have him easily since all white men are stupid and obsessed with asian women
in the sense of she's too good to get to know me.
love to man. but you ask at the worst time when the thread is gonna die.