
Lets hear some of your fond memories?

>first time wsg lvl 10 capped all 3 flags and got lots of kills, such a good feeling
>tried to do SM with a group, i showed up as a warrior with a cloth hood and robe cause i thought it looked cool, one guy bitches about it but others defend me cause we are all new and actually suck.
>1v1 someone in blackrock mountain, he jumps off the chains so i won't get the killing blow, i jump after him getting it anyway + swim to the ledge
>solo attacking darnasus having a line of naked elves following me dancing, fighting occasional challengers. Got warlock summoned perfectly timed as a massive group was coming for me.
>solo defense in AV recapping points to slow progress, making them pull drek when they're not ready.
>i was a horde guild leader, a stepping stone guild to run people thru things and offer help.
>we would always guild chat, all the time, was nice to feel friendship.
>some times we'd gather around for "guild meetings" and chill by UC or TB, or invade an alliance capital together with our lowbies.

I loved helping my guild. I miss feeling like part of a community like that.

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Other urls found in this thread:

My power supply died while I was in the shimmering flats and took most of the other components with it. That was the last time I ever played WoW.

I remember asking to join groups to make quests faster and being told, it would hurt their exp. Lovely community.

I remember going on a Zeppelin my first day and seeing a guy duel a priest and get MC'd off the flight. Damn these people were so helpful to newbies!

I remember going to strath and wiping on the first five skeletons because we had to wait seconds between suinder armors because the warrior in question didn't know how important of a skill that was and didn't geet the talent that reduced time between swings in the prot tree. I remember a feral druid insisting that they couldn't tank as a class and as dumb as he sounds the game didn't explicitly make it clear, so I can't really blame him in hindsight. Man people were so much more knowledgeable about the game back then!

Man were going home bros! Back to a time when people were dumb assholes in the game just like they are now! Isn't that exciting:?

Human(male) warlock


i started in BC but the most fun i had was camping stormwind gates as a tauren dudu with my ud mage bud...we racked up some serious kills man

my name was Tasty...oh yeah good times

>always played Horde
>friend makes a human, I wanna play with him, so I make a gnome
>realise that we're in different zones
>didn't know about ironforge-stormwind tram
>spend around 2 hours running on foot to the human starting zone as a level 1 gnome mage
>next day friend rerolls as horde anyway

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>want to host a guild arena with people of all levels able to compete for prizes
>we began in the gurubashi arena, but a raiding guild shows up to crash the event
>i had no idea til much later that my members were annoying as shit in trade chats saying the when and where leading to this mess.
>i challenge the raid guild leader 1v1, winner stays, he accepts
>in guild chat i tell my lowbies "on my signal everyone dive in"
>we fight for a little before I say "Now!" Simultaneously both guilds jump in
>as expected my guild is beaten like a child vs a lion, we barely killed their leader
>we left but it was so memorable

>end of TBC I'm leaving the game but i want a real guild event.
>anyone can participate in a race to become guild leader when I'm gone
>i show my members the finish line, the portal with the dragon in duskwood, and the starting line would be the gurubashi arena
>as they start, a BE pally gets ahead with his speed abilities. A lower level decides to cut the road, but panthars jump him and eat him
>the paladin forgot how to get into the portal area, as a slowpoke undead warlock making his way there
>it was neck to neck but the undead won.
>the paladin was a long time friend and more trusted and deserving of the guild probably, but this random guy won the race so it was that decided it.

Warlocks/Hunters suicide bombing major cities.

Spammed /y “NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER! “ in the capitals until I got banned :)

>willing to give money to a soulless company
Holy shit dudes

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>First epic drop
Precisely Calibrated Boomstick

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>Be me
>Member of a shit-tier raiding guild
>Making slow but steady progress in Naxxramas
>We reach Helgan
>Our whole raid of retards dies in the Helgan dance
>Only my tankadin friend. a priest and myself, a frost mage are left alive
>The retards are yelling on raid chat to kill ourselves so they can try again
>The three of us manage to actually kill him

Those were the times

>be 10
>toward the end of TBC
>made a Night Elf Hunter (male) on Whisperwind, first technical character
>start trying to figure shit out in Shadowglen
>get invited into a group
>don’t understand what’s going on
>think that parties function as the equivalent of a guild
>essentially be a socially autistic kid
>freak out and think I can’t leave
>logout, delete character
>go onto a new server, Silvermoon
>reroll as a Tauren Hunter, first actual character
>do the Camp Narache experience, start figuring out what to do
>as I’m leaving, some high level femtauren on a kodo passed by and offers to give me some gold on my starting adventure in WoW
>say “nah that’s okay, I’ll earn it myself”
>she comments on how hard it is to get gold in. WoW
>say something like “it’s fine, I’ll earn my living”
>go off into the World of Warcraft
>be a poorshit until Cata

fuck these dudes, here you go OP

>start playing nostalrius in 2015ish
>join a random leveling guild, get to vaguely know everybody
>decide to run BRD, my first run ever on that server
>Kill emp
>Ironfoe drops
>three warriors in party, all of us roll
>i win
>the warrior who was the defacto guildmaster is absolutely livid, but not seriously
>swears to kick me any time I bring up the world ironfoe
>Do it regularly for laughs
>we're all still in a group chat, it's now a standing joke
>everybody is still good friends and looking foward to classic despite half the group have had kids since then

>>start playing nostalrius in 2015ish
Stopped reading right there, fuck off zoomer.

Here is my story

>from retail to current wow never played in a raid
>always had shit guilds
>never made a friend and most dismissed me when I dropped my spaghetti and my skills weren't so good
>only play WoW for the singleplayer
>know I am going to get gkicked in Classic for stupid drama that I caused

I remember a mage needwinning the epic sword from Eranikus in ST, over our pally tank who went berserk over it.

I hope you played the safety dance down the mic

Kang the Decapitator for me, it dropped at the start of ZF after I beat two warriors to win the roll. Why I didn't get kicked for using the axe with 1 weapon skill for the entire dungeon as an Enhance Shaman i'll never know

This memory always cracks me and my friends up, while waiting a long ass time for a WC group we just needed a ranged DPS and waited forever and end up getting a fire mage. His characters name was Chaarizaard.

Yes! We have a full group! Now everyone has to walk to WC. Just before everyone arrives, the dude says sorry and bails, he had to go.

>Chaarizaard leaves the group

after a brief moment of silence, one dude in our group types "Whose next? Pikachu?"

This always cracks me up.

I started playing WoW in late 2006, right before TBC released. What, you want me to pretend this happened in vanilla like everybody else?

ITT private server larpers pretending they played vanilla wow

Ah man...I know this feel! Had a similar situation when me (feral druid) and my two buddies (ret paladin and proc warrior) ended up 3manning Helgan. Everyone else died and with fancy footwork, hots and procs we took him down for the first time, our ventrillo went wild.

Pic not related

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>complete noob
>first time playing WoW on a private server back in Burning Crusade
>after making a Draenei Priest wants to leave Azuremyst Isle
>tries to go from the starting zone to the Eastern Kingdoms SWIMMING
>drowns from exhaustion
>what do you mean there is a boat?!

>leveling in the Cape of Stranglethorn
>there was no functional portal to go to Western Plaguelands in the server
>too poor to buy a mount
>have to walk from one extreme of the continent to the other for more than an hour
>mind blown after playing in retail and discover there should be a portal all this time!

>have to grind like an absolute retard to get a mount
>have fun farming soul shards as warlock
>don't forget to feed your pet, hunter, ammo as well, so much fun
>keys, mounts and other unnecessary shit is in your inventory
>game is not fool proof
>have fun almost wiping UBRS except one paladin who never learned the spell resurrect
>restart the whole dungeon, nobody wants to redo it, so abandon it
>flying on bats who take a long-winded route instead of the shortest one, because who would not want to fly for an eternity
>at least one useless spec for all hybrid classes? You got it
>uslesess talents
You vanilla ''fans'' are braindead retarded

I dunno about fond memories, but here's a WoW story that actually happened.
>Playing vanilla, meet some chick (we'll call her Nicole) and start talking a lot over whispers
>Eventually trade phone numbers, begin talking a lot at night
>I'm 24 and she's 30, married (though I didn't find THAT out until later)
>The conversations are fun at first, but quickly get depressing as she frequently vents
>Then one day she gives me a call around noon, out of the blue
>She tells me that she's going to take a trip to visit me over the weekend
>She arrives by plane, comes over, and the two of us begin fooling around
>Suddenly she tells me that she's married, but she wants to cheat on her husband with me
>Before I can even respond she begins telling me about her husband who ignores her and her son who she hates
>She tells me that she wants to divorce her husband and never go back, and that she wants me to put another baby in her
>Eventually calm her down and convince her to take a nap to sort out her feelings
>By the time I wake up she's gone, she blocked my number and never logged onto WoW ever again
>Kinda regret not fucking her
Haha what a story

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We aren't talking about Nintendo though, what?

All of this is unironically superior to anything BFA has to offer.

>shit tier
>doing naxx in vanilla
Almost nobody did it, stfu and larp about a video game somewhere else please

>tedious retarded shit is superior

I found some really bad epic staff, I think it only had spirit and int on it, for some reason a level 60 mage bought it for 800g. That's the only reason I ever got my epic mount.

>having no reason to sub is better

Angry retailcuck

But he is right.

Blizzard made Uldir fucking irrelevant with one patch and handing out gear for fucking free. No wonder people use raider io to seperate lottery-winning shitters with actual skilled people.

>>tedious retarded shit
that's literally everything in BFA though

So it's just like vanilla. Have fun

correct. I probably won't play classic, but BFA is just as tedious, the tedium is just in different places

but all of those things make for a cohesive, realistic world. sorry it's not streamlined so you can ding max lvl in a day, zoomer.

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I feel like I'm getting old, because WoW dropped when I was graduating high school and I don't exactly have fond memories of it. All my great memories were from FFXI, which I found to be a superior game in every aspect outside of PvP.

Will kids today be looking back fondly on shitty MMOs like FFXIV?

I want to believe this. Sounds like you dodged a bullet though

>tedious retarded shit
>the expansion that gives you mythic/raid gear for free

I did, in hindsight I'm glad it turned out like it did. ...Even though I'm still a virgin to this day

I'll let you blow me under the desk while I dab on Alliance 20 levels lower than me if you want your first sexual experience

tedious[tee-dee-uhs, tee-juhs]
1. marked by monotony or tedium; long and tiresome:
tedious tasks; a tedious journey.
2. wordy so as to cause weariness or boredom, as a speaker, a writer, or the work they produce; prolix.

Nah I've had opportunities to fuck WoW sluts, I just chose not to.

>play Alliance ever since 2004
>decide to try Horde on a private server
>Zeps right outside of capital cities
>Shit tons of quests every two steps in the Barrens that last you well into your 20s
>Three low level dungeons all in very convenient locations with a lot of good quests, can just chain run RFC/WC/SFK if you get bored of normal questing
>Not force flagged for pvp until Ashenvale, can quest leisurely in the Barrens unlike Alliance trying to do anything in Redridge
>Have the best pvp racials ontop of all this
Jesus fuck Horde has it so easy, I can't believe I never knew.

>join a guild on Moon Guard (my friend who got me into wow had his main here, the only RP I ever did was roleplaying a guy who fucks with roleplayers)
>guild leader is a woman, mother/wife, like 30 years old, i was 14
>think she's hot, flirt a little bit but i mean not much, i was a little kid
>she returns it a little bit in a flirty way, not direct but not saying to stop
>one day on vent she gets on during a party at her house
>suddenly this guy gets on her mic, not the husband but i guess just a friend
>absolutely LOSES IT at me because he heard i was flirting with her, tells me she's married and to fuck off with my homewrecking ass
>sit there stunned for a while, once he calms down explain that i'm a teenager and that he's a fucking idiot
>change nothing about my behavior, she quits the guild a few months later

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Just call it boring you fucking cuck

I never met any grills on WoW, played 2004-2010

I met a total of three WoW girls over my years of playing. That married chick, a local girl at my college who was very annoying, and another girl that ended up joining our D&D group for a bit

i learned with lvl 30 how to write in the general or the trade chat. how the fuck should my 16yo me know to write /1 and /2 before looking for members for bfd

I was just a wee lad playing on my dad's account and since neither of us knew what to do and I was a kid, I just took his advice. First char was a warrior and he said for weapons to always find the highest dps, so disregarding stats, top damage, 1H or 2H I'd always just look for highest DPS. Good times trying to level a warrior like that

I never played WoW because it was just dumbed down Everquest with worse gameplay and worse pvp. Pic related was fun, though, despite only one server worth playing on. It wasn't this one.

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>NE hunter in STV
>60 Orc hunter rides by and doesnt gank, but does manage to get hit and frozen by my trap
>spend like 5 minutes trying to hide and evade before he exacts his revenge

My only memories of Vanilla was creating a character, leveling to 25, deleting it and starting over, sometimes doing so with the same class/race combination.
I was too young and online games were new to me. I'm also an ESL and used to play before I knew "doing X in order to Y" didn't mean to do things in actual order.

>be human tankidan
>questing in silithus
>Tauren Tankidan also there
>compete with each other for mobs
>wordless gentleman’s agreement is reached and we quest through the whole zone together.
You alright Tauren bros.

So while this is not vanilla, I think it's worth mentioning.
>Play on private server
>Come back from vacation, somehow forgot password
>create new account.
>Level new character to 70 in TBC
>Still mostly played the game singleplayer, but had a friendly guild
>After a LOT of time, realize that there's a "I forgot my password" feature
>Get my shitty green gear character back
>Get so happy, I just want to gear him up, despite me never doing a raid or dungeon
>Guildie takes me to Black Temple on a pug
>So stupidly new to raiding, I walk right behind the tank, aggro the boss, and get everyone killed
>Everyone is now mad at me
>I was so embarrassed I deleted that character and never talked about it again

Had a *somewhat* similar story

>go back to wow during MoP
>join crap tier raiding guild
>everyone in it is kinda nice
>2 females in the guild
>one of them is the guild mom
>the other one I don't really remember
>a dozen guys are constantly hitting on them during raiding and guild chat. Not in a rude manner, but it's constant
>guild mom tells me she's tired of people hitting on her, she just wants to play the game
>I honestly don't give a shit and tell her I understand
>she's 30 back then, I was 21 or so
>tells me about her husband in the military
>few months later she asks me if I have anyone in my life
>I say no
>she offers to buy me a trip to her place to fuck her brains out
>I politely decline because i'm not fucking a married woman
>she's really sad about it

I wonder if I would do it now. Probably not. Can't stand the idea of cucking a dude

>no counter argument
>it's just good, because it's good
Kys, brainlet

Play on a real server instead of a private one

If this is true you are a fucking bro and deserve to know it.

he is talking about wrath naxx retard

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>>don't forget to feed your pet, hunter, ammo as well, so much fun
i cant wait for this. i loved the different types of ammo and better ammo bags you could acquire

I unironically loved having to get soul shards. people bitch about farming them but I never did, I just got a few for summons and picked up the rest in the raid.

idk, feels good knowing that you actually have to use a resource from death as a lock instead of just mana. flavorful as fuck.

Me too having no space in your inventory. Not having fun, now those are some great features.


>implying people took you on raids if you didn't had enough soul shards already
I get it now, another retarded private server player, who never saw vanilla.

Me (spriest) & a mate (rogue) using all of our CC to camp a low level character running from Ratchet to Tanaris.
Camped him for hours.

Actually, you just outed yourself.
Raids in vanilla were about 10-15 people 'tard wrangling everyone else until you hit AQ/Naxx. Warlocks not bothering to bring shards was incredibly common.

did you have the mind reading addon installed? how did you find out how many shards people had?

i played from Naxx until the end of BC, shill.

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Post your characters. Doubt any of you played vanilla. Only retards who never played it feel nostalgic for it

>needing counter argument against a shitpost
>it's bad because it's bad

>guild struggling in ZG with Panther Boss
>multiple low % wipes
>finally we beat her for the first time
>it is 1 am
>everyone super happy and pumped up
>fuck it
>decide to try Hakar
>kill him first try

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>nobody sees you making soul shards during the raid
My bad, they would allow you into the raid and kick you as soon as you started wasting the time of 39 other people.
This wasn't retard town like your private server. Post your characters

>can't stand the idea of cucking someone
>is fine with being a cuck

you first, loser.

Attached: disgust.png (500x380, 362K)

>my post with explicit details is 'its bad because it's bad'
Yikes, your retarded way of posting was probably acceptable on private servers, but not during vanilla

lol i hope you're fucking around. who gives a fuck if locks make shards during raid? shadowburn is a factor.

>No u
Yikes, you lost. Kys

mind controlling people to their death.
putting up invisible walls for it was the worst nerf they ever done

Post your character. Official, not private server. Go ahead. Lol, you don't have any.

I played vanilla only up until the salt flats and then my graphics card started melting. Troll hunter with a big snapping turtle pet.

Never looked back, and I certainly don't miss it.

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>admit defeat by not posting their vanilla characters
Vanilla was sooooo great, right fellow retards?

>be lv 27 mage
>just entered STV
>come across lv 25 paladin
>oh shit first enemy faction encounter now what
>attack before he can attack me
>almost kill him
>he bubbles and heals to full
>what the fuck is this black magic
>I get killed

I remember chilling in SW with another nightelf guy and two nightelf girls. Sitting around the moonwell in the park and things like that. Going around in a tuxedo.
Ive played wow since release and i was 12 at the time. I sucked at the game. I only got lvl 60 right before TBC release. My brother gave me his lvl 60 rogue though and i did manage to raid some Zul'gurub. I remember one of the fish from the raid which was dead but it was kinda on land and floating, so i did a flex emote under it as a gnome and took a pic, it looked like i was lifting it up.
While i did enjoy playing vanilla, i know its not going to be the same. Times have changed and so have people.
>WTS MC RUN! Going in 5min! Taking gold or irl moneys! Get your dominating loot now!
>LFM BWL Need 5k score! Inspect all. If you have any gear with an orange tint on it, you will be kicked!
> Looking for new retards to join our shit guild. Write a 5 page application on our discord and film yourself shitting in a bucket to join!
>SeLliNg G 0 L D and SHIT! Fuck your mother!

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>the absolute seethe that happens whenever vanilla wow is mentioned
Yikes! Don't you guys have some kind of daily you need to be doing?

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i dont think multiplayer games are for you

It dropped in sunken temple for me,I won the need for it and sold it on AH. My autistic teammates were spamming my name in cities and told everyone i was a ninja looter.

Thats how I got kicked from my first guild.

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Lol fucking paladins

Farming crusader enchants for myself and my guild and the guild sold two of the 3 that I found so we could arm up our tank to do Ony

Getting drunk as fuck after beating two bosses in MC and just got my first epic, Obsidian Blade from the dog boss. So we jacked the blimp and started singing 'hey there blimpy boy, flying through the sky so fancy free' on vent.

Playing my NE rogue and doing /pvp and unstealth infront of lowbie undead, /wave. /giggle before restealthing and having my 60 priest friend go MC them around till we got bored and made them jump off cliffs.

Fuck I miss those old days...

You listed things you don't like, you never actually gave reason why.
>things were harder and took longer
This is all you're going to say isn't it?

>I won the need and sold it
Fuck you

>"the game sucks, rose tinted glasses"
>"we're still excited anyway."
>"p-post characters then!"

christ, how much is activision paying you guys?

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Speak for yourself. Of course nothing was perfect. But I have a guild hat still today, and a bust of my character when they offered those, it was like 70 bucks or something stupid. It was a part of developing who i am, and how i talk to people, it was a place i could escape from my shit life and not want suicide.

>I won the need for it and sold it on AH.

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>Playing my NE rogue and doing /pvp and unstealth infront of lowbie undead, /wave. /giggle before restealthing and having my 60 priest friend go MC them around till we got bored and made them jump off cliffs.
Why is it always NE faggots. I remember leveling an orc shaman in the valley of trials and there was a 60 NE hunter taming lvl 2 boars and then letting them stand around while shadow melding nearby. luckily I saw it from the beginning but some other poor souls attacked the boar, got pvp tagged and then aimshot critted. fucking brutal

Sorta answered your own question really it was shadowmeld and that was great since non-stealth classes could inv to set up that shit and rogues got +1 to the SUB class and if you had 5 in it and was a NE it was treated as 6 so you basically could not be detected except for hunters with flare.
As to why people do that shit, meh its fun to fuck with people, Orcs did it in Redridge all the time I just preyed up UD players because the area was more fun.

I made this shortly after TBC release... I was 13.

I still won the roll so its only fair if I can decide what to do with it.
First I wanted to use it but then I realized its a downgrade so I just sold it. To my defense , I was just 12 years old.

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thanks for sharing.

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