>finally getting a figma (and in his crow outfit)
>finally getting official art as a phantom thief
>P5R reveal days away
>announcement of a dvd exclusive anime episode focused on him after his disappearance
do you think he's alive Yea Forums?
Finally getting a figma (and in his crow outfit)
who cares
P5R is Persona 5 but Goro is the protagonist
Subscribe to pewdiepie
this would be really cool but they won't do it
There's gonna be some set of options that let's you save him and keep him as a permanent party member in P5R. It's stupid but it'll be in.
>>finally getting a figma (and in his crow outfit)
>>finally getting official art as a phantom thief
Why would they bother with either? Worst antagonist yet.
probably through giving him a real social link, like finishing it lets you save him
P5R is Persona 5 Racing.
Makoto wins every race because she and Mona are the only one with wheels, and Joanna is slim enough to take shortcuts Mona can't.
Goro should be an echo for Joker in Smash
He's alive, but he needs to be punished. I'm going to be mad if all his crimes are handwaved away.
Is he going to be dateable this time?
Of course
He is the most popular character from Persona 5
Because he's pretty cool.
>Goth doctor is that popular
How? I rarely see anyone talk about her.
Especially in Japan she's quite popular. She's one of the few NPCs to get a figurine I believe.
So when are we actually going to learn about P5R? I heard on the 19th, but I've also heard on the 30th
What happens to Joker?
Goro as the protagonist is interesting, but what about Joker in Akechi's role?
Would their back stories stay the same, or would they swap?
Still would've better if he was just an actual lawfag. I want his Loki though.
I like Goro. People tend to compare him with Adachi, but I appreciate his dissimulate behavior.
No one knows. A good guess would be the 23rd, attached to the release of Stars and Ours.
The next anime episode is on the 23rd and there will probably be a teaser trailer after that airs. Sega is holding some kind of festival on the 30th where they will probably drop the first real information.
>akechi that high
>chihaya that low
>kamoshida that low
>that fucking bartender lady/guy that high
What the fuck is wrong with Japan? Only thing they got right is Ohya being shit.
Probably and with a half-assed redemption arc despite being a homicidal mass-murdering sack of shit.
At least all Adachi did was indirectly kill two stupid bimbos.
nips like hot nurses
>P5R reveal days away
Did they ever reveal the exact date
Chihaya has a pretty shit first impression. Not only does her quest have two trips in Mementos, but Joker also has to pay 100,000 yen.
The 23rd or the 30th
>She's one of the few NPCs to get a figurine I believe.
She and Kawakami are the only two NPCs that are getting figures so far. I keep on hoping a Shadow Sae figure happens, but I don't think she's popular enough.
What's the difference between left and right poll?
Non-Confidant NPCs.
>Not even regular Sae gets a figure
Left - Confidants / Right - NPCs
lets hope not.
She was very popular during release.
/fa/ as fuck and i do have a goth/pale girl fetish.
Why not non category poll? Include playalble too.
He has the most lines in PQ2 too
no he doesn't
I heard of nose picking but this is ridiculous !
God I hope she gets some new scenes in P5R. I don't expect much, but I'd love it if she did.
I actually suspect that she will get some more scenes, if only because she was by far one of the more popular girls from the game. I have a feeling they're gonna try and add in a couple more scenes with all of the love interests however
playable cakes never ever
The nurse and shogi girl are more popular than her tho
Takemi is, but I'm not sure about Hifumi. Heck, the poll linked earlier in the thread shows Kawakami being more popular.
Good at least one of my fav is popular. Why is Lavenza so unpopopular tho?
She doesn't do much, and her very existence is kind of a spoiler so in stuff like PQ2 they're sorta forced to use the twins again anyhow
"I can't restrain myself when I'm next to Kawakami"
Your opinion is so fucking shit it's collapsing into a shit singularity based on how much shit it has.
Sun Bro is 5th place
God Japan got some great taste
Don’t diss LaLa Escargot. They are the most based character in P5. They don’t give two shits about what anyone thinks. You don’t need to change no hearts in mementos for them. All they want ya to do is hang out with people at the bar and make their days better. You don’t need a confidant because you know that you can trust Escargot from the beginning. There’s no my life sucks or I hate my mom or fucking paying 100000 yen: you just get payed a good bit to boost social stats and chill. LaLa Escargot should be the Aeon arcana in R and we should get them as a phantom thief over Hifumi.
how did he lose????
Because he’s an incel baby who can’t get puss like Joker can. He’s all boo hoo I have no friends because I’m a douchebag. He wants warm Sae cunny but you know that Joker is gonna tap that in R too. Imagine being so fucking autistic that you have thousands of fans and never ever tried to I don’t know be friends with any of them? You know he is gonna go home to his pancake blowup doll in a shitty apartment, looking out the window at the happy people of Tokyo. As he pounds it, he imagines it was Sae, before he sees Joker on a date. With who doesn’t matter, it could even be Ryuji. But he pounds harder and harder, imagining he was joker. When Joker ranks up his confidant, Aketchi cums a weak dribble, wishing he could get music notes. Maybe then he wouldn’t have only two personas. Joker has like at least 3.
I disagree
How does it feel being the minority?
>Me and my younger bro both playthrough P5
>Ended up not getting with anyone
>Brother ended up with Kawakami
I-is there something my bro ain't telling me?
Your bro has good taste
better than being a gorofag