Rosatrice confirmed
Rosatrice confirmed
Umineko is easily one the most overrated vn's ever made.
Agreed. It got super carried by god tier OST
have to agree after reading it, still worth for epi 1 to mid 4 but after that is just shonen garbage.
S2 Anime never ever
t. goat
reminds me of that tripfag from the ancient past
none now lives who remember it
>still people that dont understand Umineko in 2019
Did that new chapter finally come out?
oh please tells us how deep and thought provoking Umineko is, i like the story and would a lot more if it didn't' get so muddle and plain retarded after epi4, still i know the fanbase is Trails levels autism and will never accept any criticism.
Having a bunch of really annoying characters paired with bad visuals made it worse.
Compared to the first half of episodes, the second half ones (except episode 7)offer very few new information and have bad pacing for the most part. it was kinda disappointing.
>rating the chapters with Erika that low
>you know like demon goats in the VN
>hehe they dumb and stupid unlike me
>you guys how don't understand this masterpiece
>i so smart and special
Why do people rate Ep 7 so high? Do you like having your hand held and being outright told the culprit like a child?
probably because its a return to the good part of the story, specially after the stupidity of 5 and 6.
>New characters actually give us more different perspectives
>It doesn't stick to the same topic way too long unlike episode 5 and episode 6
>Less magic fight shenanigans