Do you know any places where sailors like to hang out around here?

Do you know any places where sailors like to hang out around here?

Attached: Shenmue.jpg (1200x675, 116K)

Don't you have better things to do?

Attached: pennyarcadeshenmue.jpg (600x291, 66K)

Why is this meme? When I played I got through that part in like 10 mins

Francis go ta bed

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This one annoys me, because in the original dialogue, he says nothing like it.

What do you mean?

>Why is this meme?

Seriously? Because sailors are all degenerate fags. A young man asking "Where can I find some sailors?" is a young man asking "Where can I find a train of dicks to suck and fuck?" I don't think the Japs understood that.

It took me a while to be honest. When I went to one of the other bars for the first time and failed the pool minigame, I thought I might have fucked something up. To find that the way forward was an unconventional, previously-locked area was really neat to me. It was like a puzzle.

How do you guys feel about Shen 3?
I'm worried to be desu

> Bruh you know any sailors?

He means the English text and Japanese voice lines don't match.
The changed a lot of the references in the localization.

Why doesn't Ryo just shoot Lan-Di?

Attached: shenmue-3-lan-di-580x326.jpg (580x326, 25K)

ye one should never drink while on a revenge quest

combat looks bad. but the games in the arcade room might be cool

I've completed shenmue 1 two times last year and in 2010. How the fuck did i manage to find a clue where the sailors hangout back in the 2010 i dont fucking know, i've somehow went to a bar and progressed futher.

Does it? The combat is one of the few things that still looks good enough to me

No throws but the Animations looked solid

Bc this 80s china not, 90s america

Is there any place I can look this up?
I don't even understand japanese but I did notice that sometimes voices didn't really match the dialogue.

Yokee de suko de habba