This is literally all the 2010s have to offer in terms of good games

This is literally all the 2010s have to offer in terms of good games.

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Bloodborne and Guilty Gear are better than all those.

*blocks your path*

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hahaha oh wow

Bloodborne? Hello?

Is Hollow Knight actually good? because that's the only game I haven't played there

+Dmc5 and BB and that's all folks

>no witcher

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>Hollow Knight
>Not only that but at the same level of AAA titles

>I choose not to like things in case Yea Forums disagrees and laughs at me
If that's all the fun you had in 10 years I pity you.

Pretty sure Fallout nv came out in 2010

Overrated. Good dlc tho
YRC is a bad mechanic. Kill yourself.

4/10 at least you didn't say Monster Hunter Awakening.

>Many people like OP have such a limited scope on video games that they think 2010s didn't have many good games

It's honestly sad I'm not mad. You simply have to play a wide range of games to enjoy gaming as a whole. Not everything will be 10/10 but there are many 9/10s and 8/10s.

Most video games are not good most are simply made to put a product out and not out of a labor of love we all know that.

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Yeah nah all that shit is boring
Grand Battle is where it is at

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Because it's bad

>YRC is a bad mechanic. Kill yourself.
YRC is bad, but not bad enough that Xrd is worse than any image in the OP.

BB still beats all of those and YRC is funner than FRC.
Those other games are extremely overrated. Nier is a bad game. Dark Souls is extremely overrated with arguably the worst gameplay in the series, second worst levels, etc. Hollow Knight is a good game, but nothing special and the gameplay is dull. Finally, BotW is nothing more than a tech demo collectathon

t. Every PS4 owner

Not as good as people make it out to be even though reddit seens to have an obsession with it

Good argument.

But that's just your opinion though

I tried playing #2 but I didn't get why people like the series

Do ya like 2D indie metroidvanias, Billy? Because it's one of those.

He said good games


This decade was based for games

>Only playing pc games
Just fucking leave non-idort scum

Really Nier? Waifufags are the worst.


>Nier Automata

>generic metroidvania indie game #8424

botw is cookie cutter garbage and hollow knight was ruined by its dlcs
xenoblade 2 and witcher 3 should be up there instead

What;s the difference between Hollowknight and Shovelknight? I haven't played either but I keep confusing them.

>Alan Wake
>Red Dead Redemption
>Fallout NV
>Dead Space 2
>LA Noire
>Hotline Miami
>Spec Ops: The Line
>Sleeping Dogs
>Zelda: LBW
>Call of Juarez Gunslinger
>Alien: Isolation
>Bayonetta 2
>Evil Within
>Dying Light
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
>Axiom Verge
>Sonic Mania
All better than BotW and We Forgot to Finish Our Janky Game Souls.

He posted Nier and BotW user. He doesn't know what a good game is.

Shovel knight is like mega man and duck tales, Hollow knight is like castlevania and metroid

one is a metroidvania and the other is Ducktales for the NES.

Fuck off you contrarian faggot, nothing is good in your eyes.

>Dark Souls
Demon's is better, so it counts as 2010s.
>Hollow Knight
Replace with Drakengard 3.
Why play that when Majora's Mask and OoT exist?

>unironically thinking those games are better

la-mulana 2
rain world
the witness
and a bunch more

Dsrk souls is

Funny thing is you are probably a contrarian that hates popular games like TLOU

Automata-haters have no taste and probably never experienced the unmatchable feeling of late '90s anime and comics. Name one(1) game that better replicates that feeling, from the past five years.

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True but sad. I want to play good and new vidya, I want to feel genuinely excited for a new game again.

>Drakengard 3
Look, I enjoyed it as well, but we both know it isn't a good game.

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>thinking that they're not

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You should really off yourself user

I didn't really like Breaft of the Wild very much. But besides that it pretty much agree.

>waifu faggotry the game

Even bigger yikes.

>Drakengard 3

How come every time I see some random unknown game I've literally never heard of before I can tell instantly its going to be some anime shit

>ctrl + F
>Titanfall 2: 0 results

So this is where all the fags are

>breath of the wild
Nice joke OP.
It is the first Zelda that I couldn’t even be bothered to complete because the combat and gameplay was just so bad and the content so repetitive

You're right
He didn't say great games


not admitting that TW3, Bloodborne, and RDR2 are great games is the most contrarian shit

Witcher is shit as well
The new god of war is much better

Darkest dungeon
Risk of rain

Add Bloodborne and remove hallowknight

>Spec Ops: The Line
pretentious bullshit

Ninja Theory trash

>Add Bloodborne
it's a worse dark souls

Played the first to the 4th act before I gave up on it getting better. I liked that your spells/buffs had interesting effects and whatnot but it was so dull in every other aspect I never bothered playing the other 2

Bro you forgot Uncharted 4, The last of Us, God of War, Horizon and Spiderman!

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>Branch D intensifies

Not him, but it's much better.

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>Have Nier there but not Bloodborne

>all the seething ps4 drones itt

nobody would literally care about Bloodborne if ps4 had other games

it's literally a worse dark souls.
t. played all 4

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please don't be bait, please don't be bait

dark souls 2 does not count

True, but BB is easily the best one.

All dead and unsuccessful games

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>/Back pedaling general/

>posting a game forgotten earlier than CupHead

RDR is dead and unsuccessful compared to Skyrim tho

LMAO you wish partner. It will pass that dead games lifetime sales this year

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just lookin at thoose games i can tell OP is a 3rd world switchlet with a prebuild rig, his father(brother) bought when OP was 8 years old (3years ago). please leave this place as long as you´re able kid

No it won't. RDR topped out at 20m. Skyrim has sold over 90m copies

Skyrim is at 30-35 million kiddo. RDR2 has done 23 million on 2 console's already in 5 months. Next gen and PC ports not even here yet.

Bethesda shit is dead

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>PC ports

Skyrim sold 22m on PS3 alone user...

of those I only liked dark souls

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Both play like dogshit. Debate over.

Is that Doug Dimmadome owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome?

>pc port
ohnonononono hahahahahaha

more like
Suck for you to miss on great games because it hasn't been marketed enough for you to notice.

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That's like half a million per release then, not that impressive.

Could be worse, they could be irrelevant trash like any Fromsoft shillware

>AAA titles

Japanese humor.

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Titanfall 1 was better because no superhero FPS protags, just boots on the ground special forces as the player-characters. Very good.

What is the XCOM revival?

Hollow Knight wasn't even the best indie game of it's release year

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where's styx

cameltoes don't work like that in real life

If indie shit was $60 you would hate them

cuphead is too difficult

Gaming journalists!

How did vidya get so good?

Breath of the Wild does not belong there. No I’m not a Sony fag or PC fag; I played it and it’s a 7/10 at best.

Japan and Japanese influences.

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Eh, I liked bloodborne better.

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More like Boobborne.

thats just your opinion, wrong, but still just an opinion

No shit, Sherlock, if it wasn't his opinion, he'd have specified it as fact.

no, he states it as facts, he should just say "in my opinion these are best games in 2010" not "these are best games of 2010" and like i said they are wrong, but he can spew what he wants