Your girlfriend slaps this girl's ass
What do you do?
Your girlfriend slaps this girl's ass
What do you do?
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dump her because I'm not supportive if adulterous behaviour.
Why would Kass slap her own ass?
Have a threesome
ugleh cunt
I slap her ass too.
And people say Capcom does bad facial animations.
I punch her in the gut, she obviously forgot her place and who she belongs to, if she did something like that. She's mine, and a good pet, stays loyal forever. Not to mention that letting her off with less would be encouraging lesbian habbits, which is unacceptable.
is that lucy lawless?
>I punch her in the gut, she obviously forgot her place and who she belongs to, if she did something like that. She's mine, and a good pet, stays loyal forever. Not to mention that letting her off with less would be encouraging lesbian habbits, which is unacceptable.
I get very worried, since i'd never do such a thing to her, and start to feel like the relationship is probably doomed to fail. Then I probably buy a pet, to get over the crushing pain of all that time spent that ammounted to another relationship that didn't work out.
>maybe if I post an image of a tall, handsome man, noone will think I'm a little bitch dicklet
Would this one have pleased you more, user?
it's canon Kass is straight
Don't be silly user, girls can't like boys, boys are gross.
Yes, this one suits you more.
Glad I could make you smile. bud.
What about girls who like boys to be girls?
Is this game any good? Origins had a nice world but the gameplay bores me to death, especially that horrendously done combat system. Is this any different? Or more of the same? The world looks beautfiful in this game too. Did they fix any of origins issues?
she has such a shit tier ubisoft face it hurts
silly little garbage taste waifushitters
It’s worse than Origins in many aspects.
They made the world even bigger and the content more repetitive, copy pasted and thinned out.
Also the graphics are somehow worse.
This v
If you liked the world of origins your're going to like this one too.say what you will about ubishit,they are pretty decent at world building.I spent around 80 plus hours in this game(didn't manage to kill all the cultist)and I spent at least 30 percent of the time exploring and liberating random forts(it's a fun way to farm xp).The world is beautiful and pretty accurate.You can notice the structural differences of the buildings in sparta(wooden) and athens(marble).The level design(in forts)is pretty good.You will see a lot of long time fans of the series lament that ac has strayed from the assassin aspect of it's gameplay but that's simply not true.In odyssey you need to make sure that you're a couple of level above of your enemies to allow for a stealth based play style or you will have to spec out your character for a stealth play style(fairly easy to do all throughout the game).The cosmetics are pretty cool looking and there's plenty of variety in there.The core combat mechanics are same as origins except they take away sheilds(which makes zero sense)and give you a bunch of super moves.This game would probably be my goty if they designed a better combat system.However since you have superpowers now the devs introduced a bunch of boss battles which are all good fun.Also the mercenary system is interesting and I hope they will keep it in the future titles.
You can’t be fucking serious
Some has a high opinion and enjoys the game. We're not all jaded like yoy, user.
Yes I know that some people are brain damaged, like you
Slap her ass then get this girl to slap my ass and then we keep slapping each others asses in a loop.
Get well soon.
Absolutely am.Pic related is from back when I was playing the game.I quit after hitting lvl 50
the fuck
It's more of the same but with naval combat and world isn't as majestic as Origins imo.I like it better than Origins though because it's more polished version of the gameplay aspects I think.
>can’t even take a screenshot
Yeah lmao you are literally a retard
New level cap is 99 now.