Vidya acceptance

post harsh vidya truths you've learned to accept

>blizzard will never make a quality single player game again and all their IPs will stagnate with wasted potential forever
>and that's okay

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Dark Souls 1 is busted trash.

You made me sad again OP.

>AAA games with soul are going to be fewer and fewer due to company motivations, pipeline and immense scale
>I will never be part of their target audience

Marvel vs. Capcom 4 won't happen and if it does it will suck
But that's OK since UMvC3 is almost perfect

Nintendo forgot what made them great and they have settled for mediocre trash since the gamecube

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The new generation of gamers doesn't seem to care much of the fact the companies are exploiting them to take their parents money selling them a half-assed product they call videogame.

But i could care less because i see more ppl upset about it eventually it will change.

I have romhacks
I have player created stuff.
I have indie games.

Game is BAD!

Square Enix will never make another good FF game.

>tfw you are a target audience

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Rockstar have turned their back on Singleplayer DLC to focus on multiplayer

Don't lose faith, Capcom has gradually became better again, Disney will realize the benefits of their name on a great esports title and actually give Capcom a budget. It will be glorious.

Acceptance is a huge relief. I've comet to realize we will never get a good Star Wars game again, and I'm at peace with that. The Mouse won, time to move on to other hobbies.

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FF was never great

Yea Forums was actually totally right about everything being Inafune's fault.

That moment you play DMC and realize the game was made for you.

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Low taste JRPG babby detected.

Good for you, user. Have fun.

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They've done well by their non-fighting game franchises, but I'm still not convinced.

The likes of EA and Ubisoft will never ever return to their glory days and continue to take over and murder franchises and studios by the dozens.

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>Mario Odyssey
>"mediocre trash"

snoyboy detected

He's a harsh truth for you

Piracy lead a lot of developers to focus on multiplayer and games as a service over single player, had to abandon niche audiences as development costs went up

Before Mark from CGR became a money grubbing asshole he said Nintendo is the fast food of the gaming industry in all the good and bad ways that implies. It's the truest statement I've ever heard about them. They make games that are passable but not excellent, you'll have fun but it's never like it used to be and you come away with less and less substance over time.

>nintendo has severely cut the budgets for their games because of the Wii U flopping, and will never make a true masterpiece ever again

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This was the fault of consoles though, not piracy.

>Piracy lead a lot of developers to..
Can't believe we still have idiots parroting corporate-speak to try and justify the suits greed, lmao.

>hurr durr piracy
What a faggot. They were pushing for online only since the mtx shit, and kept pushing during the best years of deadnuvo. Piracy has nothing to do with it.

the new burnout successor isn't going to play or feel anything like the ps2 games
they're just reusing danger zone assets for a PC release

>third rate devs are capable of aesthetics, animation, and fidelity like pic related
>we will literally never see Blizzard create another single player Warcraft game that uses the same quality (or better) throughout

All of their games were ahead of the industry at the time of release, but they literally stopped making them when WoW got huge, and only released online-focused trash since. And it's a shame because their quality still shines through in that trash, HotS, Hearthstone, Overwatch all look fantastic, I just can't enjoy the visuals in an online game since they don't matter.

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Im so mad about that shitshow game Wreckfest

Acceptance helps.
>Bioware finally died after Inquisition.
>Andromeda, Anthem, and the next dragon age have all been reported rebooted by EA late in development ans basically restarted. For Anthem and DA4, to make them games as a service.
>Dragon Age 4s plot by Laidlaw and all development under him was thrown away
>they are full of utterly talentless sjw mongs who simply lack the talent to make good games with good ideas.

> i wanted to believe they werent a sock puppet with the same name, but i was wrong

Sony will always be the leader of the consoles.



Avellone was right: Know when to let go, or you will know only ruin.
And that goes not just for Fallout either.


Half life 3 is never coming but we will get half life VR instead...yay...

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odyssey was soulless trash with no difficulty whatsoever

they were handing out moons for just simply jumping,walking even...not what i would expect from a platformer

Dark Souls 1 is unfinished and needed many months of development to be a proper game. It's fun and a great experience, but DS2 and DS3 are better.

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Doubt it.

Odyssey has a few neo problems.

The movement has been neutered.
The level design is to big
And the goals are to easy.

The innovation of the hat could of been so much more with n64 movement.

And i have goldeneye why would i get something worse than that.
Sorry user you don't see the same thing as me.
You will use a political statement to verify your opinion for something not about politics.
You use it as a way to throw glaring problems under the rug.
On the contrare.
I was a Nintendo fan SINCE the nes.... they thrown away EVERYTHING that nade them unique.

Instead they try to use a controller or a gimmick in a game instead of making the whole or the gameplay of a game unique.
Leading to bland gameplay plus gimmick.

That's why i play romhacks.
Indie games don't destroy or cut their dick off a game to try to show they are a special snowflake developer with gimmicks.

They just make a game with great gameplay.
I 1000% agree

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But Splatoon 2 is fun

never ever ever EVER

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Its hard to accept a harsh truth

Companies want video games to be a service rather than a tangible product you can sell back so by going all digital(PC gamers), you have just given up your rights as a consumer. They are now focusing on consoles to do the same.

Why make a good single player game when everything can be a service where they make money from the same game for years?

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Obviously, the Heavy update will come out at some point. Even if very late. Hell, I'm even confident the final TF2 comic will come out.

But aside from those two things? I had to realize VALVE will never give a shit about TF2 ever again, no matter how much they insist they're trying to get better, or how many more updates come around.

They'll never make good, inspired games ever again. And that's alright. TF2 as it is has enough to keep me going for years to come.

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I mean all of them just outsource to the same handful of studios, barely anything is done internally nowadays

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>You can have 200+ games and you can still be bored. It's alright to buy a lot of games that you don't like in the end. That's how you figure out what you like. Same with movies and series.

I bought Rimworld and I've been lucky : that's exactly the type of game I like.

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This kind of makes me sick, is it true that the reason this style is everywhere because they outsource their art to the same shit studios?

It's everywhere because it's popular


Can you put on a trip so I can filter you?

We will never have :
Bioware back on track to make a good single player rpg ever
A good star wars game again
Obsidian not catering to SJW
Good JRPGs again (they died with the 7th generation)

>good JRPGs again

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Also Fallout is dead and so is TES probably. The gameplay will be axed for cinematic story telling.

Also there is not a single devs working on better AI in their game and this technology is just stagnating if not going backward.

Banjo Kazooie is dead and still stay that way. Phil Spencer only uses the franchise as a way to keep starving xboys on their toes whenever morale drops. I would rather Microsoft never touch the series again.

>better ai means better games

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Valve isn't good anymore obviously because why would they? They have steam and an almost unlimited amount of revenue comes from steam by itself. They will never go bankrupt as PC gamers depend too heavily on them.

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>Game devs unionizing would solve almost every problem in the industry
>but that will never happen

Final Fantasy being dead in the water is the one that hurts the most for me. Don't know how often I have replayed IV and V. I really love those games but everything that's been done in this decade was absolute shit.

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How do you find those stats (assuming they're from steam)?

Overwatch's lore will never go fowards
Geno will always stay as a Mii Costume in Smash from now till eternity

blizzard has made like one single player game

Probably because they wanted to add a thousand of them and, since they didn't feel they had a lot of space, made sure even wandering around could lead you to them

Kirby games will continue to get watered down to the point where everything that was considered challenging is all gone.

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The Nintendo switch has signified that Nintendo has given up the home console market. It's best to accept this now.

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>Valve will never ever make great games again
>No Portal 3, HL3 or L4D3
>TF2 will never receive anything other than an occasional update per year

Some people will simply never like the games I do like I do, so I should stop trying to make them.

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Half Life 3 never.

Battleborn will never have a redemption arc like No Man's Sky and it's all Randy's fault.
Overwatch is not going to get any better either.

Do you like FF11+14? I've never played anything past 10 (apart from briefly trying FF13) so I have no opinions about the MMOs

>Xenogears is Dead
>Xenosaga is Dead
>Monolith Soft will never make a game as ambitous or comparable to those two
It is what it is.

Have you even played Star Allies truest arena or heroes in a another dimensions there boss fights are the only times you will need 4 characters

but it do be like that

this too

Splatoon and Splatoon 2 are the best things they've made. You're probably just blinded by nostalgia.

I mean, didn't Xenosaga 2 come out recently and do well? I don't have any stake in this series so I probably sound like an idiot but I thought it was fine

the future is in free to play battle royale shooters. nothing else really matters.

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Gaming is now like movies where a majority of games are trash and there will be like one or two good a games every year at most.

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I played it. Cheesed right through it by using Dedede.

...What are you talking about?

>the only good games blizzard made are WC2 and Diablo 2 and Diablo 2 wasn't done by blizzard

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>Dynasty Warriors might never be as good as 8 again
>Ace Attorney will never be mainstream
>It'll be so damn long until companies start making single player games again; and only after the heavy developer level loses the bursting of the live service bubble will cause
>Saint's Row 4 will never been seen as good as 2 even though they both had a gameplay/tonal dissonance
>There will never be a full console release of an updated TF2

I just said I have no stake in this series, so is this some kinda inside Xeno-joke?

>Nintendo will never die because neckbeards have no life goals

what the f-? No. Xenosaga 2 was a PS2 game

There will never be another Sandbox game as great as Minecraft.

The markets for "middle tier"/"AA" games and tie-in games will never bounce back after the PS2, Wii, and DS all but destroyed them with oversaturation.

Xenosaga 2 came out 15 years ago, my dude.

Gundam Exvs series will never come to the west and if it does it won't be popular due to normies.

I disagree

Oh then I meant Xenoblade. I thought that would be obvious, seeing as I was talking about a recent title.

>Egosoft will never make a game better than X3

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bannerlord will never come out

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This is true and I have accepted this my fellow Gundam enthusiast. We will survive.


I grew out of video games, and it's not because of age.

the Western world is dying and only Japan retains a shard of sanity, and that's okay because I know Japanese

Fuck off boomer, interest changes with time
so thinking that it will stay with battle royale is just dumb.

There will never be a Drawn to Life 3 or Graffiti Kingdom/Magic Pengel 3

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Didn't really play XI but I heard pretty much only good things about it. Unfortunately it is pretty dead by this point at least as far as I know.
I played and finished everything up to heavensward (the first expansion of XIV) and liked it quite a bit. Unfortunately I am not really much of an MMO player and lost interest when the daily endgame grind set in. Wasn't really my cup of tea. But I could see someone who likes FF and MMO have a great time.
On another note, I truly hated XII when it came out but after several tries I grew to like it, especially the International Zodiac edition. I would at least give the remaster of that a try if you're interested.

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His Hammer throw move is fucking op

what part of what i said implies that it will stay that way forever? is english not your first language? eat my relentless shitting asshole, you goddamn savage

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Paper Mario will never ever be good again. The one game per gen it will get will be nothing more than a dumping ground for whatever gimmick Tanabe comes up with. At the very least that franchise spawned my favorite game of all times so I can pretend SPM was the final game in the series and everything that came after belongs to a different series altogether.

>says to "eat my relentless shitting asshole"
>Calls someone else a savage

It doesnt really matter if I buy the games I hate or not, millions upon millions of casuals will decide it if it dies or becomes successful no matter what.

Badspot is a tool and Blockland died because of it.

this guy gets it. the art is in the details

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Dead Space will never have a proper conclusion.

God, I had finally forgotten about it, too.

No he’s right, Xenoblade 1 is literally the only good Nintendo game they’ve made in at least 14 years.

Even with all the hubris about diversity and representation, Civilization VI/Firaxis research department is still misguided and patronizing towards us actual minorities. How many leaders who had their personality or ingenuity sacrificed to be pigeonholed into their fixed game mechanic? On top of my head, theres Saladin, Pedro, Qin Shi Huang, Seondeok, Laurier, and more.
Latest expac handles this better, but add the art and aesthetic direction that I just cant stand (why the fuck would you still use travel guide description for new wonders in 2019???) just makes me throw in the towel, accept it, and just stop playing it.

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TF2 and all the great IPs Valve once made are all dead and abandoned.
Anyone who is still attached to them or hopeful is merely too delusional to move on.

Consoles only hold back gaming.
The only thing they have to fall back on is exclusives and retards deluding themselves that a paid online is better.
The only thing their "next-gen" tech is used for is for meaningless graphical details, which is all RDR2 had to show, given how it has fallen into the depths of forgottenness.

The deteriorating quality of in many video games over the last several years is chiefly the result of consumers purchasing habits, rather than solely corporate greed. Corporate greed is a factor, but the consumer ultimately decides what business decisions get rewarded.
Both the hardcore and mainstream casual consumer are to blame for this. Both have actively rewarded DLC practices, microtransactions, shallow and repetitive design, and buggy and unfinished games by dumping cash on them.

These things have becoming normalized and it will likely take another fucking 15 years to even begin to undo these bad habits. Which will likely never happen, as most companies have learned to find and abuse whales in any given community.

arena FPS is dead and will never return

I'll never again enjoy games as much as I did when I was younger. I don't mean that games have gotten worse, I don't believe that. It's just that there's so much shit in my mind that I just can't sit down and relax with a good game anymore. Adult life and gamer lifestyle just aren't compatible.

Isaac and Ellie escape the Sprawl and live happily ever after.

There is a low chance of there ever being a sonic game that's on the level of the first 2 or even sa1/sa2 ever again

Even if AAA games look fun they're nothing more than products

>there will never be another high ceiling competetive multiplayer game as popular as cs was back in 2000

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banjo is never coming back.
geno and mallow are never coming back, especially because people are more focused on smashfaggotry than actually bringing them back to their home series.
on that note, geno won't be in smash either. not even his mii costume has a chance of coming back because of square.

I still haven't given up hope.

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mmo will never be popular

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Insomniac will never ship a complete game ever again.

runescape will never be great...osrs is bad...rs3 is good, but they suffer from nt making 1700/20 screej be9jg hettser

homies are more accepting than thots and share the same interests as me, no reason not to fuck em too.

>Rockstar while making visually authentic worlds is stuck making shitty gameplay but will keep getting away with it because of hype
>you were a blind fanboy all along

Kojima evolved from sincere director to money siphoning hack somewhere between MGS 3/4, and Death Stranding will probably never come out.

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>nt making 1700/20 screej be9jg hettser

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>1700/20 screej be9jg hettser
u okay bro?

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You're gonna tell me it's okay to build the standard of game evolution around graphism. Enemy AI has always been terrible and hasn't evolved a lot from enemy just charging at you.

I've been playing Metro Exodus and the AI is really bad. Enemies just charge at you in a straight line or stay behind cover where I can see part of their body.

Why hasn't he directed a movie yet? Why is he still trying to make games? He's clearly passionate about film, so why doesn't he just take the fucking dive.