I fucking love Final Fantasy XIV
I fucking love Final Fantasy XIV
I fucking love Alisaie
i fuck
Eh, it's lost all of it's soul and is just another MMO cog in the wheel
Explain why you think that way
I fucking love leylines
I love fucking Alisaie!
any1 else here /viera day 1/
I'm staying cat but I do want a bunny gf
>tfw no bunny gf
Here's your 8 man raid bosses.
that's a boy
IV shit would be nice but I am convinced that Lea Monde is going to appear in ShB and the end fetch quest in Ivalice was foreshadowing to beat you over the head with the fact that Lea Monde exists on Hydaelyn.
I got it recently and I want to love it but there is a lot of things getting on my nerves about it
No swimming, no speech bubbles, no rest emote, can only show 5 quest objectives on the map at a time, armoire can't store things it really should be able to
Also for a game apparently full of trannies I am surprised how much gear is gender locked, I just wanna try a wedding dress on dammit.
Thordan did nothing wrong.
You can swim though, try visiting Costa Del Sol
/sit and /doze might be what you're looking for here. /doze has you lie down in beds if you stand on one before using it.
swimming is unironically unlocked in stormblood through questline
you can sleep on beds and /sit near a chair/bench should snap you to it
use the glamour dresser to put stuff in you want to save for looks
this, i mixed up swimming and diving
huh, don't know how I missed doze
The armoire really is garbage though, it should just flat out be able to store anything marked as unique
It's a shit game for shitters.
Trash MMO.
t. someone who went through the end-game of Stormblood and capped out Ninja in a very good FC and has played numerous other MMO's
it's garbo
nah, I can never switch over to another race for too long, get tired of it rather quickly, at this point I just don't bother using fantasia
male elezen represent
refused to resub because of the shit effort to make a BLU job.
8 days until the shitstorm.
>posts an image of the one job the devs refuse to acknowledge slightly less than Blue Mage
Why do they hate Machinist so much?
BLU was a loss/loss job
BLU purists wouldn't have been happy or actual players wouldn't have been happy
Too bad the effort wasnt there to at least try to make it work
I think it was meant as a fun sidecontent small thing but expectations blew up
Did anything happen with the Red Kojin?
Nah, staying male Roe.
I can't find the will to drudge through all of these level 50 main story quests. I'm already level 60 and only on the domain refugee quests.
I haven't touched the game for months.
it was the least played job in HW for a couple of reasons, mostly because of the high skill floor to do any damage and the fact it was very weak in comparison to Bard, it was basically an inferior Bard.
After 3.4, they buffed it and it became much more powerful, but the sting of its previous weak state still lingered, but it was slowly but surely gaining more players, I myself loved HW MCH, it felt really smooth with its opening burst and it felt really powerful after the buff, they had a solid foundation to work with.
they kind of fucked all that out the window and made the MCH burst tied to a heat gauge, which it never had to deal with before
the heat gauge was a very poor addition, a consequence of the devs slapping a gauge on jobs, regardless of whether or not they actually needed one (like PLD and WHM) and made it stupidly ping dependent and any class that depends on ping is almost always going to be shit
the devs have at least acknowledged that only a handful of people care about MCH anymore, so they plan to rework it for ShB in hopes of unfucking it.
tl:dr, the devs have no idea what to do with MCH and kind of just hoped no one would notice
>BLU purists
The only way BLU would have failed, is in the eyes of FFXI fans.
(Because only FFXI exists according to so many people)
BLU has been many things, and could have been just about anything.
If they made it pure melee, pure caster, tank, or healer, it could still be a BLU.
It could have learned only 10 spells, like FF10, or learned 100. It could use swords, whips, staves, guns, etc.
None of that mattered.
The only thing BLUs had in common, was that spells were ones that enemies used.
Learning them from enemies wasnt even something that all FFs had.
the devs were tired of being asked for BLU and used the limited job system as an excuse to half ass it and basically put no effort into it
for everything BLU does right, it could have been done better if it was an actual job
Even then, by slamming a CD here and there or making certain skills oGCD, or even having a class mechanic where repeated skills punish you would've been absolutely fine.
I was hoping it'd be a caster tank
It's even worse because they decided to limit the job to a set certain about of skills and push all the gameplay changing ones to extreme trials which in no way should you be able to solo at level 50. Then not only that, but they also made the chance to get said skills fucking 0.05% per extreme trial kill, meaning you'd have to beg your friend to carry you through a certain extreme trial for well over 50-100 attempts.
Level 1-28 is spamming water cannon
level 28-49 is spamming thousand needles
level 50 = spamming glower (or drill cannons/plain cracker depending on resistances/reflects)
And you level by grinding mobs in the open world (not even fates as they drastically cut your exp by 1/20th for mob kills)
The class failed on all fronts except for the collecting itself which is pretty alright (except for the fact that you arent allowed to queue for dungeons so you can't really get the ones inside of them either)
The carnivalle is fun too
The weird thing is that making BLU a limited job looks like it was more work than just making it a real job.
The thing that I don't understand is why changing SAM/DRK is all fine but they just COULDN'T tweak BLU
How long did it take you to beat the Ultima bit in UwU Yea Forums? I want to have this beat before the next expansion.
mviera/hrothgar here
either way, new race is a new race, I’ll be happy either way
Wtf wheres blessbro?
the limited job system honestly sounded interesting, the idea of a couple of oddball jobs operating on their own rules different from standard jobs was an good one, unfortunately, the implementation was sloppy and short sighted
I actually enjoyed starting BLU, levelling was quite quick and learning spells was gratifying, sadly, the fun ended there, because you realize just how limited BLU really is
it can't queue for dungeons on its own, so you can't use it for roulettes, can't use it for Pot, you have to have a full party and 4 BLU's feels more cumbersome than helpful, I've done a couple of dungeons with 4 BLU and honestly, they don't feel that OP, yeah, tailscrew and missile can turn some mid bosses to mush, but I find that most the time it flat out doesn't work
Its strange, all it really has is the Carnivale, which in many ways is just a one and done deal, with 3 weekly challenges, call me crazy, but that really isn't much compared to what every other job could do
and of course, the fact that it basically needs to be babied by level 70's if you want any primal skills and such in a decent amount of time, grinding that shit with 8 BLU's is an exercise in frustration
Just wanted to say here
I think a legit way they could’ve made BLU last longer as a side thing would’ve been giving it its own Zodiac Weapon to work towards as a side thing
And giving it its own res action would’ve definitely helped to make it more appealing to have full parties of BLU instead of only one or two, since that means you could have a full party without drawbacks
Maybe eventually, but definitely not day one.
Every single erpfag in this game is gonna fantasia instantly and I'd rather not get mixed in with them.
>After 3.4, they buffed it and it became much more powerful
Fake news, MCH was always at least as strong as BRD in HW, the only thing holding it back in Gordias was the fight design and in 3.2 when they extended hypercharge and catered fight design more towards MCH it started becoming the monster that brought about the ranged meta. 3.4 was when BRD caught up, not MCH. You keep repeating this shit in these threads and I'm 100% you never played MCH in HW.
If we get males, yes, but it’s pretty inevitable we aren’t. Unless I make something amazing in the benchmark, I’ll probably just stick with Miqo’te.
>No Asahi minion
>No Zenos minion
>TWO Suyu minions
SE gave up trying on it.
Thats the "actual" reason they went the limited route.
IDK how much time they have to come up with ideas, but when im given a full day on an idea, i can usually make it fit within a system. But I need the full day, and it helps to have counter arguments of where it falls short, so i know what to work around/fix.
BLU could have worked within the FFXIV system, and still felt almost identical in theme to FF5s BLU.
Similar to how newer changes to SMN make it a LOT closer to classic SMN, with the AoE Burst phase type of feel. The only difference being the lack of choice in which primal they get to summon for that phase. (Not that SMN couldnt have been made better. All it had to do, was make it an AoE burst job, with pets being more than 50% of its dmg, or at least its dmg during burst phases.)
As expansions go by, the jobs gain more thematic stuff, that "feels" more like classic versions.
DRKs had MP in older games, but they also had HP drains.
Now SB gave DRK a "Blood drain" which comes a lot closer in theme. It may not be HP, but draining your blood for a Blood Spiller does "feel" much closer.
There is ALWAYS a work around,t hat works good enough. Arguing otherwise is fucking lazy as shit.
I also personally believe BLU was the best option for a caster tank, due to supportive spells, and almost all of their good spells were AoEs, which is what Tanks kinda specialize in. (Being able to spam AoEs more than most DPS)
But DPS was just as good of an option if not. Healer would be weird, but perfectly possible, but still the most awkward.
As a DRK how do I prevent myself from running out of MP?
I can usually manage but if I mispress any of my buttons I get more fucked than if I mispress on any of the other classes
dont spam dark arts
only use soul eater combo because the enmity combo sucks donkey dick
Blood Weapon?
Souleater combo?
Soul Survivor?
You're not the kind of retard that spams Unleash on single target at 70 are you?
If an MMO could have everything, that would be even better! but we all know realistically we cant have everything.
We all knew the "extra" content for BLU was going to be a gimmick with no depth.
To think otherwise is to not understand why MMOs cant be perfect recreations of real life in VR.
Peopel complained day 1, because they knew darn well it was an excuse on SE part, that even with "fixing" is going to cause problems down the road for the game. Limited jobs will ALWAYS be a problem for the game, in every possible way. There is no upside to them.
I fucking hate catboys in this game. They're always shitters, they never know how to play, always type cringy shit like "haha xDDD sory i dunno how to play haha xDDD o/", and their glamors are ugly as fuck
>tfw no ivalice MMO with playable moogles
I'm not surprised. Sargatanas and Faerie are the official LGBT+ servers. Is it even LGBT anymore? Or did they add even more letters
day 1 and forever. going to miss my midlander tho, feels weird continuing the story
Use blood weapon more often and prioritise using DA on higher potency gain skills like Carve and Spit or Bloodletter.
>healer casts protect while someone's still watching a cutscene
It's LGBTQIA+ now I think but I just call it LGBBQ.
Im going to roll femviera and start from the very bottom with the MSQ
It's not like I'm in a rush to clear content anyway
Dude fuck haven't had bbq in forever need me some of that porterhouse steak
No because I care about the story and WoL suddenly becoming an entirely different person with no one batting an eyelash makes no sense. I will however create a bunny just to see character options and animations.
>none of DRG's relics have blue glow
>watching cutscenes
Why? They're adding New Game+ which is basically just you replaying every MSQ from the beginning but you get end-game rewards for doing it
Blue is for faggots.
who gives a shit, only the tanks need it anyway
love it when dps sperg out when they dont get protect, always tell them to shut the fuck up because they'll never die with me in the party
Hey guys, is this good enough for Shadowbringers?
Gay males are famous for having shit fashion.
Thats what I meant with starting at the bottom (of the story with new game+)
if it gives even a bit of XP it should help me out in that front too
Well shit, wish somebody had told me that before I picked faerie.
Gae Bolg Animus?
Faerie isn't a bad server even if I did say it's the "official" gay server. Sure you're going to see a whole lot more faggots and whatnot prancing around in their slut gear but just like any other server it really doesn't matter too much
mate i can still run this piece of shit game with my 5 year old laptop, anything modern is fine on the gpu front, you'll want to pick up a beefy cpu though since that's the main thing thats taking the heavy load
The system requirements recommend a GTX 970 or better so a 1660 should be more than enough.
Just make sure your CPU isn't a bottleneck. I used to have a Phenom II X4 955 and I would never get above 40FPS with a GTX 1070 in town. Then I got a i7 4790k and I'm constantly above 75FPS.
I just got a new job that has effectively doubled my pay, should I resub?
This guy is an actual shill, exact same post in multiple ff14 threads.
Didn't enough people answer you last time?
flip a coin. Heads = resub, Tails = go buy a nice steak dinner
>tfw you'll never enjoy FFXIV with a group of good frens every night
fuck I am so lazy at grinding in MMOs, I play them for a little while then get bored before end game and can't motivate myself to rush through all the leveling trash. anyone I've ever played MMOs with thinks I'm an asshole for abandoning them before even getting to end game.
They really need to consolidate some job actions. Like Blood Price and Blood Weapon don't have to be separate buttons. They can be the same button but changes action depending on if you're in Grit or not.
>Not making acquaintances in novice network or party finder and grinding with them
It goes by much faster and you get to talk to people. Playing solo in a MMO is retarded.
I may be misremembering, due to it being several years ago, but I did some digging and I was indeed mixing up my info, 3.4 was where AST got a big chunky buff, 3.2 was where MCH got some number adjustments and a big boost to hypercharge (15 to 20 seconds, 5% to 10% vulm on enemies) which made their raid contribution more or less in line with bard
the lower dps was indeed a product of fight design, I can't say all that much in between 3.2 and 3.4, I unsubbed shortly after 3.2 was released and came back shortly before 3.4 launched, but I do remember MCH getting buffed and it was at that time that people had a more concrete idea of how to play and optimize MCH.
I levelled MCH before 3.1 launched and I played it somewhat sparingly, due to lacking gear, but when I came back, it was the thing I geared up first and I remember being an absolute powerhouse
apologies for misremembering, I do remember there being grievances with MCH before, particularly its raid contribution compared to BRD, but that changed shortly after I unsubbed, so I probably just forgot.
>I'm 100% sure you never played MCH in HW
why would I give a fuck about MCH if I didn't?
The one thing about that is that currently they don't share a recast timer, so you can start in Grit and use BP for some blood while you get aggro combo going then turn off Grit and immediately use BW. Not a huge deal really but something to consider.
>Nice steak
>For the price of a sub
>someone gifted me that whale mount
th-thank you
>hang around in Limsa
>decided to engage in conversation
>meet several new people to talk to while waiting on queues
>help a couple of them with some dungeons or crafting/gathering, they help in return
>get invited to eternal bonding ceremonies and meet even more people
>invited to several different social linkshells
>invited to join a very active fc
>always welcomed when logging in
>always something to do with someone
just put yourself out there senpai
Time to never use it because that shit is just embarrassing.
I'll use it in Eureka. Then after I do BA I'll never use it again
Better prove any of that is real bucko.
I'll use dark arts only for Quitus and blood splitter. Again I'll usually manage but it's hard to fit TBN if I need it. I'm using the skills to regain MP but DRK seems really punishing for misplays + big DPS.
Has a job gotten more fucked in the ass than DRK? It's so simplified. Playing this job is like taking sleeping pills.
Hopefully it'll become kino again since it's ShB's poster job
They could change it so the effect of blood price/weapon changes depending on your stance. So if you pop blood price in Grit and drop grit while under the effect it turns into blood weapon while the buff is still ticking or vice versa if you popped blood weapon first and switch into Grit.
By level 70 your APM shoots through the roof with dark arts and blood gauge. It's the less boring tank out of the 3 but it gets tiring to press more buttons faster
Ultimates were like that for me. Shame we have beaten them both, we had some good banter and times.
What are you talking about? DRK is way busier than WAR or PLD
Am I a retard or is it literally better as a RDM to use Jolt > Verthunder/Veraero instead of Verfire/Verstone? Verthunder/Veraero does 310 potency and gives 11 mana. Verfire/Verstone does 270 potency and gives 9 mana.
Last time?
>10% blunt damage increase
Who else benefits from this besides monk even? scholars meleehitting after a miasma?
Am I playing tanks wrong or something? Every time someone says it's boring and simple, assuming that's both in comparison to other tanks and HW DRK, I scratch my head thinking how many more buttons I'm pressing and how much more I have to keep track of playing SB DRK than the others.
>add a Dark Arts effect to every remaining skill
>fixed a bug where Blood Price was still occasionally restoring enough MP to cast a spell
>you are no longer allowed to leave Grit
>Blood Weapon has been removed from the game
>Dark Mind, Shadow Wall, and The Blackest Night are now role skills
Please look forward to it
You always use your dualcast proc on verthunder/veraero regardless of what happens
After the cast and stone/fire procs, use that instead of jolt to proc dualcast
>prove it
literally just talk to people, most active and chatty players congregate in Limsa, find someone to talk to, go from there, I made a friend because someone sent me a /tell saying they liked my glamour and character
note that none of these people are people I am really close to, but it makes actually logging in something to look forward to
white mage, used to be fun stance dancing with cleric stance but now its brain dead easy
People who like 14 don't like any other FF because they are mmo retards with no taste. As a person who actually like FF i tried 14 many times before and after the rework and it never clicked for me because it was made for brainless retards who play wow.
>don't cast protect until after cutscene finishes
>protect misses half of the party because everyone scatters the minute they can
do you have any procs? no? use jolt into verthunder/aero
do you have an procs? yes? use verfire/stone into verthunder/aero
>stance dancing used to be fun
You can't use these without a proc for either one and by the time you have the procs, you are cycling thunder/fire and stone/aero through dualcasts until you hit 90/45 mana
Me too!
You want to use jolt as little as possible. Use your verfire/stone and impactful procs to get dualcast going, then use verthunder/aero.
Never had any soul to begin with and was always just theme park mmo #409
Not sure what that picture is meant to imply but I also loved Cleric Stance and hate that it was taken out.
>90/45 mana
it used to be fun to solo heal in heavensward
Currently doing the Atma grind for Zodiac weapon. Does this shit get harder or what? I hear light grind is pretty bad and this sucks already.
>Alphie's forming a new Grand Company, free from national borders
>"I wonder what it's going to be called? All the rest have such cool names-"
>Crystal Braves
please tell me the Braves either get wiped out or forgotten at some point, this is fucking awful
>busier because you tape down your Dark Arts key
>twice as much "work" for less damage
Also you have to understand how different this job was in HW. Playing it after maining it in HW is worse than NTR.
>taken out
still there, its just a shit 5% damage buff for 15 seconds
What are the odds we get Ishgard housing and an Ishgard Grand Company in 5.0?
doubles current mana
so 45 + manafication brings you to 90, then you do your stabby stabby combo
Ishgard housing is confirmed for 5.0
>that part in the msq where alphinaud joined the Hitler Youth
2.x was weird
If I remember correctly, the only time DRK really needs to use DA is on CnS.
Spam DA until half MP.
Save ur MP for CnS, and if ur MP is going up too much, stop DAing again.
For AoE, DA on quietus if 3+ targets (if i remember potencies correctly) and dark passenger.
dont do it on abyssal drain.
you get more DPS from delirium than from bloodspiller.
so we can all agree that DRK questline was overhyped as usual here on Yea Forums and it was actually pretty boring?
Super hinted at during the reconstruction announcement.
>Good ol' ARR days when WHM cucks had to stancedance while SCH chads kept up constant dps because Lustrate didn't care about Cleric Stance
>Good ol' HW days when WHM cucks had to stancedance while SCH chads kept up constant dps because Rouse Whispering Dawn fairy could handle pretty much anything
>Good ol' days of accidentally dropping a tank because you forgot to turn off cleric stance when you had to
>Good ol' days of maximum apm between healing, stancedancing and dps'ing
okay, it was kind of fun sometimes
crafters and gatherers contribute a datacenter wide effort into building the housing district
DRK mains are just faggy edgelords.
I feel like shield clipping issues could be fixed by having them tethered to a point on the body armor you have equipped instead of the player model.
Oh boy
Name one (1) better job questline
As RDM, are you only supposed to use your dash to burn mana when it's capped? Levelling one now and it feels like I can only get one burn cycle off before a boss is dead, and rarely at all on trash
it separated the men from the healsluts.
t. incapable of reading
Enjoy your books
Enjoy the next best thing you'll be doing for the duration of ARR, bud.
No it just stays boring. The book step is the worst
pic not related right?
because that class is broken
just like half the ones you didn't mention
Its leagues ahead of almost every other job quest in the game, which tend to either be boring, forgettable or downright fucking bad
the DRK quests tended to be more memorable and little touches like Fray hijacking the questlog was pretty cool
That doesn't specifically say we're getting Ishgard housing or that we're reconstructing the Ishgard housing area but thanks man I'm still hyped as fuck for it if it turns out to be true.
What gun looks the best with Gauss Barrel?
>TFW no blood mad tittybird GF
none. turn off GB and use the pvp revolver.
how is it simplified. the only thing i remember losing was a boring dot and a boring alternate combo ender
Pic related and slurping sounds
When you hit 70 you'll get veryholy/flare. The idea is to launch into your melee combo with mana on one side higher than the other, preferably the one without a proc up being lower. Then when you finish with your flare/holy you'll get a guaranteed proc. Acceleration can compensate for this though, giving a proc even if the finisher you use is the higher mana.
Unless Dark Apocalypse is Automata > Nier > Drakengard I don't see how it'll need three 24 man raids
>tfw you realize turning off GB is clientside and everyone else can still see it
dammit it looks like shit, I don't want everyone else to see it either!
Imagine having a cute lala bouncing on your "lever"
I wish pistols and revolvers had a hip holster instead of hanging on your back like a rifle. Literally the only reason I don't use the garo gun. And on that note, Rian's outfit should've been the MCH Makai set.
I'm beyond glad that stance dancing is gone, but also livid that they didn't make up for the loss of complexity elsewhere.
do adults actually mash potatoes in eorzea?
>thinking of dick instead of the task at hand
sounds like your average player
You can do light by spamming sastasha desynced iirc
The main problem is that you'll more than likely hit 60 by the time you're done with all nine books and the specific FATE grind can take an entire week or more
I wish bro, I wish
they absolutely do
even garleans want to stuff the potatoes
>lustful thoughts of Arbert's loins
you can't make this shit up
No because I hate bimbos and thots.
>Soon vieramale fags will feel the same pain as us BLUs
I hope they commit suicide.
mch was a mistake please understand.
they will be too busy jacking off to thoughts of bara lion men
What's the longest DRG weapon in the game?
Literally the only costume I'd buy from the mogstation. Shame everyone else would too and the world would be flooded with it. Maybe somethings are best left to the NPCs where they can be unique.
my peanus weenus haha :)
yeah like the rest of the 2% of the player base that play bara races instead of twink fuckbois
Kinda expected that one.
tfw primal chad
Specifically, exodus, but this server is filled with shitcunts like that Amberita rper faggot
If the bara races actually looked good people would play them.
Highlanders are stiff as fuck and lack of eyebrows ruins their faces, while male Roes are just a dumpster fire all around.
Brionac, the AF2 DRG spear, you can buy it in Ishgard in the pub, one of the old clan people behind the bar sells it for Centurio seals
Details were added to the EU page first.
>Sunday, 24 March, 2019 at 1:00 (GMT)
>* Starting time is subject to change.
>Official FINAL FANTASY XIV Twitch channel (Japanese language)
>Official Square Enix Twitch channel (English language coverage)
>Show Details
>Special Guest: Banri Oda, World Lore Creator and Main Scenario Writer
>* The Square Enix Twitch channel will feature English language coverage of the show at the same time. Please note that it will not be a direct translation.
So you just gotta watch the Square Enix twitch instead of the FFXIV twitch.
>If the bara races actually looked good people would play them.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA fuck off to WoW baranigger
Asians and especially Japanese idolize effeminate men
We're getting pretty boys and you're going to cry rivers of tears when they get announced
Leveling BLM currently, and will get it on with MCH next... but dunno what else to go for afterwards... DRG?
either we get shota bunnies or slim lion men, either way...
I win
DRK is my favorite.
WAR is my second favorite so far. It's simple but it hasn't gone full retard yet (only level 58). PLD went full retard. Worst tank Job quests.
Overall least favorite is probably MNK or WHM though
delete this Lady Yugiri is PURE
oh hey someone from Exodus cool.
Aurion Pax is a boomer with autism
Not sure about Lea Monde, but the last part of the ivalice raid suggests that there's more to come from it. Either 8 man or masq
what you think of WAR's 60-70 will probably depend on what you think of Hildrbrand quest humor
I'll take a tournament arc 200 times over 10 levels of curious gorge and his boner.
this guy is gonna show up somewhere in the msq
I thought you buy the books off a vendor in revenant's toll with tomestones?
>delusional fags still believe we are getting male bunnies
i will make sure to check the threads next week to enjoy the homo tears
Pure dirt because she's going to die next week
Maybe if someone other than Yoshi-P was in charge, this would turn out to be true.
I'm looking forward to Bara lion men.
I'm not expecting male bunnies, I just hope Hrothgar are good
you're not wrong about that, fucking hate the novice network here, always filled with shitters
But the homos are waiting to drool over hrothgar.
Will playing this make me lose control of my life?
Wait, you can turn this ugly shit off?
Eh not really, you'd have like 2-3 months of content going through the main story, but once you hit end game unless you plan on doing hardcore raiding it's usually quite peaceful, I mainly stay logged in while playing other games.
there is a reason everyone play catfags
>The Ixali and the kobold and the sylphs... It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The day of the rope is near, scions. We'll have every beast in this country dead or in chains in 10 years, and may God have me shot down by garleans this very night if I'm wrong. God bless the eorzean nazi party
Yoshi-P was on another level with 2.x.
Zenos was a good boy, HE DINDU NUFFIN
There is literally nothing to do once you hit endgame and complete Savage and Ultimates, unless you are into RP or utterly meaningless grind.
So they aren't associated with all the homos who play roes and highlanders, I know.
type /gbarrel
>There is nothing to do once you've done everything
Flaming hot take.
If you have an addictive personality then maybe. I played WoW from TBC to Cata in a very unhealthy way. I've played XIV since the start of Heavensward and haven't gotten addicted yet. I play at a good pace and manage to engage in most of the content. I even take breaks for months at a time
hopefully it wont involve auracites the Ultima type atleast
I have done both and I have plenty of boring secondary shit still left to do that I will probably never bother with, like Beast Tribes, crafting and gathering and plenty of sidequests. XIV is nowhere near as absorbing as other MMORPGs, and that is not a negative desu.
did he kill himself with the intention of possessing a body? or was he copying samurais seppuku?
When are they going to release a good non-caster dps job?
Wait a second, "a gateway to the land's very core"
echojacking was unintentional
That can't be right because you're posting the image of a Machinist
>different sized weapons use different unsheathing animations
too much work, prease understandu
Zenos absolutely was not aware that he could take over bodies upon "death" with the Echo.
He didn't cared about honor, so not sudoku
He just didn't wanted mhiggers to judge him, so went out his own way
we are getting dwarves after all
She only sleeps with men out of duty and that's PURE
A completely underground zone would be neat ngl
Opinions about Ala mhigo and its citizens?
Ala Mhigans or, as I like to call them, MHIGGERS, deserve to be glassed
Any good reshade presets out there?
elezen are better so no
Yugiri pleases old garleans for information.
You know it to be true.
why don't you go lurk on discord so you can post your crappy reshade pictures
Can we all agree that Tsuki is best waifu?
t. seething 12 year old catboy DRK fags
go away.
This is either really bad bait or you're actually retarded.
>Not a single samurai glamour that looks good
>walking animation is ass
>Idle pose is even more ass
>LB3 is literally the most boring of the three melee's
Fuck just give me fan fest already, need my viera fix
>everyone who leaked out of Ala Mhigo except for Raubahn tries to betray and kill you
>Mhiggers stoned a child's father in front of her, killing him, in fact, she was their original target
>Lyse came from Ala Mhigo, lived a life of freedom outside, jumps into the war at random and chastises the Ala Mhigan populace that won't stand and fight the empire because their spirits are broken
>Lyse becomes the defacto leader of the resistance purely through nepotism
>a mhigger summoned Shinryu
>lyse literally has everyone sit on the fucking floor during an important meeting
fuck mhiggers
What's the fastest way to get poetics? I wanna grind out all the Animas
I still kind of enjoy MCH because I am a retard but it does feel bad I need to put in significantly more work to do on par DPS compared to literally everyone else.
When is that anyways? I'm looking forward to seeing how fucked MCH is going to be when they show off job information.
Never liked them, and that the lore for helping them was being forced to by a terrorist says a lot already.
Gaius was wasterd governign such a shitty province.
You mean baracats?
>he can't name a better job questline than DRK
glad to see you accept your loss with grace
user, I'm not trying to offend you. Can you stop being a bloody fucking faggot?
t. 10-year old edgy memelord.
Maybe the ShB rework will be good, maybe it won't.
>>Not a single samurai glamour that looks good
>>walking animation is ass
But running is the best
>>Idle pose is even more ass
>Playing male
>>LB3 is literally the most boring of the three melee's
Shit taste
>tfw no SAM GARO weapon
>more work
that's not MCH anymore. The entire rotation is extremely straightforward and heat was turned into a non mechanic with 4.05 and 4.06. The problem is that on top of being entirely robotic it's extremely punished by any ping above 0.
I honestly cannot see how it can get worse.
>LB3 is literally the most boring of the three melee's
That one is kinda true.
dont need to, than other jobs are not as overhyped by smallminded weaboo edgelords.
Level RDM, so you can reuse your BLM leveling gear
But the shittiest is Monk
Leave it to yoship to figure that out. I'm sure he can blow your expectations out of the water.
>The militia under Lyse's leadership is still named The Resistance after the country has been freed
Yeah that too, bring me them barabois
>maybe it won't
user please, don't do this, I just want to enjoy MCH again, the promise of MCH adjustments for ShB is all I have left
>tfw diabolos
what did i do to deserve this
>Big Slash
>Can't even watch the edge sheathe because the animation cancels when you use a skill
It's bad user.
what even happens with monk
it looks like there's a laser beam from the sky and then an explosion noise and ????
*raughs in BRD*
that doesn't excuse the fact that DRK is still the best of the job quests, by virtue of all the others being either tolerable or bad
It might be overhyped, but only because its the only one worth bringing up at all
>wind up
>wind up
>wind up
>big punch
Post a good samurai glamour then you nig.
You manage to reach godhood for a fraction of a second and blow a hole in reality.
its not, even crafter job questlines are more interesting than DRK: maybe youll realize this when you become an adult.
Not her, but I disagree
Trying to push as many skills as possible in the small window of wildfire and overheat is really mentally taxing
>invites fucking tempered snakies to the pow-wow
-"oh wol-kun you wont believe what happened!"
is she literally retarded?
Next weekend
I like it, but it should be something like a bunch slashes in a single stroke
Overheat mechanic stays
Wildfire stays
New gauge that you need to max out to dps!
Here's the true test, what are the best Crafter quest.
There is a right answer
Cope harder.
>Final Heaven: By focusing an intensely concentrated knot of aether within a single fist, a monk can then strike an opponent with a blow that erupts into a detonation of catastrophic proportions. This technique cannot be performed until the practitioner is prepared to reach beyond mortal limits into the divine.
You got super saiyan god for a split second to hit something really fucking hard.
little bit
Nah, it's cool. that one random guard vouched for them.
But why's it so boring looking?
I don't mind the heat mechanic I just fucking hate how you get a DPS boost for overheating. That shit should punish you for not keeping between 50-100, not reward you.
How. You do the same exact wildfire every single wildfire forever. It's not even to the same tier as HW's Wild and Mild mechanic where your Milds at least were changed a bit by procs, it's the same exact Wildfire down to the same CDs used. It's not even obscenely setup heavy outside of picking and using your opener which will dictate your abilities for the entire fight.
It's the literal same buttons, every single minute, every time jump or no, in every single fight. Muscle memory alone should have put that as a literal non thought for you.
>WoL, the mime extraordinaire himself, breaks the vow of silence tells her just how fucking stupid that idea is before the meeting
>She goes through with it anyway
Yeah if it was more like that and then having some sort of vaccum wave like vergil shit would be cash.
This is the wrong answer
This is the right_ answer
It's not boring. It's great. You hit something and a huge pillar of FUCK YOU erupts around it.
>bringing in DoH questlines
yeah those are pretty good, particularly the Alchemist questline
>maybe youll realize this when you become an adult
why are you so strung up on people liking the DRK questline?
Normal Black Mage spells are more interesting than that animation.
Absolutely right.
Absolutely wrong.
grind the first 4 floors of Alex normal, usually there are newbies and you get a poetics bonus and they are done quick and easy, also you get drops that you can exchange for unidentified shit
just do MSQ, 50/60, raid and alliance roulette daily and you will rack up poetics
also do S ranks, I think a couple of those give you poetics
Who else a suffering MCH main since HW early access? Whats the percentage of MCH players as well?
t. black mage
Metor has always been cool, but to say your fire I II and IIIs are better than any LB3 is pure delusion.
Stop being delusional.
because I wasted life time leveling this boring ass job with awful mechanics in hope of a good story and I was severly dissapointed.
why are you so stung up on people disliking the DRK questline?
>Whats the percentage of MCH players as well?
Probably very low, I had fun with it back in HW but when I was leveling it in SB I wanted to use the gun to fucking blow my brains out. As soon as I hit 70 and finished the last quest for it I dropped it like a rock.
DRK's story is good though. You're just objectively wrong. Learn to live with it.
I admit I changed my main at the beginning of SB but I am back to suffering as a MCH. Otherwise I mained MCH since the day it came out.
Is this canon?
inb4 the super duper weapon he found there were the YorHa
PvP revolver is supreme taste.
It's the Encyclopedia Eorzea, so yes.
Yes. It's in the lore book.
Quite literally made plans and acted on them to have MCH be my first 60, which it was and was all I played in HW. Still played MCH in ShB but I flat out dropped most of this expansion after they nerfed heat in 4.05/4.06 because the job lost any kind of fun, frustrating though it may have been given it's piss poor reward for it's high floor, when I got fed up of how literal linear the rotation became somewhere between O5 and O7.
I came back only to get my Eureka weapon. Which fucking jokes on me, it fucking sucks and is awful to look at and in no way worth the fucking effort and the Eureka armor set is literal bard gear. Fuck me.
I hate them. Wish they remained slaves and for my char to never have helped them. Fordola was completely right in hating them.
Fucking niggers.
very low, I see so few MCH's in pretty much everything, they weren't especially common in HW but it was never this bad
probably why they are working on it for ShB, they tried to make it more accessible for SB but they made a clumsy mess that no one enjoys much anymore
>BLM Leveling gear
Oh boy...
They sure fucked up by making it less accessible than ever.
Blacksmith or armorer, can't remember. The one with the loli elezen.
But seriously probably SB alchemist just for how plot related it is instead of random shit.
nope its not. its edgy shit for teenager. And since the writer, who was responsible for this mess, is now writing the main scenario for the next addon, it might turn out terrible and kill the game at last.
>shiting on the idle pose
Are you motherfuckers serious?
Is it better to use enpi/yaten/gyoten or should I rather save the kenki for more shintens and sprint instead?
I would never unsub or stop playing if they put in Ivalice moogles. Especially if they added Juggler as a job.
t. gridanian still buttman ala mhigo pushed his shit in decades ago.
You have to let it go, my man. The ala mhigans got plenty of karmic justice. Just ask any refugee if they know who their father is, or what happened to their mothers and sisters.
>its edgy shit
Lmao. You don't know what edgy is, you child.
They just need to do something about Flamethrower. It feels so awkward having to use it in the middle of your rotation. Then if you have an AoE on you and need to move you're fucked and it takes a bit to get your rotation back on track.
Also please give a better AoE ability. Spread Shot fucking sucks. At least make it so you don't need to target something and just make it a cone in front of you.
>Fordola tried to earn the respect of the Garleans by working through the ranks of the military
>does this despite the fact her father was murdered by her own people
>has a solid gameplan that is the closest any ala mhigan citizen has come short of a resistance
>it was fucking working when Gaius was in charge, who maintains a might makes right philosophy, promoted her to commander
>she is treated like everything she ever did was a waste and she just hated her people and didn't help anyone
fuck Lyse, Fordola fucking tried and didn't have the WoL to bail her out
Believe me, you're going to love the Crystal Braves. They make the story interesting.
That doesn't make it any less shit.
Malboro here, I'm jumping ship to Leviathan, Ultros, or Exodus
What did she do that a regular garlean couldn't? Sounds like special treatment to win over mhiggers desu.
>Secret weapons
>Artificial echo
6.0 will be cuhrayzee
This is important. Stance dancing was dumb, but now that the healer’s DPS rotation is maybe one button and a DoT it’s somehow worse.
They need to embrace their shit design and accept healers/tanks are DPS, so they can tie more of their kits together.
I'll miss Yugiri after 4.56.
>everything she ever did was a waste
It was. Gaius might've accepted her as a first class citizen eventually, but no one else did. She brutalized her fellow countrymen to gain the respect of people who, at best, would've seen her as little more than a useful savage. And if you want to get personal, people who couldn't be bothered to do anything when an angry mob killed her father.
Or maybe she was actually competent
Plus nice mhiger thighs
Glamour you stupid cat. It’s the one decent thing in this game.
says the edgy teenager.
grow up and stop playing catboys.
>What did she do that a regular garlean couldn't?
Had her soldiers rape refugees and leave them for dead with broken limbs. Even the garleans thought that was pretty hardcore.
lol ok, kiddo
They added puppet master yet?
next limited job :^)
This is your good friend healer here. Hows it going? I'm doing fine myself, ya know healing and shit. Theres something I wanted to talk about. Do you remember those times in the last dungeon when we were fighting the boss and you DIDN'T get healed? Wanna know why? It's because you were standing FAR AS FUCK away from everyone else for absolutely no reason. In the future please reconsider playing like an absolutely retard and group up with everyone else.
Yours truly, Healer
they need to do something about the heat gauge, its worthless, remove it and you lose nothing of importance
Flamethrower is fine as an AoE ability, on a single target, its shit and shouldn't be necessary
also the removal of grenado shot sucked, it was good and affect a circle around the target
will be announced as a limited job, please look forward to it
no idiot
inb4 20 healers adjust replies
No there's plenty of idiots already, I'm asking about puppet master
Jumping around far from the group because my rotation puts me asleep
Healers adjust.
I let those people die. And you forgot RDM, they are the number one on my shitlist.
Heat gauge overheat now increases damage done by 30%, up from 10% (new trait)
Wildfire lasts for an extra 5 seconds
Flamethrower spreads wildfire to all targets hit
fuck I just cant think of how they could make it worse without it being borderline retarded like silencing you during overheat
Don't blame me it was the first thing I found.
Then I have no idea what the hell you think would be better.
why is the empire so based
me too
So, this guy is an imperial spy right? He showed up in that cutscene after orbonne too.
>too stupid to position yourself properly
>forces others to reposition so you don't have to
Dear healer, ur a fag
If you read the pre SB interviews that was the entire point of it. And hell before the changes to barrel stab and heat in general you kind of didn't OH anyways. Now you OH every minute.
It's a moot point anyways, we're measured against theoretical DPS which no MCH in the world can reach because of how fucked we get by ping.
>BRD stands as far as fucking possible away from the healers
>rescue them to get them into AoE range
>they run off again
>they die because they aren't in heal range
>"wow, learn to heal"
Mch is my main dps job, does it count?
good enough?
Only three more jobs to go after NIN, then I'll finally be done with this grind until SB2
Why would you use flamethrower in middle of your rotation?
Shit literally exist to use at pull only
Dear everyone else in the raid,
Can you please stop running around like headless chickens all the fucking time
No, I am not moving away from my leylines.
No, you don't have to stay moving like a franctic adhd retard 24/7.
I have studied the boss for well over 10 hours and know exactly where to stand and when for optimal play, something you obviously didn't.
I am not going to play worse because you can't keep up.
Yours truly,
Literally none of that is levelling gear
You use FT before every wildfire to get to get more GCD time in OH, L2P noob
If the ranged DPS is within range to hit the boss but not in range of you, the healer, then you need to adjust. Simple facts.
im going to tough it out and hope it wont be that bad, i have a few friends that play on mateus at least
See, it's impossible to find how in the fuck MCH can get worse.
Maybe someone at SE should have mentioned how bad of an idea it was.
good luck user!
do you have the road to 60 buff?
Hey, Zenos considered her first class citizen too
Because of this post I'll make sure to stand near black mages and drop any aoe markers on their leylines.
To Overheat so you can do more damage with Wildfire.
Only because he thought she was also a murderhobo
zeno hates garleans as much as anyone else
Don't worry, you are not alone.
Sometimes I think people do it intentionally
If the ranged dps dies because he's in africa outside of medica range he can enjoy licking the dirt.
Zenos doesn't give a shit about anyone.
How would you feel if in shadowbringers they made leylines give the whole party the buff?
You mean using Rescue to pull them into cleaves?
That would be called Bloodlust in WoW.
Just cuck my shit right up fampai.
Zeno is a legit psycho. He was interested in her because she could act so cold and brutal toward her own people.
No, I mean everyone has to stand in them.
Doesn't change the fact that she was favored by him and could get away with shit he would kill others for
Who else rescues blm from ley lines?
Dear healer
Your job is to heal while I damage the boss so move your ass and heal me. Otherwise go play another class or better, just focus on BLU for the solo play you seem to enjoy too much.
Yours truly, BLM
[/spoiler]Adjust bitch[/spoiler]
I already have a lore friendly cat name, and Im not shelling out double for a name change as well. Hopefully Vierra will empty cats of thots and let us play our cute tomboys in peace.
I would like you to name 1 (one) instance where it actually happened.
She lost her soldiers and run away from enemy
>get away with shit he would kill others for
Like what?
Also, he couldn't care less about her status as a citizen, which is the whole reason she was doing what she was.
people already hate BLM for the sole fact that they have to remain still and that their entire gameplay revolves around that
I dont think it is the way to go. Leylines are fine
If they want to give BLM a fitting support ability (not that it really needs it), make all single-targeted utility skills cast on the whole group (Raid-wide manaward, Raid-wide manashift, Raid-wide apocatatatathesis)
Would I like this game if I play it alone? I want to play it, but I don’t have any friends.
I do not, but I do have the SB2 accessory for leveling.
You're a fake BLM, real BLM uses manip to get to party members all the time to avoid doing mechanics.
you make the friends ingame retard
>all these shitter BLM who need healers to babysit them so they can mindlessly perform their rotations
>not slide-casting, triplecasting, aetherial manipulation and between-the-lines-ing across the map and back, dancing between aoes and performing mechanics without missing a beat
You fuckers don't deserve BLM. You can't even fully appreciate what makes this job so FUN.
And that would make Zenos kill anyone else in place of Fordola why exactly?
Because there's a garlean who worked under Zenos whose main gimmick is running away after having his ass kicked and he lived until WoL killed him in Doma Castle.
Just join a guild and make friends that way. I can play with you if you're yuro.
as long as you don't mind me interrupting your casts with rescue to get you in healing range, I got a job to do here, I'm sure you BLM kiddies won't be sore about one little cast right?
I'm so burnt out, it's a struggle to play.
why would you rescue a BLM? we have a teleport on a 5 second CD
save it for the sprout SAM instead
best post in thread
Totally. More if it is used when I am inside the ley lines
this is literally me except with Ifrit
I've run that fucker for weeks and still no drop
I think I'm going to unsub and buy EDF 5 instead.
>it's another episode of complete casuals acting cool about dodging aoes in normal mode raids
you're hoping for too much cat thots will never die and your horny faggots have yourselves to blame
So will most of the imperial army, who is going to keep the new recruits beds warm now?
FFIV was great.
Thank you for being a nice healer, i'm sorry. I'll make sure to use Refresh the next time i see you're low on MP
Lalas were the real sexual tyrannosaurus the whole time
Can someone tell me what leggings and boots these are? I'm really trying to pull off this jacket.
sowwy UwU
Are any of the Scions not virgins? They all seem sexless. Even Thancred feels like he just flirts.
Boots are from Gubal Library, pants might be from Arboretum (normal)
Bruh... you KNOW the Sultana is taking "the bull" of Ala Mhigo's third arm beyond the cervix every night until she's fully loaded.
Pipin is adopted? Hardly. No, he's not their son, it's just that Rauban's penis grew to the point where it became an independent entity able to learn and assist him
Tataru is a god damn sexual tyrannosaurus
Hoary Boulder gets his axe haft ridden every night by sexually frustrated elf while he's passed out from partying.
Those boots don't go that well with the jacket.
Tataru has a secret sex dungeon full of merchants.
To anyone on Aether please DF up for The Royal Managrie. I just wanna finish this damn expansion and no one seems to be doing this any more. Thanks.
this. the ribbon is the wrong color and is not the same overall shape.
just stick with the Lominsan Soldier's Boots
Any ideas for a glamour like this?
>I just wanna finish this damn expansion
You still got another trial and several dungeons in the MSQ after 4.0 bud
>Gubal Library
>That note from which we learn that it weren't ascian's who responsible for haukke manor
Fuck astrologian nigger country
you do realize most "BLM's" talking like that are just fucking around for the meme?
He literally kills the commander in his first stormblood scene, for dispatching soldiers while he remained in ala mhigo
It might not have the frayed look going for it but the Pagos Bolero might be a decent chest piece. A shame the Hellhound set was a pvp reward cause that shit was BB to a t.
Yes, baldur's brother fucked his girlfriend every night while her sister slept nearby
Yoshi literally doesn't give a shit and puts weirdest stories in the game
Precisely, he kills him for shifting responsibility on someone below him rather than completing the task himself while Grynewaht is spared.
Good to know that we are on the same page.
Fuuuck the hellhound set, it's no longer obtainable right?
Nope, was a season 5 reward. I think we're on season twelve now.
Fuckin hell.
>shinryu dead
>zeno giving his big speech
>guess who comes to drink in the glory
Why didn't he take just a moment to slice this bitch in half?
Can't wait to build a few Lyse statues in honor of her saving Ala Mhigo single handedly. Had she not cleched her fists nor admonished the elderly for not fighting, we might never have made it this far.
>Papalymo died for this
I guess... I guess we couldn't protect Yda after all.
And then there's our silent hero.
Why do you feel threatened by her?
Your right user, shes a gods damned hero. I can't for a few years to go by and we get the "Return to Ala Mhigo" dlc, So we can enjoy even more Lyse fist clenching action.
I wonder if she'd act like Yda in the bedroom if the WoL ask nicely
Not quite as bad as "Healers adjust to me just standing in AOEs and puddles all the time" NIN, SAM and MNK
>Saves literally everyone and allows the rebellion to continue
>Noone even knows it was him
The true hero.
One can hope that he's our main companion for ShB MSQ
No, but hey Alisaie would do it. I'm just sayin'. She'd do it for you.
>Papalymo died for this
No body, no staff? No ded
Well, dude didn't even get a memorial. But Moenbryda did.
>yoshi p says they'll never release three jobs at once again
>people literally believe him.
Lalas deserve nothing
Nobody cares about Moeinbreeda
Alphinaud would do it too. And things she wouldn't.
rimito jobbu doesn't count gaijin
>People literally believe him.
Destroy bridges and paved roads for materials to build statues*
Fuck symbols of opression111
God, I'm sure that japs specially made fun of mhiggers with bridge destroying, because Doma restoration didn't had such retarded shit
Let him rest, user
Don't give them a chance to ruin him
The alternative is Lyse, I won't have that.
And with DRK storyline writer in charge of MSQ, I could only expect more great things to come from HW crew.
You guys are just gonna get MNK'd this is the GUN expansion.
I fucking hate this game
why are you here then?
Why do you say these things to me?
Just making sure.
What other reason could I have?
i will never be mnked
Can someone post the viera girl in the buck like a funny t-shirt please.
Id take krile/tataru to poundtown ngl...
A genuine dislike for Yugiri and people that like her, I guess. Some people get very angry about certain characters/classes in the game.
I got you.
man what happened to exodus? i remember 2.x and 3.x exodus being a comfy place...
Thanks friend I appreciate it.
What's wrong with Yugiri? I can understand annoyance at waifufags, but she doesn't do anything egregious herself
I want a superhero mmo in the same style of this game. I want my Cap and Hulk tanks, I want my Ironman and Thor dps, I want my Black widow healer (via gadgets or something).
I those are just for example. I want ALL the Heroes and I want crazy raids like having to fight Ultron, and not the lame ass movie ultron, comic book ultron!
I want all that and more! City of heroes is dead and buried so what are people like me supposed to do? Go ahead, laugh at me and post your wojaks, but you know that such a game would make bank in todays climate and that I am right. One day....
Partly annoyance at waifufags, partly annoyance at her, especially with her attempt to assassinate Zenos during 4.0. At least as far as I know.
I wouldn't call myself a waifufag, though if my WoL was going to pursue anyone, it would be Yugiri.
Nah, only at max level.
>tasked with watching Tsuyu. let her escape twice
>1 time when she had amnesia
>2nd time when she regained her memories and became emotional
Just a reminder that Yugiri and Hien are childhood friends. Follow the 3rd Law of Anime Relationships, Yugiri will never get a real chance at Hien and end up a spinster while Hien ends up spewing his swimmers into the WoL.
her assassination attempt on Zenos was absolutely retarded, he not only stomped the WoL, but him dying in Doma would have invited the Empires wrath down on the country and completely doomed it, it also could have ended very badly, since it alerted everyone that the scions and the WoL are in Doma.
other than that, she's alright
11 days
Apparently her suicide mission inspired the rest of the Doman population and reminded them what it was like to have a spine.
Lets be real here. She was hoping she'd have an excuse to kill her. She just didn't anticipate that Asshat had planned for this and not only set her up to kill their parents, but also prepared an escape route and a primal summoning.
If Hien doesn't die a virgin, he'll end up fucking either Lyse or that Steppe lizard girl whose name I forget. But he's probably an eternal virgin.
fuck off you literal furfaggot
Yeah, SB writing is dumb like that.
Cirina. But the sun and moon were not meant to meet.
Ever heard of the Alamo?
>being this mad this close to the reveal
Relax user, we're gonna make everything alright.
Especially since Hien isn't into dick girls.
He won't die a virgin. He has to make an heir.
>But the sun and moon were not meant to meet.
Translation: SE would never have a proud Japanese male bed some filthy sub-human. They might be accused of promoting race-mixing.
>him dying in Doma would have invited the Empires wrath down on the country and completely doomed it,
would it though? unless Varis has another heir lined up, it might have sparked another civil war. we know the Garleans are not as united with the divisions between the populares and that other faction. then elidibus had to make Doma summon a primal just to convince the rest of the empire to agree to an invasion
the most you're getting is slightly harier roes with tails
you're not getting the bara furshit you want to get
there will never, ever be a race with fur
Am I the only person in the world who thinks the Viera they showed in the trailer look like shit? They look like a race from a shitty Korean MMO.
basically galka? they might as well include its lore
This, I'm on Faerie and it hasn't been bad. You'll see annoying shit once in awhile (Stay the fuck away from the weekly Lala parade) but the only people who are outright awful would be just as awful on any server. I wouldn't transfer unless I had a good reason to join another server, not to just leave Faerie.
Yea dude, in the whole world. You're a little special snowflake.
I said exactly that literally moments after the reveal.
but doma and hien are not-chinese
cirina is not-mongolian
>He honestly believes this
You fags not getting male viera is all the victory I need.
>looks like a dopey fish
>is actually a dopey fish
also i think she's just kinda boring personally but it's mostly the fish thing
they all have the same face with slight variations. i'll wait until they show more in the next fanfest. i also don't like the furry ears, it looks cheap
Yeah! I remember it like it was yesterday! Especially the part where David Bowie decided to challenge some Roedrigo Gonzales clad in futuristic armor and then proceeded to survive getting cleaved in half.
yeah that's where they hid pee-wee's bike
>He thinks this looks bad
Gay and likely barapilled
I believe Gosetsu was the one who brought it up, basically killing the crown prince would give the empire an excuse to exact retribution on Doma, which is why killing him there was argued as a very poor move
in the end it works out, in the end she inspires the people to take up arms, but it was still a boneheaded move in the grand scheme of things, not to mention as we find out, Varis wasn't all that interested in his son's well being, admitting he wasn't fit to rule
>beastmen are consistently treated as subhuman in the game nd in the lore
>lorebook notes it's a widespead sentiment and will eventually go away, but not anytime soon
>faggots still think they're getting their furry race
hell zenos wasn't really interested in ruling either
well i mean this is a shitty japanese mmo
That looks really bad. It looks so bad it could turn a straight man gay.
In the lore beastmen aren't subhuman at all, they're typically as capable as everyone else. And those Mamool Ja in the BLU questline were able to get in through a loophole because only a certain list of beastmen are actually banned from Ul'dah.
he was also a test subject of sorts. does he have any siblings we don't know about?
I said they're TREATED as subhuman.
Don't worry, the smol version will be revealed soon.
well tough shit. It's either this or more cats and female (male) au ra.
You're right. They don't look bad. They look fucking terrible. Literal Downs Syndrome faces. No tits, no asses, low poly outfit. Zero effort trash. They apparently spent so much time 'getting the heels right' they just halfassed everything else.
Except ul'dah is the only city that outwardly bans beastmen from entering, and the definition for what a beastman is is starting to change.
But keep coping if you want bud.
I mean, I'm sure the beastmen like to rape catgirls and the like. Why wouldn't they? Their women look like men.
Wrong. None of the leaks have mentioned small Viera at all.
An Elin-like race would save FFXIV and solve the lalafell problem in one fell swoop.
>the lalafell problem
This is what Garleans should have been trying to solve instead of worrying about minor issues like primals.
8 days
In 600 years, Lalafell will be the only race left on Hydaelyn.
Sorry, friend. But the potatoes are never going away.
>female (male) au ra.
I like how you're pretending buns aren't tranny magnet.
No, but the girl on stage did when yoshi cut her off. The elen are coming, as a subform of viera.
>Except ul'dah is the only city that outwardly bans beastmen from entering, and the definition for what a beastman is is starting to change.
Correct, it also just so happens to be the city from which definition of what beastmen are originates, it's also a place where most MSQ content happens. It's physically impossible for WoL to make sense in MSQ if they were to come from a beast tribe.
>But muh "times a'changin"
Doesn't matter, MSQ operates on a time bubble, any potential ShB changes wouldn't affect 2.0 uldah.
You aren't going to have your furfag fantasies fullfilled. Not that it will stop you from being a massive faggot who'll ignore that piece of information entirely.