Will you be buying Gokus next DLC? twitter.com
Will you be buying Gokus next DLC?
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Will he have SSJ4?
Nope, he transforms into SS3 if he's the last member of the team left if I'm understanding right
If hes kid goku from GT with him. Having some OG Dragonball moves then I guess that's cool
>GT Goku
>Not even SS4
Why make it fucking GT then
>wanted Kid Goku
>get this
Should have known I was gonna get monkey paw'd
more gokus
>SS4 Level 3
Should be good.
I think I actually fucking hate this game
I'd rather go back to MvCI over this shit
>Implying they'll not release GOKU SS4 later as a stand alone character
there aren't many goku though?
SSB Goku
Saiyan arc Goku
just 3 and with this there will be 4
Did anyone even want anything from GT?
Goku a shit
There's only one more character left user.
GT is trash but the characters are visually good enough for a fighting vidya
For the love of god, please be Roshi.
Yeah, and it'll probably be Pan
I was talking about future seasons.
why does kid goku from GT look like a spic?
Goku Black
Also Vegito, Gogeta and Fused Zamasu are 50% Goku each
that's still only 7 goku
>not wanting SSj4 Goku with Dragon Fist, Nuova and Omega Shenron
Hell, even Super 17'd be pretty great for FighterZ since he's different enough from DB Super 17
SS Goku
SSB Goku
Goku Negro (forma Rosa)
That's 5 Gokus.
7 if you count the ones used for Vegito and fused Zamasu.
As long as its not Ultra Shitstink Goku I’m perfectly fine with that
SSJ4 > every other Saiyan power-up
What about Gotenks and Gohan?
No way this is real. Putting in fucking GT Goku and he doesn't have his most powerful transformation? No chance.
I've hated this game for a while, despite double dipping for PC.
The laggy-ass online mixed with the 4 kidz mechanics (super dash, 2H, beams beams beams, jumping around and spamming projectiles/assist for hit confirms that barely lead into anythign) is NOT a fun experience.
>GT Goku
>without SSj4
Why would you do this
What ABOUT Gotenks and Gohan?
>people surprised about more gokus
it's like if the db cast is shallow or something
Fighterz is basically SF Third Strike-tier
Teen and Ultimate are half Goku and Gotenks is 25% Goku.
>UMvC3 was the last good tag fighter
Why is it so hard to make one?
>a lot of people want kid Goku
>we get GT kid Goku
Is this the ultimate monkey paw?
He spent years in the desert with Uub
And it is gonna be ultra instinct goku
That makes 7.75 Gokus
Super Goku
Blue Goku
Pink Goku (technically a full Goku with a gay demi-god in his head)
Pink Goku fused with his gay self (technically 1.0 Goku)
Proto Goku (aka Dad effectively being 0.5 Goku)
Angry Little Goku (0.5 Goku)
Littler Goku and his butt buddy doing a gay dance (Technically 0.5 Goku)
Adult Jobber Goku (0.5 Goku)
Human Girl with Teen Jobber Goku in a superhero costume (0.5 Goku
Green Smug Bug (Part Goku, presence is minuscule but still there, assume 0.1~ Gokus)
Goku and his angry punching bag wearing earrings (technically 1 Goku)
Goku and his angry punching bag doing a gay dance to beat Broly (technically 1 Goku)
Ultimately there is the presence of 8.6~ Gokus, not including this alleged GT Goku making 9.6~
>one touch deaths
>get on your last character then xfactor to make it 1v1
>incoming true mixups
UMvC3 was never a good game
No user that makes it 8.25 Gokus.
Proof positive that DBZ was the wrong franchise to base a serious fighting game around.
How is merged zamasu 1.0 goku? It is 0.5 goku
We'll get DB Goku too and then kid Goten and kid Trunks as separate characters
Then you'll get niggas running Kid Goku, Goten, GT Goku and you'll never be able to tell which character is tagged in except by the healthbar at top
This has to be fake, right?
Even the developers said GT was shit and not canon
>t-there's still hope b-bros
goku is meant to look tanned because he's a redneck/hillbilly but they weren't consistent with that until GT.
Fusion doesn't suddenly cut Goku in half. There's still a full Goku (or in Goten's case, half a Goku) in there.
Because Goku had dark skin in Toriyama’s official GT artwork
The thing is, Goku was always dark skinned in the manga. Toei didn’t get it and gave Goku dark skin in GT despite him never having dark skin in the anime
DBFZ already has all the main cast nigga
It's over, bro
>thinking the developers care about canon
>when the plot is a non-canon side story and Cooler and Broly are in the game
Fusion is a result of a new body. It doesn’t suddenly multiply. It makes a new being from 2 sources.
>even Super 17'd be pretty great
He doesn't even have any fucking moves because of GT's limited animation.
And the source was a whole Goku.
>GT KID Goku without SS4
What in the goddamn?
Toriyama said we should consider it a side story.
>dragon ball
you have to be a tiny brain to think these two are compatible concepts
SS4 Goku will be a separate fighter
nope, the Japanese site reporting this is usually trustworthy
I hope SSJ4 are alternate costumes at least, I wouldn't mind them being actual characters though
To produce a being that is only comprised of 0.5 goku
Goku has dark skin because he's a monkey
>Toriyama said we should consider it a side story
Which is another way of saying non canon. Also you'd have to be retarded to say DB doesn't have one when it's incredibly easy to follow.
>put GT Goku
>but no SSJ4
What the absolute fuck.
SSJ4 Goku barely has his own attacks aside from the dragon punch and red Kamehameha.
Nah, the only way I could see an SS4 character getting in, assuming GT Goku is real, is if they put in Gogeta.
>he transforms into SS3
That's even worse, SSJ3 Kid Goku looks completely retarded.
>Because Goku had dark skin in Toriyama’s official GT artwork
His artwork for GT wasn't even colored. He just did line art character designs and the logo.
>GT Goku but no SS4
B-but why? It's like they saw the SS4fags and Kid Goku fags and wanted to kill both groups at once
Gotenks already exists too, who the hell wants SS3 Kidku?
>SSJ4 Goku barely has his own attacks aside from the dragon punch and red Kamehameha.
Barely anyone in GT has attacks outside of beam spam.
so no goku UI? what the fuck are they thinking
>keflakeks on suicide watch
There's one last slot.
Then again, how do you make UI Goku work on a fighting game?
UI is pretty much the fighting equivalent of an aimbot.
High damage low hp
the characters in this game all have like 2 special moves each
Doesn't everyone have the same health though?
So this pack theme is Kids?
Guess the other one
You make it work by not seeing it as an "I win" button and more as what it would look like if everyone was relatively "equal".
Make an exception.
finna kill myself bros. i love this game so much but bandai namcos decisions are fucking RETARDED.
but i knew this was going to happen which is why i bought neither season pass. i just bought a few characters individually.
Kid Buu(Super)
I guess Goku Blanco is pretty much in, based on fucking "GT" Goku over SS4. lol
>making both anti-GT fags and pro-GT fags mad at the same time
>incredibly easy to follow.
except for the 12 movies that cannot possibly fit into the time frame
continuity != canon
Things are constantly retconned and forgotten for convenience.
>the final slot is actually a combination of Ultra Instinct and SSj4 for Goku
I wonder who he'll get paired up with.
>Omega Shenron
>Baby Vegeta
>Super 17
>Nova Shenron
GT Goku
>that cannot possibly fit into the time frame
Which should tell you...
Come on, this isn't a hard concept.
Oh nonononono!
Gogeta Blue and Broly(Canon)
cooler is in the game. canon doesn't matter.
is launch in this game? what about roshi or videl
Majuub or Baby Vegeta. We got a Kid version of a character, so might as well get a Baby one.
>Things are constantly retconned and forgotten for convenience.
Yeah no. Things are certainly forgotten over time if they lose relevance like launch but there's been very few real retcon that don't involve misconceptions created due to non canon materials like father of Goku.
>dissapoint people who wanted kid goku
>dissapoint people who wanted ss4 goku
what did they mean by this?
>GT Goku
>No SS4
I ain't believing it, might as well just put in Kid Goku or regular adult SS3 Goku
Why not actual Kid Goku with Power Pole?
This isn't about the game.
But I'm seeing why you would have problems now.
Bamco is absolutely retarded.
Bring back double supers!
Bring back double supers!
I don't even want to play this game anymore after they nerfed double supers so hard. This game barely has the elements of that make a 3vs3 fighter stand out.
More Gokus, just what the game needed
add great ape you cowards
Because Kid Goku can't Super Dash. Samereason why Roshi is never ever.
>thread about the game on the game board isn't about the game
>I want Kid Goku in Fighterz!
That requires work, user
Next time if you want to sound smart read the conversation you're jumping into.
To all the retards complaining "too many Gokus reeeeee"
> have you seen the fucking show in the last 10 years?
> who normally saves the situation?
> who has the most techniques?
> who has the best transformations? I mean in terms of power
> whose name gets mentioned over and over again by the rest of the cast?
> who is "our last hope" every fucking arc? If he doesn't beat the bad guy, his cheers make the other good guy beat the bad guy
Seriously, how stupid are Dragon Ball fans? Goku is and always will be the star of the show, that's why dbfz will continue to spit out more Gokus
Still rooting for Caulifla or Kefla.
The amount of salt would justify it for me.
Broly/S.Broly/Kefla when?
Best LR
Do you want it to be like the megazords in the power rangers game? Because that's what'll happen.
There's no way you said this unironically
>Great Ape? Ok here's Broly using the great ape power!
Why do people want dragonball shit so much? Nobody watched that garbage, the characters are shit and things didnt start until Z. Thay said you should have known you would get trash when they actually released Videl over a host of movie villains and other characters just because some moron said the game needs more girls.
I'd like some other guys like Janemba, Roshi, or Arale desu
conversation started
Don't forget SSB Gogeta is confirmed already.
Then prove me wrong. Chances are you'll just go
>but the potara
user there are several characters who are in the game yet play no role in the story
The Blues
Broly Super
Goku Black
Fused Zamasu
17 Super well I guess it's a bit more complicated than that
The game's plot takes place almost immediately after the U7 vs U6 arc which is why the dragonballs can only grant one wish and not the usual 2.
please reread what you just posted
Thank God they don't seem to get to make many content decisions in Smash.
GT Goku will have a power pole attack it seems
Look at this smug little shit
He's your newest fighter
Press S to spit on Kefla's grave
>have you seen the fucking show in the last 10 years?
>who normally saves the situation?
Android 17
>who has the most techniques?
Master Roshi
>who has the best transformations? I mean in terms of power
>whose name gets mentioned over and over again by the rest of the cast?
>who is "our last hope" every fucking arc? If he doesn't beat the bad guy, his cheers make the other good guy beat the bad guy
See Specifically
>dragon ball
>you have to be a tiny brain to think these two are compatible concepts
This is why I told you to read because this is where the conversation about general canonicity started.
So wait, where the fuck is Ultra Instinct Goku to dunk on Jiren? The fuck is this shit?
I love Goku, but in a game with a small ass roster, more characters being added who are just variations of Goku is really disappointing, especially base Goku, he should have been in the game from the start
because nobody truly cares about playing Goku with a stick over Goku who turns his hair a different color, Super saiyan is the life blood of this franchise
Don't care, no Nimbus.
last character in the season lol
GT kid goku? Totally getting it. Hope there's a SSJ4 character though.
>fags shitting on GT
But why, you might as well make it regular kid Goku at that point.
Forgot about Vidal, I dont know why I keep forgetting she's in the game she's the only character with an actual costume change,too
Well GT is the black sheep of the franchise.
GT was a fucking abomination, hermano. Worse animation than Super, worse filler than Z, and literally a single memorable track in its entire OST. Super Saiyan 4 Goku and the concept (not execution) of Baby and the Shadow Dragons are the ONLY worthwhile takeaways from GT.
One of kid gok's attacks might turn him super saiyan 4, through imagine if the other goku is UI goku
Super Saiyan forms, Genkidama
>worse filler than Z,
Can you call it filler if it isn't canon?
Switch super for gt and is perfect.
You know, this probably means the next character is Baby Vegeta, which means Revenge Death Ball bullshit
inb4 some spic replies to this implying that Super also being bad somehow makes GT retroactively not terrible
>worse animation than Super
I don't think you've seen the first thirty episodes of Super then
"GT will never have representation" posters BTFO
You can if it's filler for its own non-canon story. GT had a pretty short run and something like a fucking quarter of it was some variation of Pan and Goku dicking around accomplishing nothing for an episode.
Dude that's one move and two forms. You could easily just put in Penetrate! And axe the forms and you'll have a perfect Kid Goku without the additional effort of modeling his SS hair.
It's going to be Pan or Majuub.
If we get Baby or Omega Shenron they're going to be paired up with SS4 Goku
And I don't think you've seen GT. Super's early animation was awful and off-model, but GT's even at its higher tiers was just some kid mashing two still frames together like action figures he's holding.
Did people actually watch the first half of super instead of just watching Battle of Gods and Resurrection F?
How is this credible? It just looks like some Japanese man's blog.
this guy is a trustworthy vjump leaker
this blog is usually trustworthy regarding Vjump leaks and DragonBall related Vjump news
Kid Goku's will have a Level 7 Universal Spirit Bomb that will have a dramatic finish against Omega Shenron, the last DLC character.
How would you feel if the final DLC character was pic related?
As bad as Super's early episodes were they can at least be considered animation seeing as characters actually moved.
In GT you'd more often than not have still images with beams coming or a character slide in.
Instead of a projectile on the A/X button, it's a dodge with a timing like Hit's parry. Normals only do 70% of a a regular character's damage. Less damage, more defensive options.
No one knows who Ozotto is so I imaging people would get extremely mad.
I don't even know him, is he from Heroes
It's not gonna be those two they don't sell as well as another Vegeta would and fuck Omega Shenron, I've carried a grudge against him for that one Xenoverse mission for a long time
Unironically who?
It'd be better than another fucking Goku
Hahahahahahhahahahhaha at least your stupidity is funny. Keep it up, bitch
Goku is the protagonist, there's nothing wrong with having many of him
Street Fighter 4 had 2 ryus
B-but muh still frames are better! You can see the SUPERIOR ARTSTYLE so much better this way!
>we won't be getting youtube.com
he recently made an appearence in Heroes, but he is actually from DragonBall VRVS, an old DragonBall arcade game
Yeah, now how about SEVEN Ryus? There's a limit
Pan is going to be there to appeal to pedos
He's from an old Dragonball arcade game who recently appeared in the prison planet arc of heroes.
where is his tail at 0:24
goku is actually fun and has lots of fun techniques, lots of goku means lots of fun
I want to see her half shirt and ass so you're probably right.
>People ask for Kid Goku
>Get GT Kid Goku
Hell of a monkey's paw, I ain't even mad.
Super Saiyan 4 is the most aesthetic and physiologically correct transformation.
Prove me wrong.
Good thing I jumped ship. Say what you will about babytag, that game is diverse and varied in playstyle and characters
>physiologically correct transformation.
It doesn't resemble a great ape nor super saiyan outside of the tail.
And fur
Hidden by the rubble when he moves
>b-b-buh muh spics.... s-still frames....
>black hair
>pink fur
>yellow aura
>magic clothes
it's awful, its design makes no sense at all
vanilla super saiyans are fucking stupid.
4 is the logical progression of a super powered apeman alien, not Hitler jugend.
Id fug a SSJ4
Roshi and Arale are never coming, the other guy comes with 3 Gokus, take it or leave it
Base Goku stopped being the star of the show a long time ago. They even added a Z to the name of the show so you can remember golden boy took the spot. It's in the intro and people still need to be reminded.
The roster is fine, your problem is you're comparing a traditional fighting game with the other dragon ball games. It's not a fair comparison. A lot of you don't ask for characters, you ask for skins. You want your favorite characters although they play exactly the same. I can argue the different Gokus in dbfz play way differently than all the cast on the Xenoverse games combined together
Are you gonna get Heroes next month? Who's gonna be in your deck?
she's in
I'm in her
Great apes don't have pink fur.
Doesn't matter if you think it's stupid SS4 it's ridiculous both aesthetically and physiologically.
Oh and magic pants with a color changing belt.
Well that was easy
A Great Ape has uniform hair color across its body while a SS4 does not. And the form is unlocked by mastering a golden Great Ape form, yet the resulting form has no gold hair at all, instead a mixture of a regular Great Ape's dark hair and a red hair that comes out of nowhere.
The form makes no sense if you think about it logically.
>fur on the tits
Remove that and she's perfect
>Great apes don't have pink fur
No, the game is boring as fuck at high level, i'm glad i dropped it.
it wasnt supposed to be like this
If you want to talk about aesthetics then you also have to talk about consistency of the SS forms.
Lining them all up why don't you tell us which one stands out like a sore thumb.
Xenoverse had a version of GT Kid Goku with his DB moveset. If this rumor is really correct, I'd guess we'll see something like that.
Stop it user
actual retard
SSJ3 is the coolest looking one
SS4 only works on Goku. It looks retarded on Vegeta and Gogeta's version manages to break the only consistent rule the transformation had in design.
I will never understand why people complain about SS4 Goku's pants
Do they just want to see pink furred monkey dick?
Leaks say he can turn SS3, has the Universal Spirit Bomb and a hidden Level 3.
So why would SS4 suddenly get pink fur when pink hasn't been a part of any SS or Great ape form?
Best aesthetics:
>UI (manga) > SSG > SSB > SS > SS3 > SS2 > UI (anime) > SS4
imagine still giving a shit about this ded game
Why would I know the answer to that? I just think SSJ4 looks cool.
to say you have shit taste would be an understatement of the decade
SSB Gogeta is the better looking one with cooler moves.
Go play budokai or Fortnite than you casual faggot
UI's animu eyes and jizz stained hair immediately knock it to bottom of any tier list.
>better looking
>cooler moves
Whoever made Gappy a frog should kill themselves
disregard the fur color and the pants for a second.
If his fur were completely black/brown, he would have looked perfect.
Vegeta pulls it off better anyways.
It's supposed to be red but whether intentional or not, it ended up looking pink on the anime. And even then, it varies from episode to episode to the point that official merchandise has depicted him with scarlet red for to bright pink and everything in between.
Suddenly I love Super Saiyan 4
I prefer his color scheme in SSB and I like that he's not wearing a fursuit.
SSB Gogeta is the best looking fusion
SS4 Gogeta doesn't even look like it belongs in dragon ball
>vegetto with different clothes
Do you really think Super No soul 4 Gogeta looks good?
GT Gogeta acts closer to Vegito than Gogeta in DBS does.
SS4 Gogeta looks ridiculous, my dude, and not in a good way. SSB actually looks okay on Gogeta, fits the genie aesthetic Toriyama gave the fusion dance
Not him but yeah
SS4 in general stands out like a sore thumb.
GT just seems like they wanted to do something to keep DB going but Japan was already sick of DB by Buu so no one gave a shit
I want SSJ4 Gogeta to be at least an alternate costume for SSB Gogeta
the red fur and big hair, plus the fusion clothes give him a powerful look
Uh, dude. Did you even watch the Broly movie?
The closest thing to Vegito that Gogeta does is wait and think of a name and then it was all no nonsense fighting.
You're thinking of SS4 Gogeta where he could have won but played around.
it's not like anybody could pull off a one touch of death. Even with x-factor you still need skill and specific set-ups because the game had mechanics to break away from infinites.
In Japan Buu was more popular than Cell though.
Gogeta's fur is shitcaked brown and he looks like a dumbass with all that hair.
Not to mention none of his fusees had red hair so it comes out of fucking nowhere.
>still no Super Buu
Thanks Buubs and Shota Buu
baby vegeta
GT had the most kino opening, prove me wrong, you literally can't.
Super Buu is unironically my favourite DBZ villain and i'm still mad that they gave fat buu and kid buu slots instead of him
as long as kefshitfags get cucked i am happy
nah, OG DB did
HEY! IT'S ME, ____!
>Adding another fucking Goku
>Not even fucking DB Goku
>Fucking GT Goku
Remember when Arcsys said this wouldn't be like every other DB game?
Why don't people like Super? It's not my favourite DB series but I thought it was decent and the TOP was cool even though Yamcha wasn't in it.
>GT Kid Goku instead of OG Kid Goku
>One can fly and the other can't
Pack it up Roshifags, he isn't getting in.
Bamco makes DLC decisions
More like they wanted to squeeze some more money out of the cash cow, but Toriyama was done already.
>Heroes will make this a reality
>Remember when Arcsys said this wouldn't be like every other DB game?
>In b4 his hidden Meteor is the Golden Oozaru
Because it retcons GT.
Otherwise most DB fans appreciate it.
because the animation and writing was literally zero effort tier until the TOP saga. it was even worse than GT.
GT wasn't even canon to begin with. A real retcon is making Broly canon.
because its one of the worst written pieces of fiction ever
the zamasu arc makes the s17 arc look like a masterpiece thats how fucking bad it was
>wish for Kid Goku
>it happens
>but it's the GT one
What have I done.
>it was even worse than GT.
We've already been over this user, nothing is as bad as GT when it comes to animation.
>tipping your hand
Black Arc was bad but nothing will ever top Super 17 as the worst arc of DB history
>another Goku reskin
you must be underage or on drugs if you think supers animations (minus top) were better than gt. it was quite possibly the worst animation of any anime in history.
the zamasu arc drags on way too long with one of the worst ending ever made
the s17 arc at least is short and you can skip it since nothing of relevance happens in it
Why is SS2 the best transformation, Yea Forums?
found the spic retard. Go back to tomato picking
>we will never get the most based SS form of all
Feels bad man
>Another fucking retard that thinks still frames = animation
By the very merit that those ugly off-model drawings had MOTION, they were better than GT. GT's off-model abominations mostly just slid around the screen like they were being dragged in MS Paint.
4 is
you are literally brain dead lmao
but spics love the garbage that is super
don't worry, a more based form is coming
You guys do know Nora exists right?
user, GT's art could be the Mona Lisa of shonen but it doesn't mean that a still image can be animation.
i have no idea what youre talking about. i am not that autistically into it. i just know i watched it when it aired and it was the worst animation of any anime i have ever seen. it was so bad they actually made a statement about improving the animation after fans complained. which ive never seen happen before.
>autistic technicalities
save it for someone who gives a shit fag
I don't know what Nora is but who cares GT is still better than super see
The before pic of that movie recap mini fight is the same level of quality as Ape Baby vs SS4 Goku, the climax of GT's first big arc.
>i just know i watched it when it aired and it was the worst animation of any anime i have ever seen
So you haven't watched GT then.
Literally just an autistic spic getting angrier as he realizes nobody likes his pet anime
First two season were dogshit versions of superior films. They were obviously rushed and had poor quality art and animation even compared to similar tv anime too.
People either gave up or are just trolls when they say the whole series was bad, though. Season 3 onwards showed a steady uptick in quality, both it animation and writing.
It still had its flaws, but it at least became pretty fun to watch.
They should have called the game as
Dragon Ball Gokuz
You know what? that's fair.
If it were arcsys they would be putting 2 separate meters on some characters, some sort of weird gimmicks here and there and we'd have shit like Roshi as part of the roster, but no we get yet another Goku clone because Bamco wants this game to pander to spics.
Us Gohanfags need more reps
Mexico+South America loved Super, did you not see their wild (illegal) live stream parties?
It's mainly butthurt Americans who were edgy teenagers who liked GT because everyone was scowling all the time and lots of the fights took place in ruined cities, which gave them boners because they hate society.
>already has 2 characters
no fuck off
Throw Z fags down there too.
No, you fuck off. I am entitled to Future Gohan.
GT animation is way worse than anything in super.
Dragon Ball AF fans are the true fans
>z fans
>liking anything but Z
>not knowing it's her time
I pity you...
who is "our last hope" every fucking arc?
>who normally saves the situation
Beerus, Hit, Trunks, Zeno, team work
Nah, that still looks better than Super.
That's actually about on par with Super's usual animation
I just hope it's Caulifla with Kale as an assist.
>Vegito as a furry
That's equally on par with Super's best animation.
who cares about super or gt
they are both literal garbage and don't deserve any representation
OH i see, you are pretending to be retarded. Very funny.
So when the fuck are gonna get a super duper ultimate arcade edition +R of this game?
Another fucking Goku are you kidding me?! God fuck this game, I'm done.
>The worst animated part of Super is better than the best of GT
How do GT fags cope?
He looks badass tho
Okay, let's give you a real example.
This is the climax of Super 17
This is the climax of Zamasu
These are the two arcs many consider to be the worst in their series, which has more animation.
Ok yeah you're right
I'm not fond of Gogetas design because he's just SS4 Goku basically
>everyone wanted kid goku from original db
>get kid goku from gt
Nice projection, faggot, lmao.
Literally nobody wanted GT Goku.
Well yeah, Gogetas are more Goku and Vegitos are more Vegeta, that's how it works.
>Zamasu arc
>Considered the worst in their series
Huh? Everyone on Yea Forums says the Zamasu arc was the best out of Super, with a terrible ending.
Not a horrible trade-off. I wanted young goku and I wanted GT representation. I don't mind them killing two birds with one stone
doesn't hurt, that he will have Nyobo and Reverse Kamehame-Ha, Xenoverse also has a GT Goku variation with Kid Goku moveset
>Goku Son
>Goku Son StepFather
>Goku Son Friend
>Goku Son 2
>Goku Son 2 father
>Goku Son 2 from the future
>Goku Son 2 fusion
These aren't good samples to compare. Like it or not, that face is shit but the animation is average. Goku's motion on the swing and wind-up have weight and recovery to them. That GT example doesn't have as much movement and Super would probably have done the same thing (except his face would be fucked up)
The sad part is that they could have gotten away with a lot of that if they played it smart like GT.
Seems like a lot of work considering they didn't even do anything like that with base vegeta, not even for a dramatic finish vs goku
>GT Kid Goku with his DB moveset
Does it have power pole and nimbus? Give me those and some vaguely kung fu normals and I'll deal with it.
It should be like that giant lady from Granblue Versus.
he had power pole, Kamehame-Ha Boost (kamehame-ha tackle) and Janken in Xenoverse, no nimbus though
>retarded super fag actually thinks people are saying gt is good and not that super is equally shit
kys autismo
Eh, I can deal with this. Really hope they work in Nimbus tho.
wow gt looks way better despite both being shit. way to prove the point.
>b-but muh tweening
>and not that super is equally shit
Which is still giving praise to GT. I don't think you realise how much worse GT actually is.
So if they can just straight up use a moveset from a whole different game, what's stopping them from bringing in Chi-Chi from Super DBZ? We know they looked at that game for Videl's super.
>Tons of actually cool characters from Z and Super they could use instead
>But still picks one from GT, which no one likes
>And not even the only cool design of that shit series, Goku SSJ4
>They commit the sin of adding another Goku but in a lazy way so they can reuse Gotenks skeleton
In what w
Are you blind?
There's next to no real animation in GT and you don't even know what tweening is.
GT's general frames look better (most of the time), but Super has more actual animation and things going on.
They both look like shit either way.
Shallot for FighterZ when
GT was "hey let's see how many times we can reuse these frames": the anime. Super did it too, but goddamn, it was actually offensive in GT.
user the conversation was purely about animation, not art.
Which was still far more inconsistent in GT mind you.
>all these characters to choose from
>but let's add a dozen Gokus and Vegetas
Jesus christ.
>another Goku
>it's not DB Goku with nimbus and staff packaged with DK Piccolo
who is choosing the roster for Fighterz? Most of the choices are trash
>2 Broli soon
>3 Gokus and Vegetas, 4 Gokus if this is legit
>2 fusions of the two
>better music
>better animation
>better aesthetics
Why do GTfags pretend Super is worse?
>but that isn't the original music!
Yeah, I know. I watched the sub.
But when will they buff Piccolo?
>GT confirmed
well gt goku can fly.
Super has it indisputably better just for those few highs. GT has no highs at all, it's as it backgrounds are drawn and then stock animations of the characters doing things are just slapped on there.
Look at how Omega Shenron's head doesn't even look connected to his body at the start of the webm.
Super rarely had this, but when they did they found ways to do it even more offensively. It wasn't even animated, it was just an image being moved across the screen and rotated.
I really don't see the issue with there being multiple Gokus. Goku has so many different techniques and moves it'd be stupid to try and cram them all into 1 character. all 3 Gokus play differently, they're only the same character in name and appearance.
I do understand that there is limited slots for characters and it is sort of a slap in the face for fans of less popular characters like Roshi or Janemba.
Hello? Mr. Satan?
>GT's general frames look better
That's because there was very little animation and what they had they reused over and over and over.
That said Z and Super aren't exactly innocent in that regard either but more often than not they would reuse animation in one scene so say a character would throw a flurry of punches, they would repeat 3 or 4 frames of punches. In GT however they would take entire scenes and repeat them rather than frames.
Starting to see the difference?
>no daimaoh
>no nail
>no kamisama
>no lord penis
what went so absolutelly wrong for the doc
I want General Rilldo
I'm ok with that. Son Goku is beautiful and Gokus in DBFZ tend to be pretty fun, I've been playing Baseku since he was released and I'm still having fun. That being said I'm still more excited for a balance patch.
>It wasn't even animated, it was just an image being moved across the screen and rotated.
That's describing GT more than Super you know.
>I really don't see the issue
>proceed to admit you understand the issue in the next line
Okay then.
pattrician taste.
Piccolo is top tier the fuck you talking about?
>all 3 Gokus play differently
Base is an actual waste of space. At least Blue legit has a different gameplan than SS Goku but Base is utterly worthless outside gimmick Spirit Bomb stuff.
animation is the combination of art plus motion. only autistic faggots on Yea Forums try to separate the two. gt looks overall better than super. no one cares about your animation technique analysis, fags.
If they added another Super character I probably would have killed myself
And I'm out. Was fun while it lasted.
>no Roshi, Papa Piccolo, Slug, Ribrianne or Kefla
>no Satan as a joke character
>no Guru as an even bigger joke character
I wouldn't know much. I watched only some of GT, I couldn't stand to sit through all of it. The first arcs of Super were also terrible but it picks up a lot by the end.
Not top tier enough
GT's art looks awful most of the time though, only its backgrounds have consistent quality
>animation is the combination of art plus motion.
Animation is literally just motion.
Baseku is fun as fuck to play though, nothing better than hitting a fully charged spirit bomb into a level 3 and destroying 90% of their healthbar.
Motherfucker was the one that kickstarted the snapback meta and is running around loose.
Thanks doc
Well pretty much just take a look at this Most of GT's animation throughout is that
still salty this wasnt yamoshi.
its such a god tier design.
This is probably the best animation in GT.
Infinite World also had GT Kid Goku use his path to power kamehameha as an ultimate.
After they literally said last season “they don’t want to add any more goku’s”.
Even then, this over UI? Would have made much more sense than pairing Videl (who plays like a better android 18 anyway) with Jiren.
No Janemba/Gogeta? Do they even have a development team or is it a single Japanese man working a 10 hour week?
Base is literally the best Goku
>No Janemba/Gogeta
That pairing is old news.
Please tell me a lot of these lines are changed because dub? The actual dialogue and Goku's characterization wasn't like this, right?
Also within two minutes and they're already reusing a shitload of animation. What is going on?
Imagine thinking that that has better animation than this
Still, you could have thrown in the rainbow glitter ball as a dramatic finish
I never said it looked better than Super in terms of animation, but okay. I just said Super's art was worse.
>Please tell me a lot of these lines are changed because dub?
I wouldn't know, hell that isn't even the dub I watched but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same.
I was talking about the GTfags, not about you. Super pre TOP art is shit.
GT Goku has Dragon Fist, Spirit Bomb, and Kamehameha.
Kid Goku has less techniques and more raw power
He's in.
>That empty green field.
Oh lawd.
>UI (manga)
>Anything more than being a massive piece of shit
Thing is its not supposed to be a still image and the fights should convey speed and power.
Based Chadku blowing the fuck out of waifufags
>that shit eating instant transmission from Black
post apocalyptic worlds tend to look like that
SS4 Goku does talk with a deeper cadence in the original, too.
Why won't they give her to me?
You moved them goalposts a long way, son. Good job.
That's not the part that I mind. Some of his lines and general dialogue seem off, though. Baby is also rushing through his dialogue and just speaking nonsense.
Goku is talking about the "earth and its people" as if he's Superman, not as if he's Goku.
>the dub
>Kid Goku has less techniques
>janken fist
>powerpole combo
Kid Goku has a much larger array of techniques and attacks than GT Goku which is why they usually borrow some for GT Goku.
>this was the most important fight in GT
The Dub gave Baby more lines in Ape mode to spell out he was pretending to be crazy
Casuals don't watch OG DB
>GT Goku’s special move is “Super Kamehameha,” which transforms him into Super Saiyan 3 when there are two or fewer overall team members remaining. His Meteor special attacks include “Super Spirit Bomb” and a second, hidden attack.
>His other attacks include “Power Pole” and “Reverse Kamehameha.”
>Blue Goku instead of any other Goku
>Blue/Saiyan Saga Vegeta instead of Majin
>Blue Vegeto instead of SS
>Blue Gogeta instead of SS or SS4
>SS3 Gotenks instead of Normal/SS
>Anime Zamasu instead of Manga Zamasu
>Super Tenshinhan instead of Z Tenshinhan
>Artwork for Short Hair Videl instead of Pigtails
>GT Kid Goku instead of DB Kid Goku
They just love to pick the WORST version of each character
Manga UI is what UI should've always been
The anime fucked up
>muscles get bigger, the opposite of what UI is about
>aura gets bigger and brighter, the opposite of what UI is about
anime UI makes no sense
I fixed it
Wouldn't mind at all.
>>Super Tenshinhan instead of Z Tenshinhan
But Super Tien uses basically everything that he had in Z.
>Manga UI is what UI should've always been
Which was basically just Goku with silver hair rather than Goku acting autonomously which is how it was presented in the anime.
>no rojo eyeliner
Oh right, the Path to Power movie had Holy wearing Goku dressed in GT clothes. Aside from that, Kid Goku wore his purple gi
while wearing that gay jobber outfit
I can't remember, I know Funimation especially at that time had a tendency to write Goku as a chosen one superhero, but so did the writers of the Dragon Ball Z movies.
I forget where GT falls on that line.
The problem is, without the muscles and aura, UI has nothing interesting in terms of its design. Super Saiyan is nice and simple, and works. SSG is just red hair, and everyone was already saying that it felt underwhelming, but that was the point - Goku himself didn't like the form for the longest time and they slowly tried to make it different in the manga and the new Broly film.
UI is just SSG-but-white without the aura and muscles. It's "subverting our expectations of what a super strong saiyan would look like" in the wrong ways, literally Rian tier.
Make the hair and tail yellow and maybe make him as buff as grade 2 Goku then it'll be a good combo form.
Full UI makes no sense in both anime and manga. Why the white hair? It's not a new form.
No you didn't, SSJ4 just need brown furr
The red one is retarded and doesn't even match the Oozaru
You got that backwards pal
The anime showed the UI as a mere power-up
The manga showed UI as Goku's body acting on its own
Pretty sure one of the ending animations for GT had him holding the Power Pole too
UI is the technique of the angels. Angels have silver hair and eyes
UI Goku looks like an angel with his silver hair and eyes
All the angels have purple eyes though, user.
>The manga showed UI as Goku's body acting on its own
Not really no because there was no difference in how Goku fought unlike the anime where the first observation about UI was how Goku's movements were different.
>silver eyes
I mean, they could even give him that spinning move Gotenks has.
I think a better question is why moving without thinking is a power up when they played it like Whis and his kind were just naturally just tht good at dodging? Now it's not only a transformation, every single race is capable of it meaning ideally something like that could make humans,namkians and androids up to par with saiyans but we all know it's just gonna be Goku and possibly Vegeta who get it, then you know what's coming next,right?
Super Saiyan Ultra Instinct
Average GT conversation between Goku and the baddie of the hour:
>Heh, you're stupid big bad guy. I already won. Gonna cry? Maybe pee your pants a little? Maybe shit and cum?
>Take this, Dragon Fist/Kamehameha/Whatever
>But neither did yours, heh.
Repeat ad nauseum.
I could go into detail as to how awful the writing for UI was in the Manga, but I'll just leave it at
>Jiren being salty about UI overwhelming him is somehow indictive of anything
b-based arcsys saving roshi (the objective most requested character) for last
right bros?
>neon blue re-color shit
>ever better
>first observation
If you have to tell the viewers that Goku is fighting any differently, then you already failed.
The manga was filled with some ridiculous shit like Jiren refusing to save Dyspo and Toppo.
>but DB gid goku can't fly
nimbus was in DBZ too, no excuse
I hate the backstory the manga gave Jiren
Well, they united DBfags, DBZfags and GTfags
>If you have to tell the viewers that Goku is fighting any differently
It's a good thing they show Goku acting differently before Gohan says that then huh.
They literally had nothing left to do, they couldn't even jump over a large gap.
>I've been asking for Kid Goku and King Picollo since the very beginning.
>I finally get Kid Goku, but it's from GT instead.
DBS is unironically the first time the db anime trumps the manga.
I would honest to god take Ribrianne over another fucking Goku.
Yeah but Jiren looking at them like if they were trash instead of trying to help was shit
Shota Buu is better and cuter, keep seething
>Will you be buying Gokus next DLC?
For that I have to buy the game, but I'd rather spend money on trash games than on Fighterz.
U11 would have won if he has saved them.
Gohan gets a lot of shit, but I think Uub is probably the ultimate jobber ever introduced in Dragon Ball.
>the reincarnation of Majin Buu, supposedly should have insane power ceiling
>trained personally by Goku
>reconfigured with Good Buu to gain an even bigger power boost
>jobs to Baby
>jobs to 17
>jobs to Shenron
If you removed Uub from GT you'd never notice.
Except he fights exactly the same.
I like it desu
In the manga.
In the anime they have him fight differently any time UI shows up.
>People are surprised that they picked GT Goku instead of OG Dragonball Goku
You people need to understand that ArcSys is basically pandering to its core audience. There have been 0 OG characters added so far (and no Tien and Yamcha don't count since they are from Z) because most of the fanbase gives no fucks about anything outside of Z and Super. The last character will most likely be either Kefla or UI Goku. It's sad but what can you do.
The only similarity is the Kamehameha otherwise he has a whole different fighting style.
Please die.
I don't know about openings but I do like this from GT.
your anger feeds my ego
Also FighterZ invokes a lot of flying around and they don’t want to break lore by having characters that can’t fly, and flying wasn’t invented until near the end of Dragonball
exactly, UMvC3 was the last good tag fighter
Except he does nothing new, fuck even the "dodge without thinking" part was done by Mr.Popo back in Dragon Ball.
>anime UI: goku is faster and is better at dodging and blocking
>manga UI goku is faster and is better at dodging and blocking
>Will either be Kefla or UI Goku.
I actually expected both of them to be the final characters. I'm pleasently surprised we are getting GT Kid Goku
They can just have him just use Nimbus, it shouldn't be that difficult.
Kid Goku could fly with his tail.
Also Tien was the first character to fly and he showed it off in his first appearance.
>Except he does nothing new
Why would he suddenly develop new techniques out of nowhere?
With that said he does use the Soaring fist in UI and again his style changes completely.
In the manga it's just regular Goku with auto dodge.
Probably because he's using a new technique of the gods, and his body is acting completely differently.
One armed Future Gohan when?
>gets faster and better at dodging and blocking
Goku does all that any time he transforms+punches harder.
It's just punching and launching a wave of air pressure at someone, Roshi did this all the way back during his fight with Yamcha.
>In the manga it's just regular Goku with auto dodge.
That's exactly what UI was meant to be.
Not a retarded transformation with muh fancy aura
Super is in the game, soooo.
user, his body acting differently doesn't mean he's suddenly going to learn something he doesn't know, what it does mean is that his basic movements like punching, kicking, blocking are going to be entirely different.
Which they were.
Also, learning things out of nowhere is manga territory as shown by hakai.
i miss when they had actual martial arts, now it's just generic punches and kicks with no real technique. the game does it better, A21 fights using an anime version of Taekwondo, Tien,Yamcha and Krillin fight differently as well but the androids and saiyans are just ungas
>That's exactly what UI was meant to be.
Not him but UI was supposed to be autonomous movement not a speed buff like it is in the manga.
No Champa, NO BUY.
I mean, when doesn't Goku pull out random new attacks out of his ass, like the ki wall he put up to trap Broly?
If his body was acting completely on autopilot, the things like the blue balls to get around the ki blasts aren't that big of a problem.
But even the anime said autonomous movement give you more speed and power because you don't wast energy
Goku has been stealing other people's moves since the first Kamehameha.
holy shit, Super's art is so terrible, it's like everyone is a plastic toy bathed in vaseline
>this is what Toyotards bekieve
No you retard, auto dodge was never supposed to be a part of UI. UI is the body reacting in the best way it can against oncoming attacks that may include dodging but it was never what it always did which is why you saw Goku countering with attacks later on.
Goku has like 3 different styles under his belt, Roshi, Kami and King Kai.
That's so fucking ridicolous, why the fuck do the people responsible for the stories never have any passion and actual fun ideas and they just go with the most obvious boring shit ever
Name a more pathetic character than GT Uub. I FUCKING DARE YOU
That's Yamamuro for you. Thank god Shintani is probably taking over as the character designer.
Goku never saw Hakai in the manga.
He saw the Kamehameha.
He saw the destructo disc.
He saw the solar flare.
But not Hakai.
>Those broken ass roundhouse kicks in xenoverse
I fucing hate fighting Gokus
>ignoring all the "wow he's fast!" moments UI Goku pulled.
Champa would just be a clone of Beerus. Now Quitela would be perfect as the next GoD on the roster.
You see he did it on purpose so he could give Baby a bad case of indigestion
I read that he apparently has a secret meteor move that they mentioned in the V-Jump but didnt reveal, could that be SS4?
GT Vegeta
>gets possessed
>new attack does nothing
>reduced to fusion fodder
>had a mustache and looked like a pedo
No, FUCK OFF. Keep your fucking manbaby namecalling in Yea Forums. It's bad enough that cancerous "ACKSHUALLY Mexicans like Super not GT!" shit has started to be posted on Yea Forums, but I refuse to tolerate autists who engage in this infantile faggotry
>You're going to be the guardian of the planet.
>Lol nevermind, Vegeta take over for me XD
Transformations are a fucking bane in any show. Its even worse when 90% of the time transformations just leads to characters tanking attacks and smiling smugly. Like, haha who actually wants excitement and cool fights in their shows? Just smile smugly and call the other guy a retard.
>Spend shitton of time on Beerus's planet, with Beerus
>"Goku could have never seen Beerus use Hakai!"
in super fighterz
should be original dragonball on that floor bitch
I want Sorrel in the game just to see the world burn and because she super dragon balls levels of cute
No Ultra Instinct? What the fuck?
GT Kid Goku and SSJ4?
Sure, why not?
Fuck off to Yea Forums and stop projecting so much, retard.
Why would Beerus have used the technique on his own planet, and why wouldn't that have been shown on-panel?
Weren't the colors brown and purple?
that was uub doing damage control. He even jobber to Baby's stomach
And Beerus did nothing but sleep. They trained with Whis.
Die instantaneously, furfag.
Jesus, who knew that basic alliteration could trigger toyotards this much.
Here's something for you though I don't go on Yea Forums, I didn't know it was an existing name until now
>Literally fucking YEARS of.
>Godhan, Chadhan, Cuckhan, Jobeta, Cuckly, Jobren, etc.
>Literally fucking years.
I hate them. I hate them so fucking much, holy shit.
Then show us where he saw it.
We can do the same for any other technique Goku didn't develop himself except that one.
>zamasu arc
>considered the worst
The fuck you smoking
>with Beerus
You mean with Whis. Beerus was either asleep or eating.