Expectations for this game, Yea Forumsros?

expectations for this game, Yea Forumsros?

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could be a fun open world game but /nintendov/ will seethe over this.

I hope it's at least better than Ride to Hell 1.

it would have been better without the zombies and just been a biker gang game

hoping for a solid 8/10 game

day 1 buy for me anyway

Nobody cares. The only console I own is a ps4 and I picked up all the movie games, love them all, and even I don't care.

Low but its probably a 7.5 or 8/10 atleast. I don't think I would play this for another two years though, its very low on any kinda interest list.

unrelated, but, what baiku is that?
It looks really aesthetic and I'm in the market for one.
Looks like a cross between BMW K1200S and a Katana, I really like it.

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Another 3rd person stealth/action open world game with crafting and skill leveling system, yay.

I thought it got cancelled.