Will you buy Ryuko's game?

Will you buy Ryuko's game?

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No Garfield no buy.

Looks boring as fuck

No one cares about this flavor of the month thot anymore

I do.

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no. but i will play Nonon's game.

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No, but Satsuki is hot.

You're the only one, and your waifu is a big whore.

>le kill kill

hard pass

its worth mentioning that this bitch explicitly showed up to show off and get photos taken. not once did they do anything except stay at the front of the con
i did everything i could to just avoid this bitch and even when i thought that was simple she gave me shit for walking past her and not giving them attention

what kind of whore goes out like this is public jesus christ how horrifying

Her face is fucking goblin-tier

>haha dude what if I cosplay as a nude girl and stand next to this funny sign?

What the fuck is that tattoo.

how dare men be so sexist, eh?

Is this the best example of a 10/10 body but 0/10 face?

after seeing her in person she hits 8/10 and thats being generous

No I’m a sissy and have a huge Blacked fetish

>a revealing costume means I should touch her!

yes. rush to the defense of your queen Nonon

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Look at those ears, damn.

she has a shaved head for the record

Not gonna lie I would grope her at a con if I saw her like that

Sorry, I'm a Nui man myself

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The anime was mediocre as fuck, the only redeeming characters were Mako, Gama and exhibitionist sensei

Ryuko is cute, but I honestly hate that stupid stripper outfit, I'd rather have her wear the delinquent baseball jacket / school girl suit from the first episode or the "inactive" form of senketsu

you would hesitate if you knew the smell user. i was there and this was the last person i wanted to be near

>cringe le cringe

For real? You met her?

Of course.

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Why couldn't they just make it a good game. Who the fuck buys these 3d arena jumpforce graffix 1v1 brawlers. Id rather a fucking musou game than this.

Why is dragonball the only series that managed to succeed with this? They have budokai tenkaichi, Xenoverse is a huge success, and fuck man, even with their 3d 1v1 brawlers they also manage to get proper 2d games with budokai and fighterz.

It's not fair bros. I just want dragonball games but with cute girls.

She was at Anime Expo 2018. I dont know if she was at 2019 because i was too busy chilling with another girl at the time
so yes, i did meet her, no i dont want to see her again. She smelled, flaunted her body all 5 days of the con in the same goddamn room, and has openly admitted to hating men.
her nudes are out there by the way

They sell more
And there's way more 2d fighters than arena fighters yet no one complains

I honestly wouldn’t expect someone with that kind of body to smell

Why make a game this far down the line? Should've struck while the iron was hot and people still cared.

everyone at the con smelled. just around the other women doing the same thing did i smell a distinct odor that none of us liked.
we couldnt tell if it was the women or the dudes taking photos of them, but regardless it was enough to avoid them all

No but I will fap to the SFM of it.

why is she wearing a string bikini

No because it doesn't have best girl

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>arena fighter

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Not for anime licences. Dragon ball and JoJo are the only two to get proper fighting games far as I know.

no, i'm buying satsuki's game
although with a colleague having a medical emergency, i'm going to be busy, and all of my game playing this year will be delayed, unless i can get a good hire

There's barely any good anime model SFM thi

I prefer Ryuko, but isn't this basically Satsuki's game? Isn't the whole gimmick it's an alternate story with the focus on Satsuki? Hence the "If" in the title?

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Post the edit

AX 2019 hasn't happened yet idiot

its been a long night user

>INCELS RISE UP! the image

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See you there either way

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im not going to ax 2019. 2018 was so bad i stopped going mid con. its been on quite a decline with more overselling of badges with more price hikes
theres little reason to go now and im certainly not changing my mind now

That's fair
I just go because it's it's the biggest one overseas, so I make a vacation of it. The last two times were fun as well.

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its fun if theres things you want to so there but due to their schedule releasing so late every year i have to buy early for cheap, then hope it doesnt suck
the people are okay i guess.

Gameplay footage puts me to sleep without fail. What a fucking waste.

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>10/10 body
the fuck?
that's like a 7/10 at best
>skinny fat
>less curves than a teenage boy

Pic related is a 9.5/10 for comparison

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Why are people at cons so sexually out of whack? I go to ren fairs at least twice a year and the wenches with their tits out and done up in corsets are very much more self aware. If you don’t want to be ogled or if you are worried about feels being copped, don’t dress like a literal prostitute. Easy.

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>buy the game to support the devs and show that there's interest in KLK and its adaptations
>they take it as a sign they should make more arena brawlers

>don't buy the game in order to not support awful genres like arena brawlers
>they take it as a sign there's no interest in KLK games

You can't win

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Just pretend it's a boss rush game disguised as a fighter

Imagine this BJ

>surgery body
Ewww, that's a 4/10, faggot.

Why are people at cons so sexually out of whack? I go to rens fairs at least twice a year and the fat creeps with their body odor out and about in shorts and grease are very much not self aware. If you can't keep your hands to yourself and are a molester in denial, don't go to cons like it's the last place where you can get human interaction with another sex. Easy.

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>evolve visual attributes that act like a key stimilus in the opposite sex
>the function of said adaptation being the attraction of a mate
>display said attributes in public without regards to time, place, or others present
>not taking into account that most people aren't accustomed to receiving this key stimulus outside the context of physical intimacy
>not asking for the instinctual reponse to a key stimulus in the other sex
It's like these thots all failed ethology 101...

>buying games
Sorry user, I don't want the Digital Fibers aliens to ruin my life.

Imagine suck the big boob

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ew, go away

Imagine what kind of innocent interaction occurred to this user to cause him to make up this story.

No, I fucking hate arena fighters.

where the FUCK is mako

she asked if i wanted to chill in her room for a "fun" photoshoot because i had multiple expensive cameras and lighting equipment on me
i told her no

imegan she open bobs and vegene

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Anime games are always shit. I'm also gonna assume this has QTEs.

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I love this one.

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saved. thats golden

t. /cgl/ roastie

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The best.

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Kill la Kill was trash, so no.

i had better people to work with user like the AX staff who set up this shit

No you.


Uh, ya. I have her and Satsuki's figmas. Love em to bits, glad I bought them when they were cheap.

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>reddit tier """anime"""

>doesn't require muh life fiber hybrid special body
>can handle Junketsu, the more powerful godrobe through her sheer will power when other people couldn't even use more than 3 star uniform
>can use most of its power without having to communicate to it
>doesn't require Scissor Blade™ the most powerful weapon that are capable of cutting through the Goku Uniforms and Kamui
>best ass and boobs

No, but I will buy Satsuki's game.

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Absolutely, i always wanted to fight people online with Nui and make them rage quit

everything is good besides the super narrow waist.

No I will buy the Bamco stretchy pirate game

>walk around with very little on
>"why are people looking REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"

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No, she's only good for a fap and I'm not gonna buy a game to do that.

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>she's only good for a fap
nope, shes too boy-like. also
>posting scat model

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>10/10 body

pretty low standards man. she's shaped like a cardboard tube. i wouldn't even rate pic related a 10/10

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what is that in the pic?

perfect game to play with a bro and have a loser sucks winners dick since you'll be horny from the skimpy girls in it

A straw going in to someone's butt

t. Amerimutt

>women wanting to have a cake and eat it too
it's nothing new. unless the guy's the literal 10/10 apex alpha male who makes at least six figures, he's not permitted to look at her, even if she's below 5/10.

It seems more of her organs are missing.

Luckily she's the main character, but shame on anyone who hates on her beloved imouto.

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What game is that?

>Arena Fighter

Couldn't even just make it a Dynasty Warriors like game? It's trash, but it would be a lot cooler.

Death el Death

Murder she Wrote

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>Pii U
Fix that to be PS4

Who is she?

Gideon Meriweather on twitter.

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Any pics of her?

I need footage of story mode before I buy this.

There's a 1v100 musou like mode at least.

The series makes me horny.

probably not, also her sister's better

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oh I have part two

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Satsuki is her sister????

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>Kill la Kill game
Real shit!?
>Arena fighter
I sleep.

why was that worth mentioning user

Ding ding.

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>being such an impulsive nigger with zero self-control that you literally can’t help but touch a female off the basis that “SHE LOOK GUD”

please consider therapy

only of you buy akko's game

you did buy her game, didn't you?

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akkos game was bad
just like her show

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Take that back!

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I wanna fuck this retard up the butt.

the cutest

Looks like anime arena trash. I will require screenshots of Satsuki's fat ass though.

I'm going to play as Nonon!

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best girl will be op wont she?

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as a fan of the series, I won't, looks pretty shit to me

you think it doesn't?

>that whole doujin

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>anime BDs didn't show nips

worthless trash show

Are there any screenshots of the Switch version? I want it buy it there as I'm more likely to have the online service on that console than PS4. I feel like the small playerbase it's likely to have will be on PS4 though. I mostly just don't want it to look absolutely disgusting on Switch, it seems like Dragonball ended up looking fine.

I wish it was coming to Xbox as well, I have an X.

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it'll probably just look the same

i dont think there is any swtich footage at all
though there is barley any footage at all for the game to be fair

I would like this animu more if it wasn't so sexualised.
Although I know that that this oversexualisation is kind of a point here.

I'll buy both of their games

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Why not both?

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Oh god please no

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is it yuri?


Would you lick Satsuki's hairy anus?

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too old

my dick that trap has a nice feminine body

Meltyfate a cute!!! A CUTE!!!

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Guy who took the photo showed up in a thread on Yea Forums and she was a lady according to him, and was apparently very nice

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My hotwife Satsuki is so cute.

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it really was a crime that they didnt show nipples in the anime.

skinny pale girls is my fetish

wouldnt you like to know

She has a nice butthole btw

source of claim

Homicide la Homicide


>we live in a world where 4/10s think they can do whatever they want without being criticized

It would be an honour.

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I'm keeping an eye out. I love KlK but arena fighters tend to suck, but if this one is at least above average I'll pick it up.

Yes. I will also install lewd mods.

Gobblin my knobblin that's what turns me on.

no mako
no buyko


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Grill la Grill

favorite cross over meme

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best girl

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Nui best girl no question

>has inferior ass and boobs to her sister
>pathetic fanbase has to try and say she has an ass
stay delusional

How can other girls even compete?

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