Nintendo switch thread
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Nintendo switch thread
Can anyone recommend some fun local multiplayer games? I want to try something new with some friends
so you guys think gears for breakfast have just
abandoned the idea of a hat in time on switch?
Why and how is Splatoon 2 so much goddamn fun? Not even one of the games I got the Switch for, but it gets all the play time now. I recommend it to anyone that hasn't given it a shot.
Don't know but it's a shame if they have.
Is switch the console to get for JRPG?
I'm planning to get it when they release a new version
I can't help with that, I'm not into JRPGs myself. I suppose you could check out the eShop for the switch, see if you find something you like.
Has anyone tried out bomb chicken? It looks kinda fun.
I'm kinda disappointed with this years lineup. Yoshi looks way too easy, Super Mario Maker 2 is really all we have fully revealed, and nothing on Animal Crossing at all and we only have 8.5 months left of the year.
Anyone wanna play some Stardew Valley?
Is World of Final Fantasy worth the £17.50 it's currently going for on the eshop?
Switch is shitty overpriced gaming tablet
If you own one you should kys.
I wish the Switch had a better streaming function. 30 seconds clips are not good enough. Xbox One and PS4 can stream.
I mean I have a streaming box now anyway, but when your bro buys a new game and you want to see what's its like when he's playing it you just can't with the Switch.
Hurry up and port it, 2 sucks.
Post this comfy 'let's do this' general on /vg/. Nothing to play on this overpriced cheaply made shitpile. Recommend selling it, no games, past and upcoming. hooray.
depends on you opinion of turn based games now. if your the kinda guy that liked octopath or bravely default then sure otherwise though its a real return to form rpg some people might not enjoy anymore.
Alright, cheers user. I'll give it some thinking. I've still got my copy of Octopath somewhere to play actually too.
all modern consoles are underpowered, if you game on anything but a PC you might as well have used that money on a rope
What are the chances of Nintendo releasing a pro/slim/whatever upgraded version of the Switch? I will forever be mad for when I finally bought my old 3DS and two weeks later the New 3DS got announced.
I wouldn't be surprised if they announced a cheaper Switch to be bundled with the new Pokémon games.
How is Shining Resonance Refrain on the Switch?
It's on sale on Steam but I really wouldn't mind having it on the Switch.
Baba is You. Tell me if it's as good? I'm a drawfag and wanna get some quick commission to get the game, heard it's an amazing puzzle title and really wanna get my hands on it.
Pokemon, Astral Chain, FE: Three Houses, and Daemon X Machina don't interest you at all?
Does Elevator to the Moon have motion controls to emulate the original VR version? Seems like a waste to just use thumb sticks for it