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How do I git gud?

I'm great with the Ranger because it's just rooty tooty point and shooty mode, but I'm shit with every other class.

Get better at dodging like a mother fucker, or play fencer cause they're the coolest

I played Ranger exclusively when I went through the campaign the first time, but then I tried to replay the game with Wing Diver, and now I refuse to play Ranger again. All that mobility was so liberating, plus the amount of firepower seemed bigger. I'm not even sure if I want to try a playthrough with Fencer or Air Raider.

>Wing Diver
No clue, barely played it
>Air Raider
My mate mained it and it's basically piggybacking until you get a half decent mech suit (not the big one) that proceeds to destroy everything. That or load up on bombing runs because they're fucking ridiculous
My favourite. You are a liability until you get dash-cancelling down. You can do it with a shield or javelin shoulder weapon, dash -> reflect/shoot -> dash and so on. The speed you go with a shield depends on the type of shield, you can't gofast with anything but the small low durability ones, but you can reflect shit back at enemies in a greater arc. I prefer shields but javelins are fine too. Also you've got obscene artillery range, and co-op is entirely viable to turn yourself into a missile/mortar platform. Your most destructive weapons there need to be tracked, and you need an Air Raider to give up a slot but it's hilarious when you see this 20 second wind up and then the following nuke

As a note for Fencer, it's been ages but I think javelins were better for spears and charge up weapons (swords (they're effectively ranged surprisingly) and spears). Shields better for the jackhammer, i.e pic related
No piercing on the latter but fuck me it's fun and kills anything close FAST

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I love watching the rangers just mercilessly gunning down a bunch of insects

>Wing Diver
it's just Ranger but Dex instead of Str

you can fly and you have the rooty tooty point and shooty

dont get hit and dont run out of flying juice

Play Fencer and never don't go fast

there's already an edf thread though

>be air raider
>equip heavy bomber phobos plans 1-3

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Yea Forums has a big heart
There's room for more than one EDF thread here

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So can you not dash cancel in 5?

>has to throw his body around to reach objectives with any sort of haste

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I haven't bought EDF 4.1 yet, what's that Wingdiver bundle, character DLC? Is it necessary? And what about that 18 more DLC ?

so what? great games need more threads

The DLC is all trash, you get a few early game weapons to start out with which can be kinda nice if you want to avoid weapon drop RNG and get a gun you like at the start, but literally all of the DLC outside of the mission packs are worthless

Haven't played it but from footage I think you can't, but it's not really needed either. EDF5 Fencers are fucking fast but it's due to chaining boosts being an actual mechanic now, so people can do it through the air even

just get mission packs
the rest is worthless also you can easy pirate this shit if you want

You skipped that wingdiver, what's that?
Also if I played with friend do all 4 of us need mission pack, or just 1 person(server)?

>You skipped that wingdiver, what's that?
skins ignore it

Edf 5 on pc when. Why do those japs take so long.

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DLC is weapons you'll almost immediately replace and inflatable animu girls you'll never use, suspect there was some idolshit tie in with that one
There's mission packs as well but you know what you're getting with that

Thanks, will buy 4 copies next sale.
Also do I only need 1 person to buy the mission pack or everyone in the party need it?

>>Thanks, will buy 4 copies next sale.
>he missed the humble monthly that came with EDF+all the DLC and the collectors edition of Vermintide 2 for 12 bucks

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I was annoyed when that came out, since I'd already paid most of the full price for the two games I wanted. Can't put a price on the good memories I already had and all that but I'm stingey as fuck, and it hurt

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Tbh I already owned both games too, but I bought the bundle anyway and gave the keys for those two to friends so they could play with me

Humble Monthly is a legit great value almost every time and I've never been dissapointed, even dupes don't bother me because I can just give them to buddies

I don't want vermintide and the other games tho.
And if I get only the basic game during steam sale it will be far cheaper.

Man, its a good thing Giant Insects can't fly!

>And if I get only the basic game during steam sale it will be far cheaper.
Has EDF 4.1 ever gone below 12 bucks on sale before?


No idea about your region, but it got a price cut in my region recently, hence my interest to buy it.
This price cut + steam sale = definitely cheaper, not to mention the US$ exchange rate if I buy from humble bundle.