borderlands 3 is going to be announced by the end of this year
what are some things you want/dont want in the game
Borderlands 3 is going to be announced by the end of this year
I want a return of the linear scaling and story that was content to mostly stay in the background from the first Borderlands. I think only the latter is remotely likely though. Also, no more fucking amp shields.
Only thing I care:
+ Kreig
I don't want this game.
less focus on big numbers
more focus on unique actions that BL2 started with some gun brands
I stopped playing the more serious difficulty of 2 because of how it was balanced around slag being utterly mandatory, so that can fuck off
Squirting mechanics.
I stopped playing borderlands because i dont have friends :(
What I want is a good game. What I dont want is any borderlands game.
>what are some things you want
>epic game store exclusive
>shitty meme writing
>randy pitchford
these are all guaranteed, and everything i dont want in a looter shooter
Guns that are actually fun to use and proper scaling so everything isn't a bulletsponge.
More sirens
Bring back my nigga Roland
New planet but with no gimmicky garbage like oxygen and slag
Worthwhile BL1 style loot system
Endgame content that doesnt force autistic MMO tier grinding but instead rewards it
ummm sorry no butt hurt trumpies allowed in this thread
just because borderlands 2 made a joke about the orange fool doesnt mean the rest of us didnt love it
Yeah about that, how about the sister?
Just want it to BTFO all the copycat looter shooters that have cropped up over the years.
Someone redpill me why redditarians think Borderlands is good.
like this one
Return to the slightly cringey but not so bad humor of 1 vs the literal meme shit of 2, more characters. Weren't enough in the base game. Epic exclusive just because I like seeing faggots cry about it.
>Do not want
Endless dlc, lootboxes, no fucking memetrap. We'll be getting both though because its modern day Gearbox and Randy has to fund his cuck fetish somehow, I hear bulls aren't cheap.
I just want Krieg. If I get Krieg, I will buy this game.
Non cringey dialogue that's outdated months after release.
grind loop is solid, humor is mainstream and easy to understand
Because everyone loves handsome jack for some reason.
borderlands 2 has very smooth gameplay and great shooting mechanics and is even more fun when you play with frens
I want it to be primarily a co-op experience perhaps even an MMO.Playing with others made grinding bearable
Needs to be an MMO with multiple planets and vaults like the end of the second game teased. Should compete with destiny, but without all the content gated behind using external apps to find people to play it with.
>better writing
>either improved vehicle combat or less vehicle combat
>please god keep couch coop
>no more jewish dlc fuckery
I want decent writing.
None of this meme filled nonsense that plagued BL2 and TPS
I want more memes. I want it be the meme-eyist most big dick energyist most cringiest compilationist game that has ever existed.
If theres a character creator im gonna be pissed.
but the dlcs were great tho
There's been fucking tech demos for borderlands 3 for ages you fucking retards
Make high level play a bit less demanding that players farm for perfect gear.
Other than that, I think Borderlands was one of the most underrated series of the last generation.
I liked BL2, but I literally don't even know what you're talking about
For Gearbox to shut down and the IP sold to a better company.
Playable Captain Scarlett. Shit DLC, top-tier pirate wench.
2 abilities per character this time, with one of them being highly intractable or entirely player controlled.
>throwing an automated bird
>spawning an automated robot
>spawning a turret
>spawning another turret because they were really lazy
>holding an enemy in the air but can't do anything else with that
>duel wielding
Very few mechanics within skill trees made one character feel distinct from the others. I wanted to be able to Phase Lock as Maya and throw the target afterwards, something like Teleknesis from Rubick in Dota. Press once to do what it already does, press again to throw in the direction your aiming.
I liked Borderlands 1 for it's mad max style setting
It also had better story, writing and the humor wasn't stupidly over the top.
no epic store
i just hope my pc can run it
Number 1 was the best. It had more of a spaghetti western thing going. 2 had better gameplay but fighting robots and worms is boring and having to match elemental damage to enemy weakness sucked. It made it so that I couldn't have my one favorite gun. And what's with all the gays in 2 and the pre sequal?
I want Gaige back, but barefoot
>epic store bad
haha no
Maybe one of her skills could be stepping on the enemy lol and it would zoom in on her toes crushing the skull would be funny, as a joke haha
Burch got his slimy fingers all over everything
The first game had dark humor without getting too goofy, and didn't go full retard with the plot by constantly trying to push you as some big fucking hero last hope of Pandora. You played as a bunch of shithead thieves who just happened to do some good because the Crimson Lance got in your way. The landscape felt like an arid, inhospitable wasteland. Tannis was broken without being a lolsorandum retard. It actually felt like a bandit-covered backwater shithole and not some goofy meme-driven slapstick comedy
The DLC zones for 2 were head and shoulders above the base game because it had writers that weren't stuck up their own ass about how 'epic' they wanted the game to feel
dlcs were alright but it was shit like the season pass and goty edition not including all content
what's the fucking point of them if you still need to buy more shit
Ok, but she's missing a few toes and her left foot is deformed.
>Playing Tales of the Borderlands
>It is absolute, pure kino
>Suddenly in a later episode a few lines hit me
>They are not only out of place, but painfully unfunny
>Find out later they were the lines written by Burch
Never doubt the Burch.
i want a claptraps even more secretier stash
it allows you to switch guns and gear between games
why not
they can detect if you have the previous games installed for certain skins and stuff
why not swap weapons between the characters from another borderlands game
postem boys
fuck off, literally no one, except shit eating, mouth breathing retards wanted a continuation of this boring ass series.
>bl1, muh vault
>reach the end, its some lame, bullet spongey squid monster
>bl2, muh Angel, muh Jack, muh imma kills u vault hunters lolz
i dont even remember much of that stupid plot and story, as it was totally forgettable
ffs, even the DLC was fucking shitty and otherwise forgettable too, except maybe Mr. Torgue cause Macho Man Randy Savage was fuckin awesome
>Stop liking things I don't like.
>shit that no one said but me
>haha le upboat lols xD
kill yourself you waste of space
why are you so angry
did this game kill your mom?
I hack the game and have everything maxed out
>Seething over vidya.
Donald J Trump - President of the United States of America
>playing games for the story
Don't you have book to read or a movie to watch?
>point out shitt forgettable story
>bland boring gameplay
>omg u no like borderlands, must be mad
do you have a single digit IQ?
cause man, that is a shitload of stupid
Unironically this along with Krieg or a Krieg-esque character. Anarachy and melee Krieg are fun.
does anyone else unironically like claptrap
i do
and hang yourself after your done
sure doesn't stop other games from having an otherwise entertaining, memorable story.
a good recent example is RE2 remake, people still discussing the Original 2 vs remake, and other RE game's stories
something borderlands will never have is a memorable story
>I have no friend to play with and point out retarded things like the story being bland in a loot shooter
I want all manufacturers to make every type of gun, even if their gimmick wouldn’t work for the weapon. Hyperion Rocket Launchers, Tediore Snipers, Vladof Shotguns, etc. Jakob’s would be the exception since their gimmick and stylistic choice wouldn’t allow it, but fuck it, who gives a shit about Jakob’s besides Anarchy Gaiges
And bring back Atlas since now you got the events of Tales From The Borderlands to work with
>disagree with something
>automatically start spouting trump shit
absolute retard.
I know they're going to find a way to put Jack in it.
I don't care if it's a flashback, ECHO log, an AI, a robot Jack, one of the doppelgangers returns, his long-lost brother, whatever
please just move on
>borderlands 3 is going to be announced by the end of this year
its getting announced in 2 weeks
are you a retard
only retards like this shitty ass excuse for a gmae
you should be the one hanging yourself
>judging games based on their story
You are everything that's wrong with vidya nowdays.
here's what i want:
>cryo weapons return
>playable ROBOTS because FUCK humans
>GOOD, interesting enemies. less fucking worms and shit and cooler bandits. not like the incredibly forgettable scavs in TPS. (there was potential there for funny australian bants but they didn't capitalize on it.)
>laser weapons return
>better movement options. faster movement.
>make rocket launchers worth using
>flame/elemental throwers
>lilith stops having such a central role in the story because she's an insufferable bitch at this point
>more underdog stories, less BADASS LE EPIC ASSASSINS TRAINED TO KILL EPICLY vault hunters. (maybe some bandit VHs this time?)
>tftbl writers on board
>less skill tree emphasis on teamwork; make skills that can synergize with others, but are also viable in solo play
>less emphasis on elemental advantages in gunplay. i hate having to use guns i don't like for specific enemies
>more interesting battles, less bullet sponges
I wanna fuck Maya
The only acceptable one would be to bring back Timothy/the Doppelgänger from TPS as an NPC or something, let them satisfy themselves by adding in Jacks voice but still have him dead and done with in canon. plus it might be an interesting situation to see how a normal guy who got drafted into a bad job is handling having the face and voice of the most hated man in the galaxy
>tfw you'll never eat her ass and then fuck it until you creampie it
About to kms if we're being honest
Good news one of the characters is a robot hunter dude.
>Better inventory management
>Better action skills than tps (they suck)
>A good melee character
>Cute waifus
>No annoying and ultimately unnecessary mechanics like slag or the bee
>Skill tree desing with max level post launch in mind, or good balance in other words
>No quest unique weapons/gear
>make rocket launchers worth using
Nothing wrong with them.
amp shields were so fucking pointless.
What I'd want is proper scaling so things don't become ridiculous bullet sponges while being able to one shot me regardless of any shield I equip. Amp shields became mandatory for damage but you turned into a glass cannon. Slag felt too necessary to compensate for how spongey they became. Shit was wack.
Hard to say. I just hope that there is more then 1 raid boss to start as I enjoyed doing them with friends.
Slag felt necessary because it was. Slag effects are increased on higher difficulty and weapon switching is quicker to help with slagging. I recall my Siren in multiplayer being built to slag quickly simply so I could take care of that for the team. Not saying it was a good choice but it was intentional. PS plz have one of the characters have a revive as good as Siren from 2. Was so fun keeping my best friend who was the psycho alive with it.
>borderlands 3 is going to be announced by the end of this year
End of this month you mean.
I finally want to be one of the 1,000,000 people to have fucked Moxxi
Daily reminder that it will have denuvo, be available only on epic store and be always online.
This. Krieg is fun.
Remove the mandatory story dialogue. The absolute worst part of BL2 and TPS is being forced to stand around while shit you don't care about plays out.
Reminder that Borderlands was the most heavily marketed game on Yea Forums.
3 of the 4 character designs were leaked. OP is the "soldier". One eye is the assassin and hobo robo is some sort of beast trainer. We dont know what the siren looks like but I heard shes a muscular black female.
I never really cared about him/them.
The whole "OH MAN CLAPTRAP IS SO ANNOYING" feels like a forced meme in itself.
oh fuck the robot is kinda hot
not digging soldier 76 and the other one but i guess they're alright
I sleep.
>the ability trees offer more ways to vary up/empower your ability outside of just some form of stacking buff
>bring back atlas
>never bring back slag
>make good weapons more useful than for just two/three levels
>no more Handsome Jack
>bring back Revolvers as their own weapon class
>bring the team from TFTBL to write the story
>no more burch
In the lore of borderlands I know I cant believe there is extended lore either we know one of the other siren in the universe is an old wizard type dude. We could have a literal badass ancient wizard but no that would be to cool huh.
>Male siren
Aren't they only female and only 6 can exist at one time?
Unless we get an actual semen demon I will never not be angry we don't get that.
according to jack
he might as well be wrong
No sirens can be male apparently though its rarer.
>Tannis is not what she seems
Post your theories.
atlas is coming back and burch is working somewhere else as a coffee boy
>trailer starts
>this summer...
>everyone's favorite robot..
>is BACK.
>*cut to Handsome Jack clone/hologram/whatever asspull they use to bring him back* What a bummer!
>*Claptrap wakes up giddy for the morning as the Vault is opened in the distance, his alarm is still going off and he can't hear it, scrolls through some messages, looks up as he's about to read "VAULT HUNTERS WANTED" remember to wake up Sir Hammerlock who's alarm is the local radio
>Hammerlock: "Just go on without me, man."
>Four Vault hunters will find themselves
>Claptrap: "What?! The Vault is opened?"
>Tiny Tina: "Really?"
>and maybe Claptrap
>Claptrap: "And Handsome Jack opened it?"
>Tiny Tina: "wow REALLY?"
>but first they have to find Handsome Jack
>Jack: "I know what girls like!"
>*presents a bundle of fire flowers to the late Nisha*
>*Nisha's corpse tips over, hitting him in the balls*
>who might need to be saved from the [vault creature's name]
>girl vault hunter voiced by who do you fucking think, it's Kristy Pitchford *flosses*
>this summer is going to be
>*montage of guns/enemies being shot*
>*claptrap doing the default dance*
>Mr. Torque: "awwwwwkward"
>this summer is going to be
>*montage of certified BADASS moments*
>*claptrap doing a head spin*
>this summer is going to be!
>*montage of every time they say BADASS in the game*
>Lands 3
If they did this is would be Based.
I want a loli playable character.
Is it worth pulling through the 8 hour tutorial that is Borderlands 1 to get to the good shit?
>bring back my nigga roland
why anyone would want that nigger with the personality of cardboard is beyond me
My prediction. They release Borderlands 1 remastered, then announce BL3 early summer and release it after the sommer. That way they made sure that a lot of people got heard of the series and re-invested into it through the remaster.
Bruh, do you want it to be dead within the first few months or something? Singleplayer with good co-op is much better
i know this is a reference to that mario post but it hurts me further to know that they'd absolutely do some shit like this
i like it when numbers get bigger
Moxxi is strange for me in that they can’t decide whether she’s a flirty sex hound or a single mom with depth (engineer, skilled fighter, girl with high standards, etc.)
To me she shifts into both characters like the other half doesn’t exist depending whether or not they want to crack a sex joke, I think the closest thing to balance was Wedding Day Massacre
>no more meme writing. ever.
>better inventory UI
>more character interactions
>cryo weapons
>TFTB characters show up
>no slag focused higher difficulty
>no slag at all actually fuck that
>new planet with low g areas
thats all i need
-Tiny tina
-Revolvers not being bunched with pistols
-Remove Tediore
-Double the amount of playable characters
-New vehicles(and areas that utilizes them well)
-Throw out anything pvp related
>claptrap referencing fortnite
>outdated pop song
skippable cutscenes
more fast travel options
based and claptrapilled
Make it a MMO.
-good classes like maya/sal/gaige, not like axton/roland/any of the presequel classes
-less passive abilities and more active skills on cooldowns instead of only having one "action skill"
-legendaries that actually drop from all enemies rather than having to farm one boss for a worthwhile weapon. I always had legendaries in BL1 because they dropped often. I never had them in BL2 unless i specifically farmed for the ones I wanted. Which in turn made replays stale because I would always end up with the same weapons at around the same time in the game
-skills that benefit the entire team and encourage working together
-more manufacturers with new weapon quirks
-multiple planets
-character customization
don't want
-SJW shit
-summoner classes
-slag or anything similar
-shift codes and the golden lootchest
probably more but I can't think of anything. If the game has more of my don't wants than my wants, or if the classes look like shit I won't buy it. I don't think Gearbox has it in them to make another good game. BL1/BL2 seem like flukes to me. We'll see
So, why is Badass Ranks so hated other than being kind of overpowered?
>Putting a spoiler in the comment while the gif makes it obvious
Frens and numbers getting bigger
Source: Dude, just trust me
Borderlands already has fast movement. Even faster would make them sprint 24/7
If they carry over the scoot being dead thing she'll probably be back
I want Tales of the Borderlands Season 2, or atleast have that story integrated into BL3.
Fiona should be a Vault Hunter
Revolvers as a weapon class and no bullet sponges that ruin 99% of the guns.
It would be weird for a robot to wear that much clothing
so i'm assuming he's a dude with some mechanical armor.
Still cool tho, i just don't like the axton/soldier 76 fusion. Fuck old people in shooters, he will probably have some corny lines about the youth
I want the weapon makers to not have gimmicks like how it was in B1. I want some REAL variety. Tenfold what we had for weapons in B2. Also, fuck the cringy writing in B2
i guarantee you that old guy will have atleast one boomer meme line
no, that shit gay
people like to think they're the handsome jack of their life or the intellectual rick etc because they have hidden beta anger and think they're better than they are. there you go. i solved it.
i hope they bring back the bane smg and the red text is reference to the plane scene from the dark knight rises
According to what exactly?
Only if Tina is a playable character.
Intelligent post
>Tfw nisha is fucking dead
>WE killed her
It's going to be announced March 28th.
Do you guys even want the leaks/rumors? I'm getting tired of posting them in these threads and everyone just ignores it in favor of their fanfictions.
It's what she would've wanted
Unless she ages and matures I want nothing to do with that ugly fuck rodent
>trusting leaks in current year
What if due to eridium she was unable to age and looked like a little girl forever haha wouldn't that be funny?
>Erudium poisoning causes her to undergo rapid aging
>She develops big tits and thicc ass, while still wearing the kiddy clothes that nearly burst open
I want it to not be an MMO-lite.
>the cursed gun
>all its voice lines are rapid fire baneposting.
for me its the antagonist
I agree with most of this but I don't mind the elemental weapons. Otherwise people would just use the one single gun all the time, and it gets boring fast. Now if you mean get rid of the cancer that is forced slag use... that I can get on board with.
I just want them to not fuck up on making and using a hub world like they did in presequel. The town you find at the start was clearly supposed to be s hub, but I never had any reason to return so when I finally did, all the side quests were beneath me
i got some bad news for ya
rumors say that the sanctuary mining ship is going to be the players home/hub and you have an area in house to show off your loot
but thats just rumors
and i dont really mind having a hub
More fun types for fucks sake. Give me a grenade launcher, a flame thrower, anything like that. Maybe a re-do of the melee system too, but I could see an argument for that missing the spirit of the game.
Same, but on my dick.
They really fucked themselves over with inflated numbers like this. Holy shit.. The number one reason I can't go back to BL2.
better melee wont miss the spirit of the game in my opinion
we need more viable melee builds tho
every build is just HoT with a rapier and chainlightning/stormfront for depleting shields
I liked Wilhelm in the presequel...
For me it's the Sham
sadly accurate
Remove raid bosses, they're gay as fuck.
Yeah I only enjoyed playing as Krieg as well
Claptrap is a good lad.
Where is this from?
have you tried BL2 mods?
Why tho? Did they realize it was dying and they wanted to leave something in there to get people talking?
>there's a place in TPS where the Claptrap's have a hidden dialogue about this franchise being infested by shitty memes
I don't want:
Borderlands 3
I want:
A gf
Strong female characters
>Nisha was so fucking OP, hot and easy to master
>Never using her again cause she is fucking dead
Yet Borderlands 3 is a fact and you
getting laid is but a dream
I feel like I made a mistake going Athena but it seemed cannon.
This was in the DLC missions so Battleborn was already dead by then. They were just fulfilling the Season Pass obligation. I suspect this was planned from the beginning and hinting toward BL3 was supposed to be a bigger event.
gimme cryo and the chance to shoot lilith in the vag
First playthrough i did the same, but Nisha is so fucking easy to use and you can cheese the game with a good smg, like the Torrent which is a fucking awesome gun desu
>borderline tards are so autistic they take it literally when jack says he is the hero
>Make Lilith a power lusting killable boss, which is pretty obvious since TPS
Its kinda understandable in The presequel, he was still a good guy and tried to save countless lives so he could live his dream of being a hero
But people forgets that he is obviously authistic and dumb/edgy as fuck
Can i get uhhhh
oh and i also meant to include ellie
i wanna be able to smell her braps in the vr version
Can you play the reborn mod with a pirated copy of BL2?
>tfw Wilhelm and Timothy are fucking dead
>WE killed them
Timothy had plastic surgery
The guy from Opportunity was using a holo device to look like Jack so
>Timothy is alive
>so is Aurelia
Anyone else hoping old playable characters make a comeback? Pretty much all of the classes in TPS were amazing, but the level and scaling in that game is so fucking ass you can't really enjoy them.
Kreig is my spirit animal
I hope Sir Hammerlock and Aurelia do the Vault Hunter gameplay overview for 3.
I dont feel like having three fucking sniper classes in the same game
>A character as well designed as Zer0.
>An option to turn off dialogue.
>Less uniques that are either useless or a button to inmediately destroy yourself for the sake of "haha it's joke weap xD"
>Have the UVHM difficulty unlocked from the start so I don't have to play through Normal and TVHM.
And last but not least
>Release the game with the actual fucking level cap instead of making me pay for it twice
This game is gearbox's last stand, if they fuck this up, they're done.
>>An option to turn off dialogue.
this was in BL2
im looking forward to rick and morty references, shitting on trump, and most importantly, MOAR BADDASSERY!!!!
How does that even work?
consensus is that presequel classes were the best ever in a borderlands game
Didn't burch get shitcanned? So while I don't expect NO sjw bullshit and "LE ORANGE MAN BAD HNNRGH" I doubt it'll be anywhere near as bad as if he was there.
I doubt they’ll take a jab at Trump, but I’m like 80 percent sure they’ll drop a reference to the high IQ Rick and Morty pasta
Except Claptrap, which is the ultimate support class
But sucks doing anything else
>But sucks doing anything else
user did you ever play an explosives claptrap? Get a good torgue shotgun on that build and it wipes the fucking floor with everything.
the level cap was increased when UVHM
then the level cap was increased when the OP levels were added
if youre playing normal and tvhm you dont need those extra 22 levels
Post your favourite characters from each game
"Even my brain dead nephew could do that, and his favorite show is The Huge explosion hypothesis"
Or some shit like that, i dont remember very well but that joke was there
I will try that
*Half assed guitar noises* YEAH
for me its gaige
Gameplay wise?
Revolver Mordecai
Fire guns Krieg
Aurelia (she's retardedly good (and satisfying) if you can aim well and headshot consistently)
This is what I thought
If it's even just average, that could be it. Another Duke Nukem Forever.
To be fair, good accuracy is easy to get at this game
More skill variation instead of being a 1 trick pony.
It was mainly a caveat for people like a few of my friends who insist her and BL1 Mordy are "impossible to play well" because you "just can't headshot anything often in these games".
>tfw no playable Hammerlock
You should try an a four person Claptrap run
I played that one time with three other fags from /vg/ it was a great time
>Its going to come back with the SINGLE active skill, braindead skill tree, the incredibly deep 3 equipment slots, samey weapons, bullet sponges to hell and back and that marvelous fucking writing
>Or its going to be a lite destiny clone with "badass" and memes plastered all over the place
Choose one
Thats all Randy will be able to think of and you know it
Boomtrap build + Flakker shotgun was stupid OP, I regularly solo’d the raid boss by using it, plus crossing my fingers and hoping that I got Funzerker or Mechromancer for even higher damage output
Lilith and Brick in 1
Krieg and Zero In 2
Aurelia and Athena in TPS, Claptrap if I played solo since i don’t like to make my friends hate me for his skill
anyone wanna play BL2 with me?
But user, Aurelia Hammerlock is playab;e in TPS.
wow I cant wait to be an EPIC BADASS memester. yikes! oof. hit or miss I guess I never miss huh? you're looking a little chungus, GUUUN GAAAAANG
But it wasnt though?
There isnt an option to off cutscenes or dialog because most game triggers are tied to dialogue. You can turn voice audio but that doesnt stop the characters from talking.
>lilith stops having such a central role in the story because she's an insufferable bitch at this point
I either want her dead or someone to tell her that Handsome Jack was basically her fault.
>More cosmetic customization with the classes
>For the classes to have dialogue and interact with others like in Pre Sequel
>the ability to customize your weapons, such as specific camos and attachments rather then getting stuck with a sniper scope on a shotgun
>better Action Skills
Don't Want
>Microtransaction hell
>for it to become an mmo-lite
>some controversy because they become more heavy handed with the progressive shit
All the mechanics from 2 and TPS. Better graphics. More places to explore. Better raid bosses (as in not just bullet sponges but actually challenging). More movement options like sliding, double jumping. More weapon manufacturers and improve the already existing ones. Either let us continue with our existing characters or if we are gonna start from 0 let us customize it to look how we want it. Finally a good story. If the are intelligent they will bring the people from Tales From the Borderlands and work something from there.
>tfw no siren gf(male)
It hurts
Oh and also new movement options. The ability to slide and a character with a grapple hook or something would be cool
>the ability to customize your weapons, such as specific camos and attachments rather then getting stuck with a sniper scope on a shotgun
Farming is one of the things that makes the game appealing
I want the game to be FUN
Is that too much to ask for?
>I either want her dead
If they're not stupid they'll have her become an enemy at some point in BL3, she's obviously getting to the level where she's dangerously unstable and I can't imagine her eridium addiction is just going to vanish into thin air.
I hate what they did to the returning characters from 1. Except Brick. Brick was alright.
Don't see how that would suddenly remove farming. If anything it would add more if attachments became it's own thing to farm
"scooter is kill"
post the leak heroes please.
>Roland loses all personality and character
>Lilith becomes such a raging cunt that 99% of discussions about the characters in the game include people wanting her to be killed off in the next game
>Mordecai becomes a snivelling little bitch
Brick is based for just staying Brick
but then they would be microtransactions for the special attachments
Mordecai in 1
>cool sniper with a bit of latin flair
>is just out for the loot and glory
>more than JUST a sniper
Mordecai in 2
>muh bird
>muh booze
>ey amigo bring me muh cerveza
Also for a game that championed itself as progressive they pretty much whitewashed Roland and made Mordecai a stereotypical lazy drunk Mexican.
>announced by the end of this year
Fuck that. It has been too long. Just release already.
>Also for a game that championed itself as progressive
it also used the term midget alot and also the very first enemy encounter was an ape named after a racial slurr
Who was the Anti-Burch on the writing team? Mikey Neumann?
but that would alienate the entire ps4 community
>what are some things you want
character customization
>dont want
forced memes
That is the end of the year, user
>source is an event that wont be happening for another two weeks
what do you think
is this guy a larping retard or from the future
Add swords
Remove the plot
I just want the Tales writers back
I want the option to play as the old characters again, specifically Lilith because she was pretty fun to play in the first game. If Brick and Mordecai are going to be playable again they'd need a rework though. I'd also like to play as Torgue and Scarlett but I doubt that will ever happen.
What I don't want above all else is for BL3 to be some online only Destiny looter shit.
What story elements/lore from 1 are you most bummed about being dropped or forgotten? For me it's Brick's lost sister.
was the music from generals at the begining?
>tfw Borderlands is possibly my favourite series in games
It's a mixed sort of feel. On the one hand I recognise that some of it is obnoxious, but it just completely works for me for some reason.
more like le epic shooty lootey reddit silly meme lands amirite?
why was Tales so good m8s
Borderlands is a boring series and I'll never see the appeal of running around, shooting copy pasted enemies and grabbing copy pasted garbage "OVER BAJILION" weapons
absolutely seething
Sure thing kiddo, nice dank reddit meme you dunked on me
It took a meme IP and then made it genuinely emotional
Excellent core mechanics in the engine, a great looter system design (genuinely the best), satire, dark humor, excellent challenge scaling, top notch voice cast.
It's had some mistakes, but in general very good across every entry, with Borderlands 2 standing out as great.
stay mad
I doubt they're going to try assassin again. Zer0 was the worst character in BL2 in concept and execution.
Operative sounds like a middle ground between Zer0 and Gaige.
More gear slots. Shields, class mods, grenades, relics and perhaps one more slot. Probably more diverse O2 kits. The EDDIE was the only ozkit worth equipping in TPS
why didn't jack just set her up on the new-u station
Prepare to not be happy, lol
Just give me a fucking bandage button so I'm not doomed to bleed out if I go down after killing the last guy.
>borderlands 3 is going to be announced by the end of this year
Doubt it, people have been saying it's basically in Beta phase and Pitchford wants this thing out in stores shortly after it's officially revealed to get the maximum amount of success they can get from it.
bad bait is bad
Is Borderlands THE reddit game?
I think the setting is more interesting than people give it credit for.
I loved Handsome Jack. But that's cause it was the "I get to kill him?" reaction. Every interaction left me thinking What An Asshole. I'd probably hate him if they didn't let you kill him. But since I know the payoff is his death...I like it.
How stupid are you going to feel when user is right?
Borderlands is garbage and has never been good. I'm not even saying this because "HBURRR HURR REDDIT JOKE" but because they're genuinely ugly and boring games.
Despite going for the "cel-shaded" artstyle (less work in most cases), they manage to fuck it up. Give me a game that is cel-shaded and looks uglier than Borderlands.
Crotch gun
Someone is putting a gun to his head.
Have one Psycho do the double fingergun thing, then have another psycho have him in a headlock, pointing another fingergun at his head,
Bandit with bullymong DNA spliced into him. 4 arms. 2 doing finger guns and the last two holding a shotgun under the chin.
Would love to care but I didn't want to play those sequels because they had way too much reddit tier humor. Why didn't they model the games after the first games writing and story instead? I don't remember 1 being so cringeworthy.
BL2 had such a hype train I don't know if I want BL3 right now. They did a tech demo. Then stayed silent. We know there are possibly melee weapons. We know 3 out of 4 character concept art. There has been multiple "BL3 will be released on X date!" and "BL3 info at X event!" And pretty much jack shit from Gearbox about any of it. This lack of anything coming from me makes me feel like they don't believe in their own product.
all the vault hunters should just be Krieg
get all the quirky shit out of here
Reminder that Gaige is CUTE
slag damage is fun if you use it for literally anything other than a gun
he'll be back
they'll find a way
>ywn fuck gaiges footpussy
why live?
>Farming is one of the things that makes the game appealing
Congratulations on posting the most retarded post in the world.
Imo when they do announce it they'll have the release date really soon after the announcement, and market/hype it super hard. They'll be alright for the consoles but they're going to have to pull either some very good or very sneak marketing towards the PC crowd since it's very very likely the game will be on the epic store exclusively (IIRC Randy the retard made some very suspicious in hindsight tweets at the end of 2018 going on about how he was "excited to support the epic game store" or some shit).
*screams in corrosion*
I want Gaige's obnoxious screaming mug out of the picture entirely
I'm not going to pretend he's annoying as anything other than a notification in BL1
so just remove sprint entirely
nobody likes wearing down their left stick or holding down a button
does it fix her face?
I just can't get back into it; Borderlands 2 is filled to the brim with
>this series is pure cringe
>but Mr. Torgue is based!
Fortunately the decision isn't up to Randy. Unfortunately, that means 2k is going to be the deciding factor since they're the publisher. All we need to wonder and fear is whether Strauss Zelnik (seriously, does anyone else think that's the name of a James Bond villain?) wants a quick check from Tencent or not.
did they ever make a funny self-aware quip about how nobody bought the game?
*Unbinds reload key*
I wouldn't know since no one cares about Battleborn outside of the Borderlands 3 Easter eggs.
nigga there's porn you can get for free
anyone wanna play BL2 at all?
>Scaling talents
>Enemies with abilities besides hyperarmor and HP++++++++++++
>More non-bandit villains with actual motivations instead of the 2d cardboard cutouts that is everyone not named Jack
>Writers learning Comedic timing
>Early game not being such a goddamn chore.
>Post game not being such a goddamn chore
>Better balanced level scaling in the main game. While I hate having enemies scale I also hate ruining a perfectly good boss fight because I did the wrong sidequests first.
>Hire the decent writers from telltale. They were the good ones.
>Make mister Torque a playable character, give him some actual character development
>Retcon pre-sequel
>Hang Anthony Burch from the top of the hub. Make sure there's a giant bloody arrow pointing with the words Cuck written in blood
just give him a third arm
Is this bait or real Trump Derangement Syndrome?
The world we live in in surreal.
i can't believe bl2 came out in 2012 WHERE DID THE TIME GO
pre-sequel is better than 2
prove me wrong
But, The Bee
It was the only viable way to farm raid bosses solo.
Doesn't even have half the content and no end game.
Tales is better than both
Hi I'm handsome jack I'm here to give you some character development as to why I'm a dick in two
Actually no I just randomly murder a bunch of people in the fourth act in a sudden case of paranoia that has no buildup whatsoever. Did I mention I'm written by Anthony Burch?
is there a mod that gets rid of gaige's constant screaming?
The moment-to-moment combat was better due to the additional movement mechanics and better skill-trees, but everything else was worse.
I enjoyed playing sheriff but her voice lines were so utterly cancerous that I think my keyboard grew a tumor.
I can't imagine how high a figure must be like to buy the exclusive rights to Borderlands. That must be insanely high and even too high for Tencent. Let alone be a brand suicide when you look at recent examples. Coffee Stain Studios probably lost a good portion of future customers when they decided to pull their game.
lmao definitely sounds like one.
He'll be back as an AI
bl1 is the only good game
remaster, when?
>these shit talent trees
point in case bl1 had the best trees
it would be cool if they diverted all efforts to instead making a good sequel to Hellgate:London
dont want:
exponential hp and damage scaling
I can handle anything else
hopefully never
inb4 they change the text to the dumb funky niggershit from the sequels
literally unreadable
who the fuck thought that was a good idea
Which lines, maybe I missed them on my run throughs
I want a time skip and an older Tiny Tina. Have her 3 skill paths be explosions, lasers, and melee. Skill attack could be a shoulder or back mounted launcher that auto targets enemies or assigning priority targets.
Why? It was a good space-western shooter. And there weren't these wacky over the top cringe jokes from BL2 in yet.
No. Can I still play with friends if they install them too?
Claptrap was kino in Pre-Sequel.
VaultHunter.exe was best skill.
if it had never been in the game in the first place perhaps there would have been the slightest incentive for other methods to be viable
im guessing pol tards are living rent free in that head of yours?
For it to be more like 1 and less like 2 and PS.
lady hammerlock was amazing desu
I have a soft spot for ice magic
I just want a real Borderlands 2, man
I think there's been some achievement leaks or something for one
I want HP regen shields to be back
At least the amount there were in Borderlands I
Helps that cryo is actually fucking retard strong if your aim isn't garbage
because playing games in co-op makes it easier to see past all of the game's many flaws. People link the fun they have with their friends to the game, despite the game itself being incredibly mediocre.
No, that's from the cancelled asian "MMO"
Five bucks say they'll retcon it so that it was Timmy-Jack who got killed for his watch in BL2.
Wasn't she like too niche and squishy?
>Cryo to synergize and encourage snipers
>More snipers
the only viable regen being health steal was the other crippling issue 2 and beyond had
New-Us aren't canon, apparently.
All the side content should be well thought out and unique, even if there isn't a whole lot of it. If you want to spend endless hours shooting up psychos with friends, then add some kind of endless horde mode. Some kind of gladiator arena or something.
You can also go SMG cryo, personally I prefer her sniping though, evemies in TPS don't actually move around that much if you don't, so you can just post up and pop heads with your eleventy billion headshot damage. I remember one-shotting super badasses and silly shit like that with full spec+com in the sniper tree.
Interesting enemies and fights. Skags.
Telltale's characters to be saved from their shitty storybook.
>solid gunplay
>solid loot system
>doesn't take itself too seriously
>large levels instead of open world
>fast paced and smooth
>solid boss fights and enemy variety
It's a good game that gets boring after a while though.
More involved abilities/movement options
Just running and shooting doesn't cut it anymore, low gravity was a step in the right direction
>Level 58 no games found
>Level 56 no games found
>Level 70 no games found
>Level 31 1 game found
>Level 1 no games found
I really want to enjoy tps and get to 70 with more characters but there's nothing to do and it's fucking dead.
>Gaige comes back in BL3 as an NPC, replacing Scooter's old role as the plot-related mechanic
>She becomes something of a jab at trans people, identifying as "robot" and gradually making herself more mechanical as the game goes on
>By the end of the game, she's essentially become the new Wilhelm, except cuter and non-genocidal. And yes, technically barefoot.
Do you accept?
Should I pick 1 up? I have an Xbox1 and no paid online, but I don't like many online games anyway. I know I should pick up the 2 and Pre-Sequel bundle, since they're newer, but I wanna start at the beginning, like Mass Effect.
I like this post
They will add female psychos to the game and on the box art will be a psycho couple locking their heads together. They will be holding their inner hands together in the shape of a gun pointing towards their heads. Their outer hands will be pointing a finger gun towards each head.
I'd unironically be down for this. Unless there was some lore thing against female Psychos.
I have a feeling they're gonna bring her back but make her older and fat with the same sized prosthetic arm so one arm is much bigger than the other.
I laughed but then I also knew that feel
>what are some things you want/dont want in the game
a fun video game that's more like bl1
lilith to die off screen
don't want:
2k games to be involved
bl2 tier mmo grindy grind
>lilith offscreen death
holy fuck what sweet retribution for ruining 2/tps that would be
Custom Character with custom abilities. You can't take them into multiplayer, just singleplayer/couch co-op.
Nah, kill them off ON-SCREEN and make it mandatory, just to anger the people who did like her.
Please don't be fucking another destiny/division/anthem shit
only normietards that watch rick and morty because they think they're like rick
>haha im smarter than everyone elsse that's why im an asshole like him xD!
he's a good villain but nothing special,
The REAL reason people like borderlands:
>fun to shoot shit
>level up and get new skills
>1000+ weapons
>playing with friends is super easy and fun as fuck
Nearly all the bandits are convicts that were used by dahl as manual labor before dahl noped out and abandoned them, which is why they are overwhelmingly male. With the downfall of hyperion, it is entirely possible that some of their employees were stuck on pandora and went native, which is how I would expect them to explain female bandits if they are a thing.
I'll play with you dude. What's your Steam?
Casual Loot and Shoot
In which ways is BL not like those games? Because you can play offline?
>what are some things you want
character creation and customization beyond heads and palette swaps
>what are some things you don't want
character creation and customization beyond heads and palette swaps because 2k will turn it into 90 gorillion dlcs like bl2 or lootboxes
I want it to fail and Gearbox to crash and burn.
>BL3 announced
>Lead platform Switch
>Only real perk the other platforms get is 4-player splitscreen and higher resolution/60fps instead of 2-player split 30fps
>Still looks like a last-gen game because Gearbox can't into technical side of things
you never played borderlands right?
also playing with friends is the way to go
/ZaneGang/ report in
WW@ boomer bros?
kinda want slightly better gunplay.
it's not shit in the other games, but it could definitely be better.
i played all of these games solo and had enormous fun. i dont get why people have to force themselves to swallow the fun with friends memepill to enjoy a video game.
Shut up, DE_Steve. No one likes you any more.
ignore him. have 1k+ hours across the series, all of it solo, still the funnest game I own. nothing wrong with not requiring the validation of others in order to have fun with a game.
... Heyoo?
I did. I enjoyed Destiny a bit, haven't played Anthem or The Division. That's why I ask, the games seem kinda similar in their cores
>the genre about looting shit
>marketing is literally bazilion weapons and stuff
>in B2 your main objective is to grind specific item for your character
You see this shit Randy. Fix it for fucks sake.
>all this shilling for krieg
damn, Yea Forums really is reddit.
daily reminder /ourguys/ are only Gaige and Maya and everyone else is a shitty cringefest.
>friends memepill
tfw you're so lonely you think friendss are memes
i get wanting to play the game alone at least once to explore everything and such...but ONE THOUSAND HOURS, alone...damn
>muh linear scaling
FUCK off dude.
you're correct then, haven't played the division but i can tell you anthem is a borefest even with friends :(
fuckable? yes.memorable and interesting? fuck no
>he didn't used gibbed tools to invent his own items, customize the parts and colors, and have boundless fun and ignoring the mmo grind
learn to enjoy the freedom given to you
>having fun with friends it's validation
coping this hard with being lonely
Continue. I would also like to add Maya and Lilith to that list too. Maybe Athena too.
I want Gearbox to fuck off and die.
I don't want Borderlands 3.
BL3 endgame should allow you to customize the shit out of your guns, expensive, so you don't end up with 999999999999999 like every game, custom colors custom parts custom bullet types, that would be dope
she gets some character development in the dlcs. shes kinda cute and awkward. really hoping she becomes an actual character in bl3 though like how the bl1 gang did in bl2
i dont' want it! that means no one else should enjoy something i don't like!!!!!!
She's a pirate, the fuck do you expect? I still want to spelunk her scurvy hole.
>not quirky
I like krieg but come on he literally fucking shouts "i'm the conductor of the poop train"
Replayed the 2nd one a few months ago. The humour is very 2012 reddit tier, but I like the gameplay and visuals, and I still like Handsome Jack. Most other characters got on my nerves, but I find the game fun enough that I can overlook the obnoxious writing
Vladof ceo as an actual character and torgue returns
>looks like gen before last, since Bioware can't code, and the Switch isn't powerful
I am a Nintendo fan, but I'm not gonna lie and claim it's a power house. It can barely squeeze out 1080p.
i can see it. the character in the tech demo has the vladof logo on her pauldron, so vladof might possibly be involved in some capacity
would honestly rather have maliwan as the antagonist corporation, would make more sense especially if the main antagonist is a siren as rumored.
>spaghetti western
I don't think you know what that means.
skip to 14:00. anyone know what game that is on his laptop? Hearing a lot of buzz that he accidentally leaked BL3 gameplay, but I find it hard to believe. Still can't figure out what game that is though, so could there be a small chance this is our first glimpse at bl3 gameplay? later on you see what appears to be digistructing but im not sure at all, it's too blurry for me to figure it out.
I think at this point, the next main threat is going to be all Eridian-based. The mega-corps will be a pest, but a very minor one in comparison.
Pandora is basically a gold rush story, but Sci-Fi. Everyone packs up and moves to god knows where for an infinitely small chance at fortune. The only difference is Borderlands has Vaults instead of gold.
I'm really meh about Borderlands 3.
All the Borderlands after the first one felt like an expansion and didn't really feel like new games.
If it's just Borderlands 1 with a new coat of paint then meh.
put in jackie chan, put in dave chappelle, take away randy pitchford, those two insufferable siblings, and it aught to be pretty good
what about the seraphs? would be interested to see how they tie in to the whole universe.
the sight on that gun doesn't look like borderlands art style. I doubt its bl3, its probably some shitty indie game.
They don't. It's just an excuse to make them seem even nastier as raid bosses.
Handsome Jack has been praised by redditors for being a great villian for years that most anons assume that hes shit when he actually is a great villain.
kinda hope we get one life mode and stuff like that to make the game still fun and challenging 1k hours in.
How will they shoehorn Jack back in? He was a hologram in the Telltale game, what next? Also, was the Telltale game even canon?
>being a shitter
Full waifu faggotry romances, that can give you buffs or abilities, so you basically have to do them.
>romancing gaige's footpussy gives you faster movement speed and jump height
What's stopping you from deleting your character.
>kinda hope we get one life mode
Can't you just delete your character if you die?
fucking amazing. I unironically want this in Borderlands 3
9 games outta ten aren't made with a perma-death mode in mind, and therefore aren't balanced for it. Just have the discipline to delete your save when you die.
>still posting that shitty, inaccurate chart
When will retards learn?
>I don't want this game.
Burch did only the second base game. The DLC and Presequel were free from his influence, and he only did a small part of the writing for Tales
I want atlas weapons back
also i want a weapon to sound like this :
I think it was canon, yeah. It set up the return of Atlas. Bummed that we probably won't get a sequel though
sure, its pretty fun. If you get bored at one you can skip to 2 and tps if you want, you wont be missing much at all. Play tps after 2 because it spoils some things in 2.
The only way I'm ever going to touch it is if:
>go for a Shadow Warrior 2 Loot system where the weapons are static and you keep them and you get leveled gem drops and that's how scaling works, so you can use weapons with fire modes you like.
2. Less cringe: 1 had manageable levels pre-dlc, 2 had waay too much trash humour that made me embarrassed for whoever approved it.
>less cringe
I just want less bad cringe. Good cringe is super fun.
but only some classes could properly use slag, so with everyone else you were forced to do the unfun play method of "shoot enemy with slag gun, then switch back to your actual gun"
I want that tiny gun the girl from Telltale's game had.
please let me stop following faggot ass randy pitchford and his old lady for golden keys. If you do this one thing I will buy it. I only have twitter for this one stupid fucking thing. so fucking stupid.
2k to go bankrupt
>Free from his influence
He had plenty of personality in the Original game you dumb faggot. Then they retconned his personality and made him a boring sack of shit.
Can I have a gun that shoots smaller guns? Call it "gungun."
Forgot about her. Haven't played that one since it came out. I don't think Burch was involved though, it was some other writer sticking in that shit
No, he wrote BL2, most of TPS, and a couple of scenes in Tales.
Why did the guns feel more satisfying in 1 compared to 2?
I'm not a big leak fan, but apparently a lot of stuff came out already. What do we already know?
Elemental melee weapons, all the classes, something about twins, maybe tales characters returning as NPCs
Yeah, it's not just Steam fans being butt hurt. Steam AND Epic are bad platforms, just for different reasons.
not even shilling for steam I just don't like the ui, and it runs like crap
none of the games they have are ones i want
when some REAL GOOD competition comes around? I'll jump ship because I fucking hate valve. But until then, FUCK epic games, and to a lesser extent (for now) FUCK steam
I would like friends to play with.
Never did play a borderlands game co op
I just don't get (well, actually I do, they're just greedy and chasing the money) how devs that go for EGS exclusivity can sit and wax lyrical about competition and consumer choice and that, while at the same time ignoring that 1 choice of where to buy the thing is still 1 choice of where to it, regardless of if that place is EGS or Steam. Your soapboxing about "muh competition muh good for devs" means nothing with such a blatant counterpoint existing.
Isn't there also some shady shit with the Epic launcher scanning and creating an encrypted copy of your steam friends and settings and shit? Even if that's shitpost conspiracy garbage it's at the very least connected to Tencent, which should make anyone who cares about the chinese govt not stealing their data concerned.
Custom characters, and let everyone doing online play with their own custom characters. Still have premade chracters, for local and people who just want to hang out with pals.
not even in matchmaking?
Apparently it's a botnet or something. I'm not a computer guy.
>A PC is a PC
Yeah, a PC is a PC, but different stores aren't equal. I wouldn't go to Home Depot for groceries, just like I wouldn't go to Wal-Mart for construction equipment. Epic and Steam are ass, but at least Steam doesn't steal your personal info like Epic.
How will 3 handle what few choices there are in the Telltale game? Like Scooter's billboard, you could pick what it said. That'd impact 3, if you could see it over head.
what the hell is wrong with you.
tell what now?
It's not as if he's wrong, though. Gearbox lack any self awareness as to when they're being embarrassing over the top with their "epic memes for the youth".
Timeskip to the point where the player choices in Tales no longer matter.
>tfw I'm the only person who wants a ranked mode for Battleborn
>tfw I think Battleborn is great and a worthy filler between Borderlands TPS and Borderlands 3
>tfw best waifu
It's so sad bros. I liked Battleborn so much, but it is dead now. I dreamed of a Battleborn&Borderlands 3 crossover where Battleborn heroes would be in Borderlands 3 and vice versa. Why had my waifu Alani to die? I wanted her as some kind of pet following me in Borderlands 3 :(
I just wanted her and Borderlands 3, but now not only is my waifu dead, but because Gearbox fucked up, they don't even have enough money to make Borderlands 3 a good game.
I can already see how Borderlands 3 will be
>short af
>reused assets all over the place
>more dlcs than all EA games combined
>only 4 heroes where 3 are just copy pasted
>even worse writing, because no one gives a fuck anymore
>probably every enemy is just a bullet sponge and killing bosses will be taken hours only because they want to artificially increase the time so the game doesn't look like a 4 hours game
no not that its just so nonsensical.
I hope one of the playable characters is a loli or shota
Probably just go with the most popular choice
i want lootboxes
why do you bother to post when you don't understand the words you're using and know that you don't understand the subject?
obviously he heard that here. maybe its not bullshit?
A lot of it is memes and "store war" shitposting, but there are legitimate data security concerns with regards to the Epic Game Store, being that Tencent has a large portion of ownership of Epic, and anyone connected to Tencent having your data is as good as the Chinese Government having it.
A better single player experience. I remember the first two being shit for solo.
>story focused
Why? That's one of the worst combos?
Chinese want to know about your steam friends? Jokes on them I have no steam friends.
for me its Man of Low Moral Fiber
he makes the best youtube videos of BL2
no one comes close