Is this the new MT Framework?

Is this the new MT Framework?

Imagine a Dragon's Dogma game on this engine.

Attached: RE_ENGINE_Logo_png_jpgcopy.jpg (1800x1925, 366K)

Still shit compared to Rage, Unreal, Cry etc

literally none of those are good

>garbage megatextures
>everything must look plastic the engine
>dead engine

>a fucking hand in front of a moon
what a shitty logo

Every game we've seen on it is just dark and grey, and we don't even know if it could handle an open world.

Attached: re engine.png (617x185, 157K)

imagine a mediocre game is this engine

Come on now. user. don't be silly.

Nah MT is still useful for scaling games. RE engine can’t really optimize like MT can.

MT could automatically up and downscale games from base assets making porting a breeze, meanwhile Capcom hasn’t gotten a single RE Engine game to run on the switch. (RE7 Switch doesn’t count, the game is being streamed from a server, because the switch can’t handle the engine.)

Unreal is complete garbage though

Lmao, I thought RE stands for Resident Evil, I am dumb.

I think it's crazy how great Ace Combat 7 looks on the unreal engine running at 60 fps even on base consoles though.
It manages to avoid the shiny plastic look that most UE games have. Wonder how they pulled it off

>reach for the moon

God dammit it was actually made for Legends 3 again like the Lost Planet engine.

Faces look horrible in RE Engine, but other than that it seems like a worthy successor in terms of optimization and flexibility.

I imagine there are a lot of things the Switch can't handle but the optimization must be good if I can run both DMC5 and RE2 remake at buttery smooth 60fps on my old GTX 960.

if they ever fix the faces, then yes.


id tech 6 vulkan run insanely good on my rx 580, almost reaching 1070 performance. I can't wait to try id tech 7 on DOOM Eternal.


Faces are just a matter of time to be fixed, the only bad face in DMC5 is Trish.

what's wrong with the faces?

not an openworld engine
so no

All the faces in Devil may cry 5 are terrible. With Dante being the least fucked one.
Though its still up for debate if it's the engine, the facescanning or the people in charge responsible for making everybody ugly as fuck.

That engine is garbage, and photo-scanning is cancer.

we don't even know what the RE engine is capable of yet

It did, they just came out with a different name afterwards and a logo to go with it. RE doesnt even make sense as Reach for the moon

yes we do.

Making ugly as fuck faces

Ace Combat 7's human models and animation are mid-PS2 tier with waxy bumpmaps.

>garbage megatextures
I think he means the engine Rockstar uses.

we do know that its capable of dark lighting to hide source engine tier textures

Look dude, every face in RE2 and DMC 5 are fine. Trish looks kinda ugly? She does. But Eva (who basically is Trish) looks better because she has different hair. RE2 Claire has some goofy faces sometimes, but i don't think that's the engine fault

Attached: 1551902301327.jpg (2560x1440, 242K)

>looks at Leon

ummm no.


Attached: 1552355812934.jpg (680x676, 75K)

the engine hasn't shown off any variety yet and all the games on it so far have looked odd and like everything was made out of wax or rubber, characters especially

>openworld engine
Let me play my galaxies of literally no content.

>the engine hasn’t shown off any variety yet
>third person action game

best engine as of 2017

Why does everything look like it's caked in vaseline though? It runs really well but looks like shit.
Also I don't think RE Engine could handle open worlds.

Is it a totally new engine or essentially just MT Framework 2?
Also, what is going on with the Panta Rhea Engine or whatever they called it.

I think it could handle up to Ground Zeroes map size.

MT Framework couldn't either before Dragon's Dogma. That's why it's the perfect opportunity to push its limits now.

Panta Rhei Engine was discarded for RE engine

As long as they fix the shitty shiny graphics I'm down for that.

Would be sweet as an Arabic harem.

Also no niggers in that game.

i meant visually

Every game in this engine makes my PS4Pro sound like a jet engine.
Not even RDR2 makes the fans go that fast.
It's great on PC though.

Like I said, It's probably not the engines fault, but rather people responsible for decisions that make them ugly like that.

Attached: new lady looks 2000x times better now that she is part of the chosen people.jpg (2088x3216, 1.18M)


Why not just call it the reach engine then?

dmc 4 lady looks way worse than dmc5 lady
dmc4 trish looks good though

Attached: 1552585424096.jpg (433x427, 86K)

Nero is pretty damn handsome

>but rather people responsible for decisions that make them ugly like that.
Most of them don't look ugly though, they're just scanned in real people rather than hand modeled anime characters.

>Every game in this engine makes my PS4Pro sound like a jet engine
But it's supposed to be really well optimized and not stress the hardware too much.
The PS4 really is a fucking shitshow.

Dante looks good
Nero looks good
Lady looks good
V looks good
Random civillians looks good
Morrison looks good for a nigger

That being said:

Vergil looks weird
Trish looks bad

Attached: ylIii5U5_400x400.png (365x365, 205K)

REengine renders smug faces really well, its a good trade off.

>Why not just call it the reach engine then?
Because mouthbreathers will think it has something to do with Halo Reach.

>But it's supposed to be really well optimized and not stress the hardware too much.
That's not really accurate. It's designed to not stress the CPU so much and leans heavier on the GPU to provide post-processing effects and such that aren't computationally taxing that hide a lot of the flaws of the visuals or make them look way better than they are. The PS4, even the Pro, is still pretty old hardware and the GPU is probably getting worked running these games.

My GPU is just as old as the base PS4 is and it's not even on full load when I run the game maxed out.

What GPU do you have?

a 290

>Vergil looks weird

it's the hair though not the face

>Vergil looks weird
Depends on the angle

Attached: 1552602605019.jpg (390x398, 135K)

It's probably counter-intuitive, but optimization would result in fewer bottlenecks meaning the full hardware is fully utilized all the time, resulting in more heat and the fans running like crazy. The less the hardware heats up, the more something is waiting for something else to finish.

anyone else got these same micro stutters in every 10 secounds from all re engine games.

Well no shit, that's a much better GPU than the PS4 has. It's 20% more powerful than the Pro's custom chipset.

I don't

characters and npc have super high poly density, everything else is so fuckin low poly and with disgusting splashed textures

>marketed as a 4K console
>GPU is weaker than a 5 year AMD one that wasn't even their best model

Welcome to console gaming. It cheats 4k for anything actually intensive anyways, it's just got a decent video upscaling method.

It's running very smooth for me. Frametime delta is around 0.3ms according to afterburner and that's without using things like special K's FPS limiter to smooth it out even more.

ID 7 for doom eternal?

Hopefully they will let us mod the game

That's not Fox Engine.

I get stutters in DMC5 but they literally only happen during cutscenes, during gameplay everything is super smooth.

I changed to DX11 and it was fixed for me

Do you run a 4 core i5? Apparently streaming is somehow fucked on less than 6 cores.

Banco is pretty experienced with it at this point

>tfw Ryzen 5 1600 master race

It is unable to render cute girls. So no.

Whats stopping them from touching up the scan so it actually looks good in game, or better yet, create a new and unique face?
Or how about one that resembles the original source?

It scares me there is people out there with this opinion.
Much like artists who make pictures of toilets or assholes and people hail them as brilliant artists.

I am still surprised they arent licensing out id tech.
It runs like a dream and on every platform. They could easily get a good portion of the engine market.

Probably time and money. That's a lot of work to do, and they probably did do some of that, but not enough to fully clean up all of the issues. Facial scanning is still relatively new technology and it's probably going to suck like this for a bit.

>it scares me that people have different opinions on things


>Facial scanning is still relatively new technology and it's probably going to suck like this for a bit.
Yet plenty and I mean plenty of other companies besides capcom managed to produce good looking faces in games while using face scans.
But let me guess poor indie dev capcom can't afford it.

Imagine ``insert game here`` in this ``insert random engine here``

>Gas all he jews and niggers
>lol look at this cuck, he is scared other people have a different opinion than him

the scans are being touched up
for better or for worse in different cases
this is the standard now, handmade models are over, at least for humanoids

Plenty of other devs have been doing it for longer and probably have better setups for it on top of it. I mean it's really not as simple as saying "X did Y better, why can't Capcom?"

>Look dude, every face in RE2 and DMC 5 are fine.
only a mother could love this face

Attached: 1550743060896.jpg (863x374, 41K)


you must be actually retarded, comparing games facescans to gassing jews and niggers

>dragons dogma on the re engine
Considering how all the facescans look hideous, no thanks.

They have before, only id knows how to program the thing to run well.

But i did say Claire looked goofy sometimes, what is your point

>what the fuck, my first idiotic argument didn't go through
>fuck, I'll just have to call him an idiot!

there is nothing wrong with gassin' kikes and niggers, you faggot nigger jew

Plenty of retards saying other devs did it better itt, with 0 examples to back it up.

would be too easy to destroy them
what the fuck are they going to post ? aloy ?