Why this game triggered Yea Forums so hard?

Why this game triggered Yea Forums so hard?

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Just one ACfag level autist that can't handle everyone shitting on it.

it's installed on my computer haven't started it yet

Because it’s a really really bad game.

Trolls, muh nostlgia crowd, unrealistic expectations, muh Nomura crowd and company warriors.

Basically, some people have hard time realizing that a game isn't "terrible" or "garbage" just because it doesn't appeal to them,

Too much difference for the most part. Slap a totally different title on it and people would had forgotten about it. It's kinda like RE5, people hate it because it's Resident Evil. Or at least that's what the box says

The real victims today are the moderate white supremacists who will undoubtedly face increased persecution due to the actions of a few bad actors

because it's irredeemable garbage

>final fantasy game that's set in modern day
I sleep. I play Final Fantasy to become immersed in a fantasy world, not a world where there are burger stands and cars everywhere

Because people were shilling it saying it was the best game ever.

It was one of the worst.

>Because people were shilling it saying it was the best game ever
The irony considering how hard Yea Forums is shilling currently.

And I do remember Yea Forums hating on it before it was released and spamming Conan review. The haters made up their mind to hate it whether it wa good or bad.


It was mediocre and we had to wait 10 years for this disappointment only to be met with DLC to try and complete the story.

Except we have cancelled story DLC, unnecessary multiplayer DLCs, and piled with the worst combat system of any action RPG (director wanted to pander towards casuals) that not even DLC can fix because of how badly designed the system is at it's very core

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>how hard Yea Forums is shilling

Because the idea that something can be mediocre is a forbidden idea in the internet these days. Things can only be radiant perfection or miserable insufferable shit.
FFXV is mediocre. It's really, really not that bad. But immediately someone is going to leap up and insist that it is that bad, it slew their father, raped their sister, and salted their crops.
But it was just kinda meh.

Quick rundown on acfag?

>And I do remember Yea Forums hating on it before it was released and spamming Conan review. The haters made up their mind to hate it whether it wa good or bad
This. I sometimes wonder if they hate it just because it was popular and very hyped.

he thinks Samus is better off as a robot
used to Shitpost with Armored Core images (which is how we got the nickname ACfag)
this games should be pure gameplay, no story. Not even a basic cutscene to tell you the setting.
Claims that Yea Forums loves Other M and his only proof is fanart dumps of ZZS

>they are talking about a game I hate

Is this worse than FF13?

I honestly don't think it was medicore either especially in comparison to the rest of FF games.

It's fun with lovable cast and simple story that isn't trying so hard to pretend to be deep.

I’m mad because some people like it when it’s 200% shit.

I don't hate it because I never played it or even care about it. I just find it ironic that he said that ffxv was shilled (which is far from the truth) while DMC is being shilled so hard right now.

no, 13 was the bottom


And pretty sure you would say the same thing about the newest game when (if) it released.

FFX was my first final fantasy game and I still remember how much hate it got, but it's considered to be one of the best.

Because it's massive wasted potential with only 6 hour long story bloated to hell and back again with the open world meme.

>Basically, some people have hard time realizing that a game isn't "terrible" or "garbage" just because it doesn't appeal to them,
Explain why it was good then?

Because of a faggot who might have surpassed ACfag on autism determined to make FFXV look bad to any other franchise thread/site he visits, always trying to legit provoke any kind of fanbase wars, lying outright about who he is or what position does he have, and being so desperate he samefags on phone.

The worst thing is that he even outright attacks former FF games, like, damn, Bazztek/Barry outright is that stupid making everyone become an enemy of his, but hey, that made TWEWY, KH and DMC fans unite against autistic retards, so something good came up from this.

>Because it's massive wasted potential
This. SE also hyped it like the second coming of Christ and the added hype build-up over the years also didnt help. Not to mention they systematically removed aspect of Versus which people were actually looking forward to.

It would be a waste of time because you will dismiss any good things I say about it. I already seen it before.

You are allowed to not like it, but you need to grow up and realize that not liking something doesn't make it bad or that people are stupid for disagreeing with you. We wouldn't have variety in anything if we all liked the same things.

The hype for ffxv is one of the best experience regarding the franchise and it totally paid off since they scored a homerun with it. I don't think any other ff series will have the same hype and excitement about it. Not even ffvii remake.

No I'm open-minded and genuinely curious.
I liked the hunting part of the game and if it wasn't half assed and combat didn't suck I think it would add a very cool vibe to the game - rolling around with your (gay) bros and slaughtering animals.

However the rest of the game felt so bad to me. Combat of all things in a FF game shouldn't have been so annoying. It's not engaging nor it is deep. Difficulty is I'm balanced - you rolfstomp 90% of the enemies, but as soon as someone is slightly higher level than you, you have to chug through a million potions while holding circle. Story is bad and all over the place. Characters are mostly bland. There's no cool loot or anything. And in the end your whole gear is pointless because you have a disint aegration ring. Even goddamn music is forgettable.

>FFX was my first final fantasy game
That explains it

oh shit ive seen his posts. thanks user

Because we waited 10 years only to play a shitty ARPG

No it will not be forgiven and if something like this were to happen in to other mediums then it would never be forgiven

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I enjoyed Noctis' journey from the bratty prince to a true king. I find the cast to be very likeable even the side characters (and I'm not pretending that they are very deep, but I still liked them anyway). The combat is exactly the type I like and easy for me to use especially for someone like me who dropped gaming since the good old days of PS1 & 2. The simple and straightforward storyline is very rare for FF and I just enjoyed. The soundtrack and the visuals are stunning. The ending is the best in the franchise by far as far as I'm concerned. The side quests are very fun.

FFXV is going to be my last FF and not because I hate it. Quite the opposite because it becomes my favourite and it feels like a fitting goodbye to a franchise I have been with since childhood. I'm nearing my 30s and I don't have the same energy for gaming anymore.

>I enjoyed Noctis' journey from the bratty prince to a true king.
I would also enjoy it if he didn't turn from a prince into a king by skipping 10 years of his life.
>I find the cast to be very likeable
Agree. I think not including DLC stories into the game was a big issue. While quite simplistic it still adds a lot to their characters and stories. Playing it after the game feels pointless.
>The combat is exactly the type I like
Fair enough I can see how it can be appealing, even though I don't like it at all. Except for maybe flashiness and visual appeal of team attacks.
>visuals are stunning
Agree, shame that the second part of the game is almost exclusively played in pitch darkness.

Ok I see your point, fair enough.
I'll also add to the things I liked that traversal is generally enjoyable and chocobo implementation is awesome.

>I'm nearing my 30s and I don't have the same energy for gaming anymore.
I'm turning 30 this year and was losing interest as well but Yakuza 0 reignited my love for games.

>never played it or care about it
>but I just know that nobody could ever like it unless they were paid to

This game and Dragon Age Inquisition were the two more frustrating games I've played in recent memory.
What was there was okay, but there were so many obvious ways that they could and should have been better.
It's the video game reality of 'what might have been'.

Why would you post such a disgusting image?

Mostly barry.
The game is incredibly bland and forgettable but barry won't fuck off.

Conan said it was an aggressive waste of time

>Small dick can't handle a real women

Nobody had unrealistic expectations. They all believed in what they were shown, and severely disappointed by all the missing content.

I mean, /I/ enjoyed the game but after seeing all the trailers of what was supposed to be, yeah, I get it.

It has no good music

To each their own, I suppose. I played through it a few months ago and enjoyed it. It wasn't the best thing ever but it was fun.

I was an early adopter and got screwed by Jew tactics.

The endgame dungeons were the best part of the game

Ordinarily I would go into my autistic hysterics, but I think you might be deaf.

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I know you're bullshitting, but please, elaborate.

>Some people on Yea Forums actually defend this trash

No fucking wonder why video game companies assume we eat every shitty game up no matter what. Not enough consumers
are critical of video games as a whole and companies know this.

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Oh no! Ardyn is about to kill Marie!

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>tfw 5 hours into Pitios Dungeon, 2AM in the morning on a work night, no saves, and literally cannot leave

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>t. nigger

Why would anyone want a 50 year old landwhale outside of a greencard is beyond me.

Yes and no. At least XIII had a coherent story even if it had a bunch of confusing terms you had to wrap your head around along with the Fal'cie hierarchy, but the gameplay was alright when it came to postgame fights since they required a modicum of strategy and understanding how to switch between SENs to lower damage, RAV to break their guard, COM to deal a bunch of damage, and different types of paradigms like SEN/SEN/MED, MED/MED/SEN, etc. It's awful for a long time though, the first 15ish hours are a wipe.

XV has bits just cut out randomly, the story isn't really coherent after Leviathan, the story also isn't coherent before you get into the car outside of "Insomnia has been taken over and the king is dead". Characters are only somewhat developed, the main four are probably the best example but even then Noct still feels like he needed more. Ravus and Aranea are probably the best of the side characters in terms of development while with Ardyn you need to dig deeper but he's a fun character just from his actions.
Gameplay is a mixed bag, I found it enjoyable driving around finding things but the combat leaves much to be desired. Sometimes it's fun requiring you to warp strike, dodge, block, and air chain stuff with the Armiger being fun to unleash, but then other times you're just holding O or the battles feel like you're not really involved in them, and boss battles are hilariously broken just because potion spam lets you survive essentially forever outside of very specific attacks like a Couerl's whip thing. I tanked the one level 120 boss at level 70 just by using Potions over and over. I don't think I ever learned his patterns at all. The dungeons are by far the best part of the entire game by an enormous margin.
DLC has some of the better fights though, Episode Ignis especially had some enjoyable ones, and Episode Ignis also had some fantastic moments in general.

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That sounds like someone shitting into a vacuum cleaner

>I would also enjoy it if he didn't turn from a prince into a king by skipping 10 years of his life
I have no problem with it because we already saw signs of him maturing before he entered the crystal and because he really needed sometimes on his own away from everyone's expectations and nagging to deal with everything that has been thrown on his face suddenly. I actually think noct as protagonist will very hard for se to top.

Half the people that shit on it haven't even played it, Barry's just an easy target.

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>Noct still feels like he needed more
What more you need? He literally got the most exposure and development out of any of ff protagonists.

>He literally got the most exposure and development out of any of ff protagonists.


>Half the people that shit on it haven't even played it,

I beat the base game (didn't play any DLCs or any free updates) so I know it's a bad game

The jump from prince to king is incredibly sudden and over the course of a single chapter Noct goes from laidback idiot to suffering mature adult just from Ardyn annoying him and his friends disappearing. We barely see anything with Luna (Though you could attribute this problem more to her) so his relationship with her is essentially nonexistent to the point that he has more chemistry with Iris than he does Luna, and outside of chapter 15 he never really felt like a king, even in chapters 13 and 14 he still felt like a spoiled prince who learned some life lessons.

He for sure has a decent chunk of character building if you're doing all the side content and listening to the friendly banter, but he's still lacking in other parts and the time jump really makes it hard for you to believe he just suddenly matured.

Do you have an argurment to prove otherwise beside "reeeeing"?

It's a good game with a lot of problems. You either can see beyond those problems to have fun with it or consumed with the bullshit story pacing and whatnot.

Personally it's one of my favorite Final Fantasy games, along with 4, 10, 12, and 13-2

>I beat the base game
This prove that the game interested you enough to continue till the end.

You're an idiot.

to be fair the literal conceit is that he spent 10 years in stasis growing power and learning to become the Chosen King

KingsGlaive was the real FFXV

Everything important happened in that movie, leaving almost nothing important to happen in the game itself. The entire game is just picking up the pieces from the events of that movie.

For a game so long in development it was really lacking alot of story content. This is in part where alot of things were left out for multimedia content, like the movies, anime, etc. And once the open world abruptly ends, the game is suddenly super linear, since they apparently ran out of time/budget to make the entire thing open world.

Noct was never an "idiot" and there's no massive gap between his personality as prince and a king. He just gain wisdom with age and had time for himself to make peace with everything that happened to him.

The game was literally only two years in development. It was actually pretty rushed.

That's because they kept scrapping things and revamping how the game would be. I liked the first half okay enough, but the latter half of the game was very rushed and you were basically on rails once you reached not-Hillary Clinton in the gondola city.

stop using literally incorrectly you idiot especially when you don't know what you're talking about.

The version of XV you played was in development since 2012, with Tabata being a full time director on it since December of 2013.

Nigga what.
Crystalline Chill, Somnus Ultima, Valse di Fantastica, Sunset Waltz, Apocalypsis Noctis, and one of the best renditions of the Main Theme of Final Fantasy in the series.

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>He literally got the most exposure and development out of any of ff protagonists.
Nah, that still goes to Cloud.
Because, you know, about 40% of all the dialogue in FFVII is about Cloud, his history, his identity, his relationship with Sephiroth, etc.

Literally me but when I left the dungeon I crashed my plane car and lost everything because I forgot to save

He still was essentially in a stasis bubble. The Noctis you see post-time skip is nothing even remotely close to the one you saw before and it feels like we skipped an enormous part of his development. Even when they're at camp chatting like old times it doesn't feel like it's even remotely the same Noctis while everyone else is more or less the same as they were ten years prior.

>Noct was never an "idiot" and there's no massive gap between his personality as prince and a king
You're joking, right? He's a laidback, carefree idiot who can become serious at times but most of the time he chooses not to be and he leaves a lot of the decision making to his friends either because he's uncertain or too lazy to make a choice. He's more or less begrudgingly being forced along his kingly path during the entirety of the game and then accepts the path roughly around Luna's death but he's still incredibly sarcastic. That doesn't mean he's not caring or understanding, but when you go to King Noctis he's incredibly serious, he doesn't really banter like he used to (Though he still kind of does), he's dead set on stopping Ardyn, and he's made his peace with sacrificing himself. He feels incredibly different in the time skip compared to regular Noct (Though when he emerges from the cave he still feels like pre-time skip Noct). Maybe there's something I missed but that's my experience with him.

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Advertising Campaign: Intricate characters inhabiting a mystifying image of old world wealth, machiavellian royal politics and breathtaking gothic postmodern architecture.

Final Product: Four guys loitering at around a pennsylvania gas station


How any of what you said about him show the massive gap in his personality after the 10 years skip? He isn't a different person, he just grow up.

Kingsglaive hypes this guy up at one of the best FF villians in years

>He's literally not even in the game

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Yeah that fight with Nyx was cooler than half the shit in the main game

Do you have an argurment to prove otherwise beside "lmao"?

I beat the game as well but it was mostly out of spite because it was such a good idea executed well.

The open world is beautiful and lush, but has fuck all in it to do, caves and dungeons are great but there're like, three. Weapons are cool looking and switching between attacks is flashy, but there's no real benefit to it.

It's always one step forward and two steps back with XV and it just kills me because when it does something right it becomes the perfect game for me.
The mistakes are just too plentiful to begin with and it's way too deeply flawed.

*executed poorly

>he just grow up.
Which we didn't even see happen, he just went into stasis for years. Everyone else had tons of development, especially Prompt with his self-doubt and Iggy with his dedication to serving Noct to the point that he even wanted Noct to give up saving Insomnia so he wouldn't die.
It's like if you lived in the Futurama universe and got put into the freeze machine Fry did except when they thaw you out you go from sarcastic and being a showoff to a sophisticated and mature adult. It just feels like there's this massive leap from the pre-time skip sarcastic and carefree-but-collected Noctis to the post-time skip refined and mature Noctis. There needed to be something to smooth over that transition.

He looks like a really badass Thicc warframe.

Why the heck you expected him to be in the game when they killed him in the movie? Also,It's clear that they wanted to reveal Adryen as the big bad guy at the end.

I'm fine with Ardyn taking his place as main villian, but for fucks sake Glauca isn't even so much as MENTIONED the entire game. It's as it they're going out of their way to not acknowledge that only a few years earlier they basically had Darth Vader leading them.

You want be spoon-feed every detail for you to get it? Like I stated many times already, Noct isn't a different person in the 10 years skip. We already saw him mature through the game and it was especially clear when he finally put the ring and had the courage to walk away and trust in his friends when he went to find the crystal. In the 10 years, he finally had the time for himself to think about everything that happened away from everyone and make his peace about his death.

Please tell me how cloud out of all characters grow up as person and developed?

and that's fine, the problem is that how it's presented to us is a very sudden thing. You can put that together, yes, but as it's presented in the game Noct just feel like he snapped his fingers and is a different person. You don't feel like the time progressed by that much (Even though the world is now in essentially eternal night), you don't feel like anyone else has changed as drastically in the same timeframe. I'm all for Noct growing up, and I'm all for his future personality, I just wanted a better bridge to that moment because as it exists now it's a pretty sudden change.

When was he hyped as important villain, though? I watched/read side materials and I never got the impression that he supposed to be a big deal.

He failed at achieving his dream, lost his hometown and family, got his mind shattered by Jenova, twisted into a servant, learned to accept his own shortcomings and not give into shame which broke Jenova's hold over his mind, and in then helped save the world by defeating Sephiroth, his former idol and then archnemesis, preventing the catastrophe that he allowed to be enabled?


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> general of nifleheims forces while also in deep cover as the captain of Regis' guard.
> He's the only reason the treaty invasion was actually successful
> Killed Regis
> Has god tier screen presence for the entire finale of the movie
> Never confirmed as dying

When *wasn't* he hyped as an important villain?

Then I guess it's a matter of opinion because I didn't have problem with it. His growth didn't come to me as sudden because I already saw the signs and it felt earned. He finally walked tall exactly as his father told him and become the king everyone expected him to be and trained him for.

So, as the same as every ff protagonist? Does he actually have a personality? Something that different him from others? He doesn't.

Never? Because we didn't find about any of this until we watched the movie WHERE HE DIED. It's obvious that he wasn't supposed to be important beyond the movie.

>you will dismiss any good things I say about it.
Yea Forums in a nutshell

>So, as the same as every ff protagonist?
No. Really, no.
Terra, Squall, Tidus, and Noctis are the next rung down. They grow, but an unfortunate amount of it is off screen or in their personal thoughts rather than their actions.
Beneath them are Lightning (yes, she actually develops, albeit just from bitch to former-bitch), Vaan, and Cecil. They go through precisely one shift.
Every other FF protagonist undergoes no major developments whatsoever and are the same person at the end that they are at the start. (No, Zidane does not develop because he has twenty minutes of being completely out of fucking character for very little reason and the switch is flipped back just as suddenly and completely as it was flipped on.)
>Does he actually have a personality?
Yes. Cloud was a kid who wanted to be a hero only to realize he isn't made of the stuff that heroes are, and that his very idea of heroism was flawed to begin with. He becomes a man who isn't afraid to acknowledge that who he is may not be who he wanted to be, but that simply pretending to be someone better than himself is a method of cowardice. He converts self-loathing into self-acceptance and, ironically in so doing, proves himself capable of true heroics by averting disaster.
>Something that different him from others? He doesn't.
You are a faggot.

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>Terra, Squall, Tidus, and Noctis
How the heck Noctis is anything like them? Cloud and Squall (plus lightening) are pretty much the same and Tidus is very generic. Can't comment about Terra.

Not him but Cloud actually did develop a lot. Throughout the entirety of FF7, he’s literally living a lie and refuses to admit his own shortcomings but thanks to Tiga and the others, he learns to overcome this and comes out of the experience much more mature, more of a team player, and accepting his own shortcomings and flaws.

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Cloud started as emo and ended it as emo. Let's not pretend otherwise.

trying to have a discussion on Yea Forums is pointless why you niggas are still trying?

Stupid fingers

>more mature, more of a team player, and accepting his own shortcomings and flaws
Sure this why he cut off from his friends after the event of the game.

Nigga, did you even play FF7?

Advent Children was a mistake. I’m talking about the original game.

Because it’s garbage.

Noctis's change is mostly one of thought and not one of action, just like Squall. Squall stops being a boy paralyzed with fear of loss and grows into a man willing to actually charge forth and seize what he wants.. but that happened before the game actually began, which is really kind of bizarre because it means his development was all retroactive, learned about as we learn about his past.
Tidus grows from a petulant celebrity into a tried and true companion who guides his allies to victory, and stops being haunted by the shadow of his father, but it happens pretty early in the game.
And like them, Noctis undergoes a great change, but most of it is at the end of the game, after Ignis gets injured and he realizes he has to embrace his destiny. His most decisive moment is actually choosing to put on the Ring of the Lucii, and it's a move of desperation, but the scene immediately loses its weight because you have to crawl through miserable grey hallways for two hours after that and the Ring actually fucking sucks gameplay-wise. It's kinda hard to call it satisfying.
Cloud is not and has never been emo.
A character named Cloud in the Kingdom Hearts series is emo, but that character has no relationship with Cloud from Final Fantasy VII.

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I feel that dissida really showed how generic and similar they all are when they brought up together. The only one who stand out was Noct and not because of his modern costume.

That was because he was dying of magicancer.
It's really not that hard to grasp. Advent Children was jarring because it all happened behind the black in the two year timeskip, but it still made sense.
He was depressed. He was just fucking depressed. Dying people get depressed. He was dying, a lot of people were dying, the kid he practically adopted was dying, it was depressing. God, it's not some terrible thing to acknowledge.

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That's because he feel the most human and actually relatable, not a walking archetype.

Whatever his reasons, this prove that he learned nothing and still don't trust his friends to open up to them.

You must be talking about Dissidia NT because Duodecim really gave a lot of personality to the side cast and Dissidia 1 definitely at least tried to show them all off properly, though it utterly failed at making the Warrior of Light anything more than a stoic dick.
(Also, y'know, cause NT was the only one with Noct.)

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Depressed people can understand they're doing the wrong thing and not be moved enough by that knowledge to rectify the situation. Cut him some slack.

I've started it 3 times and can't finish.

It's sort of boredom. The open world is pretty empty and doesn't feel rewarding. Exploring for 30 minutes to find nothing and then having to walk back to the car is the ultimate burnout.

But it's always there. You always feel pulled away from the main quest to enjoy the world but the world isn't that enjoyable.

Also the stealth parts pissed me off. That's just a preference thing though.

It would have been fine if it was a spin-off.
You don't release a totally unfinished mess and put a number in its title to make it a mainline series.
That's the kind of shit that ruins brand reputation, but SE has been doing that for the past decade.

The keyword is SIDE characters were given personality. The main protagonists were bland as heck (besides Noct in NT).

But truth to be told, NT did make me like Vaan a little bit because of his positivity.

I had mixed feelings about that movie. The moral seemed to be that treating refugees poorly will make them betray you to your mutual enemy. Seriously, pretty much all the traitors were refugees that were let inside Insomnia. And then Crowe died so anticlimactically only to serve as motivation for Libertus. The main plus for me was seeing what led to Insomnia's downfall that wasn't shown in the game and we got to see exactly how Ravus lost his arm.

I still feel like Dissidia 1 did well for Firion, Onion Knight, Bartz, Terra, Squall, and Tidus, as far as protagonists go.
WoL was Stoicface McNoemotions and Cecil just whined to Golbez all day, Cloud and Sephiroth had no purpose but swinging swords at each other, and I don't remember Zidane doing a single thing at all, but that's still about half done alright.

This still mean he learned nothing. Take Noctis for example, many would argue that he is the most tragic protg who was used as a sacrifice lamb because of mistakes he has no fault in, but he is still suck it up and opened up to his bros about what's going to happen. He didn't shut them off and instead he made sure they know how much he appreciate and love them. That's a character development and growth.

>This still mean he learned nothing.
It does not. It just means he lacked the willpower to do better even when he knows better.
Cloud was demonstrated quite succinctly in FFVII to have a pretty weak will. It's why his life got into such a mess to begin with as Jenova basically got free reins inside his control center.

You can play with words all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that he didn't seem to learn from his journey nor strengthen his willpower.

DMC has been awaited for literally ten years
The series was confirmed dead, yet somehow rose from its grave and exceeded all expectations
Anons are just excited to talk about it is all

Because it wasn't a finished game on release.


Noctis was going to die and that didn't stop him from trusting his friends.

That’s probably because FF15 had it happen in one game whereas Advent Children had to take away Cloud’s development just to make the story of the movie work. Like honestly, did you even play FF7?

I'm baffled at the equivalence you're trying to make here. Noctis willingly walked to his death, he made the choice to die. Cloud was infected by a magical disease with a 100% kill rate.

You sure we watched the same movie? He survived that fight at the end.

Because it had to live up to nearly a decade of expectations and hype. On top of being incredibly mediocre, it was (and still kind of is) completely unfinished at launch.

Since the movie and game are made by the same person and is supposed to a conclusion, then I definitely think it's count and can be shown as proof that Cloud didn't grow.

Because Final Fantasy has had a reputation for producing excellent JRPG games that combine interesting stories with compelling characters, memorable moments and music and wrapped up in generally stellar gameplay.

XV didnt have much besides graphics and some bro moments.

>atrocious combat that doesn't know if it wants to be a cutscene or hack n slash, ends up being uninteractive shit
>driving segments are literally cutscenes
>sidemissions are mmo tier 0/10 collect 10 of this item from 20% drops and return it
>you have to on-rails cutscene drive every time

genuinely a bad game, i dont think anyone likes it

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Yeah, noct totally has a choice and wasn't something decided for him before he was born. Give me a break. He didn't have much of choice nor he was ok with it when hw find out, but he suck it up and fulfilled his calling without regret which what make him so admirable.

FF7 was directed by Yoshinori Kitase wheras Advent Children was directed by Tetsuya Nomura. Hell, Square Enix states outright in The Reunion Files (basically the Ultimania for Advent Children) that they regressed his personality back to a mindset they thought fans would be more familiar with. It doesn’t mean that Cloud didn’t develop at all in the original game, just that Square is full of fucking morons.

Did you? Because we clearly shown that he died.

It was a rely bad game that came from a company that use to release good games.

>Because Final Fantasy has had a reputation for producing excellent JRPG games that combine interesting stories with compelling characters, memorable moments and music and wrapped up in generally stellar gameplay
Not sure if serious or trolling. FF has been in decline for decades and it was XV that saved it from being abonden by SE.

Too bad it couldn’t do anything about that stellar gameplay part.

Noctis accepted and embraced his destiny when he put on the Ring of the Lucii. Until he did, he could have rejected the prophecy at any time. That's the entire reason he took so long to actually put it on.
He didn't want to die but he was still making an informed decision.
Cloud, meanwhile, had the whole of his life to look forward to, his greatest enemy defeated, a world full of hope at peace, and then got infected by certain death.

That subjective matter since XV gameplay managed to bring many new fans.

Just because it's different, it doesn't mean it's bad.

Direct quote from the wiki
"Glauca is severely wounded when Nyx stabs him in the chest with his kukri. Though not directly shown as having died, Ravus replaces him as High Commander of the Niflheim Magitek Army and Drautos is never heard of again."

Buddy, I’ve played many ARPG’s, hack and slashes, and action games, and while the gameplay in XV isn’t outright terrible, it is far from perfect and way too casualized for its own good.

No, he can't. Him dying was the only way to save their world and rid it from daemons for once and all. He only could have if he was selfish and doesn't care about what happened to the world.

Episode Ignis demonstrated that fate is not an immutable force in XV's world and that alternate paths are possible if one chooses to take them. Noctis just chose to take the ordained path.
>He only could have if he was selfish and doesn't care about what happened to the world.
And that is a possibility. Being selfish and wanting to live, even a few days more, was a possibility. Noctis made the hard choice, yes. And it was a choice.
Cloud didn't get no fuckin' choice, he just got MAGICAL DEATH PLAGUE. And so did his basically-adopted-son.

Just because you played many games or whatever, it doesn't mean your opinions are facts. What you consider trash, is someone else's treasure.

Ignis' alt ending was literally a fanservice. The development team even called that in interview.

It's only the ending in the game that count and there's no way around it.

Still evading the point, Noct may have had to die but he could have delayed it and fucked around killing daemons in the world of ruin for a few weeks spending time with his friends again. It just would have been immature of him.

>And that is a possibility. Being selfish and wanting to live, even a few days more, was a possibility. Noctis made the hard choice, yes. And it was a choice.
>Cloud didn't get no fuckin' choice, he just got MAGICAL DEATH PLAGUE. And so did his basically-adopted-son.
This is stupid. Noct didn't choose his destiny, it was chosen for him.

Cloud had the choice to either trust his friends and open up to them or keep in the dark same as Noct did and they both made different choices that show the different. Also, the fact that one of them is dead while the other is alive makes your point a moot already.

>This is stupid. Noct didn't choose his destiny, it was chosen for him.
Noct chose it when he put on the ring. That was the entire point of the scene of him putting on the ring. That was the entire purpose of the ring as part of the plot, it was literally a manifestation of his destiny. The fact that he spent 90% of the game not wearing it is literally a metaphor for him not being ready to accept his destiny. God.
>Cloud had the choice to either trust his friends and open up to them or keep in the dark same as Noct did and they both made different choices that show the different.
Noct never had to directly tell his friends he was going to die, they clearly all knew it was going to happen. Their reception to his return was a quiet one for a reason because they knew he wasn't going to stay around. He just struggled to actually say goodbye.
This comparison remains fucking terrible.
Are we also forgetting that Noct had literally 10 years to digest the fact and Cloud had weeks or months at best to prepare himself?
(In before evading that Noctis slept the 10 years away, when he clearly subconsciously changed if nothing else, the adult man that stepped out was not the young man that stepped in by all accounts.)
>Also, the fact that one of them is dead while the other is alive makes your point a moot already.
Nigger it's not like Cloud could have anticipated Aerith was gonna magically cure the literal goddamn death sentence.

>Basically, some people have hard time realizing that a game isn't "terrible" or "garbage" just because it doesn't appeal to them,
some people have a hard time realizing that they can like an objectively bad game.
ffxv is a mess of a game with "hold o to win" gameplay, an incoherent plot spread out across a bunch of other media projects and dlc, and blatant plagiarism from sonic 06 of all games.
just because you personally got enjoyment from the game doesn't mean that the criticisms people have made are invalid.

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>Noct didn't choose his destiny
He didn't choose to follow it originally, he was being dragged along, but he eventually accepted his destiny and willingly chose to go along with it. That's one of his character arcs.

If it was "objectively" bad, people wouldn't have keep buying it even after two years of relunach. There's a big world that exist beyond you and can have different OPINIONS from yours.

Personally, I enjoyed it for what it was. Everyone had too high of expectations prior to release, once released none of the expectations were met besides, maybe, graphics or story. However, the latter point is a bit of a stretch for some individuals on this board and I'm sure they can come up with reasons that both the graphics and story were poorly done as well. They may even post a webm of an instance of bad graphics, or an elaborate green text explaination of why the story is terrible. Regardless, they all had too high of expectations and should have just had a fun time playing what it was rather than what they wanted it to be. Although I will say that mindsets like my own are an abomination to the gaming community, the lower consumer expectations get, the worse games will be overall. Which, sadly, I feel is the general trend of the video game world we experience today. That doesn't necessarily mean that the games of today are bad though, we have seen some awesome releases in the past 5 years.

Because it always looked to me like it's nothing but a pile of yaoi bait.

>This prove that the game interested you enough to continue till the end.

wanted to get my money's worth.

Plus if I dropped it early I would be hit with either
>it gets good in X hours! "argument"
>you can't properly judge it until you beat it! "argument"

"Choose" in a matter that he either let the world burn or save it and since he is a good person, the former was never an option to him.

>Noct never had to directly tell his friends he was going to die, they clearly all knew it was going to happen
They find out in their final camp (with the exception of Ignis who already know, but never told Noct that he does) since he was saying goodbye to them and they were crying. It was clear they were told there and not before or after.

>Are we also forgetting that Noct had literally 10 years to digest the fact and Cloud had weeks or months at best to prepare himself?
No, I'm not forgetting about it and I still believe he won't shut them off anyway because it was shown that he trust them completely in a scene that happened right before the crystal slumber (not to mention that the world wasn't ending and burning in front Cloud either so he had time think peacefully about it). There's no denying though that 10 years made make peace with it and everything that happened to him.

>it's not like Cloud could have anticipated Aerith was gonna magically cure the literal goddamn death sentence
He didn't, but it turn out not be impossible after all and thst his friends knowing about it would have at least made things easier for him if he bothered to trust him.

>wanted to get my money's worth
Sure, but that's not good enough excuse and you know it. I'm person who really hate wasting money and I still left some games unfinished because I lost interest. Besides, you can trade the game if you have a physical copy.

>"Choose" in a matter that he either let the world burn or save it and since he is a good person, the former was never an option to him.
Fuck you, that's still a choice.
>They find out in their final camp (with the exception of Ignis who already know, but never told Noct that he does) since he was saying goodbye to them and they were crying. It was clear they were told there and not before or after.
It was pretty obvious that everyone had suspicions when they welcomed him back to Hammerhead.
>No, I'm not forgetting about it and I still believe he won't shut them off anyway because it was shown that he trust them completely in a scene that happened right before the crystal slumber (not to mention that the world wasn't ending and burning in front Cloud either so he had time think peacefully about it). There's no denying though that 10 years made make peace with it and everything that happened to him.
Cloud himself was dying before his own eyes, he could literally see the disease as it spread in the form of bruises across himself and Denzel. It was extremely rapid.
>He didn't, but it turn out not be impossible after all and thst his friends knowing about it would have at least made things easier for him if he bothered to trust him.
And he still chose to stand back up and stop dragging his feet before he even got cured. He returns to Edge, faces the remnants and Bahamut SIN all without any hope of being cured.
Even beyond all of this, it doesn't affect how his character actually changed within FFVII, the fucking game. Even if that change was "reverted" in your view then the reversion was itself reverted WITH THE MOVIE. And then he's back to being a confident team player. This just loops back around to him being a well developed character, all it shows is that even after gaining some confidence, he didn't become perfect, he still had his flaws and could slip back into bad habits and needed to catch himself again at his worst.

>Fuck you, that's still a choice
No, it's not an option. He himself said so in the ignis ep.

>It was pretty obvious that everyone had suspicions when they welcomed him back to Hammerhead
Show me a proof of that first.

>Cloud himself was dying before his own eyes, he could literally see the disease as it spread in the form of bruises across himself and Denzel. It was extremely rapid
So? If he needed grow in the game, he would've trusted his friends and not shut off. Disease or not.

>And he still chose to stand back up and stop dragging his feet before he even got cured. He returns to Edge, faces the remnants and Bahamut SIN all without any hope of being cured.
Even beyond all of this, it doesn't affect how his character actually changed within FFVII, the fucking game. Even if that change was "reverted" in your view then the reversion was itself reverted WITH THE MOVIE. And then he's back to being a confident team player. This just loops back around to him being a well developed character, all it shows is that even after gaining some confidence, he didn't become perfect, he still had his flaws and could slip back into bad habits and needed to catch himself again at his worst
Yeah, after being called out by Tifa and shown a young kid who was holding out better than him.

Because it was ok. And that is in some cases worse than being irredeemable garbage

for me it's the wasted potential

>No, it's not an option. He himself said so in the ignis ep.
You're really not getting how his destiny can't exactly fulfill itself and he can delay it as long as he likes.
>Show me a proof of that first.
The point isn't even necessary and finding a video of that scene is apparently more than a few terms, I'll just drop it.
>So? If he needed grow in the game, he would've trusted his friends and not shut off. Disease or not.
I really don't get your perspective here. He grew and changed and then didn't get ENOUGH change so it's not real to you? This is fucking inane.
>Yeah, after being called out by Tifa and shown a young kid who was holding out better than him.
Yes. He needed Tifa to lean on to get himself out of his funk. Just like he did in FFVII. That's part of his identity.
He got stronger, he didn't get fucking invincible. He got better, he didn't become flawless. I really don't see how you declare he summarily never changed at all as a result.
And it's not even PART OF THE FUCKING GAME!

At least it had based Shimomura. Finally music is good again.

>You're really not getting how his destiny can't exactly fulfill itself and he can delay it as long as he likes
If you think living in total darkness while people around you are dying left and right is a "choose", then I honestly don't know what to tell you.

>The point isn't even necessary and finding a video of that scene is apparently more than a few terms, I'll just drop it
It doesn't exist. They show no hint that they know when they met him in hammerhead.

>That's part of his identity.
He got stronger, he didn't get fucking invincible
I didn't say he should be invincible or never show any weakness, but the fact that he had to relearn a lesson he should have known already so soon after the game event show that he didn't learn a thing to begin with.

It's the open world that's the problem. For one it's pretty dull even if it can sometimes look a bit nice. Second, the whole theme of ameripunk and quest givers that are unironically named Dave just feel so out of place. If anyone wants to play it, it's not the worst thing you could do but just ignore sidequests, do some hunts if you need money or xp, and just focus on the story. The side content is just dreadful, and the open world gets uglier the more time you spend in it.

>FFXVfags are still a thing
Goddamn it

>the open world gets uglier the more time you spend in it.
Dude, what? The open world is so beautiful and filled with many interesting stuff.

How much is Squeenix paying you?

It's very good for scenery but being forced to run back and forced to find [interchangeable trinket] in this [arbitrary circular quest zone] just makes you hate it.

>It's the open world that's the problem.
How can open world be the problem if it's not even open world?

Attached: FFXV's (((open))) world.png (1276x1866, 1.32M)

>If you think living in total darkness while people around you are dying left and right is a "choose", then I honestly don't know what to tell you.
Everyone who was dying had already died. Literally every last person alive in the World of Ruin is a tough as nails survivor equipped to last for the long term.
>I didn't say he should be invincible or never show any weakness, but the fact that he had to relearn a lesson he should have known already so soon after the game event show that he didn't learn a thing to begin with.
It took two years and BEING CURSED WITH A DEATH SENTENCE shook him up! (Also, the kid he was trying to look after.)
Seriously, if we're going beyond the game to analyze his character, at least include the On The Way To A Smile novella. It explains how Cloud got worse and worse.

Well, I'm not sure if making the world bigger would do anyone any favours considering how they used int in XV.

What I like about it is that you never run out of things to explore. There's some place you didn't visit or interactions you haven't unlocked. So, I don't think it's boring or ugly.

One button

This makes me sad

Because it’s shit

I actually enjoyed the open world but the story was a fucking mess. Combat wasn’t good either. I still think they could have fixed it with some pretty minor tweaks. Add a little bit of linearity, like multiple towns/rest stops that are hubs for open world shenanigans. Driving back and forth across the whole continent killed the road trip vibe. Add something to the combat. It doesn’t have to be DMC, but if you’re going to trade off action complexity, add some other skills and abilities so you can at least do something other than hold O. The bare bones elemental/weapon type weaknesses are boring and pointless. Weapon switching in general is dumb and basically just for show. Story basically needs a complete overhaul. The pacing was horrid and no event led to another. It was just a series of setpieces that came out of nowhere. I didn’t even realize there was some kind of space aids plague until that dungeon where you find out the empire created it. Like that was a major plot point and it fell completely flat. I can’t even list the things that need to change because the answer is basically everything. I actually kind of like the characters though.

Shit gameplay, shit settings, shit unfinished story, 10 fucking years in development, shit gay bobyband protagonists.
>c-calling it shit isn't an argument
do you have the guts to refute any of my points? Do you think that the gameplay is good by any chance?