Phoenix Point 1-year exclusivity deal

Julian was supposed to save X-COM, not sell it to the Chinese. Why did it have to be like this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

My only hope is that Xenonauts 2 will be less bland than the first. I have little doubt that it'll be better than both XCOM3 and Phoenix Point in terms of gameplay, but the presentation of the first one just puts me to sleep.

Don't feel bad user. They don't need your money any more so you can freely pirate it.

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>able to start making the game from pledges by people who chose to get it on steam
>start making game, get it to the point where its looking good, sell it off to the chinese for some quick cash
>"Sorry nerds, its just business"

Wait, 1 year? It's not even permanent? Who would've guessed the PC landscape would somehow turn into console wars

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I mean that's kinda blows, but on the other hand thanks Epic fans for betatesting


speaking of, have any sites touched the fact that the Epic launcher is now confirmed to be spyware?
that came the same day Gollop announced their exclusivity deal

Xenonauts really wasn't very appealing to me at all. Aesthetically lacking in every way, both visuals and sound. I know gameplay should be more important to me, but honest to god I really need the aesthetics as well to enjoy a game.

Yeah, one year just like all the other Epic exclusivity deals. One day that will probably be seen as a kindness, rather than the scummy move it truly is.

No, because it's not spyware, not even by the most broad interpretation of the term. The phone you use every day is more invasive than it.

>The phone you use every day is more invasive than it.
The phone you use every day is the single most invasive thing you own, so that's not saying much.

>Phoenix Point
Fuck off with your bullshit. Everytime I CTRL-F Phoenix and find one result I believe it's for the Ace Attorney series

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this is the phone i own, come at me
also, i'm pretty sure making an encrypted copy of your own games, their saves, hours played, your friends list and group memberships to send it back to Epic without your express consent is spying

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Welp, looks like another pirate.



>tfw piratefag.
will get the game either way

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>This thing that spies on you is less invasive than other thing that spies on you, therefore it's not spying on you
Good logic you faggot.

Legit question here.
Are Epic Game Store deals that much better than Steam or GOG for the dev?
And also is Epic Game Store that bad for the customer? I legit never see one person who's okay with any of the announcement related to the platform.

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For the dev? Yes. Epic also seems to be sweetening the deal by paying for one year of exclusivity with their chink bucks.

epic is killing these devs for their own personal gain, but the devs are agreeing to the deal so it's their own fault

they only take a 12% cut as opposed to Steam's reported 30%
on the other hand, games are more expensive for the customer if they don't live in the US

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Phoenix asked for the deal. Epic just gaved it to them.

On face value it's better for the dev, but when you take into account market share and other things there isn't really concrete answers. Epic Store is either the same for the consumer or in a lot of cases worse, for instance I could have gotten Metro for 20% off when it was on Steam but had to pay full price if I wanted it through Epic plus some countries have additional fees on top.

Jews are gonna jew though so any promise of more money is making devs fuck over the end user time and time again.

>More expensive if you don't live in the states.
Wow. What a great way to pass the savings onto the consumer.

Ahh, that made sense for why people are angry about it. thx for the info breh.

Check End State

>take smaller cut
>still charge consumers the same(or even more), while offering less features, while having a more invasive client
thats scummy af

Jake would never betray us to the alien insectoids like this.

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If it only would be that user, its worse.
I saw screenshots of this thing crawling internet explorer certificates etc.
Now I wonder why that would be of interest.
Who knows what else this thing crawls through.

Another game to the pirate list
Learn your lesson for once

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Never heard of it, but after checking out the store page it looks pretty cool. Thanks for the heads-up, I'll definitely check it out when it comes out of early access.

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>90 EUR
What the actual fuck? I don't even want to know how expensive the Australian version was.

>3% of backers bothered to refund
>this will happen again because it's been massively profitable

This is the important lesson that needs to be learned here, don't back any projects like this unless you have cast iron guarantees you will get what they say you will, because Epic are scumbags and developers don't care about you.

how do I avoid aging like this ?

I don't understand his wording, "If we had to refund 100% of preorders, we'd STILL be in the black." Still? Doesn't he mean, even further, way further in the black? He makes it sound like refunding preorders would somehow mitigate the backlash instead of vice versa.

Fuck, this looks kinda cool.
Hope it doesnt get stucked on early access hell

I think that means that their money balance would still be positive. Being in the red means to be on negative money, so i guess being in the black is the opposite

Whoa okay am I this retarded? Well I also meant mitigate the financial loss, not the backlash, because obviously refunding preorders would mitigate the latter.

>Translation for brainlets

In this case, and probably others, it sounds like Epic didn't just buy one year's worth of exclusivity, but instead a year's worth of sales. As in Epic will buy an unknown number of copies of the game if it fails to sell that many within the year of EGS exclusivity.
So for anyone worried about meeting some target number it would be very attractive.

Healthy diet, regular excercise, and good genes.

Is this game end state?

"In the black" is a good thing. It means you're making profit. The expression comes from the old practice of writing profits in black ink and losses in red ink.

What he's saying is that, even if they lose 100% of their sales, they'd still make a profit because of the money Epic gave them.

Old man gets a boost for his retirement funds and I can just pirate it. It's all good.

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>mfw I didn't "invest"
>mfw I don't give a shit about them turning on the dumb fig faggots
>mfw I'll be enjoying this on the epic store while laughing at steamcucks crying about muh data
Oh no a bunch of chinks are going to know what video games I play how will I cope

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>turn based shit
on the word and md5 filters it goes

Not him, but thank you very much for the explanation, user.
English is not my first language and I was lost there.

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They only part with 10% for sales, have full access to the Unreal engine, and have money to grow their studios
Cheaper games on a storefront that isn't bathed in needless 'community features' or asset flip unity garbage

The only argument valvies can come up with against it is MUH DATA, which they do while unironically using google, reddit, facebook, discord and every other site and service that sells your data.

Don't sweat it. It's not a very common expression to refer to profits as "in the black". Only an older generation of business people still use it.

Cool another game I will now pirate out of spite. I did it for Metro and I'll do it for this and every game the chinese bugmen try to pull this on.

I ususally buy games like 3 years after release with all the DLC and patches anyways.

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>Buying it at all now
If you buy it later, even on sale you're still saying it's okay to do this when it's not.

>backing the game promising steam access
>game launches without


No, because these things are considered donations.
The people you are donating don't have the legal obligation to give you anything.

They offered a full refund, so the law won't give a fuck. If you don't take advantage of their refund offer (or even just do a chargeback on your card if you don't want to give them your banking info), you have nobody to blame but yourself.

You're an idiot.

landmark and now this. lesson finally learned.

go ahead

Pretty sure FIG doesn't treat it as donation but dunno.

I didn't back, I just think it's scummy as fuck and hoped there was some way to punish the behaviour, I really don't want "storewars"

X-COM didn't need saving. UFO Defense and Terror from the Deep are already out and fully supported by openxcom. This faggot is a has-been.

American education everyone.

>Israel and USA are the only developed countries

That's unironically true.

>don't you guys have phones?

>not a backer
>get it on epic store
>play it
I have no problem with it

Fucking rat bastard.

Fuck off, shill. Oh, excuse me: shirr


>pre-order non existent game
>game publishes under a more profitable platform
>muh Steam

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>new store fucks over 95% of the world

gee whiz wonder why people are mad


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>Yuropoors SEETHING
these tears are delicious

you have to go back

Literally just won't buy the game, as I don't buy any game on the epic store.

You really think it'll be good for the store when a majority of gamers won't touch it? jeez dude

I don’t see how this affects me or a majority of the players.

I don't give a shit whether it's good for gamers. It's their game they can sell it wherever the fuck they want. They don't even need to make money on it considering they've already got an extra 2 mil in the bank from Epic.

If you're mad about it, don't buy it and be done with it. This constant bitching about Steam just makes you seem like man-children. There are too many good tactics games out right now to be butthurt about this game.

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That "petty crowdfund" is what enabled them to have something worth selling out with in the first place, though.

I don't give a shit if it's on steam, gog or something else, don't put words in my mouth.

I care that it's another terrible trend in videogames that is directly anti-consumer

Israel is the only developed country. US is just a colony.

>so many butthurt steam fanboys
Who cares where you lease your video games from?

>I care that it's another terrible trend in videogames that is directly anti-consumer
Is it though? Get yourself a list of the top 20 PC games out there. You see most of them are not even on Steam. Let alone the fact Steam itself has a ton of exclusives. Epic is doing nothing wrong.

>Epic is doing nothing wrong.

Except they are

Fuck off Randy

Fuck epic

I can't even use my own country currency on their store

>Developer only knows how to make exactly one type of game

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I hate how Yea Forums's become a huge corporate dicksucking fest. This shit would have had everyone banding together against shit that negatively impacted us back in the day

It's more proof Yea Forums has been flooded with shills and newfags.

We grew up, found a job and get laid.


I'm gay so that guy can't sue me for rape. When was the last time you heard about something like that, sweetie?

Got me there.

Then go do normalfag shit somewhere else.

USA is not a developing country, it's going backwards

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>pirate the game on release if you can't wait to play
>buy the game 1 later on sale after the DLCs and patches came out
what's the problem?

Gollop made several other kinds of games

They were all terrible, but he made them

>game sold terribly in the first year
>well that was a flop, better look at new venues of revenue :)

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