Any tips for this game?
I made it to ascension 5 on both ironclad and defect fairly easily, but I just keep getting my shit stomped every time now
Any tips for this game?
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high ascension can easily become bullshit very quickly. you can probably find detailed guides on YouTube but in general defensive options become much more necessary the higher you go, either you kill everything in a turn before it has the chance to mutilate you or you secure a way to tank the ridiculous damage
I stopped around 5 too, usually can't do much unless just get very lucky. Merely just beating the heart is already so much work even on ascension 0.
>tfw get an infinite loop going with the defect
..also I tend to have the most trouble with ironclad myself
I used to think he was easiest with the free heal relic but not so much anymore. Setups that work get too specific with him and rarely get it going, typically just desperately trying to heal.
Act1 you want ~3 attacking moves early in order to be able to deal with elites. They are mostly about how fast you can kill them
Otherwise avoid and play for the long game
Act2 continue working on your defensive game / Built upon the archetype you are forming
Act3 refinement.
Preferably pick cards which help you with the task at hand instead of going for that specific build. See act1
That being said, be more picky about the cards you actually include. Fatty decks do work in lower asc. But you want to have a goal/ access your key cards more consistently in higher asc.
Have some sort way of scaling your dmg. E.g. Strength, poison, claw and so on.
So much on top off my head
For specifics, you gotta ask specific questions
Best advice I can give you that took me awhile to realize is card removal is key. Every chance you get, just take out a strike or defend. As long as you're not taking random cards and putting some thought behind your choices, this should easily take you up the ascension ladder.
Watch Northernlion play it.
>tfw deleted this game like 7 times so far, and then reinstalled it the next day
I want to be free
You can turn strikes into bites which are really good, along with the intangible event cards.
Ironchad is more of a berserker than a warrior if we're speaking classical RPG terms.
In that sense, you have to accept that some of his good skills will have its downsides. Defense is still important, but you want to go for faster kills with him, since he isn't able to turtle as consistently as silent
Also his exhaust synergies are incredibly potent, even without branch.
Cards like true grit + are incredible tools for thinning your deck, feel no pain is free block and fiend fire is insane burst
Demon form loses some of its value in higher asc due to its cost and slow windup. Can have its place in boss fights with enough energy though
Snecko eye is an insane relic if aquired early and built around it
unless they've changed it, you get 5 bites in exchange for all your strikes
even if you have zero, or ten strikes, you'll get 5 bites
so always remove a strike when you can, it won't hurt the vampire event's effectiveness
But if you don't get that event you're screwed. And even bites aren't that great.
Yeah I was already rarely getting Demon Form even when offered, it just become a hard to play card. Has plenty of ways to build up STR without having to bother with that.
and I love true grit, great way to clean up (I did use to ignore it early on but realized later)
some of my best runs with him were when I got the necronomicon, wish that'd happen more often
Bites can be an enhancement
But if you're getting your ass handed in act2, your deck is lacking in the first place and bites won't save you anyways
Personally I'm rarely going for bites or apparitions
300+ hours here
If you want to climb ascensions expect your choices of decks to narrow greatly
Ironclad has to focus on strength building and healing yourself with reaper
Silent has poison or getting really lucky on shiv builds
Defect has more wiggle room but its all variations of orbs
The game isn't very well balanced in the sense that a0 is far too easy to the point where literally anything will work while higher ascensions require you to seek certain archetypes to succeed
some general tips would be:
remove strikes at every opportunity, worst card in the game
dont go event heavy routes early, you want battles to build your deck
either focus on heart runs or climbing ascensions, trying to do both is just a pain
a20 is garbage honestly, they should have kept it at a15 since a20 is completely reliant on luck. you can make every right decision and just get fucked by bad draws at the double boss, if not before then.
I find apparitions nice when got a "slow startup" build, it's just a nice way to hold on until you're ready
Bites was never a big fan of either, mostly because I already been deleting my attack cards anyway and don't want to gain more (even if they heal).
Basically see I also never really go for that event. You have to look at it in the light that strikes and basic defends are the worst cards you can have. Later in the game they can basically be curses compared to other cards you can get. That said, if you don't get the removal opportunities, the event that upgrades all strikes and defends can be pretty decent.
Best mods?
>mfw getting a good silent run for the first time as a scrub
silent is best desu
>Play with a bunch of mods
>Completely break the game
>No desire to play anymore
forgot to mention this
Snecko eye and velvet choker are both amazing boss relics that get shit on by newbies
For snecko they dont realize how much is makes decks with high cost cards so much better
while choker, I'm not really sure, I guess they think every deck is a shiv decks playing infinite cards every turn? I don't know why but I've seen a ton of people call it the worst boss energy relic which is just comical
>fighting the heart with a 0 cost hologram due to madness
>keep all for one'ing with turbos and have no good way to deal damage because nothing else went right
>discard pile has like 3 million void cards
>dealt 300 damage for the turn, use thinking ahead to put the hologram on top of the draw pile
>win before the 3 million voids get shuffled into the draw pile
Silent's theme:
Is there ever any reason to take the enemy +1 STR relic for 1 energy? Seems to really fuck you over.
Snecko can very easily screw you over. Especially when you are still lacking the experience building around it. (I avoided it early on as well)
Those few bad rng moments don't compare at all to the amount of value it is able to generate, though.
(Bulletin Time silent with snecko is absurd)
Choker is alright. I don't like the way it restrains your deck building options though.
Personally I'm never picking the energy pyramid and for all the times I tried to make the kite work, I crashed.
I'd say those two are the worst desu
I'm no expert but I take it almost every time myself (unless a better option). Sucks for multi-hit attacks but usually all it'll accomplish is being hit for 31 instead of 30, which doesn't change much.
I guess it could be bad on high ascension (I wouldn't know since I'm a shitter) but 1 extra damage in my experience is fucking nothing. It mostly makes those birds in act 2 more dangerous and that's about it.
1 str for enemies is basically nothing
Sure, multi attackers like the book and the birds scale quite a bit through it but other encounters have only 1-4 extra damage per turn
At the very least these are mitigated by an extra block you are able to play
In other words, all classes scale way higher off energy than enemies do off strength
I hate those fucking birds
all fine and dandy with just some multi-hit cards but usually just not ready for them, nor was I trying to be because they're just a 1-time deal
Choker has a lot of antisynergy.
Corruption+Dark Embrace skill Exhaust decks, with or without Dead Branch/Unceasing Top
9 card Sundial+2x Upgraded Pommel infinite loop
Shiv machineguns
Burrito Time
Anything being Bursted
Deep Draw+Discard (ie. Nightmared Calc Gamble with the chime)
All For One, bonus points for 2x A41 with at least one being Madnessed/Hologram to replay A41 multiple times
Power decks (Heatsinks, CAI, Mummy Hand, etc.)
Anything being Echo Formed
It's a good relic for a mediocre deck that doesn't have anything going for it, a decent relic for a decent deck/one that doesn't use any of the above, but it also prevents you from shaping your deck to multiple archetypes when you pick it. On average I'd say it's better than the ones that restrict what you can do at fires but other than those it's the worst energy relic.
Anybody knows how to get mods off the steam workshop without having steam itself?
The old grease monkey plug ins seem to be outdated
>that one time did nothing but dual wield flash of steel cards and didn't get any str increase
>That time your one for all deck had it all. Except a single claw
>that time your Mummified Hand+2xHeatsinks+2xCreative AI+Echo Form deck had to face the Time Eater without any Dark
>get a good shiv deck going
>itime eater
unironically watch people play ascension 20 runs and look at what they're doing.
>get a tactician card for the hell of it
>find unceasing top
>tactician card constantly clockblocks you while you were going around playing cards non-stop
>never got a chance to get rid of it
don't look at a streamer called Northernlion tho
lose streak must've gone over 30
just path through a shop lmao
how can you not remove tictacs
it was late in the run, and I got a curse I had to get rid of as well which took priority
You can still watch him and try to analyze why he's losing, but it will probably be less helpful then watching someone win
please, act1 is like super trivial
only reason to get in trouble is when taking more risks to setup for later acts
the most key tip for this game is realizing that difficulty scaling destroys what were once very good strategies. you must abandon the mindset that was making your ascension 0-5 decks good.
in practical terms "making your deck good and synergistic" should stop being your n°1 goal.
you should just slam cards into your deck that allows you to defeat the next elites and bosses.You must survive and become good enough at blocking,front-loaded damage and scaling damage, not have the perfect focused deck.
I got to ascension 20 by grinding this
Basically make fun starter decks. Like that card which gives you 25 gold per kill or that ritual dagger which increments damage per kill. I also doubled the starting health because even with the OP starting cards the RNG of certain elites is simply insane.
See above. Become free from RNG
Well for sure there are decks it works against, but that goes for alot of them.
I'd rate choker higher than Dripper, hammer, crown, dome, or mark of pain however.
It's not better than sozu or key obviously but it's up there for negative effects that are manageable. Good luck managing with a Dripper or early crown.
JolNrbs is very good at the game.
just avoid his spirechats unless you want to fall asleep over his ramblings. also he has a cunt personality but you can get used to it and appreciate it.
>needing to cheat to beat games
>get pandora box
>every single card is something you wanted and you just lost all your strike and defends
nice user.
but can you win without gambling and highrolling?
no, have 0 interest in playing that way
>act 1 is easy haha
i keep dying fuck you
you need 2 aggressive cards and as little useless garbage as you can for elites.usually you want 2 elites and the perfect route would be 3 normal fights, campfire elite, campfire healing and one upgrade would be ideal at campfires.
the 3 normal fights you get are easy ones, so use that knowledge to your advantage.
You do know that you can play block cards to take less damage right?
>that one time you got the perfectly reliable turn 3 double grand finale with the runic pyramid
>but then you picked up a dead branch and it fucked up handsize with all your exhaust cards and the deck stops working
i will never not be mad about missclicking it.
It's actually 59 losses as of yesterday
oh dear god, who even got worse after finishing A20
Have you ever played in ascension above 10? The ones which gives you unremovable curse, you dont heal after boss and buffs elites to a point that book of stabbing which starts the fight with 3x11 damage on round 1? Also i love how everything becomes more expensive at shop.
If anybody is actually aiming for that cheevo: complete ascencion 20, modding your starter deck cuts the 100 hours grindfest to 10 hours of actual fun.
Easiest deck to build as ironclad is perfect strike. Simply pick all cards which has word strike in it, they are all good. Then get any card or relic which gives you strength and you shouldnt have trouble.
Also a good tip is that the RNG is fixed in fights. That means if you end up in sutiation where you would die, simply save and exit: you will reset the fight on round one with knowledge of which cards you get on which round and what will the enemies do. It can often save your ass by the difference of few HP.
how about no?
Watch Joinrbs if you wanna get good.
If your deck is good at blocking, the downside is mitigated by a lot.
i actually value more removing strikes than getting bites.
if i have only 2 strikes left in the deck i would strongly consider not picking the event
>Celebrating womens day
>Only women are doing it
>And they do it by playing videogames
>don't heal after boss
>11 x 3 book of stabbing
why do you feel the need to lie about how difficult the game is?
don't even care for the cheevos, it's just something I want to accomplish
And if I cheat doing it, then it doesn't fucking matter. Might as well just keep play custom.
meant to reply to
sucks a lot against birds and it's worth to have cards/potions ready for them.
but against most enemies it's good: one defense played blocks the extra damage.
you usually gotta pick the energy relic no matter how badly it sucks and that is far from the worst.
>tfw don't see a single energy relic, not even the choker, nor have cards to help with that
Yeah, I love the egg man but his backlog is a month long and he's fallen into really bad habits without being able to see the feed back from comments
Maybe they updated it. When i was playing it, the higher ascensions were hell which required you to do exactly one archetype of deck or die to elite in act 2.
Not fun when you die because you didnt get that one exact golden card you needed. Also with the update which put heart into game it hard counters everything what isnt infinite turtle deck...
>tfw beat the heart for the first time
may be small time compared to ascending, but still truly satisfying
Why are spyro threads getting deleted? Can anyone tell me?
Mark of Pain is extremely strong. It's Ironclad only and synergizes extremely well with Evolve+ (a card you'll want regardless with all of the Dazes and other statuses that get added in many fights) and are easily exhausted with True Grit+ (another card you'll want in pretty much every deck) or Burning Pact/Fiend Fire/Sever Soul/Second Wind. In many fights the wounds it gives are strictly better than if you didn't have them at all.
Dome is pretty strong as well, once you learn enemy patterns and memorize damage ranges. It is awful against the spaghetti in act 3, but for things like DonuDeca or Book with fixed turns that don't variate all you need is to do a little math yourself to determine how much they'll do when weakened.
Crown I almost always take even act one. Typically the game tends to offer 3 good cards or 3 bad cards. It's been ages since I've seen 1 good card and 2 bad cards being offered. Since it's usually a binary choice of pick something or pass, taking away 2 cards isn't that bad.
Yes, I have. I know how high ascension works, Ascender's Bane isn't even that bad. It's a Clumsy which is the easiest curse to play around.
Your "advice" is also terrible. Perfect Strike is a bad deck. It's a bloated unreliable mess.
it was referenced as a joke in the manifesto by the new zealand shooter, so people are now posting spyro threads when they don't really want to talk about spyro
The heart specifically counters infinite turtles decks though by gaining 50 strength every 3 turns starting turn ~15
And you seem like you're focusing too much on archetypes when you really need to focus on cards that are good for your deck and good for upcoming elite, bosses, and hallway fights
The maximum win rate on A20 is estimated to be about 60-70%, with people already achieving >50% right now. It is meant to be hard, but saying it's nothing but luck just isn't true.
Every card you add to your deck should solve a problem. Don't add catalyst to your deck just because you're running poison, if it doesn't actually save you health at the end of the battle it's as bad as a curse.
Remember that the weaknesses of your deck change during the run; Dash is an incredible card for act 1 elites, but never really does anything interesting afterwards. Backflip sucks early on, but once you have energy and dexterity, it becomes essential.
Learn to evaluate cards rationally. Caltrops may look shit since you can't really make a build around it, but remember that it can easily add 30 to your damage output in a fight for 1 energy, that can be a really good deal.
>perfected strike decks are bloated unreliable mess
True. But its good enough for newbies to score their first win as ironclad :-)
Or for that cheevo: win the game only with common cards
>Dome is pretty strong
What you've said is true, but I'd like to add that it's pretty terrible for the heart fight if you need to know what attack is the big hit and which is the 15x hit, and it's not very good vs time eater since his pattern is random.
this but
>Don't add catalyst to your deck just because you're running poison
given it's one of the best lategame cards and if you are in poison already it behaves like a mediocre deadly poison more than 75% of the times, it's not a bad pickup.
yes, dome is pretty alarming in heart fight, but given at a20 you are at about 60% winrate at the best, it's ok to give up on heart just to be able to finish act 3. energy is important afterall.
>Poopy -1
seriously her starting deck and relic are so fucking shit compared to the other two
also unload needs scaling like blizzard
Hey, that's a free boss relic at the start.
seems fine to me, I'd just welcome one less strike and defend
>has Survivor
>Worst starting deck
>Allows for more powerful/reliable opening turns
>Worst relic
Are you really trying to say that channel one lightning is a better relic than draw 2 more cards? In a game all about deck thinning?
Shame Joinrbs is a colossal faggot.
80 hours here working on ascension 20 ironclad right now what you said is pretty much true. But I've had alot of luck with barricade block decks and exhaust decks. It helps coming to this game as a legend hearthstone player.
You'll always know which 2 turns it's attacking on, and after it uses the first attack you know it's going to use the other one immediately after.
>Time Eater
If he blocks, he has to attack next turn. If he does his single hit, he's either blocking or triple hitting next turn. And he can't triple hit three turns in a row. He also always heals to 50% and removes debuffs the turn after you hit him below half.
Awakened One's second stage, Writhing Mass, Gremlin Leader, Collector and Champ are probably the worst fights with a Dome.
Upgraded Neutralize is amazing though. Survivor is pretty good as well. Starting relic isn't anything to write home about but card draw is always useful. Her biggest problem is having that 5th strike and defend.
Cracked Core is pretty strong with Dualcast in the starting deck. 8+8 damage turn 1 for 1 energy can snipe early enemies or let you kill a bug before it gains block.
seeing how I often find myself wishing I had bag of preparation with other chars, I don't see anything wrong with that relic
the defect's is a lot more underwhelming, not that it's useless
>boss relic swap
yeah thats the primary problem, she needs to go way harder on removal than the other two
but also she has no default attack scaling so she gets raped by early elites and her act 1 success rate is way lower than the others because of it
and her starting relic is literally just a reskin of a common while the other two are significantly stronger (granted the defects does fall off a bit in the later acts, its still a free 8 damage minimum)
i think the only time where her relic is actually value is when you have more than 1-2 innate cards which isnt all that common
Snecko is good when you have a bunch of character mods and want to enjoy a clusterfuck
The Duelist is insane
Slimebound and Hakuman are probably the best character mods design wise
>try endless
>"blights sounds pretty hype, let's see when it goes super bad"
>never does
>get bored
>abandon run after 7 hours of going at it
never again