So what's next for this series?
So what's next for this series?
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Lads I just played Spyro 3. I am feeling a bit crazy. I think game is influencing me.
Gritty spiritual successor
Mobile title.
This. Not even a Spyro fanatic but I've always envisioned a revival being kinda shitty unless they ramped up the edge.
>when you realize people like OP would be shot if they went outside and tried to speak to a normal person
They'll probably borrow the reignited assets and make a new throwback game with similar mechanics. It'll be seen as decent but with worse level design than the original, solid 7/10
Now we're never getting a PC port are we
Fuck that dumb faggot, i hope he burns in hell
It was a minor joke in his manifesto, was never even mentioned in the media. Calm down, we will get a PC port.
I really just want a Spyro 4.
Not remakes.
they already did this
wtf I love Pewds now
Think he meant T or possibly M-rated
Everyone knows there is nothing wrong with Spyro and Fortnite. No one is even talking about them. Would be the same for pdp if he wasn’t actually a piece of shit.
>cropping out where he reveals he was being sarcastic directly after
causing a mass shooting
It should have been fucking obvious he was being sarcastic without having to explain the joke
>mfw Spyro 3 is my first Spyro game.
The real reason is because no one in the media read his manifesto so they have no clue anything other than pdp was involved and they hate him anyway.
Think it was also mine (no, I'm positive it was). I literally can't stop shooting up Mosques please help
Cartoon series starring Spyro and all the various dragon daddies.
>not elora and her massive fat goat ass
>"Hey Spyro! My friends stole these guys submarine and crashed it into a rock. Now they're in jail! Could you kill them all so I can break my friends out of jail?"
The kind of shit Spyro will do for gems is pretty great. Later in that same level they asked him to destroy a bunch of gun emplacements so they could plant some fucking explosives to destroy a base.
Does anyone here also like the Legend of Spyro trilogy?
The first was salvageable. The second was a buggy trainwreck and the third never happened.
How was the remake anyway?
Pretty much this, same might go for Crash.
Well, i loved the first, hated the second and just liked the third.
Hopefully no Cinder
This. Cinder is shit.
This. We need more of those dragon daddies
The remake of 1 was really good, better than the original. 2 and 3 were a bit rushed though and a lot of shot was outsourced, so it’s kinda hit or miss at times. The remake of 2 about on par with the original, but the third definitely felt a bit rushed desu. Still pretty good overall imo.
>Liked the third
2 > 3 > 1
if you love gameplay
2 > 1 > 3
soul meme
This new Spyro 3 joke fucking sucks.
Yeah, it took them until 2 hours ago to even realise there was a manifesto. It'll probably be tomorrow before they really get into motion on the potential inspirations from his manifesto.
Hopefully they add a way better waifu than cinder
1 > All and you are a tasteless faggot
This goes doubly for the shitty remaster, as 1 is the only game they actually had time to finish thanks to Craptivision.
More porn of girl dragons from it. Shame it's so many FUCKING BARAS.
No fucking taste
1 have 0 gameplay you nigger
>muh graphics and visuals
fuck off
>muh minigames
2 and 3 suck because they're so fucking padded and bogged down with an excessive amount of minigames and a bunch of characters no one gives a shit about, 1 is a classic experience through and through, and you don't have to backtrack back to earlier levels
They soon gonna blame vidya.
The fact he had access to those weapons is a coincidence, it was clearly spyro that triggered him
>1 is a classic experience through and through
its boring as fuck you have only 3 good spots well hidden the rest is boring as fuck to get
best thing in this game is dragons wow
>muh minigames
its better than doing 3 things over and over again
>Help me help me
>*tap tap*
>I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE blairs out of his car
Am I legit desensitized to violence? I watched that part and I didn’t even flinch. I mean, I don’t like that people died, so in theory, I should be more upset. But I can’t listen to Gas Gas Gas anymore without cracking up
If it was whites or asians or certain other groups I would care but fuck Muslims, don't give too fucks.
For me the second and third games were just bland. The third game was where they went full God of War but the main flaw was that is was short, and wasted potential in both story and gameplay
Imagine if Subway did an advertisement tie-in campaign with them.
Remember to subscribe to Pewdiepie
Not everyone lives in the US, you know.
>mfw spyro 3 was the first game i ever played
based DEUS VULTers
HD remake of Enter the Dragonfly, but actually finish the game and add in all of the content that got cut.
Either that or just a brand new game, I don't care, I just want more purple dragon
They already tried that with Legend of Spyro series and it just turned out as shitty DeviantART fanfiction about "the dark master" and "muh CHOSEN ONE" and other infantile shit.
It was the opposite for me.
The first was fucking awful, everything was retardedly linear and the combat was just "mash A until it dies" with no thought to it whatsoever.
The second was only slightly better, but still suffered from a lot of the same issues. Also it literally recycled bosses from the first game.
The third game was "salvageable". It finally had some decent combat, open-ended levels with exploration and secrets/collectables, and non-shit graphics. But it's still not a Spyro game, it's just God of War with a Spyro skin slapped on.
>oh my god classic Mario games suck, you only do 3 things, jump and kill enemies and get powerups, reee shitty games!!!
what he did wasn't violent, it's not like those muslims doing decapitations.
>HD Enter the Dragonfly
Honestly would want to see that. The game had some interesting concepts and mechanics, and the aesthetic was still classic Spyro. I think the game would benefit from good graphics, completing cut content, expanding on how the different types of breaths were used, and fixing all of the goddamn bugs.
Probably a fun experience when it's enhanced and fixed.
>ywn have a big and bouncy dragon daddy gut to snuggle up to every night
just end my fucking existence
>no one in the media read his manifesto
Some have. An Australian news report said he was a navy seal with 300 confirmed kills against Al-Qaeda.
Though given how much content was cut, it'd practically be like making a new Spyro game. IIRC there were originally some 20-30 levels planned, but since the game got rushed out for Christmas, we ended up with just 1 home world and only 9 levels.
Bubble Breath however, can go eat a dick, that shit is fucking useless, serves no purpose whatsoever except making you run around like a retard for 15 seconds trying to catch each dragonfly.
dragon daddy nationalism dating simulator with fps sections
What games let me REMOVE KEBAB?
>I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE right after it
Do not underestimate the janny.
hi janny
I think it's dumb that they kept in all of the "Thank you for releasing me" instead of giving those dragons new lines.
Why do these ultra manly dragons have to rely on a tiny little twink like Spyro to save them?
Because Spyro was too small to be hit by the crystal spell thing
....not sure how that works
because thats what they like
>standing upright
I can't believe spyro is a fucking nazi
That's what all adult dragons do.
>Thank you for releasing me, now we must secure the existence of our land and a future for Dragonkind
In hindsight it was in poor taste, but I feel like it added something to the characters.
user, literally every adult dragon in the game is bipedal
why wouldn't spyro also be bipedal as an adult?
What a weird picture, haha.
Guhnasty Guhnorc fired a magic spell to crystalise all the dragons after they called him ugly, but Spyro is tiny so the spell went right over his head and missed him.
too much soul
Crazy how Spyro 3 is the inspiration behind the shooting. Because 1 and 2 has levels where enemies use dynamite, bombs, shotguns and machine guns. Atleast on the originals.
Probably because of the Byrd and Agent 9 levels.
Battle Royale FPS game.
Why do they even bother with the female characters
1 is pure platforming, no shitty boxing minigames or fps segments
I just want a Spyro 4 that is a straight up platformer. Tired of Mario being the only 3D platformer that gets released anymore.
1 has the best music.
>janny deletes half the thread again
This thread will never die at this rate.
>Just want to enjoy my big bara dragon
>Have to deal with fat and vorefags
>trying to avoid fatfags and vorefags
Only muscular tall chad dragons are supposed to be worshipped
lmao imagine being a janny undergoing complete anal annihilation right now. Imagine trying to stop people having a conversation about what they want to talk about.
Has anyone ever ported Dust to Spyro?
>pc shit
The first thing I thought when I saw the [deleted] event of today, I wondered when someone was gonna mod his weapon skin into CSGO or some other game.
It's fucking inevitable.
>kebab remover written on the barrel in white paint
Jannies are compromised. One of the anons that got a janny account got into a database. They are comped top to bottom. Yeah go ahead and delete this janny, Ive researched everything about you. I know who you work for faggots