Did the last of us deserve the reception it got?

Did the last of us deserve the reception it got?

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Wrong board.

positive or negative? i thought it was okay, i enjoyed the gameplay and the hearing mechanic was neat.

No it didn't. It was overrated to hell and back because its release coincided with a weird obsession with journalists to find 'mature' themed games and call them "citizen kane". 2013 sucked.

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Holy fuck no. It's everything wrong with gaming. "Oscar bait" crap that's made solely so asshole journos can pretend their media is meaningful artistically when it never had to be.

based and redhatted

>the hearing mechanic
The game would get massive negative score from me just for that mechanic. Not because it doesn't work or isn't useful, but because it's incredibly lazy and completely contrary to the realism that the rest of the interactive movie is trying to portray. Something with this level of audiovisual production quality should be able to reach the standards of 1998 with its sound propagation dynamics so players could actually listen and hear where enemies are. There is no excuse to scrap the whole concept of sound propagation and replace it with x-ray vision, especially in a cinematic experience like this. It's the worst aspect of TLoU. Even worse than console exclusivity becaue even if it came to other platforms they would still suffer from the same problem.

It was ok, but people overate these types of games because they want video games to be taken seriously as an art by other mediums. Especially the vidya journos, as they'd rather be covering films, theater, or any other subject that is treated seriously by adults.

Reviewers didn't seem to care or acknowledge how by the game involved a lot of stealth, but the stealth mechanics were as basic as they come. Also the sophisticated AI they showed, and talked about, in videos prior to release was nowhere to be seen in the final product. Can't remember it being mentioned in reviews.

Solid 7-8. Best part wasn't even the story, it was the multiplayer.

I can barely remember anything about it aside from the box art and multiplayer. I did not hate it. It was like mosy things from the early 10's. Forgettable and movie copypaste

It ruined Western game devs trying to chase it for the last for years.

I recently played the remastered version for the first time and no, it is severely overrated. It's full of anoying, stupid design decisions.
It's the usual, we want to make a realistic game. But then there's a ton of shit that's completely unrealistic. For example you have to conserve ammo, but enemies have unlimited. Enemy AI was meant to behave in realistic ways, but they're incredibly stupid and can be abused as fuck. Sit behind story counter and they'll jump over one by one, or sometimes they'll just wait forever and do nothing. Alternatively they'll just rush into you with no regards for their own life. Hardly realistic. Also sometimes you'll have various deaths which are just stupid. Enemies won't notice you even though you're right beside them because you're behind a small wall, but they'll notice you several meters away even though you're crouching above them. Or they have trackers that know where you are at all times if you've been spotted, until you duck down somewhere.
There's also a lot of repetition. Die and you sometimes have to start over again doing the same exact actions as before for several minutes to stealth through a part of the game.

But that's just some of the basic gameplay mechanics. There's a lack of enemy variety. Most of the time you'll be fighting the same bandits or the same infected. And the bandits are just differentiated by having different weapons and sometimes different clothes.

The story is cliche. You can generally guess the major plot points of the story before they happen, because it's very obvious. But the story itself is also just lame. We meet a guy who is obiviously bad, he does obviously bad things, and then we kill him. But wait, we hardly got to know him. We didn't fully understand his motives or ideas. We didn't see what had lead him down this path to lead his life in this manner. He's two dimensional.
The story is really about Ellie and Joel, but I've seen that before with telltale's the walking dead

>game with 13 hours of cutscenes is art
lmao MGS is a shitter Splinter Cell 2bh.

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>story counter
Meant store counter.
And to iterate upon deaths. Enemies will sometimes suck you towards them in death. Sometimes they'll dodge randomly and kill you. In one of the scenarious with the sniper, sometimes he'll shoot accurately the first time, easily killing you. And you'd think there's a rhyme or reason to it because he shoots, and then don't shoot for a while. Nope, sometimes he can shoot quickly and hit you, sometimes he wont. What's the deal, why is there no visual or sound cues to inform gameplay.

Nope, it doesn't deserve it praise it gets from normalfags, nor does it deserve the hate it gets from here. It was a painfully average game with predictable writing. Only good part was Joel fucking dumpstering humanity's only hope for his replacement daughter.
The fact that it was so popular is evidence that marketing matters more than the product. it's a 5/10, or in game review points, 7/10.

People are faggots who project their hate for the slew of shitty no gameplay cinematic games that came after it. This game had very fluid stealth, fun and satisfying combat, cool resource management elements, a useful but not overbearing weapon and skill upgrading system, and an interesting cast and a refreshing and atypical protagonist. The extra storytelling through the world and collectible notes is also very cool for some extra lore about the areas you go through. Believable and organic level design, I know people meme the ladders and planks but I think they're used just the right amount of times (and make sense for this game). Pretty original premise for the infection in a time of very typical zombie games, worst you can say is Ellie being immune is pretty cliche for these types of stories. The multiplayer is severely underrated and grounded difficulty is the one best version of the game. Die easy, low resources, no listen mode (all though I understand why they introduce the game with the mechanic, it helps people understand how the stealth works), and it amplifies the quality of all the stealth, resource management, and combat mechanics.

Kojimafags really are the living personification of the Dunning-Kruger effect. That graphic there is just the most glaring example of how incredibly pretentious and retarded they are while simultaneously being totally oblivious of the fact and accusing others of being what they themselves are. It's been like this for at least 20 years and they refuse to accept it no matter how many times you tell them.

I disagree with that user about tlou but MGS2 is very good.

>tries to mock Metal Gear
>still compares it to an actual stealth game as if Metal Gear has anything to do with competent stealth
You had one job

Attached: but its tactical espionage action not stealth.webm (854x480, 2.79M)

>pretending like any mgs fan doesn't disregard twin snakes

Cry harder. MGS2 will still be considered one of the most important games of the XXI Century 40 years from now while all your dumb shitposting will have meant nothing.

If you took the AI behavior only and yanked it as far away from Metal Gear and all the ridiculous and pretentious bullshit that comes with it and its writer, then you'd have a pretty damn good 2001 stealth game. I think the negatives far outweigh any positives it might have had. It's a decent attempt at some tiny hints of good stealth game design stuck in a fucking Kojima game.

If that ends up being true then that just shows how hard standards dipped in that century and how they never improved. Of course the tallest pile of shit will become legendary in a world that competes in shittiness.



The original also has unavoidable boss fights where the protagonist gets ambushed in a cutscene and scenes where an army of enemies attacks the player because the writer of the game pressed the alarm. So a more apt comparison would be to a 007 film, not a stealth game.

>is the game of the year deserving of its reception?
it won multiple game of the year awards. of course it fucking deserved its reception


IMO it was incredibly overhyped. It fed into the normie pop culture loves of zombie stories and overly dramatic scenarios, which they fucking loved. I can't stand it.

Based and redenema'd

>TLoU thread
>walls of text

>muh dunning kruger
>everybody else but me has shit taste

You do see how this leads back to you, user?

So basically you hate the story. That sucks, I find that switching the protagonist and having snake be a supporting character was a very ballsy and clever way to deliver Raiden's character arc and the overarching theme of identity. And the wacky sci fi shit like the colonel being an A.I. was a cool way to tie that theme into a kind of 2000s conspiracy tier political commentary. I feel like these type of things i.e. the liquid's arm plot device and solidus having been the president is the kind of "kojima shit" that turn people like you off, but to each their own.
The boss fights in mgs1 are part of why the game is a lot better than the many failed run of the mill realistic military stealth games out there, it gives it an actually distinguishable and original identity. You think because it's a stealth heavy game that means that there should be no form of pacing and you should slowly progress sneaking around the whole game. And to be fair games in the series after that had more stealth options in boss fights, but at the time of mgs1 there wasn't a stealth game that had that depth anyways aka the genre was definitely in it's infancy and mgs1 was the best at the time anyways.

he likes TLoU, user, you may as well be talking to a special needs kid.

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The Citizen Kane of gaming? Of course it deserved all the praise it received, and more. It pioneered the third person camera over the shoulder walking simulator, which is objectively the greatest genre of games. The game also showed that games CAN be cinema, something that maestros such as Kojima and Cage have been toying with for decades. These cutscenes are so seamless that you don't even realize when you're watching kinomatography and when you're slowly plodding toward the next bit of film. It's a masterpiece.

The praise was entirely based on its story, the gameplay was pretty mediocre. And the story itself, I think, is rather overrated. Ellie gets so much praise as a character but she really doesn’t have much going for her, other than being a kid trying to survive. Joel is generic “dude who lost everything finding new meaning” shit that you can see in a thousand other stories across all mediums. Overall it’s a pretty standard apocalypse story until the ending, where the hero dooms humanity but the story pretends it was the right thing, so it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. The only thing it has going for it is the story and it’s much weaker than anyone wants to acknowledge.

Side note on that, why do people like endings where the hero dooms others to save their loved one? The Life is Strange as well as Last of Us fans loved that idea but it seems so psychopathic to me.

People are tired of those old 'superhero saves the day' stories. They have become stale, predictable and in many cases unrelateable.
Essentially the ending is a derivate of the trolley problem. By logic alone, it makes sense to sacrifice few for a greater good. When asked, few chose that option, though.
In the specific case of tLou it is his surrogate daughter who is to be sacrificed as well.
The ending is a statement that the bond he has with her means more to him than the world. Which is fair, since people do tend to stick to their relatives/ loved ones above anything else.

Tbh, throwing her off the metaphorical cliff is the psychopathic option.

>let's observer decide
TLoU is an overrated movie "game" but this part is just not true. Kojima games are known for being unnecessarily exposition heavy.

There’s a big gulf between “superhero saves the day” and “literally dooming the species to save one person”. I understand subverting tropes and introducing new ideas but Last of Us takes that ridiculously far. He’s traumatized and isn’t acting irrationally, it’s meant to be tragic, but the fan base acts like he objectively did the right thing. Maybe it comes down to the player’s personality, but ending really soured me on the whole game.

Of course it did! This gayme revolutionized cinematic gayming forever and that’s a good thing :^)

The girl is attachment bait.
She might as well be a Disney princess given the tropes she's fullfilling.
Considering the wide audience of tLou and nowadays zeitgeist of empowering women in media, I'm not surprised about the reception.
You're probably right, saying it comes down to personality. Personally I know how I would chose being detached. Being in his shoes, in not so sure anymore.
Still, I'm merely playing devils advocate here as well.

>This game had very fluid stealth, fun and satisfying combat, cool resource management elements, a useful but not overbearing weapon and skill upgrading system, and an interesting cast and a refreshing and atypical protagonist
You're thinking of another game, aren't you? Because not one thing you said could accurately describe the last of us.

ITT: hurrdurr it's a movie
from people that never played it

nice blogpost faggot

The Last of Us, Uncharted, 3D Zelda, Smash Bros and Halo are all 7/10 games with "First Party Bonus" scores.

I had a lot of fun with it. Grounded is fucking kino too, raising bullet damage done by 300% on everybody, and you die in 2-3 shots so the health bar is just gone. Ammo also has to be checked from the bag. Only gripe is that checkpoints are spaced just a bit too far apart, but I'm a sucker for "Everybody dies fast" difficulty modes. Also, Multiplayer was fucking awesome.

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>wahh stop liking things I don't like

Yes. It totally changed the landscape of gaming and made people realize what the medium is capable of. Anything less than a 10/10 is a disservice.

Have you played it?

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>still seething after all these years
Oh no no no no

it's a decent game, but no.

Reasons The Last of Us Deserved praise:
>the level design had big open spaces that gave you plenty of different routes and different ways to play
>the best stealth game of last gen
>the best weapons and weapon upgrade system of any game.
Every weapon was unique, and felt powerful. Even weapons I initially deemed as useless, like the bow or the flame thrower, turned out to be a lot of fun to use, and upgrading just made it better.
>great hand to hand combat too
Especially after playing Red Dead Redemption 2, where all the guns are crap and the stealth and hand to hand combat are a chore, you can really appreciate what Naughty Dog did
>crafting mid combat created some of the most suspenseful moments I've ever felt in a game
>the best looking game of last gen

things I didn't like about the game:
>there were some scripted moments, so no matter how well you stealthed, the game decided now you had to get charged by all the zombies
>there's another moment with a sniper rifle that takes away agency from the player for the sake of story and it feels really cheap
>for a game that rewarded scavenging there were a lot of dead ends and empty corners with nothing to find
>there was a bird I wanted to shoot and no matter how quickly I aimed and shot it would just fly away because it was supposed to be a cinematic moment
>the fireflies weren't very important given how much time people spent talking about them

>best stealth game of last gen
Lol no, that's styx