Hi Yea Forums, Connor here. When are you going to play Detroit: Become Human?
Hi Yea Forums, Connor here. When are you going to play Detroit: Become Human?
never cuz I already played it through youtube
Never because it's not on pc
Never because I refuse to support SNOY.
When they turn it into a game.
When I finish the other 500 games in my backlog.
What a waste. The whole point is making decisions yourself, being worried that your characters might die because of your mistakes/actions.
Watching games like this on YouTube is a totally different experience which is much worse than actually playing it yourself. Especially considering that the story itself is nothing special really, it’s choices that make the experience great.
Hank and Conner were the only good parts of the game. Everything else sucked farts.
When the PC version releases. Any day now that Quantic Dream left Sony and took Detroit with them.
>actual adventure game with branching story where your decisions matters is not a game
yeah, too bad this isn't just press-X-million-times-to-skip-text-so-you-can-watch-naked-waifus VN
Yea Forumstards sure love to 'play' those
Their new games might be on pc, but not the ones they made exclusively for Sony
Their trailer announcing going multi plat was all Detroit characters. No bait.
I liked it, I did the Android hunter version of Connor the first time and then saved Hank and had a peaceful revolution the second time. It's horribly short though.
But it's a movie
Probably never because I don't own a PS4.
But I watched so many playthroughs and read so much about the game that I know far more about it most people who actually played it.
When it gets added to PS+. Now bend over like the good robo-slut you are.
He doesn't even have a butthole, silly
In 4-5 years, when someone make a decent ps4 emulator
>mfw I know but I order him to do it anyway to let him know his place
Yeah because it’s their latest game and a nice move to get attention to their announcement.
There’s no way Sony will allow this after advertising it as a PS4 exclusive
Just upgrade him for only $199.99!
There are sex androids, why wouldn’t they add a butthole?
Because he's not a sex android. Why would they give a detective android, a prototype on top of that, parts used for sex?
Yeah but where’s the game
Why would they make testing biological residue take place inside his mouth?
Why not? It's a spot you wouldn't touch accidentally, so he can only use it when he actually needs it.
They call it an experience, why does it matter?
Wouldn’t it make more sense to have a standardized body for all androids?
Why not his ear or nose or betwixt his buttcheeks? Also his hands would be covered in fresh man spooge and would further contaminate the scene.
>When are you going to watch Detroit: Become Human?
Not interested in movies made by a french hack.
>David cage “game”
No because that's more expensive of course. CyberLife are massive jews.
It is stated in-game that only sex droids and companion bots have functional genitals.
Ears would work but it be just as weird imo. Second point is true I guess, but who knows, maybe his spit is an disinfectant or something
Why are they all humans though? You know there'd be a market for some sick xeno shit in the future.
Same reason, because it caters to normies for maximum profit.
It's possible that they make custom models for weirdos if they pay enough.
But I want Connor to have a penis :(
Purchase the upgrade, goy!
Detroit is like an hour away why do I need the game
Kinda wish I hadn't watched the whole thing on youtube, it seems like David Cage stopped being a hack for one game and actually made one with some interesting choices
There's a lot of choices. If you play it yourself doing different things than the person you watched it'll be quite different
So if you can get the game for like 20 bucks it might be worth it
I watched Heavy Rain and B2S at least twice before I got to play it myself, and it was still an amazing experience since you finally are the one making decisions making it a more personal story
There's so many endings that it's worth playing through a few times honestly
I've played it like 5 times and I still see scenes on the internet I've never seen before
What about the ending where Hank kills Marcus?
I don't think that can happen since Hank sides with Markus in the end but I wouldn't be surprised if that was a thing somehow. It's not like the game always makes sense
I played it last year, I actually enjoyed it.
When I finish Earthbound, Clannad, and marvel Spiderman. Maybe even after I beat rhythm thief and Etrian Odyssey IV
define game
Detroit is just like 10-12 hours long. Although I do recommend playing it at least twice
If you werent shackeled to the censorstation i would have played it
He is still a hack, most of the good stuff wasn't his ideas, in fact, it went against his plans. People actually had to sabotage Cage to make the game decent